例子: Ascribe Vs. Attribute
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Synonym 1
例子: ascribe Vs. attribute
One ascribe to a person or thing which is not outwardly apparent but which may be inferred or conjectured, such as a motive, a feeling, an opinion, or a value. “Whatever else might be in her head, it was…neither love, nor romance, nor any of the emotions usually ascribed to the young.” Also, one ascribes something whose origin is unknown or disputed to that which is conjectured to be its source, cause, or author, as, a poem formerly ascribed to Chaucer,
One attributes to a person or thing something believed, usually on good grounds, to belong to it or to be appropriate to it, such as a quality, a character, or a value, or something for which that person or thing is judged to be responsible or accountable,. ”If he disclaimed the virtues attributed to him he should only accentuate his embarrassment”
1. Attract allure charm captive fascinate enchant Attract: Vt. [a magnet ~s iron] [~attention] Vi. To exercise ~ Allure To entice by charm or attraction Charm vt. [~s customers with his suave manner] [~ a snake] vi. Captivate Vt. To influence and dominate by some special charm, art or trait and with an irresistible appeal. Fascinate Vt. [believed that the serpent could ~ its prey] [was ~ by the carnivals] vi. [the novel’s flamboyant cover ~s] Enchant Vt. [the scene ~ed her to the point of tears]
1 Owing this note to my friend LIU Ming and WANG Shaorong, who never hesitate to offer me help in any case. Copyright reserved 1 / 16 实用英语词汇学 synonyms
SYN: ATTRACT: any degree, any kind of ability to exert influence over another [students ~ed by the school’s locale] ALLURE: an enticing by what is fair, pleasing or deductive [an ~ing smile] CHARM: implies the power of casting a spell over the person or thing affected and so compelling a response [~ed by their hospitality] CAPTIVATE: no more than evoking delight or admiration [her performance ~ed audiences] FASCINATED: a magical influence and tends to stress the ineffectiveness of attempts to resist [a story that continues to ~ children] ENCHANT: strongest of these terms in stressing the appeal of the agent and the degree of delight evoked in the subject [hopelessly ~ed by her beauty]
2. Begin start commence initiate inaugurate Begin To begin with Commence ~ proceedings The meeting will ~ soon Initiate ~ a program/reform Enzymes that ~ fermentation Inaugurate Induct into an office with suitable ceremonies Observe formally the beginning of ~ a new school
SYN: BEGIN: opposed to end, most general [~ a trip, dancing] COMMENCE: more formal, bookish [~ firing, a conversation] INITIATE: taking a first step in a process or series that is to continue [~ diplomatic contacts] INAUGURATE: a beginning of some formality or notion of significance [the discovery of penicillin ~ a new era in medicine]
3. End finish close conclude terminate End To reach a specified ultimate rank, situation or place~ up as Finish Conclude Close: ~the gate, a street; the city ~ the beach ~ a view ~down sth; ~an account Complete To bring to an end and esp into a perfect state [~ a painting] To make whole or perfect [its song ~ the charm of this bird]
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To mark the end of [~a rousing chorus ~s the show] To carry out successfully Terminate vi To extend only to a limit as a point or line) To form an ending To come to an end in time Vt To bring to an end [~a marriage by divorce][~a transmission line] To form the conclusion of [review questions ~ each chapter] To discontinue the employment of [workers ~ed because of slow business] To serve as an ending, limit, or boundary of
SYN: END: a strong sense of finality [~ his life] FINISH: completion of a final step in a process [after it is painted, the house will be ~] CONLCUDE: a formal closing of a meeting [the service ~ with a blessing] CLOSE: in some way open as well as finished [~ a debate] COMPLETE: the removal of all deficiencies or a successful finishing of what has been undertaken [ the resolving of the last issue ~ the agreement] TERMINATE: the setting of a limit in time or space [your employment ~ after three months]
4. Refuse decline reject refuse a) reject a) to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose or use [~ed the suggestion][~ a manuscript] b) to refuse to hear, receive, or admit [parents who ~their children] c) to refuse as lover or spouse d) to cast off e) to spew out f) to subject to immunological rejection decline vi a) to turn from a straight course b) to slope downward c) to bend down d) to stroop to what is unworthy e) of a celestial body: to sink toward setting f) to draw toward a close [the day ~] g) to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition [ his health ~] [morale ~] h) to withhold consent i) to become less in amount [prices ~]
Copyright reserved 3 / 16 实用英语词汇学 synonyms vt j) to give in prescribed order the grammatical forms of k) to cause to bend or bow down l) to refuse to undertake, undergo, engage in, or comply with [~ a battle] m) to refuse, esp courteously [~an invitation] n)
SYN REFUSE: more positiveness or ungraciousness and often implies the denial of something asked for [refused to lend them the money] REJECT: a peremptory refusal by sending away or discarding [rejected the manuscript as unpublishable] DECLINE: courteous refusal, eps. Of offers or invitations [~ his party’s nomination]
5. Profound deep deep a) extending far downward [a~well] b) extending well inward from an outer surface [a~gash] [a ~chested animal] c) not located superficially within the body [~pressure receptors in muscles] d) extending far laterally from the center[~borders of lace] e) occurring or located near the outer limits of the playing area [hit to ~ right field] f) thrown deep[a ~ pass] g) having a specified extension in an implied direction, usu. Downward or backward h) difficult to penetrate or comprehend [~mathematical problems] i) mysterious [a ~ dark secret] j) grave in nature or effect [in ~est disgrace] k) of penetrating intellect [a ~ thinker] l) intensely engrossed or immersed [she was ~ in her book] m) characterized by profundity of feeling or quality [a ~ sleep] [~ religious beliefs] n) of color: high in saturation, low in lightness o) having a low musical pitch or pitch range [a~voice] p) situated well within the boundaries [ a house ~ in the woods] q) remote in time or space r) being below the level of counsciousness [neuroses] s) covered, enclosed or filled to a specified degree [angle-deep in mud] t) large [~ discounts] u) having many good players [a ~ bull pen] profound a) having intellectual depth and insight b) difficult to fathom or understand c) extending far below the surface d) coming from, reaching to, or situated at a depth [a ~ sigh] e) characterized by intensity of feeling or quality f) all encompassing [~sleep] [~deafness]
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g) archaic: something that is very deep, the depth of a sea
profound :very great; felt or experienced very strongly; showing great knowledge or understanding; needing a lot of study or thought; (medical) very serious; complete deep: top to bottom; front to back; measurement; far inside; difficult to understand
6. Swift fast nimble fleet rapid speedy quick quick a) not dead b) acting or capable of acting with speed: as c) fast in understanding, thinking or learning: mentally agile [a ~qit][~thinking] d) reacting to stimuli with speed and keen sensitivity e) aroused immediately and intensely [~tempers] f) fast in development or occurrence [a~ succession of events] g) done or taking place with rapidity [gave them a ~ look] h) marked by speed, readiness, or promptness of physical movement [walked with ~ steps] i) inclined to hastiness(action or response) [~ to criticize] j) capable of being easily and speedily prepared [a~ and tasty dinner k) not stagnant l) moving, shiftng [~mud] swift a) moving or capable of moving with great speed [a ~ runner] b) occurring suddenly or within a very short time [a ~ transition] c) quick to respond fast a) moving or able to move rapidly b) taking a comparatively short time c) imparting quickness of motion [a ~bowler] d) accomplished quickly e) agile of mind: esp quick to learn [a class for ~ students] nimble a) quick and light in motion [~ fingers] b) marked by quick, alert, clever conception, comprehension, or resourcefulness [a~ mind] c) responsive, sensitive [a ~ listener] fleet a) to run away often from danger or evil b) to hurry toward a place of security c) to pass away swiftly rapid a) marked by a fast rate of motion, activity, succession or occurrence speedy a) marked by swiftness of motion or action
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SYN QUICK: promptness and the taking of little time [a quick wit] SWIFT: great rapidity coupled with ease of movement [returned the ball with one swift stroke] FAST: particularly to the thing that moves [fast horses] NIMBLE: able to move quickly and easily;someone who has a nimble mind is intelligent and learns things quickly FLEET: adds the implication of lightness and nimbleness [fleet runners] RAPID: the movement itself [rapid current] SPEEDY: quickness of successful accomplishment and may also suggest unusual velocity [speedy delivery of mail]
7. Understand comprehend comprehend a) to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of [unable to ~ what has happened] b) to contain or hold within a total scope, significance or amount [philosophy’s scope ~s the truth of everything which man may understand] c) to include by construction or implication [does not prudence ~ all the virtues] understand a) to grasp the meaning of [~ Russian] b) to grasp the reasonableness of [ his behavior is hard to ~] c) to have thorough or technical acquaintance with or expertness in the practice of [~ finance] d) to e thoroughly familiar with the character and propensities of [~ children] e) to accept as a fact or truth or regard as plausible without utter certainty [we ~that he is returning from abroad] f) to interpret in one of a number of possible ways g) to have understanding= have the power of comprehension h) to show a sympathetic or tolerant attitude toward womething i) to believe or infer something to be the explanation of something
SYN COMPREHEND: stress the process of coming to grips with something intellectual [I have trouble comprehending your reasons for doing this] UNDERSTAND: stress the fact that having attained a firm mental grasp of something [orders that were fully understood and promptly obeyed]
8. Rich wealthy opulent affluent rich a) having abundant possessions and esp. material wealth b) having high value or quality c) well supplied or endowed [a city ~ in traditions] d) magnificently impressive e) vivid and deep in color [a ~ red]
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f) full and mellow in tone and quality [a ~ voice] g) having a strong fragrance [~ perfumes] h) highly productive or remunerative [a ~ mine] i) having abundant plant nutrients [~ soil] j) highly seasoned, fatty, oily or sweet [~foods] k) high in the combustible component [a ~ fuel mixture] l) high in some component [cholesterol-rich foods] wealthy a) having wealth opulent a) having a large estate or property [hoping to marry an ~ widow] b) amply or plentifully provided or fashioned often to the point of ostentation [living in ~ comfort] affluent a) flowing in abundance [~streams][~creativity] b) having a generously sufficient and typically increasing supply of material possession [our ~ society]
SYN RICH: having more than enough to gratify normal needs or desires [became ~ through shrewd investing] WEALTHY: the possession of property and intrinsically valuable things [~ landowners] OPULENT: lavish expenditure and display of great wealth, more often applying to things than people [an ~ mansion] AFFLUENT: prosperity and an increasing wealth [an ~ society]
9. Labor travail drudgery grind work toil work a) sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result b) the labor, task, or duty that is one’s accustomed means of livelihood c) a specific task, duty, function or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity d) energy expended by natural phenomena e) the result of such energy [sand dunes are the ~ of sea and wind] f) the transference of energy that is produced by the motion of the point of application of a force and is measured by multiplying the force and the displacement of its point of application in the line of action g) something that results from a particular manner or methods of working, operating or devising [careful police ~][clever camera ~] h) something that results from the use or fashioning of a particular material [porcelain ~] i) the working or moving parts of a mechanism [the ~s of a clock] j) something produced or accomplished by effort, exertion, or exercise of skill [this book is the ~ of many hands]
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k) effective operation [wait for time to do its healing ~] l) something produced by the exercise of creative talent or expenditure of creative effort: artistic production [an early ~ by a major writer] m) pl:performance of moral or religious acts [salvation by ~s] n) maner of working o) the material or piece of material that is operated upon at any stage in the process of manufacture p) pl: everything possessed, available or belonging [the whole ~s, rod, reel, tackle box, went overboard] [ordered pizza with the ~s] q) subjection to drastic treatment: all possible abuse, usu used with get [ge4t the ~s]or give [gave them the ~s] r) at work: engaged in one’s regular occupation s) in the works: in process of preparation, development, or completion t) in work: in process of being done; of a horse: in training u) out of work: without regular employment toil a) laborious effort b) long strenuous fatiguing labor travail a) work esp of a painful or laborious nature b) physical or mental exertion or piece of work labor a) expenditure of physical or mental effort esp when difficult or compulsory b) human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy c) the service performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits d) the physical activities (as dilation of the cervix and contraction of the uterus) involved in giving birth e) an act or process requiring labor f) a product of labor g) an economic group comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages h) workers employed in an establishment i) workers available for employment j) the organizations of officials representing groups of workers drudgery a) dull, irksome, and fatiguing work: uninspiring or menial work grind a) dreary, monotonous or difficult labor, study, or routine b) one ho works or studies excessively
SYN WORK: activity of body, of mind, of a machine, or of a natural force [too tired to do any ~] TOIL: prolonged and fatiguing labor [his lot would be years of back-breaking ~]
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TRAVAIL: bookish for labor involving pain or suffering [years of ~ were lost when the house burned LABOR: physical or intellectual work involving great and often strenuous exertion [farmers demanding fair compensation for their labor] DRUDGERY: dull and irksome labor [an editorial job with a good deal of ~] GRIND: labor exhausting to mind or body [the ~ of the assembly line]
10. Policeman constable bobby cop police constable a) british bobby a) Brit: police officer cop a) slang SYN POLICE: the people who work for an organization; the police an organization, connected with a local or state government, that tries to catch criminals and checks that people obey the law CONSTABLE: 1 a police officer in some parts of the U.S. whose rank is below a SHERIFF 2 in the U.K., a police officer of the lowest rank: POLICE CONSTABLE
BOBBY: A bobby is a British policeman, usually of the lowest rank. (BRIT INFORMAL, OLD-FASHIONED) COP: a police officer[INFORMAL]
区别:Policeman 美国英语,constable 英国英语,cop 行话(slang English),bobby:口语
11.Thin slender slim slight lean skinny emaciated skinny a) lacking sufficient flesh: very thin b) lacking usual or desirable bulk, quantity, qualities or significance thin a) having little extent from one surface to its opposite [~paper] b) measuring little in cross section or diameter [~rope] c) not dense in arrangement or distribution [~hair] d) not well fleshed e) more fluid or rarefied than normal [~air] f) having less than the usual number [~attendance] g) few in number h) scantily supplied i) characterized by a paucity of bids or offerings [a~ market] j) lacking substance or strength [~broth] [a ~ plot] k) of a soil: infertile, poor l) unconvincing [a ~ disguise]
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m) disappointingly poor or hard [had a ~ time of it] n) somewhat feeble, shrill, and lacking in resonance [a ~ voice] o) lacking in intensity or brilliance [~light] p) lacking sufficient photographic density or contrast slim a) of small diameter or thickness in proportion to the height or length b) inferior in quality or amount c) scanty, small [a ~ chance] slender a) spare in frame or flesh: gracefully slight b) small or narrow in circumference or width in proportion to length or height c) limited or inadequate in amount or scope [people of ~ means] slight a) having a slim or delicate build: not stout or massive in body b) lacking in strength or substance c) deficient in weight, solidity or importance [a ~ movie] d) small of its kind or in amount [a ~ chance][a ~ odor of gas] emaciated a) be caused to lose flesh as to become very thin [cattle emanciated by illness] b) be made feeble
SYN SKINNY: informal, usually disapproving) very thin, especially in a way that you find unpleasant or ugly: skinny arms / legs (of clothes) designed to fit closely to the body: a skinny sweater THIN: comparatively little extension between surfaces or in diameter, or it may imply lack of substance, richness, or abundance [~wire][a ~soup] SLIM: slenderness that suggests fragility or scantiness [a ~volume of poetry] [a ~chance] SLENDER: leanness or spareness often with grace and good proportion [the ~ legs of a sheraton chair] SLIGHT: smallness as well as thinness [a ~ build] very small in degree: a slight increase / change / delay / difference EMANCIATED: thin and weak, usually because of illness or lack of food: He was thirty, but looked fifty, with pale skin, hopeless eyes and an emaciated body, covered in sores.
12. Dwell live reside reside a) to be in residence as the incumbent of a benefice or office b) to dwell permanently or continuously: occupy a place as one’s legal domicile dwell a) to remain for a time b) to live as a resident c) to keep the attention directed (+on, upon) [not to ~ on fears] live
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a) to occupy a home [living in a shabby room]
13. Astribe attribute owe……to owe a) to have or bear (an emotion or attitude) to someone or something [~s the boss a grudge] b) to be under obligation to pay or repay in return for something received, be indebted in the sum of [~s me $5] c) to be under obligation to render (as duty or service) [I ~you a favor] d) to be indebted to [~s the grocer for supplies] e) to be indebted for [~ his wealth to his father] [~s much to good luck] f) to be in debt [~s for his house] g) to an attributable [an idea that ~s to Greek philosophy ascribe a) to refer to a supposed cause, source or author attribute a) to explain by indicating a cause [~ his success to his coach] b) to regard as a characteristic of a person or thing c) to beckon as made or originated in an indicated fashion [~ the invention to a russion]
SYN ASCRIBE: an inferring or conjecturing of cause, quality, authorship [forged paintings formerly ~d to masters] ATTRIBUTE: less tentativeness than ascribe
14. Kid child offspring hipper(s) brat(s )(不用查) kid a) a young goat b) a young individual of various animals related to the goad c) the flesh, fur or skin of a kid d) something made of kid e) a young person, often used as a generalized reference to one esp younger or less experienced child a) a young person esp between infancy and youth b) a childlike or childish person c) a person not yet of age d) a son or daughter of human parents offspring a) the product of the productive process of an animal or plant b) child c) product, result brats a) an ill-mannered annoying child [a spoiled ~] b) an ill-mannered immature person
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c) the child of a career military person [army ~s] d) the children of a person whose career is in a specified and typically unusual field [Hollywood ~s] nippers a) brit: a boy emplyed as a helper b) child: a small boy
15. Rancid sour bad rotten addled rancid a) having a rank smell or taste addled a) of an egg: rotten rotten a) morally corrupted b) extremely unpleasant or inferior [a ~ day] [a ~job] c) very uncomfortable [feeling ~] d) of very poor quality [a~ show][what ~luck] (of food, wood, etc.) that has decayed and cannot be eaten or used Synonym: TERRIBLE. I've had a rotten day! ◆ What rotten luck! ◆ She's a rotten singer bad a) not fresh [~fish] unpleasant; full of problems: bad news / weather / dreams / habits, of poor quality; below an acceptable standard: bad conditions / driving sour a) having the acid taste or smell of or as if of fermentation [~milk] b) smelling or tasting of decay [~breath]
16. Contact touch Contact : act of communicating touching sb / sth meeting sb / sth touch: with hands / fingers no space between move sth / hit sb
17. Cure heal remedy cure a) spiritual change b) pastoral charge of a parish c) recovery or relief from a disease d) something (as a drug or treatment) that cures a disease e) a course or period of treatment [take the ~for alcoholism]
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f) a complete or permanent solution or remedy [seeking a ~for unemployment] g) to restore to health, soundness, or normality [~ a patient of his illness] h) to bring about recovery from [~a disease] i) to deal with in a way that eliminates or rectifies [his small size, which time would ~ for him] j) to free from something objectionable or harmful [trying to ~him of a bad habit] k) to prepare or alter esp by chemical or physical processing for keeping or use [fish ~with salt] heal a) to make sound or whole [~a wound] b) to restore to health c) to cause ( an undesirable condition) to be overcome d) to patch up ( a breach or division) [~ a breach between friends] e) to restore to original purity or integrity [~ed of sin] remedy a) a medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease b) something that corrects or counteracts c) the legal means to recover a right or to prevent or obtain redress for a wrong
18. Empty vacant blank void vacuous hollow bare empty a) containing nothing [~shelves] b) not occupied or inhabited [an ~ building] c) null [the ~set] d) lacking reality, substance, meaning or value: [an ~ pleasure] e) destitute of effect or force [an ~ threat] f) devoid of sense g) idle [~ hours] h) having no purpose or result i) marked by the absence of human life, activity or comfort [an ~ silence] vacant a) not occupied by an incumbent, possessor or officer [a ~ office][~thrones] b) being without content or occupant [a ~ seat on a bus] [a ~room] c) free from activity or work [~hours] d) devoid of thought, reflection or expression [a~ smile] e) not lived in [~houses] f) not put to use [~land] g) having no heir or claimant [a ~ estate] hollow a) having an indentation or inward carve b) having cavity within [a~ tree] c) lacking in real value, sincerity or substance [~promises] bare a) lacking a natural, usual or appropriate covering
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b) lacking clothing [~feet] c) lacking any tool or weapon [opened the box with his ~ hands] d) open to view [laying ~ their secrets] e) unfurnished or scantily supplied [a ~room] f) having nothing left over or added [the ~necessities of life] g) mere: [a ~ two hours away] h) devoid of amplification or adornment [the ~ facts] blank a) colorless b) appearing or causing to appear dazed, confounded, or nonplussed [stared in ~ dismay] c) expressionless [a ~ stare] d) devoid of covering or content [~paper] e) having spaces to be filled in f) lacking interest, variety or change [~ hours] g) absolute [a ~refusal] h) unfinished, having a plain or unbroken surface where an opening is usual [~key] void a) not occupied [a ~bishopric] b) not inhabited c) containing nothing [~space] d) idle e) being without something specified [a nature ~ of all malice] f) having no members or examples vacuous a) emptied of or lacking content b) marked by lack of ideas or intelligence [a ~mind][a ~movie] c) devoid of serious occupation: idle devoid a) being without a usual, typical or expected attribute or accompaniment (+of) [an argument ~ of sense] [a landscape ~of life]
SYN EMPTY: a complete absence of contents [an ~ bucket] VACANT: an absence of appropriate contents or occupants [a ~ apartment] HOLLOW: a deceiving lack of real substance or soundness or genuineness [a ~victory] BARE: not covered by any clothes; (of trees or countryside) not covered with leaves; without plants or trees; (of surfaces) not covered with or protected by anything; of a room, cupboard, etc.) empty BLANK: the absence of any significant, relieving or intelligible features on a surface [a ~wall] VOID: absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine [a statement ~ of meaning] VACUOUS: the emptiness of a vacuum and esp. the lack of intelligence or significance [a vacuous facial expression]
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DEVOID: lacking something, especially a good quality
19. Characteristic trait feather characteristic a) a distinguishing trait, quality or property trait a) a stroke of or as if of a pencil b) a distinguishing quality (as of personal character) [curiosity is one of her notable ~s] feature a) the structure, form or appearance esp of a person b) physical beauty c) the makeup or appearance of the face or its parts d) a part of the face e) a prominent part or characteristic f) any of the properties (as voice or gender) that are characteristic of a grammatical element g) a special attraction [a ~d motion picture, article, story…etc] h) something offered to the public or advertised as particularly attractive [one of the car’s most popular ~s]
20. Common ordinary vulgar common a) of or relating to a community at large [work for the ~good] b) known to the community [~nuisances] c) belonging to or shared by two or more individuals or things or by all members of a group [a ~ friend] d) belonging equally to two or more mathematical entities [triangles with a ~base] e) having two or more branches [~ carotid artery] f) occurring or appearing frequently [a ~sight] g) of the best known or most frequently seen kind: used esp of plants and animals [the ~housefly] h) vernacular [~names] i) widespread [~knowledge] j) characterized by a lack of privilege or special status [~people] k) just satisfying accustomed criteria [~decency] ordinary a) of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events [an ~ day] b) having or constituting immediate or original jurisdiction c) of common quality, rank or ability [an ~teenager] d) deficient in quality, poor [~wine] vulgar a) generally used, applied or accepted b) understood in or having the ordinary sense c) vernacular [the ~ name of a plant]
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d) of or relating to the common people e) generally current [the ~opinion of that time] f) of the usual, typical or ordinary kind g) lacking in cultivation, perception or taste h) morally crude, undeveloped or unregenerate i) offensive in language
SYN COMMON: usual everyday quality or frequency of occurrence [a ~error] [lack ~honesty] Inferiority or coarseness [~manners] ORDINARY: conformance in quality or kind with the regular order of things [an ~pleasant summer day][a very ordinary sort of man] VULGAR: derogatory connotations [souvenirs designed to appeal to the ~taste]
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