Minutes for Organization Meeting (Short Form) s3
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Dishley Grange Patients’ Group
Meeting Minutes
I. Thursday 23rd June 2016 at 7.00pm
II. Present: Dr. Adlam, Ian Bradford, Ann Bullock (Temporary Meetings Secretary), Jerry Bullock (Vice-Chair), Sara Bulmer, Nic Chauhan, Eileen Glasper (Chair), Teresa Kaur (minute 3 onwards) and Gary Stantiall. III.
1. Apologies for absence - received from Peter Boultby, Nigel Leicester and John Onsworth. Nigel had contacted the practice to advise that he would not be able to attend meetings until October/November owing to eye surgery. 2. Co-option - it was unanimously agreed that Teresa Kaur be co-opted as an additional member of the Committee.
3. Minutes - the minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2016 were approved as a correct record. The notes of the informal meetings of committee members held on 12th April and 23rd May 2016 were accepted. 4. Carer Support - following the presentation by Kerry Turnbull to the informal meeting on the 12th April, Gary had contacted Kerry to find out what progress had been made and reported to the committee that there had been no contact from the surgery since Kerry had left forms with the practice. Sara updated the committee by confirming that the partners were happy to take forward the initiative, however no further progress had been made as the practice was unable to provide a room for whole day sessions. Committee members expressed the view that the first priority was to the patients and a commitment from the practice was desirable. Sara suggested a half day for the Carer Support Clinics should be possible. It was agreed that Gary would be the point of contact with Kerry. Action: That the suggestion to start with half-day clinics be supported and an update on progress be given at the 22 September 2016 Committee meeting. (SB/GS)
5. Annual Review of Complaints - Sara had circulated a copy of the Annual Complaints Report by e-mail prior to the meeting. She informed the Committee that there appeared to be increased expectations of patients but
1 | P a g e accepted that there was not the evidence to support this. There was only a small number of complaints received by the Practice in the period and none was down to further review and follow up after being dealt with. The Practice responded to Patients within the complaints procedure and used the incident reporting procedure for any event that was out of the ordinary. The system was robust. New reporting software had been purchased with the intention of linking the Complaints, Incident Reports and other procedures together. Nic raised an issue in relation to waiting times and communication at the Maxwell Drive Surgery. The messages shown on the screen were not consistent and some examples of messages being out of date relating to GPs who were not in attendance on the day and those in attendance not showing. It was suggested that the Doctors in attendance and reception staff needed to flag up when appointments were running late. Dr Adlam and Sara agreed to look at this. Action: Look at ways of improving communication to patients when waiting to see GPs or other Health Care Professionals so that patients were more aware of delays. (Dr Adlam and SB)
6. Patient Feedback to Patients’ Group – Jerry informed the committee that the in-surgery method of gaining feedback from patients needed reviewing as he was aware of only one comment being received by that route in a 12 month period. If the system was to continue, the feedback form would need updating and a system for emptying the boxes regularly would need to be implemented. The question asked of the committee was whether to continue or to take the view that other methods such as the patient survey, e-mailed comments (directly or via the surgeries), etc. were sufficient. The Committee agreed that the system was no longer fit for purpose and that the other methods were more effective. Action: Remove the forms and boxes from both Maxwell Drive and Cross Street surgeries. (SB)
7. Patients’ Survey – The committee was asked to finalise the arrangements for the Patient Survey. Sara reported that the questionnaire had been updated and that photocopies of forms would be available from reception at both surgeries for patients to complete and for Patients’ Group members to distribute when in attendance. A post box would be provided at both surgeries for the completed questionnaires. Reception staff would also be able to help promote the survey as July was the preferred month from the practice’s point of view. The questionnaire would be placed on the web site for Patients to complete electronically if preferred. In addition to promoting on the surgery screens the survey would be advertised in the Practice Newsletter It was agreed that committee members would attend both surgeries during the period 1st – 31st July and that the survey would run for a calendar month or until there were sufficient questionnaires completed. The target being at least 350 (approximately 5% of the patient population). Sara agreed to arrange for 200 forms to be printed in the first instance. It was suggested that committee members e-mail each other with dates when they could attend surgeries as they could not commit at the meeting. Ann volunteered to contact all committee members to request the information and then prepare and circulate a table of attendance. Jerry had compiled a list of Patients who, over the years, had expressed an interest in receiving the newsletter and updates electronically. He agreed to e-mail the link to the questionnaire to those contacts. He also agreed to forward the mailing list request sheet to Sara in order that they could be printed and available to be placed with the questionnaire. Ann and Jerry had met with Sara and discussed the practical arrangements for inputting and analysing the survey results electronically by using Survey Monkey or a similar tool. The previous Patient Group Survey questionnaire results had been inputted jointly by Practice staff and previous committee members. Ann was happy to input the forms as long as the system was set up early enough so that a back-log of forms was not created. Ann agreed to start inputting as soon as the survey commenced once Sara had finalised arrangements with Dan, the practice’s IT person. Action: Questionnaires and Contact Sheets to be printed and distributed to both surgeries, plus Post Boxes for completed questionnaires to be available (SB). The mailing list request sheet to be sent electronically to Sara (JB). The questionnaire to be placed on the Dishley Grange Medical Practice Web site for patients to use. (SB) Committee members to let Ann know their availability and which surgery they would be attending during July. (All) Ann to circulate a table showing committee member coverage at each surgery. (AB). Sara to finalise arrangements with Dan for Survey Monkey or similar tool in order for Ann to start inputting questionnaires. (SB).
3 | P a g e 8. End of Year Review of Planned Actions - A report on the End of Year Review of Planned Actions had been circulated prior to the meeting. Jerry had used a traffic light system to aid review and talked through the document. Actions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 had been completed. Actions 4, 8, 10 and 14 were partially complete and would be rolled over into the 2016 – 2017 plan, as necessary. Action 1 was not to be progressed following an earlier decision of the Committee. It was only in respect of Action 13 that no progress had been made and it was intended to pursue this by identifying a committee member to lead on training once a role description had been drafted and agreed. Action: With the exception of Action 1, the uncompleted actions to be rolled forward into the short-term development plan 2016-17 (EG).
9. Short-term Development Plan – The Short-term Development Plan had been circulated prior to the meeting. Eileen presented the document to the Committee. It was agreed that the plan would be a working document and continually reviewed and updated. Dr Adlam mentioned that the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) ran training/seminar events on topics that might interest members of the Patients’ Group. She agreed to find out whether the sessions were open to Patient Group Members. Actions: Short-term development plan to be reviewed and updated on a continuous basis. (EG/JB) Regarding the CCG Training/Seminar events, the Practice to let the Committee know if members can attend events. (Dr Adlam).
10.Role Descriptions – The role descriptions for the roles of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary were circulated prior to the meeting for acceptance prior to the recruitment to the Secretary role. Committee members agreed that the Role Descriptions had a fair balance. Agreed: that the role descriptions be accepted (EG)
11.News from the Practice – Sara apologised to the Committee that copies of the meeting papers had not been sent to Gary, Nigel and Teresa prior to the meeting. Sara reported that the new telephone system had enabled the practice to look at data relating to the number of calls received, waiting times, etc., etc. The practice had double the number of calls on a Monday compared with other days of the week. The practice was encouraging patients to use the telephone rather than to come into the surgeries to book appointments as the practice has seen an increase in the numbers of patients coming in. There was also an increase on Mondays and Fridays in terms of prescription demand. The Practice had more Doctors in attendance on Mondays and Fridays. Teresa and Nic gave the practice some good feedback. Sara offered the Committee the opportunity access their medical records on- line through EMIS, if anyone wished to do so they should advise Sara.
The following items held over from earlier meetings were not reported on as Dr Saund was not in attendance: The GP Contract 2016-2017 (Minute 8 - 1.3.16) NHS England GP Patient Survey (Minute 4 - 1.3.16) Practice Appraisal Action Plan (Minute 3 – 1.3.16) Action: Dr Saund or another partner to provide an update on the three items at the meeting on 22 September 2016. (Dr Saund) Presentation on the Gemima System to be delivered by a practice representative at the next informal meeting on 2nd November 2016 (SB)
12.Reports – As Peter was unable to attend the meeting Ann gave feedback from the latest North Charnwood locality meeting and from the West Leicestershire PPG Network. The “Kidney Event” went extremely well with 60 people attending and the feedback was extremely positive. The PPG Locality Forum agreed that they should do more events but no agreement had been reached in terms of how many or what at this stage. Future topics could include Heart smart, Neurology which could encompass epilepsy and mental health and Caring for the Carer. The next meeting of the group was scheduled for the 29th June 2016 at Rosebery Medical Centre at 2.00 pm. Eileen confirmed that she would be attending. Ann would attend to give a presentation on walking for health. The PPG Network meeting had included two informative presentations on Medicines and Self Care – by Gill Stead and The Evolution and Revolution of Primary Medical Care – by Angela Bright. The West Leicestershire CCG Annual General Meeting and Conference for 2016 will be held on Tuesday 20th September at Burleigh Court Hotel and
5 | P a g e Conference Centre. The event started at 5.00 pm with a health fair followed by the AGM and Conference at 6.00 pm.
13.Dates of Meetings – Dates were agreed for the next 12 months as follows:
Committee - Thursday, 22 September - 7.00pm
Committee (informal) - Wednesday, 2 November 2016 - 4.30 pm
Committee - Monday, 5 December 2016 - 7.00pm
Committee (informal) - Thursday, 26 January 2017 - 4.30 pm
Committee - Tuesday, 28 February 2017 - 7.00pm
Committee (informal) - Monday, 3 April 2017 - 4.30 pm
AGM - Wednesday, 26 April 2017 - 7.00 pm
Committee (informal) - Tuesday, 23 May 2017 - 4.30 pm
Committee - Wednesday, 28 June 2017 - 7.00pm
Sara agreed to enter the dates in the Practice diary and book rooms. Ann would circulate diary dates. Action: Practice diary and room booked (SB). Circulate diary dates to Committee members (AB).
14. Committee Business Diary – The Diary (previously known as the Work Programme) had been updated and revised since the last meeting and circulated prior to the meeting for comment. Agreed: that the Committee Business Diary be accepted, as amended by other decisions taken at the meeting. (JB)
15. News Items - it had agreed to identify potential news items arising from each meeting. Gary suggested an item on Carers. Action: To produce a news item on Carers for the next edition of the Patients’ Group’s bulletin (GS)
The meeting closed at 9.00pm