Me Gusta Project

Project Objectives:

1) Practice using me gusta(n) with singular objects, plural objects and infinitives.

2) Create a simple, but visually attractive, piece of course-relevant artwork.

Directions: 1. Start with a posterboard or extra-large piece of construction paper ---not lined binder paper---or something larger if you wish.

2. Use a Spanish-English dictionary to write 10 Me gusta(n) sentences about 10 things that you like:  3 things must be singular nouns: Me gusta la pizza. (I like pizza)  3 things must be plural nouns: Me gustan los animales. (I like animals)  4 things must be actions: Me gusta correr. (I like to run)

3. The things you choose do not have to be from the vocabulary that we studied in class, but they can be if you wish.

4. Inside a circle in the center of your paper, write: Me llamo ______y me gustan muchas cosas...

5. Each sentence must have an image that goes with it: 10 sentences = 10 images. You can draw the images, paste them or use a computer/clip art.

6. You'll turn in a rough draft of your sentences so that we can make sure the 10 sentences on your final draft are correct.

7. On your final draft, please type or use pen---no pencil. Be as neat as possible.  Tip: Use a ruler and a pencil to lightly draw lines so that your sentences are straight. Then, go back and erase the lines when you are done writing your sentences in pen.


 If you have Internet access, use  If you're not confident in your drawing or collaging skills, try using Google Images to search for useful pictures. Use appropriate pictures only.

An A for this project will...

 follow directions  be clean, colorful and attractive, with at least ten images  not look like you only spent five minutes on it  demonstrate correct Spanish spelling, including accent marks, correct gender and number

 demonstrate correct use of gusta or gustan
