Nisd Elementary Grading Guidelines
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2015 - 2016
Thank you to the following for their service on the NISD ELEMENTARY GRADING GUIDELINES
Elementary Task Force: Malinda Lindsey- District Support Center
Teachers: April Solomon, Kayla Walker, Rebecca Vose, Antanesha Dyer, Nakendra Matthews, Erin McGee, Belinda Ordaz, Elisabeth Hutchens, Melody Jenkins, Teddy Farley, Brenda Fouse, Ashley Hankin, Karen Fancher, Stacie Adkins, Erin Watson, Lisa Beale, Bryan Matzke, Tonya Turnage
Parent conferences at least 2 times a year based on checklist/benchmark/. Example: Curriculum/Pre-K guideline assessment NISD ELEMENTARY GRADING GUIDELINES
Letter grades (E, S, N, U)
Parent conferences at least 2 times a year based on checklist/benchmark/. Example: Curriculum/Pre-K guideline assessment
. BOY –MAP Measure Academic Progress Report . MOY-MAP Measure Academic Progress Report . EOY-MAP Measure Academic Progress Report
Letter grades (E, S, N, U)
Grades 1 – 5
Parent conferences at least 2 times a year based on report card, common assessments.
Grades will be reflective of the TEKS aligned curriculum.
For each six-week grading period a minimum of 6 daily grades with a maximum of 15 daily grades for all subject areas (reading, language arts, math, science, social studies). ).
o not to include homework or spelling tests
o Suggested Reading grades can include grades taken from grade level passages or tests, reading response activities, vocabulary assessments and the rigor level of TEKS
For each six-week grading period a minimum of 3 major grades for all subject areas (reading, language arts, math science, social studies).Actual grades will be recorded and posted at least once each week per subject area.
The semester average will be an average of the previous three six-weeks’ grades.
Yearly averages will be the average of the two semester grades.
Progress reports will be the average of the first three weeks’ grades.
Following an absence, the student will receive one day for each day absent to make-up work.
EIE (Local) promotion to the next grade level shall be based on an overall average of 70 on a scale of 100 based on course-level, grade-level standards (essential knowledge and skills) for all subject areas and a grade of 70 or above in language arts, reading and mathematics Grades 3 - 5
EIE (Local) In grades 1–8, promotion to the next grade level shall be based on an overall average of 70 on a scale of 100 based on course-level, grade-level standards (essential knowledge and skills) for all subject areas and a grade of 70 or above in language arts and mathematics.
A student must score at least 70% on the re-evaluation to demonstrate mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge Skills (TEKS). A grade of 70 is the maximum that can be earned on the re- evaluation and is recorded to demonstrate that mastery. If a student fails to demonstrate mastery on the re-evaluation of the TEKS, the h. Reteach/ retest opportunities will be reflected next to grades in Gradespeed with a “R” next to it. **These opportunities will be provided during class time, using different methods of instruction.
Grades 1 – 5: Weighted Grades
Grades weighted: Daily grades are 50%; Major grades are 50%
Common Assessment- assess students' knowledge and skills in core content areas based on district scope and sequence for the designated time period. (ie. unit, 6 weeks, etc.)
Benchmark Assessment- an assessment that will evaluate or check for student performance as compared to STAAR. Note: Elementary Benchmarks will be utilized as a diagnostic tool and curriculum mastery TEKS reflected and taught in NISD scope and sequence for 1st semester will be graded and recorded on 4th 6 Weeks
Assessment Assessment Grade Recorded Grade/Content Assessed Period 1st and 2nd Math 3rd- Math, Reading, Science 1st Common Assessment October 2nd 6 Weeks 4th –Math, Reading, Writing, Science 5th – Math, Reading, Science
2nd Common Assessment December 3rd 6 Weeks K- 2nd Math NISD ELEMENTARY GRADING GUIDELINES
3rd- Math, Reading, Science 4th –Math, Reading, Writing, Science 5th – Math, Reading, Science
K- 2nd Math 2nd - Reading rd 3rd Benchmark Assessment February 4th 6 Weeks 3 - Math, Reading, Science 4th –Math, Reading, Writing, Science 5th – Math, Reading, Science
K- 2nd- Math, 4th Common Assessment April 5th 6 Weeks 2nd -Reading Students receiving special education services, follow all grading practices unless noted in the IEP.
Elementary Homework Guidelines: Grading
All homework impacts learning and will be assessed, but not recorded as a grade.
Homework should be assessed by the teacher and returned to the student in time to impact learning. That is, homework should be returned prior to a common assessment so meaningful learning can occur.
Electives (Physical Ed. and Music)
Students in Kindergarten will receive alpha grades with the following ledger:
E = Excellent S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory
Students in grades 1st-5th will receive numeric grades. Grades will be based on skills assessments only.
Conduct Grading Scale The student is assessed on conduct by each teacher. The conduct grade indicates how well the student is performing in classroom citizenship. Conduct marks may affect eligibility for participation in school activities; poor conduct interferes with a student's ability to learn in class. The following letter system is used to report a student's conduct:
Mark Assessment Description The student displays an excellent attitude, excellent work habits and overall conduct, is E Excellent cooperative, and consistently observes school rules and regulations.
The student displays a good attitude, good work habits and overall NISD ELEMENTARY GRADING GUIDELINES
S Satisfactory conduct, is cooperative, and generally observes school rules and regulations.
The student does not consistently Needs Improvement display a good attitude, good work N habits and overall conduct. The student displays a poor attitude and is consistently uncooperative. The student disrupts class and shows U Unsatisfactory little respect for school and classroom rules and regulations.