Great Basin College Student Government Association SOL Minutes 12:30 pm Monday, October 23, 2006 Bighorn Activity Center

I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 12:35.

II. Roll Call Sign up sheet

III. Introduction of Guests Information David Ellefsen

IV. Approval of Minutes Action/Information A. October 16, 2006 Stacie Potter moved to approve the October 16, 2006 minutes. Lori Flint seconded. Jay Larson pointed out a mistake that needed to be fixed. Stacie Potter moved to approve the minutes with said changes. Richie LeSpade seconded. Motion passed.

V. Chair Report Information Carrie Rowley wanted to commend Sarah Williamson for her hard work in making the 300 ribbons. Tomorrow is Wear Red Day. It was brought to attention that according to Nevada Open meeting law that we should be posting the agendas in four places instead of three. This did go through auditors and lawyers. The reason that we are having a meeting today is because for the last two years, the meetings have been held with three agenda postings, and it didn’t seem appropriate to cancel today’s meeting. Tonight is the tailgate party under the clock tower from 5-9.

VI. Clubs & Organizations Reports Information Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – no report Agricultural Student Organization (ASO) – no report Art Club – no report Association of Latin American Students (ALAS) - no report Campus Crusade for Christ – They are in the process of reorganizing – the meetings will most likely be held in the Bighorn Activity Center on Wednesdays at 1:00. GBC Democrats – Julie Embry represented the GBC Democrats at the debate. Those interested in signing up to vote see her. Housing Activities Board Involves Tenants and Teamwork (HABITAT) – Sarah finished making the ribbons. Thanks to Stacie Potter for letting them use her house. LDS Student Association (LDSSA) – They will have a float in the parade. Native American Club – no report Newman Club – no report Partners Allied For Community Excellence (PACE) Coalition – Stacie Potter still needs volunteers for Wednesday, November 1st in Griswold Hall from 5-7 to try and come up with different ways to advertise for people to stop smoking. All types of people are needed: smokers, nonsmokers, those trying to quit, those who have quit, and anyone else. Stacie’s extension is 2360. Carrie wanted to thank P.A.C.E. for their support in Red Ribbon Week. Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) – They will have a float in the parade. December 4th is the Fall Leadership Conference. This Wednesday is the Drunken Goggle Driving activity from 4-6 in the theater parking lot. Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) – Orientation is November 1st in the BAC room after PBL’s meeting. The Induction is November 28th. Rotaract – no report Student Ambassadors – no report Student Government Association (SGA) – The debate was very interesting! Thanks to everyone who attended. There are lots of events being planned for November, so watch out for upcoming events. We will be going over club renewal forms. Student Nurses Organization (SNO) – They hope to have a float in the parade. Undergraduate Student Social Work Association (USSWA) – no report Visual Performing Arts Club (VPAC) – no report Vocational Industrial Club of America (VICA) – no report

VII. Event Planning Information A. Community Service Red Ribbon Week - October 23rd - 26th Monday the 23rd – Tailgate Party under the clock tower from 5-9 Tuesday the 24th – Wear Red Day Wednesday the 25th – Drunken Goggle Driving in the theatre parking lot from 4-6 Thursday the 26th – Kid’s Carnival in the solarium from 4-6; Costume Party in Café X from 7-11 Hunt for Hungry - November 17th – nothing new Nevada Day Parade - October 27th – Be in front of the Crystal 5 theater at 10:00. It starts at 11:00. B. Activities Trick or Treat Street - October 30th & October 31st – All the volunteer slots are full! Kids Carnival - October 26th - Hannah & Desi – If you have any ideas for games, any clubs interested in having a booth, contact Hannah at 775-220-4470or Desi Costume Party - October 26th – It will start at 7:00; please come and help set up! Set up will begin at 2:30 in Café X. There will be Karaoke! d. Golf Tournament – Rotaract – It is getting a little too cold, so they would like to wait until next semester.

VII. Issues and Concerns/ Public Comment Stacie Potter wanted to know if anyone 21or older with a clean driving record was interested in signing up to be an arresting officer! This is a community service event. Contact Stacie Potter at 753-2360.

Dana Gallegos moved to adjourn at 1:08. Stacie Potter seconded. Motion passed.

At the call of the Vice President, public comments shall be heard by SOL. Upon proper request students, faculty, administration, and the public shall be granted the floor by the Vice President. Please note that due to time restrictions the Vice President reserves the right and authority to place a time limit of public comment in the compliance with NRS 241.020 (2) © (3).