Fermion Black Hole Similarity
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Fermion – black hole similarity
and black holes magnetic field.
Corrado Massa
Via Fratelli Manfredi 55 42124 Reggio Emilia Italia [email protected] [email protected]
Poki ciacer: Disen kal bus nigher angamia camp magnetic, mo l’ é mia veira: al bus nigher al ga al sò bel camp, e po’ anka grooss: 101 8 gauss.
Abstract: The impressive similarities between fermions and black holes suggest that any neutral black hole with intrinsic angular momentum J has the intrinsic magnetic moment ( J / c ) √ G ( c is the speed of light and G is the gravitational constant ).
Elementary particles are characterized uniquely by three parameters: electric charge, mass, and spin. Black holes too are characterized uniquely by three parameters: Q = their electric charge, M = their mass and J = their intrinsic angular momentum (analogous to the spin). Furthermore, the gyromagnetic ratio
μ / J ( μ = magnetic moment) of a charged black
hole is equal to Q / M just as for an electron [ 1 ].
What follows is a wide speculation that, thinking
such similarity consistently through to the end, gets three interesting consequences.
The first one springs from Dirac’s wave equation in
five dimensions. I remember that Dirac’s equation,
usually written in a four dimensional form, can be
more naturally written in a five – dimensional form
because of the existence of five anticommuting
Dirac matrices.
The five dimensional form, considered in the
context of the Kaluza – Klein unified field theory,
results in an anomalous magnetic moment term
in four dimensions given by μ = G 1 / 2 ( s / c ) where c is the speed of light and G is the Newton
constant [ 2 , 3 , 4 ]
Any fermion with spin s is expected to have this
intrinsic magnetic moment which adds to the
eventual magnetic moment term of ordinary
electromagnetic origin.
If we assume a complete fermion–black hole
similarity, we conclude that any neutral black
hole with intrinsic angular momentum S has
the magnetic moment
μ = G 1 / 2 ( S / c ) ( 1 )
The related dipolar magnetic field near the
horizon of a neutral black hole with mass M is expected to be ( here and below numerical
factor of the order of unity are neglected )
B = μ / R 3 = S c 5 / ( M 3 G 5 / 2 ) ( 2 )
where R = G M / c 2 is the black hole “ radius”.
With S = G M 2 / c = the maximal angular
momentum of a spinning black hole, we have
a magnetic field of strength:
B = A / M ( 3 )
where A = c 4 / G 3 / 2 ~ 5 x 10 52 g 3 / 2 s – 1 cm – 1 / 2 .
For a stellar black hole ( M ~ 10 34 g ) B ~ 10 18 gauss.
The second consequence is the electromagnetic
power output due to the fall of matter into a
black hole. Matter falling into a black hole can be a significant source of gravitational waves,
and if m is the mass of an infalling lump of matter
then the total energy emitted is about ( m c ) 2 / M
if m ~ M [ 1 a ] . A gravitational wave passing through
a magnetic field shakes the magnetic field and
generates electromagnetic waves; the gravitational
radiation is totally converted into electromagnetic
radiation if
B L ~ c 2 / G 1 / 2 ~ 10 2 4 gauss x cm ( 4 )
where L is the length of the path that the
gravitational radiation walks along.
If we put eq ( 3 ) into eq ( 4 ) with L = R = = G M / c 2 we see that condition ( 4 ) is
satisfied, and the infalling matter of mass m
will radiate an electromagnetic power output
( m / M )2 ( c 5 / G ) ~ ( m / M ) 2 x 10 59 erg / s
That for m ~ M equals the maximal power
In the world [ 5 ].
The third consequence is that black holes might
exhibit quantum behavior, with a De Broglie
wavelength λ = S / p ( p = the black hole linear
momentum. This could be related to the observed
quantized redshifts of galaxies, since most galaxies
lodge gigantic ( M ~ 10 40 g ) black holes in
their nuclei. The idea of a macroscopic form of quantum mechanics is not new, see e.g. [ 6 ]
and references therein.
[ 1 ] Misner, C.W., Thorne, K.S., Wheeler, J.A.: Gravitation (Freeman and Company, San Francisco
1973) box 33.2, p. 883.
[ 1 a ] ibidem, Ch. 36, Sec. 5, p. 982.
[ 2 ] Pauli, W.: Annalen der Physik vol. 18,
p. 337 (1933) see p. 372
[ 3 ] Barut, A.O. and Gornitz, Th.:
Foundations of Physics vol. 15, p. 433 (1985).
[ 4 ] Hosoya, A. Ishikawa, K., Ohkuwa, Y.
and Yawagishi, K.:
Physics Letters B vol. 134, p. 44 (1984)
[ 5 ] Massa, C.: Astrophysics and Space Science,
vol. 232, p. 143 ( 1995 )
[ 6 ] Massa, C.: Annalen der Physik,
vol 45, p. 391, ( 1988 )