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Curriculum Vitae Barbara Miller June 2015 - 2016
Office 1957 E Street NW, Suite 501 The Elliott School of International Affairs The George Washington University Washington, DC 20052 tel. 202/994-7257
Education 1966-1971 Syracuse University, BA 1969-1970 Banaras Hindu University, India (University of Wisconsin College Year in India Program) 1972-1978 Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University MA 1974; PhD with Distinction 1978
Fellowships, Grants and Contracts (Postdoctoral) 1983 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Grant #4454 ($5000) 1984 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Grant #4454 (add-on, $5000) 1985 Smithsonian Institution, Travel Grant, for Sixteen American Scholars to attend the Conference on Women and the Household, New Delhi ($15,000). 1985-86 Agency for International Development, Kingston, Research Contract for Household Expenditure Survey II ($140,000) 1986 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., Conference Grant #103 for an International Conference on Sex and Gender Hierarchies, Malaga, Spain 1987-1988 National Science Foundation, Research Grant #BNS 8616762 ($63,000) 1992 University of Pittsburgh Center for International Studies and Asian Studies Program, Small Grant for Research in India ($5,000) 2012-2015 Key faculty expert and proposal initiator; Women and Water in Central and South Asia, U.S. Department of State, South Asia Bureau, Professor Marlene Laruelle, PI; and Ariana Rabindranath, co-PI, of the Elliott School. Ongoing. ($300,000). 2014-2016 PI, Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan through a University Partnership, U.S. Department of State; with Professor Shaista Khilji, co-PI. Ongoing ($1,007,438), ongoing likely through 2017 via a no-cost extension.
Recent Proposals Submitted (not awarded) 2004 Toward a Culture-Centered Approach to Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Afghanistan (with Professors Inder Sud and David Gow) to the National Science Foundation’s Program in Human Social Dynamics, for $180,000 to support a workshop series and conference. 2006 Religion in International Affairs (with Professor Deborah Avant) to the Luce Foundation for $400,000to develop a focus in the Elliott School on religion and international affairs 2011 “Community Network for Freedom” (with Professor Andrea Bertone) to the US Department of Health and Human Services in January; $900,000 over three years [approved; but not funded due to budget cuts].. “Role of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Reducing Maternal Mortality in Gujarat, India, to the NIH in February; $151,111 for two years [funding program discontinued during the review process due to budget cuts]. “Innovative Public-Private Partnership to Reduce Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Gujarat, India” to the Gates Foundation/USAID Saving Lives at Birth; $250,000 over two years . 2012 PI, Conflict Prevention in the Asia-Pacific Region: Including Women in Sustainable Security and Democracy, U.S. Department of Defense, pre-proposal; $1.2 million [full proposal not invited]. Fellowships and Grants (Predoctoral) 1968 NDEA Title VI, Hindi, University of Pennsylvania (summer) 1969 NDEA Title VI, Hindi, University of Minnesota (summer) 1972-1974 NDEA Title VI, Hindi, Syracuse University 1975-1976 NDEA Title VI, Hindi, Syracuse University 1976 Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies 1976-1977 American Institute of Indian Studies Language Fellowship, Hindi 1977-1978 Rockefeller-Ford Program on Population and Development Policy, Grant RF#76102 (for doctoral dissertation)
Teaching Awards 2008 Harry Harding Teaching Award, Elliott School of International Affairs
Field Research 1976-1977 India, archival and interview research for dissertation while living in Agra and Delhi on a Hindi language training fellowship (during the Indian Emergency, field research permits for Americans were highly restricted)
1981-1983 Bangladesh, local government structure and finance, for the Zilla Roads Maintenance and Improvement Project, AID/Dhaka
1983 [Project Director] India, standardizing community health program collections of longitudinal data on sex-differential mortality of children at Ludhiana and Vellore Christian Medical Hospitals
1983-1984 Jamaica, low-income household expenditure survey, for the Jamaican Tax Structure Examination Project, AID/Kingston; in collaboration with Professor Carl Stone, University of the West Indies
1985-1986 [Project Director] Jamaica, effects of the food stamp program on low-income household expenditures, for AID/Kingston; with Professor Carl Stone, University of the West Indies
1986 [Advisor] India, study design of child health patterns in Varanasi and the role of a community health program in improving child survival; in collaboration with Dr. K.N. Agarwal, Epidemiology Unit, Banaras Hindu University
1987-1988 [Principal Investigator] social class variations in gender-specific juvenile mortality in India; carried out at the Department of Demography, University of California at Berkeley
1991-1994 Pittsburgh, adolescent identity formation among Indian Hindu immigrants
1992 India, assessment of current status of research on female child health; New Delhi and Pune, May
1996-1997 India, feasibility of long-term research in the Andaman Islands, December-January
Positions 1979 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Rochester 1979-1980 Instructor, Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University 1980-1987 Research Associate, Metropolitan Studies Program, Maxwell School, and (1984-1987) Adjunct
2 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University 1987-1988 Associate Research Demographer, University of California at Berkeley 1988-1989 Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, SUNY Cortland 1988-1990 Visiting Fellow and Lecturer, Population and Development Program and Department of Rural Sociology, Cornell University 1989-1990 Instructor, Department of Anthropology, Ithaca College 1990-1993 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh 1993-1998 Associate Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs, George Washington University 1994-1998 and (1994-1998) Director, Women's Studies Program 1999-present Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs and Associate Dean, The Elliott School (1999-2002. 2009-2012); Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs (CIGA) Research and Policy Program (2003-present); Founding Director Global Gender Research and Policy Program (2010-2016); Director, Institute of Global and International Studies (2012-2016)
Courses Taught Undergraduate Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Syracuse, Pittsburgh, GW) Introduction to Cultural Anthropology—Distance Education version (GW) Practical Anthropology (Syracuse) "Famine" (Freshman Writing Seminar, Cornell University) Cultures of India World Hunger (Freshman Seminar, University of Pittsburgh) The Human Lifecycle (co-taught with biological anthropologist) Population and Culture (Undergraduate Majors Seminar, Pittsburgh)) The Anthropology of Food (co-taught with archeologist, Pittsburgh) Health, Illness and Culture (GW) The Anthropology of Gender (GW) Graduate The Anthropology of Development (Syracuse, GW) Medical Anthropology (Pittsburgh, GW) Multidisciplinary Seminar in Development (GW/IDS) Key Variables in Development (GW) Gender and Sexuality (GW) Health, Population and Development (GW) Health and Development in India (GW) Migration and Mental Health (GW) Culture, Risk and Security; revised as Culture, Risk and Disasters (GW) Global Gender Policy (GW) Food, Culture, and Globalization (GW), new course
Publications--Books 1981 The Endangered Sex: Neglect of Female Children in Rural North India (Ithaca: Cornell University Press) [re-published with a new chapter, "The Girl Child in India in the Year 2000," pp. 197-217, Oxford University Press, 1997].
1987 (with Robert N. Kearney) Internal Migration and Its Social Consequences in Sri Lanka (Boulder, CO: Westview Press).
1993 (editor) Sex and Gender Hierarchies (New York: Cambridge University Press); chapter 1, "The Anthropology of Sex and Gender Hierarchies" (pp. 3-31).
1998 (co-editor with Alf Hiltebeitel) Hair: Its Power and Meaning in Asian Cultures (Albany: SUNY
3 Press); chapter, "The Disappearance of the Oiled Braid: Indian Adolescent Female Hairstyles in North America," pp. 259-280, and "Afterword: Hair Power," pp. 281-286. Publications—Textbooks Cultural Anthropology (Pearson). 1998 1st edition 2001 2nd edition 2004 3rd edition 2007 4th edition 2009 5th edition 2010 6th edition 2012 7th edition 2016 8th edition
2008 Cultural Anthropology in a Globalizing World, 1st edition (briefer version of Cultural Anthropology) 2010 2nd edition 2011 3rd edition 2016 4th edition
Cultural Anthropology, Canadianized edition, (Toronto: Pearson) 2000 1st edition 2003 2nd edition 2006 3rd edition 2008 4th edition
Anthropology (four field textbook) (Prentice-Hall/Pearson) 2005 Anthropology: The Study of Humanity, with Bernard Wood (Boston: Allyn & Bacon) 2008 2nd edition
Publications--Editorial Contribution 1983 Co-editor (with Roy Bahl), Local Government Finance in the Third World: A Case Study of the Philippines (Boulder: Westview Press).
2008 Series editor, Anthropology Works, 1st volume: Glynn Cochrane, Festival Elephants and the Myth of Global Poverty (Boston: Pearson).
2009 Guest Editor, special issue of the journal, Heritage Management, on "Cultural Heritage and the Work of Anthropology," spring issue; introductory essay, Heritage Management Inside Out and Upside Down: Questioning Top-Down and Outside Approaches, 5-9.
2015 Section Editor, 65 entries on Contemporary Cultural Concerns for International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition (IESBS 2e). Each entry is approximately 5,000 words. I chose the topics and authors and did substantial editorial work with the authors. IESBS 2e won the PROSE Award (American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence) in two categories: Excellence in Reference Works, and Multivolume Reference – Humanities and Social Sciences.
Publication in Preparation—Editorial Contribution Socio-cultural Anthropology: Critical and Primary Sources; four-volume collection of 100 previously published articles and chapters with an overview at the beginning of each volume; under contract with Bloomsbury Press
Publications--Articles in Refereed Journals 1980 Cultural Meanings of a North/South Model of Female Juvenile Mortality in Rural India, Eastern
4 Anthropologist 33(1):19-39. 1980 Female Neglect and the Costs of Marriage in Rural India, Contributions to Indian Sociology 14(1):95- 129.
1982 Female Labor Participation and Female Seclusion in Rural India, Economic Development and Cultural Change 30(4):777-794.
1983 (with Robert N. Kearney) Sex-Differential Patterns of Internal Migration in Sri Lanka, Peasant Studies 10(4):224-250.
1984 Daughter Neglect, Women's Work and Kinship: Pakistan and Bangladesh Compared, Medical Anthropology 8(2):109-126.
1985 (with Robert N. Kearney) The Spiral of Suicide and Social Change in Sri Lanka, Journal of Asian Studies 48(1):81-101 [reprinted 1986 in Marga 8(3):1-33, Journal of the Marga Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka].
1985 (with James A. Wozny) Land Tenure Patterns in Bangladesh: Implications for Revenue and Distributional Effects of Changes in Land Taxation, Journal of Developing Areas 19(4):459-481.
1986 (with Showkat Hayat Khan) Incorporating Voluntarism into Rural Development in Bangladesh, Third World Planning Review 8(2):139-152. 1986 Health, Fertility, and Society in India: Microstudies and Macrostudies [invited review article], Journal of Asian Studies 46(1):1027-1036.
1988 (with Robert N. Kearney) Internal Migration and Suicide in Sri Lanka, Journal of Asian and African Studies 23(3-4):287-304.
1990 (with Richard M. Bird) Indirect Taxation of Low-Income Households in Jamaica, Economic Development and Cultural Change 37(2):393-409 [reprinted in Taxation in Developing Countries, Richard M. Bird and Oliver Oldman, eds., 4th edition, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990, pp. 425-437].
1995 (with Horacio Fabrega Jr.) A Cultural Analysis of Adolescent Psychopathology, Journal of Adolescent Research 10(2):197-226.
1995 (with Horacio Fabrega, Jr.) Adolescent Psychiatry as a Product of Contemporary Anglo-American Society, Social Science and Medicine 40(7):881-894.
1995 (with Horacio Fabrega, Jr.), Toward a More Comprehensive Medical Anthropology: The Case of Adolescent Psychopathology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly 9(4):431-461.
1997 Social Class, Gender, and Intrahousehold Food Allocations to Children in South Asia, Social Science and Medicine 44(11):1685-1695.
2001 Female-Selective Abortion in Asia: Patterns, Policies and Debates, American Anthropologist 103(4):1083- 1095. [re-published in Comparative Studies in Medical Anthropology, Elizabeth Fischer, ed., New York: Prentice Hall].
Publications--Invited Review Articles and Essays 1983 Farming, Families and Sex Roles in Rural India: A Classic Pattern and New Questions Peasant Studies 10(4):224-250.
5 1986 Women, Development, and Anthropology: Focus on Production and Reproduction. Reviews in Anthropology 13(2):104-114. 1990 Opportunity Knocks [lead essay for special issue on "The Female Child"] Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health 1(4):101-103.
1992 Toward Critical Population Anthropology. Reviews in Anthropology 21:255-262.
1993 On Poverty, Child Survival and Gender: Models and Misperceptions [lead essay] Third World Planning Review 15(3):iii-viii.
2005 Cultural Anthropology Now: Highlights 2004” in SACC Notes II(2):21-24, 34. [SACC Notes is the newsletter of the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges; this brief article was based on my AAA presentation for the annual SACC panel at the AAA on updates in anthropology’s different fields].
2007 Anthropology. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 2nd edition [full-length article]
Publications--Chapters in Books 1987 Female Infanticide and Child Neglect in Rural North India. In Nancy Scheper-Hughes, ed., Child Survival: Anthropological Perspectives on the Treatment and Maltreatment of Children (Boston: D. Reidel), pp. 95-112 [reprinted 1993, 1997 and 2000 in Caroline B. Brettell and Carolyn F. Sargent, eds., Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall]. 1987 Social Patterns of Food Expenditures among Low-Income Jamaicans. In Kenneth Leslie and Lloyd Rankin, eds., Papers and Recommendations of the Workshop on Food and Nutrition Security in the 1980s and Beyond. Kingston: Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, pp. 13-33.
1988 (with Robert N. Kearney) Women, Social Change, and Suicide in Sri Lanka. In Patricia Whelehan, ed, Women and Health: Cross Cultural Perspectives (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey), pp. 110-123.
1989 (with Richard M. Bird) Taxation, Pricing, and the Poor in Developing Countries. In Richard M. Bird and Susan Horton, eds., Public Policy and the Poor in Developing Countries (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), pp. 49-80.
1989 Gender and Low-Income Household Expenditures in Jamaica. In Henry Rutz and Benjamin Orlove, eds., The Social Economy of Consumption (Lanham, MD: University Press of America), pp. 379-398.
1990 Son Preference, the Household, and a Public Health Programme in North India. In Neera Desai and Maithreyi Krishnaraj, eds., Women and the Household in Asia (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications), pp. 191-208.
1992 Wife-Beating in India: Variations on a Theme. In Dorothy Counts, Judith Brown, and Jacquelyn Campbell, eds., Sanctions and Sanctuary: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Beating of Wives (Boulder, CO: Westview Press), pp. 177-189. [re-published, 1999, University of Illinois Press].
1993 Unwanted Daughters in North India: Household Priorities and Public Policy. In Hector Correa, ed., Unwanted Pregnancies and Public Policy: An International Perspective (New York: Nova Science Publishers).
1995 Precepts and Practices: Researching Identity Formation among Hindu Adolescents in the United States. In Jacqueline Goodnow and Peggy Miller, eds. New Directions in Adolescent Psychology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1995 (with Horacio Fabrega, Jr.) Cultural and Historical Aspects of Adolescent Psychopathology. In Michael Hersen and Vincent van Hasselt, eds. Handbook of Adolescent Psychopathology: A Guide to Diagnosis
6 and Treatment. pp. 3-68. New York: Lexington Books.
1997 Population, Health and Development in South Asia: Policy Debates, Directions and Dilemmas. In C. Steven LaRue, Lloyd I. Rudolph, and Susanne Hoeber Rudolph, eds, The India Handbook. Regional Handbooks of Economic Development. pp. 143-157. Chicago: Fitzroy-Dearborn.
Publications--Short Articles 1982 Women in the Public Domain: Third World Discoveries and Policy Implications, Women's Studies Quarterly: International Supplements 1:6-9
1984 Local Social Organizations and Local Public Finance in the Third World, Journal of Voluntary Action Research 13(4):49-59.
1984 Benefit Financing in Bangladesh: A Review of the Possibilities for Rural Public Works, Asian Journal of Public Administration 6(2):178-192.
1985 The Unwanted Girls: A Study of Infant Mortality Rates, Manushi: A Journal about Women and Society [New Delhi] 29:18-20
1985 Gender and Infant Death: Thoughts on Latin America in Relation to South Asia [review essay] COSAW Bulletin 3(3):14-16
1987 Female Infanticide, Seminar [New Delhi] 3(3):18-21.
1989 Changing Patterns of Juvenile Sex Ratios in Rural India, 1961-1971, Economic and Political Weekly June 3:1229-1236
1989 Women and Development in India. In Helen Tierney, ed., Women's Studies Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press
1992 (with Sabu George and Rajaratnam Abel) Female Infanticide in Rural South India, Economic and Political Weekly May 30:1153-1156.
1994 A Case of Missing Persons: Cultural Relativism and Female Infanticide, AnthroNotes [Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution]:1-8.
1995 Population Ethics: Religious Traditions in Hinduism, Encyclopedia of Bioethics 4: 1999-2003.
2001 Review essay of three ethnographies on gender in India, American Anthropologist 102:929-931.
2001 Cultural Anthropology, International Affairs, and the Future, International Affairs Review 11:105-108.
2007 From a Grain of Rice to the World. In Proceedings of 13th Annual Hahn Moo-Sook Colloquium in the Korean Humanities, edited by Young-Key Renaud, R. Richard Grinker and Kirk Larsen. Washington, DC: The Sigur Center for Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University.
2009 Sex-Selective Abortion in Asia: one-page abstract of my 2001 article published in the American Anthropologist, in Women's Human Rights: The International and Comparative Law Casebook, edited by Susan Deller Ross. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2015 Invited op-ed, “Understanding Hair Messages,” The Indian Express.
Publications--Book Reviews
7 South Asia Library Notes and Queries, 1981/1982 Journal of Developing Areas, 1982 Journal of Asian Studies, 1983 International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 1983 Third World Planning Review, 1984 Comparative Sociology, 1985 Journal of Regional Science, 1986 South Asia in Review, 1991 Political Science Quarterly, 1991 Sociology of Religion, 1993 Journal of Asian Studies, 1997 American Journal of Human Biology, 1999 American Ethnologist, 2000 Pacific Affairs, 2000 Journal of the History of Sexuality, 2000 Pacific Affairs, 2011
Social Media 2009- Founder and editor, anthropologyworks blog (5,000 readers per month) including weakly review of anthropology in the news; Twitter (18,000 followers), Facebook; average 15,000 views per month 2011- 2016 Founder and editor, globalgendercurrent blog (800 readers per month), Twitter (1500 followers), Facebook views average 1,000 per month.
Publications--Reports, Monographs and Working Papers 1980 Local Social Organizations and Local Project Capacity. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Local Revenue Administration Project.
1982 (with Richard M. Joseph) Local Public Finance: A Directory of Experts. Metropolitan Studies Program Monograph #7. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.
1983 (with James A. Wozny) The Bangladesh Land Occupancy Survey of 1978 and Its Relevance to the Land Development Tax. Metropolitan Studies Program Occasional Paper #69. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.
1983 Son Preference, Daughter Neglect, and Juvenile Sex Ratios: Pakistan and Bangladesh Compared. Women in International Development Working Paper Series #30. East Lansing: Michigan State University.
1983 (with Showkat Hayat Khan) Local Voluntarism and Local Public Finance in Rural Bangladesh. Zilla Roads Project Report #6. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.
1984 Possibilities of Benefit Charges for Public Works in Bangladesh. Zilla Roads Project Report #11. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.
1984 (co-editor with Janice Hyde) Women in Asia and Asian Studies. Committee on Women in Asian Studies Monograph #1. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University, pp. 120; and contributor: Recent Research on Sex Differentials in Children's Health and Survival in India.
1984 (co-editor with Jyotsna Vaid and Janice Hyde) South Asian Women at Home and Abroad: A Guide to Resources. Committee on Women in Asian Studies Monograph #2. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.
8 1985 (with Carl Stone) The Low-Income Household Expenditure Survey: Description and Analysis. Jamaica Tax Structure Project Staff Paper #25. Syracuse: Metropolitan Studies Program, Syracuse University.
1985 Prenatal and Postnatal Sex-Selection in India: The Patriarchal Context, Ethical Questions, and Public Policy. Women in International Development Working Paper #107. East Lansing: Michigan State University.
1986 (with Richard M. Bird) Incidence of Indirect Taxes on Low-Income Households in Jamaica. Jamaica Tax Structure Project Staff Paper #26. Syracuse: Metropolitan Studies Program, Syracuse University. 1987 (with Carl Stone) Expenditure Effects of the Jamaican Food Stamp Programme. Jamaica Tax Structure Project Staff Paper #36. Syracuse: Metropolitan Studies Program, Syracuse University.
1988 (lead author with Vijay S. Rao) Rural Needs and Two Local Government Grants in Bangladesh, 1981-82. Metropolitan Studies Program Occasional Paper #111. Syracuse: Local Revenue Administration Project, Syracuse University.
2012 (co-editor with Naomi Cahn and Michelle Kelso), Women's Employment and Empowerment in Switzerland and the United States, and chapter contributor with Matthew LeDuc, Comparative Values on Women's Employment and Empowerment. For the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland, funded by the GW Offices of the President, the Provost, and the Vice President for Research.
2014 (lead author with Milad Pournik and Aisling Swaine), Women in Peace and Security through United Nations Resolution 1325: Literature Review, Content Analysis of National Action Plans, and Implementation. IGIS/GGP Working Paper 09. Washington, DC: Global Gender Program, Institute for Global and International Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University.
2016 (lead author with Hannah Bryant and Marlene Stearns), Women Agricultural Entrepreneurs: An Analytical Review and Annotated Bibliography of Social Science Literature. IGIS/GGP Working Paper 18/11, Washington, DC: Global Gender Program, Institute for Global and International Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University.
Conference Papers Presented 1976 A Population Puzzle: Does the Desire for Sons in India Increase People...or Sons? New York Asian Conference, Albany.
1978 Women's Work and Women's Worth: The Correlation between Female Survival and Female Labor Participation Rates in Rural India. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Anthropological Association, Québec.
1978 A North/South Model of Female Juvenile Mortality in Rural India. New York Asian Conference, Syracuse.
1978 Patterns of Purdah in Rural India: A Regional View. Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
1978 Bridewealth, Dowry, and Sex Ratios in Rural India. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles.
1979 What Hospital Admissions Tell Us about Child Care in India. Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
9 1981 Women in the Public Domain: Third World Discoveries and Policy Implications. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Anthropological Association, Skidmore, NY.
1981 Loss of Rural Youth Population in Bangladesh: A District-Level Analysis. Conference of the Institute of International Development and Cooperation, Ottawa.
1981 Contributions as a Source of Local Revenue in Some Developing Countries of Asia. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles.
1982 Anthropology, Local Public Finance, and Rural Roads in Bangladesh. Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Lexington, KY.
1982 Food-for-Work: A Relief and Development Program in Bangladesh. Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
1982 The Role of Anthropology in a Cooperative Agreement. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.
1982 Son Preference, Daughter Neglect, and Juvenile Sex Ratios: Pakistan and Bangladesh Compared. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.
1983 (with James A. Wozny) The Bangladesh Land Occupancy Survey of 1978 and Its Relevance to the Land Development Tax. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Anthropological Association, Syracuse.
1983 (with Robert N. Kearney) Sex-Differential Patterns of Internal Migration in Sri Lanka. Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco.
1984 (with Robert N. Kearney) The Spiralling Rate of Suicide in Sri Lanka. Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Washington, DC.
1984 Economic Development and Health in Rural India: The Missing Link of Gender Discrimination. New York Asian Conference, Cortland, NY.
1984 Female Infanticide in India: Historical and Current Contexts. Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Toronto.
1984 Female Feticide in India: Cultural Context and Policy Dilemmas. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Denver.
1984 Son Preference as a Key Determinant of Sex-Selective Death and Disease among Children in India. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Denver.
1985 Patriarchy, the Household, and Public Health Programs in India. International Conference on Women and the Household in Asia, New Delhi.
1985 (with Richard Bird) Taxation and the Urban Poor in Developing Countries. Conference on Government Policy and the Poor, University of Toronto.
1986 The Effects of Gender on the Expenditures of Low-Income Households in Jamaica. Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Anthropology, Urbana, IL
10 1986 Social Patterns of Food Expenditures among Low-Income Jamaicans. Workshop on Food and Nutrition Security in Jamaica in the 1980s and Beyond, Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, Kingston, Jamaica.
1986 Female Infanticide and Marriage Payments in the Punjab Region of South Asia. Annual Conference of the Social Science History Association, St. Louis, MO.
1986 Threatening Females and Women's Hair Symbolism in India. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia.
1987 (with Paul D. Frenzen) Regional Variation in Household Structure in India. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Chicago.
1987 Wife-Beating in India: Variations on a Theme. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
1988 Changing Patterns of Discrimination against Daughters in Rural India. Conference on Women in South Asia, University of California, Berkeley.
1988 (with Paul D. Frenzen) Household Structure and Fertility in India. Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco.
1989 Suicide among Sri Lanka Tamils and Tamils in India: A Distinct Demographic Pattern? Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Washington, DC.
1989 Local-level Violence in India: Patterns and Prospects. Conference on Disarmament, Economic Conversion, and the Management of Peace, SUNY Binghamton.
1989 Computer Mapping Regional Systems of Patriarchy in India. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.
1990 Social Class Patterns of Juvenile Sex Ratios in India. Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Chicago.
1990 Unwanted Daughters in North India: Household Priorities and National Population Policy. Conference on Public Policy and Unwanted Pregnancies, University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.
1991 One-Daughter Policy in North India: The Convergence of Household and National Priorities. Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Charleston.
1991 Agrarian Change and Excess Female Child Mortality in India.Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
1992 Gender Discrimination in Intrahousehold Food Distribution in India: Debates and Dilemmas. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco.
1993 Hair, Height, and Other Features of Female Beauty among Adolescent Hindus of Pittsburgh. Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Los Angeles.
1994 The Neglect of Daughters in India: A Fifty-Year Retrospective on Research Trends. Annual South Asia Conference, Madison.
11 1996 The Politics of Sex-Selective Abortion in Asia, invited paper for the Conference on The Politics and Culture of Abortion, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Trivandrum, India.
1997 Does Economic Development Increase the Gender Gap in Child Health and Survival in India? If So--How and Why? Development Research Group, The World Bank.
1997 Andaman Update: From Colonialism to Development. Annual South Asia Conference, Madison, WI.
1999 Sex and Gender Hierarchies: Ten Years Later, invited paper, Wenner-Gren Conference on Anthropology at the End of the Century, Baja, California.
2003 Anthropology and Policy: From the Margins to the Center? Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Portland.
2003 Forgotten, Frustrated and Sometimes Fruitful: Cultural Anthropology in Shaping Policy. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
2004 Cultural Anthropology Now: Highlights 2004, invited presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Atlanta.
2005 (lead author, with Bernard Wood), Biological Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology: Better Together than Apart? Presented at the annual conference of the Texas Community College Teachers Association, Austin.
2005 Culture, Nature and Unbalanced Juvenile Sex Ratios in India: From the 1871 Census to the Era of HIV/AIDS,” invited for the plenary session of the annual meeting of the Human Biological Association, Milwaukee.
2005 Putting People First in Cultural Heritage Advocacy. Presented at the Symposium on Saving the World’s Cultural Heritage, Cumberland Island, Southeast Archaeological Center, Florida.
2015 (with Marlene Stearns) Vital Connections: Women, Water, and Food. Presented at the Conference on Women and Water in Central and South Asia, Elliott School of International Affairs, Washington, DC.
Other Professional Activities 1978 Organizer: Panel on "Death and the South Asian Female: Cultural Perspectives on Mortality" for the New York Asian Conference.
1979 Organizer: Panel on "Children, Childhood and Culture in India" for the 8th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin.
1979 Workshop Leader: "Women and Population" for the Workshop on Women in India, Syracuse University.
1981 Consultant: Workshop on Population, Urbanization, and Women in India, SUNY Oswego.
1981 Organizer: Panel on "Culture, Development, and Local Revenue Administration in the Third World" for the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
1982 Invited Participant: Rockefeller Foundation Seminar on "The Consequences of Population Growth for Economic Development in the Third World," New York City.
1982 Organizer: Panel on "Sex Differentials of Internal Migration in Asia" for the 1983 Annual Meeting of the
12 Association for Asian Studies.
1982 Invited Participant: Wingspread Conference on Women in Development, Racine, WI.
1982 Invited Lecturer: "Gender-based Discrimination and Population Dynamics in South Asia," International Population Program Colloquium Series, Cornell University, Ithaca.
1983 Invited Lecturer: "Participation and Planning in Local Revenue Administration in Bangladesh," City and Regional Planning Department Seminar Series, Cornell University, Ithaca.
1983 Organizer: Panel on "Anthropology and Development in South and Southeast Asia" for the 1983 Meeting of the Northeastern Anthropological Association.
1983 Invited Chair: Panel on "Women in Asia" for the 1983 Meeting of the Association for Women in Development, Washington, DC.
1984 Organizer: Roundtable on "Women in Asia and Asian Studies" for the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies.
1984 Invited Discussant: Panel on "Intrafamily Resource Allocation among Children" for the 1984 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Minneapolis.
1984 Co-organizer (with Geraldine Forbes): Panels on "Women against Women and Culture against Women," "Representations of Gender," and "Women in Development" for the New York Asian Conference.
1984 Invited Lecturer: "Population in South Asia," South Asia Program, Cornell University.
1984 Organizer: Panel on "Gender in South Asia and East Asia: Biological Bases and Cultural Constructions" for the 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Boston.
1984 Consultant: Evaluation team for the Center for Advanced Study of International Development, Michigan State University.
1985 Invited Lecturer: "Tax Reform and the Poor in Jamaica," City and Regional Planning Department Seminar Series, Cornell University, Ithaca.
1985 Invited Chair: Panel on "The Bengali Woman and Her World: Changes in the Twentieth Century" at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia.
1985 Invited Lecturer: "Son Preference and Daughter Neglect in Rural North India," Department of Anthropology and Asian Studies Program, University of Pittsburgh.
1985 Invited Lecturer: "World Hunger: The Gender Questions," Department of Religious Studies, Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
1985 Invited Discussant: Conference on Government Policy and the Poor in Developing Countries, University of Toronto.
1985 Organizer: Panel on "The Anthropology of Gender Hierarchies" for the 84th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
13 1985 Invited Discussant: Panel on "The Spatial Structure of Marriage and Female Autonomy in India" New York Asian Conference, Rochester Institute of Technology.
1985 Organizer: Panel on "Evil and the Demonic in Asia" sponsored by the Committee on Comparative Scholarship, for the 1986 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies.
1986 Invited Lecturer: "How the Poor Consume in Jamaica," Department of Anthropology, Hamilton College.
1986 Invited Lecturer: "Household and Gender Characteristics of Expenditure Patterns in Jamaica," Department of Economics, Workshop on Development Series, University of Toronto.
1986 Invited Lecturer: "Women and Food in Developing Countries," Department of Religious Studies, Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
1986 Invited Lecturer: "Son Preference, Child Survival, and Public Health Policy in India," AID/New Delhi, Health Section.
1987 Organizer: Panel on "Household Structure and Fertility in Asia" for the 1988 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies.
1988 Member: Program Committee for the 1989 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies.
1989 Invited Participant: "Family Planning and Communication in India: Priorities in the 1990s," Workshop on Communication Planning and Strategy, Department of Communication, Cornell University, Ithaca.
1989 Invited Lecturer: "Let Her Die: Lethal Patriarchy in India," The Griswold Lectureship in Political Science, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln.
1989 Organizer: Panel on "The Social Differentiation of Mortality in Asia and Asian Populations" for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies.
1989 Invited Lecturer: "Patriarchy and Female Survival in India," Department of Anthropology, Women's Studies Program, and Asian Studies Program, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA. 1990 Invited Lecturer: "Gender and Food Entitlements," Department of Religious Studies, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY.
1990 Invited Lecturer: "Death, Disease and Gender in India: The Childhood Years," Center for Asian Studies Speakers Series, University of Texas at Austin.
1990 Invited Lecturer: "Gender Differences in Survival in India," Department of Psychology, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.
1990 Organizer: Panel on "Household Strategies and National Policies in Latin America and South Asia" for the annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology.
1991 Invited Lecturer: "The Cultural Context of Daughter Disfavor in India," Colloquium Series for Women's History Month, Department of Anthropology and Women's Studies Program, University of South Carolina.
1992 Invited Speaker: "Social Factors Affecting the Health of Adolescent Girls in Rural India," Conference on Adolescence: Need for Critical Appraisal, Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science, Pune, India.
14 1992 Co-organizer (with Alf Hiltebeitel): Double panel on "Hair" for the 1993 Association for Asian Studies Meeting, Los Angeles.
1992 Invited Lecturer: "The Endangered Sex: Ten Years Later," Department of Anthropology, McGill University, Montreal.
1992 Invited Lecturer: "Women's Work and Women's Health in India: The World Bank's World View," Concordia University, Montreal.
1993 Invited Lecturer, "The Endangered Sex: Then and Now," Center for South Asian Studies and Department of Women's Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
1993 Commentator: "Education and Child Survival in Developing Countries: Asking the Gender Questions Changes the Answers," biannual meeting of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, Quebec.
1993 Participant: SSRC Workshop on Participation in Practices, New Orleans.
1994 Organizer: Panel on "South Asian Studies: The Past Fifty Years," and paper presenter, "Neglect of the Girl Child in India: A Fifty-Year Perspective," annual South Asia Conference, Madison, WI.
1994 Invited Lecturer: "Gender in India," Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, Washington, DC.
1995 Invited Lecturer: "Health and Survival of Girls in India: Policy Directions," Office of Women in Development, Department of State, Washington, DC.
1996 Invited Lecturer: "The Politics and Cultural Context of Sex-Selective Abortion in Asia," Center on Population, Gender and Social Inequality, University of Maryland.
1996 Invited Speaker: "Girl Children in India in the Year 2000 and the Role of UNICEF," UNICEF annual Workshop for Local Representatives in India, New Delhi.
1998 Invited Discussant, Seminar on Special Studies on Integrating Gender into Development Policy, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC.
1998 Invited Discussant, Conference on "Gender and Initiation of Sexual Activity," sponsored by the University of Maryland’s Center on Population, Gender and Social Inequality, Bethesda, MD.
1999 Invited Speaker, Rice University Conference on "Population and the Environment," Rice University, Houston.
1999 Invited Lecturer, Community College of Philadelphia Title VI Grant for Integration of Asian Studies in the Curriculum; two-day intensive teaching on The Cultural Anthropology of South Asia.
1999 Invited Lecturer, Beyond Ethics: Cultural Imperialism in the Andaman Islands, Department of Philosophy, George Mason University.
1999 Outside reviewer for promotion case to full professor, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University
2002 Invited Lecturer, Female Infanticide: Past, Present and Future, Department of Anthropology, University of Houston.
15 2002 Keynote Speaker, Anthropology: Toward Understanding Human Behavior. Keynote speaker, 55th Annual Convention of the Texas Community College Teachers Association, Houston.
2002 Invited Lecturer, Hair Matters, invited lecture, Northwest Community College, Houston.
2003 Co-organizer with Deborah Caro, panel on Anthropology, Culture and Policy, Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Portland.
2003 Co-organizer with Deborah Caro, panel on Anthropology, Policy and Ambivalence: The Perils of Power, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
2004 Outside reviewer, tenure and promotion committee, Department of Anthropology, American University.
2004 Invited Panelist, “What is Cultural Diversity,” Conference on Confronting the Challenges of Cultural Diversity in a Global World, US Department of State, Intelligence and Research Bureau.
2005 “Economic Development and Culture: It’s Better When Culture Comes First” and “Cultural Heritage and Development: Who Benefits?”, two formal response papers presented at the Workshop on Socially Induced Development, Alexandria, Egypt.
2007 Member, Board of Examiners for PhD thesis on “Utilization of Health Care Facilities: A Study in Rural Birbhum and Kolkata Slums,” Visva Bharati University, India.
2007 Invited discussant, the 13th Annual Hahn Moo-Sook Colloquium in the Korean Humanities, on “Korean Food.”
2007 Reviewer of tenure and promotion case in the Department of Anthropology and the Women’s Studies Program, University of Kentucky.
2007 External reviewer, Gettysburg College, for their federally funded program in Globalization Studies with Focus on the Arab World.
2007 Invited Panelist: Applied MA Programs in Anthropology: What Works, Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa Florida.
2007 Organizer and chair, panel on Cultural Heritage and the Work of Anthropology: Critical Perspectives, annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.
2008 Invited discussant, panel on Hair: Pubic and Beyond, annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco.
2009 Invited discussant, PGY-II Grand Rounds, The Globalization of PTSD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC
2011 Invited panelist: Blogging about Cultural Anthropology, panel on University-Based Blogging, Annual Conference for Media Relations Professionals, Washington, DC.
2012 Organizer, conference for International Women's Day, The Elliott School of International Affairs, Washington, DC.
16 2012 Moderator, panel on Women and Malaria, International Malaria Day, The Elliott School of International Affairs, Washington, DC.
2015 Organizer, international conference on Women’s Political Participation, funded by the U.S. State Department award to the Elliott School, Washington, DC, August.
2015 Outside reviewer for tenure and promotion case, Department of Anthropology, Marquette University
Media Appearances 1997 Cultural Aspects of Transplant Surgery, five-minute live interview, CNN Saturday night special news.
1998 Hair in Asian Culture, 20-minute live radio talk show, host Phillip Adams, ABC's Late Night Live [Sydney Australia].
2000 Hair: Culture and Meaning, 30 minute live radio panel show, BBC.
2007 Interviewed by Sach Productions for a documentary film on Female Feticide in India, May.
Professional Organization Boards and Standing Committees 1982 Founding Member, Association for Women in Development.
1982-1984 Chair: Committee on Women in Asian Studies (standing committee of the Association for Asian Studies).
1985-1988 Member: Committee on Comparative Scholarship (standing committee of the Association for Asian Studies); and Chair, 1986-88.
1997-1999 Member, U. S. Board of Directors, United Nations Development Fund for Women, New York.
1996-2001 Member, External Advisory Committee, Project on Strengthening Development Policy through Gender Analysis, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC.
1996-2010 Member, Advisory Council, Institute for Development, Binghamtom, NY.
2003-2010 Member, Steering Committee of the Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs (COPAA) of the Society for Applied Anthropology
2004-2006 Member, National Advisory Committee, “Decade of Behavior 2000-2010,” representing the American Anthropological Association.
2007.2010 Member, Membership Committee, Society for Applied Anthropology
Editorial Boards 1982-1985 Founding Editor: CWAS Newsletter and CWAS Monograph Series of the Committee on Women in Asian Studies, a standing committee of the Association for Asian Studies.
1989-1997 Editor, CWAS (Committee on Women in Asian Studies) Newsletter.
17 1986-1994 Consulting Editor: Journal of Voluntary Action Research
1989-1993 Editorial Board Member: Journal of Women and Gender [Taiwan]
1991-1995 Editorial Board Member: Third World Planning Review [Liverpool, England]
Reviews of Academic Proposals and Manuscripts (External) Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (1987, 1988, 1993, 1996, 2000) National Science Foundation (regularly, 1984-present) Fulbright Foundation Fellowships (1994, 1997, 1999, 2005) Woodrow Wilson Women's Studies Fellowships: proposal reviewer (1993, 1994); final review committee (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004) Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program (1995) National Security Education Program (NSEP), final review committee (1999, 2000) UK's DFID/ESRC (2006) WOTRO (Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research), Science and Development Program, on “Preventing Daughter Elimination in India: An Interdisciplinary Study” Canada’s Social Science Research Council, fall 2010 USAID’s MERC (Middle East Regional Cooperation) Program, fall 2010 Gates/USAID Saving Lives at Birth, spring 2012
Journals (multiple commitments for many of the following over time; bolding shows current year): American Ethnologist Economic Development and Cultural Change Social Science and Medicine Human Organization American Anthropologist Third World Planning Review Human Ecology Journal of Asian Studies Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society Journal of Developing Areas Population and Development Review Peasant Studies Child Abuse and Neglect Journal of Voluntary Action Research Natural History Ethnology Rural Sociology Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology The National Medical Journal of India International Studies Quarterly International Journal of Cultural Heritage Feminist Economics Population Studies Human Nature Food and Nutrition Bulletin American Sociological Review Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Medical Anthropology Quarterly
18 Crime. Law and Social Change Women's Studies International Forum World Development
Publishers (multiple commitments for some of the following): University of Hawaii Press University of California Press University Press of New England University of Chicago Press Westview Press Beacon Press Mayfield Publishing Company University of Minnesota Press University of Florida Press New York University Press Allyn & Bacon Publishing Cambridge University Press McGraw-Hill Oxford University Press Prentice-Hall Yale University Press Association for Asian Studies monograph series University of Rochester Press Rutgers University Press Hurst Publishing Routledge Press
Reviews of Policy Reports and Strategies 2004 Invited Peer Evaluator for Policy Strategy Statement on “Nepal Gender and Social Exclusion Assessment,” The World Bank and DfID 2004 Invited Peer Reviewer, International Academy of Astronautics Report on “Space to Promote Peace: With a Focus on Reconstruction of Afghanistan”
Other Reviews 2007 MacArthur Foundation Doctoral Committee Member (Unless Otherwise Noted) Janice S. Hyde, "Local Associations and Nonformal Education for Women in Rural Rajasthan," Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University, 1981. Charles de Burlo, "Indigenous Response and Participation in Tourism in a Southwest Pacific Island Nation, Vanuatu," Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University, 1984. Huma Ahmed, "The Impact of Agricultural Development on the Social Status and Work Patterns of Women in Palitpur," Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University, 1990. Showkat Hayat Khan, "The Politics of Redistribution and Rural Development in Bangladesh," Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University, 1991. Mohammad Al-Haziazi, "Attitudes of Government Employees towards Women's Employment in Yemen," Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, 1991. Shuhua Li, "A New Model of Approaching Fertility Determinants: Factor-Regression Analysis for DHS Data in Indonesia," Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, 1991. Susan McGeorge, "Twinning in Tlaxcala, Mexico," Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 1991. Bilquis Al-Haziazi, "Attitudes of Students at Sana'a University toward Gender Roles in the Republic of Yemen," School of Education, 1992.
19 Sujata Mitra Warrier, "Patriarchy and Daughter Disfavor in West Bengal, India," Department of Geography, Syracuse University, 1992. Christopher Keane, "Evaluating Breastfeeding Promotion: A Critical Review and Model Study of Interventions Implemented in Mexico," Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, 1993. Aparna Rayaprol, "Gender in the Making of an Immigrant Community: A Study of South Indian Hindus in Pittsburgh," Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, 1993. Robin De Pietro-Jurand, "Females from Developing Countries and Nonconventional Field Choice in Tertiary Education," Graduate School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University, 1995. Carole Perry, "Social Support Groups for Severely Impaired Adults in Western Pennsylvania," Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 1995. (co-chair) Alexia Bloch, "Between Socialism and the Market: Transformation in Siberia," Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 1996. Patricia Downs, "Women Leaders in Trinidad and Tobago," School of Education, George Washington University, 1997. Lynn C. Ernst, "An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Visionary Leadership and Psychological Androgyny," School of Education. George Washington University, 1997. Van Yasek, "Patient/Physician Perceptions of Care/Needs in West Virginia" Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 1998. Jana Svehlova, "Psychological Forces of Czech Women's Voicelessness," Human Sciences Program, GW, 2000. Bradley Lewis, "Psychiatry as a Culturally Constructed Discipline," Human Sciences Program, George Washington University, 2001. Karine Bates, “Women’s Property Rights and Access to Justice in India: An Ethnography of Widowhood and Inheritance in Maharashtra,” McGill University, 2004. Dominique Harrison, “Women and Telecommunications Policy in Jamaica,” Department of Media, Culture, and Policy Howard University, 2014.
MA Thesis Director [co-director with David Gow] Diana Santillàn, "Women's Organizations for Change in Peru," Women's Studies Program, 1997. Victoria Maier, "The Role of Trust in Afghan Women Refugees' Process of Relocation to the United States," Women's Studies Program, 1999. Paula Mathews, "Anthropology and U.S. Family Planning Policy," Department of Anthropology, 1999. Jennifer Sleboda, "Muslim Women Activists in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia," Women’s Studies Program, 1999. Jessica Falcone, "Buddhism and Development Alternatives in India," International Development Studies Program, 2000. Nadia Olson, “Coping with Poverty in Brazil: Young Afro-Brazilian Women’s Strategies,” International Development Studies Program, 2004. Emily Tumpson, “The Construction of Neighborhood in the Context of Economic Disinvestment: Middle-Class African Americans in the District of Columbia,” Department of Anthropology, 2006. Claire Selsky, Health and the Pursuit Happiness among Latino Immigrants in Mount Pleasant, DC. Latin American Studies Program, 2008. Sophie Thibodeau, "Comenzando Bien:"The Production of Authoritative Knowledge in Prenatal Education and Disparities between Mexican Immigrant and Non-immigrant Populations in Baltimore, the United States, Department of Anthropology 2010. Huma Mohibullah, Punjabi Identities in Flux: Negotiating Gender in Little India, Vancouver, Department of Anthropology, 2011. Nicole de Fabio, TRANSmitting Masculinity: FTM Performance and (In)Visibility in a Gender Polarized Culture, 2012.
20 BA Honors Thesis Director [recent] 2014 Honors thesis in the Elliott School by Asthaa Chaturvedi based on her University Scholar Research award- funded fieldwork in India; also published as an IGIS/GGP Working Paper. 2015 Honors thesis in anthropology by Laura Schwartz on breastfeeding in the Washington, DC area’ recipient of Anthropology Department’s Hart Award in interdisciplinarity
Other Student Mentoring Roles [recent] Mentor for anthropology BA alumna in pursuing PhD programs; successful – she will attend UCL under full funding. Mentor for Elliott School undergraduate internship course by Kelsey Lopez Mentor for graduate Independent Studies in International Affairs MA, 1 credit hour Edited MIPP alumna paper to be part of IGIS/GGP Working Paper series; worked with her on funding proposals to support her continued research. Mentor for Elliott School Undergraduate Scholar, Asthaa Chaturvedi, poster presentation for GW Research Day and a national research competition in Lexington, Kentucky. Mentor for three Anthropology MA students’ culminating project in medical anthropology Mentor for one MA anthropology student’s Cotlow-funded summer research in medical anthropology
University Service 1994-1995 Committee Service: Chair, Internal Review Committee for the Latin American Studies Program, Elliott School Member, GW Senate's Fiscal Planning and Budgeting Committee (Elliott School representative)
Administrative Assignments: Coordinator and Advisor, Development Anthropology MA Concentrations, Elliott School and CSAS Director, Women's Studies Program (starting July 1994) Member, Elliott School Dean's Council (starting January 1995) Library Representative, Department of Anthropology
Service to Admissions, Alumni or Student Groups Ad hoc member, Elliott School MA admissions committee, spring 1995 Invited Speaker, Cultural Tapestry Week, April 1995 Invited Lecturer, Elliott School Open House, "Model Lecture," April 1995
[unpaid leave fall 1995; taught on Semester at Sea Program]
Committee Service: Member, University Committee on the Status of Women Faculty and Librarians Member, CSAS Public Policy Advisory Committee
Administrative Assignments: Advisor, Development Anthropology MA Concentrations, Elliott School and CSAS Director, Women's Studies Program Library Representative, Department of Anthropology and IDS
Service to Admissions, Alumni or Student Groups Ad hoc member, Elliott School MA admissions committee, spring 1996 Invited Speaker, GW International Women's Day, Brown Bag Forum, March 1996
21 Invited Speaker, International Week Panel, George Mason University, April 1996 Invited Speaker, GW Pacific Affairs Society Lecture Series, April 1996 Invited Lecturer, Elliott School Open House, "Model Lecture," April 1995
1996-1997 Committee Service: Member, University Committee on the Status of Women Faculty and Librarians (Elliott School representative) Member, CSAS Public Policy Advisory Committee Member, Coordinating Committee, International Development Studies Program Member, Elliott School By-Laws Revision Committee Member, Special Committee to Advise the CSAS Dean on Promotion of David Grier Member, University Committee on Mount Vernon Transition Chair, Admissions Committee, Women's Studies Program
Administrative Assignments: Advisor, Development Anthropology MA Concentrations, Elliott School and CSAS (with David Gow) Director, Women's Studies Program Library Representative, Department of Anthropology and IDS
Service to Admissions, Alumni or Student Groups Invited Lecturer, Elliott School Open House, April 1995
1997-1998 Committee Service: Member, University Committee on the Status of Women Faculty and Librarians (Elliott School representative) Member, CSAS Public Policy Advisory Committee Member, Coordinating Committee, International Development Studies Program Member, Elliott School By-Laws Revision Committee Member, University Committee on Mount Vernon Transition (through November 1997) Member, Special Committee to Advise the CSAS Dean on Promotion of David Grier Chair, Admissions Committee, Women's Studies Program Chair, Women's Studies Director Search Committee Member, Elliott School/Honors/Sociology Search Committee Member, Elliott School Dean's Council (beginning in January 1998) Member, Elliott School Curriculum Reform Committee (spring 1998) Member, GW Coordinating Committee for University-Wide Public Policy Programs Coordinator, Women's Studies Endowment Prize Selection Committee Library Representative, Department of Anthropology Major administrative roles: Director, Women's Studies Program Advisor, Development Anthropology MA Concentrations, Elliott School and CSAS
Service to Admissions, Alumni or Student Groups Invited Lecturer, Elliott School Open House, "Model Lecture," April 1995 CSAS Freshman Advising Invited Lecturer, Elliott School Spring Open House, for admitted MA students Invited Lecturer, Elliott School Spring Open House, for incoming and prospective undergraduates Invited Lecturer, GW South Asia Seminar Series, March 1998 Invited Panelist, Gelman Library, March 1998 Panel Chair, Human Sciences Program annual conference, March 1998
22 1998-1999 Elliott School: Member, Coordinating Committee, International Development Studies Program Member, ESIA Dean's Council Chair, Department of Anthropology Undergraduate Curriculum Reform Committee Advisor, Development Anthropology MA Concentrations, Elliott School & CSAS Director, Women's Studies Program (through October 1) Library Representative, Department of Anthropology and IDS
Service to Admissions, Alumni or Student Groups Panel Moderator, Fifth Women's Policy Research Conference, IWPR/GW, July 1998 Panelist, IAFF 005, October 1998 Panelist, Elliott School Spring Open House for Undergraduate Students Speaker, Elliott School Spring Open House for Graduate Students Advisor: GW Parliamentary Debate Society Outreach speaker for the Elliott School’s Title VI grant, Northwestern High School, "Culture and International Affairs," November 1998
1999-2000 The Elliott School: Associate Dean for Students and Curricular Affairs Chair, Program Directors Committee Acting Director, International Development Studies Program (spring) Co-Director, International Affairs Program Ex officio member, Elliott School Dean's Council Elliott School representative, Mount Vernon Academic Executive Committee Elliott School representative, Graduate Enrollment Management Committee Elliott School representative, Ad Hoc Committee on Drop-Add Policy (fall) Elliott School representative, Ad Hoc Committee on Advanced Registration (fall) Member, Informal Advisory Committee Reporting to Don Lehman (spring)
Service to Elliott School Admissions, Alumni or Student Groups Panelist, Elliott School Spring Open House for Undergraduate Students Speaker, Elliott Spring Open House for Graduate Students
Service to the Columbian School: Graduate Advisor, Development Anthropology MA Concentration (fall)
2000-2001 Committee and Administrative Service for the Elliott School: Associate Dean for Student and Curricular Affairs Chair, Program Directors Committee Co-Director, International Affairs Program Ex officio member, Elliott School Dean's Council Elliott School representative, Mount Vernon Academic Executive Committee Elliott School representative, Graduate Enrollment Management Committee Elliott School representative, Council of Associate Deans Member, Informal Advisory Committee Reporting to Don Lehman (summer) Service to Elliott School Admissions, Alumni or Student Groups Elliott School Open Houses for Undergraduate Students Speaker, Elliott Spring Open House for Graduate Students
The Columbian School: Graduate Advisor, Development Anthropology MA Concentration (fall) Member, Search Committee for tenure-line appointment in cultural anthropology
23 2001-2002 University-level, committees: Member, Search Committee for VPAA for Development (summer 2001) Member, Search Committee for Honors Program Director (summer 2001) Member, Study Abroad Task Force (summer 2001) Member, Honors Program Advisory Committee Member, Graduate Enrollment Management Committee Member, Council of Associate Deans
The Elliott School: Associate Dean for Student and Curricular Affairs Acting Director, International Affairs Program (fall) Chair, MA Program Directors Committee Member, ex officio, Dean’s Council Member, Faculty-Student Engagement Task Force Member, Search Committee for International Affairs MA Program Director Faculty Liaison, Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution Field Advisor for International Development, IA MA Program “Special concentrations advisor,” for BA and MA students Concentration advisor, IDS Program FLAS awards coordinator
Columbian College: Member, Women’s Studies search committee for visiting professor (spring) Advisor to many BA majors in cultural anthropology and dual majors with the Elliott School Advisor to MA students concentrating in development Course coordinator in the Anthropology Department for development anthropology
2002-2003 The Elliott School: Acting Dean (summer 2002) Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs (CIGA) Research and Policy Program Member, IDS Program Committee Field Advisor, IA MA concentration in International Development Participant, Middle States Periodic Review committee Faculty Liaison, Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Columbian College: Advisor to many BA majors in cultural anthropology and dual majors with the Elliott School Advisor to MA students concentrating in development Course coordinator in the Anthropology Department for development anthropology Administrator, Cotlow Student Research Awards MA admissions committee, Department of Anthropology
2003-2004 The Elliott School: [spring Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs (CIGA) Research and Policy Program sabbatical] Member, IDS Program Committee Field Advisor, IA MA concentration in International Development Participant, small group discussion with the International Council on “Religion and Culture” Panelist, “What is Development?,” sponsored by OID Faculty Liaison, Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution Coordinator of international workshop, “Working Together:Archaeology in Global Perspective”
24 Columbian College/Department of Anthropology: Advisor to many BA majors in cultural anthropology and dual majors with the Elliott School Advisor to MA students concentrating in development Course coordinator in the Anthropology Department for development anthropology Member, Search Committee for position in Women and Islam (spring) Administrator, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Fund (spring) MA Admissions Committee, Department of Anthropology (spring)
GW Medical Center: Member, Global Health Linkages Group Member, Search Committee for director and chair of Global Health (spring, summer)
2004-2005 Department of Anthropology: Coordinator, MA concentration in International Development (admissions committee; advises students; internships for credit supervisor; course planning; contacting and orienting part- time instructors) Administrator, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Fund (coordinate annual grants process; conduct two proposal-writing workshops; main contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Research; organize annual Student Research Conference)
Elliott School: Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program (Elliott School) Member, IA BA Review Committee (preparation of self-study) Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies and International Development Member, IDS Executive Committee (attend 2-3 annual committee meetings; contribute to curriculum updates) Member, IA MA Executive Committee (attend evening “meet the faculty” event, 2-3 committee meetings; contribute to curriculum updates; advise students)
Member, IGIS Executive Committee meetings (no committee meetings convened this academic year) Member, Search Committee for Dean Member, Search Committee for faculty in Political Science/South Asia Member, Search Committee for Chair of Global Health Department Member, ad hoc working group for the Jordan archaeology conference (one meeting)
University: Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAP) Orientation (one session, September 2004) Panelist, Summer Distance Learning Initiative (SDLI) workshop, October 2004
2005-2006 Department of Anthropology: Coordinator, MA concentration in International Development (admissions committee; advises students; internships for credit supervisor; course planning; contacting and orienting part- time instructors) Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Fund (coordinate annual grants process; conduct two proposal-writing workshops; main contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Research; organize annual Student Research Conference) Member, Honors/Anthropology faculty search committee MA admissions committee member
25 Elliott School: Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies and International Development Member, IDS Executive Committee (attend 2-3 annual committee meetings; contribute to curriculum updates) Member, IA MA Executive Committee (attend evening “meet the faculty” event, 2-3 committee meetings; contribute to curriculum updates; advise students)
Member, IGIS Executive Committee meetings (no committee meetings convened)
University: Senate, fall 2005 (representing the Elliott School) Chair, Senate’s HACC standing committee Member, Faculty Senate Nominating Committee
2006-2007 Department of Anthropology: Coordinator and Advisor, MA concentration in International Development (admissions committee; advises students; internships for credit supervisor; course planning; contacting and orienting part-time instructors) Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Fund (coordinate annual grants process; conduct two proposal-writing workshops; main contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Research; organize annual Student Research Conference) Member, Gender anthropology search committee Member, MA admissions committee Lead organizer (with Alex Dent and CIGA), Margaret Mead Film Fest at GW
Elliott School: Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Chair, Middle East anthropology search committee Member, Dean’s Council Member, IDS Executive Committee (attend 2-3 annual committee meetings; contribute to curriculum updates) Member, IA MA Executive Committee (attend evening “meet the faculty” event, 2-3 committee meetings; contribute to curriculum updates; advise students) Member, IA BA Curriculum Committee Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies and International Development Speaker at MA Open House, spring
University: Acting Chair, Senate’s HACC standing committee Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate the Possibility of Less-Than-Fulltime Tenure Appointments Member, Faculty Senate Nominating Committee
2007-2008 Department of Anthropology: Coordinator and Advisor, MA concentration in International Development (admissions committee; advises students; internships for credit supervisor; course planning; contacting and orienting part-time instructors) Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Fund (coordinate annual grants process; conduct two proposal-writing workshops; main contact with OSR concerning Human
26 Subjects Research; organize annual Student Research Conference) Member, MA admissions committee Organizer (with Alex Dent and CIGA), Margaret Mead Film Fest at GW Member, Mentoring Committee for Robin Bernstein Member, Mentoring Committee for Ilana Feldman Member, Mentoring Committee for Patty Kelly Convener: Research Group on Population Movements and Resettlement as part of GW’s partnership with Hohai University, China
Elliott School: Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Chair, IDS Director search committee Member, Dean’s Council Member, IDS Executive Committee (attend 2 annual committee meetings; contribute to curriculum updates) Member, IA MA Executive Committee (attend “meet the faculty” event, contribute to curriculum updates; advise ID concentrators and other students with special interests) Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies and International Development
University: Member, University Steering Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum
2008-2009 Department of Anthropology: Coordinator and Advisor, MA concentration in International Development (new student recruitment; advise/mentor students; Anth 224 internship supervisor; course planning; contacting and orienting part-time instructors) Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Awards (coordinate annual grants process; conduct two proposal-writing workshops; main contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Research; organize annual Student Research Conference) Coordinator, Alumni Relations Member, Mentoring Committee for Robin Bernstein Member, Mentoring Committee for Ilana Feldman Member, Mentoring Committee for Patty Kelly Member, Basement Renovation Committee
Elliott School: Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Member, Dean’s Council Member, IDS Executive Committee (attend 2 annual committee meetings; contribute to curriculum updates) Member, IA MA Executive Committee (attend “meet the faculty” event, contribute to curriculum updates; advise ID concentrators and other students with special interests) Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies and International Development
University: Member, University Steering Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum (fall) Faculty Senate; Executive Committee Member, Search Committee for Associate VP for Graduate Studies and Academic Affairs, spring Member, Selection Committee for Shapiro Travelling Fellowships, spring
27 2009-2010 Department of Anthropology: Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Awards (coordinate annual grants process; conduct three proposal-writing workshops; main contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Research) Coordinator, Alumni Relations Member, Mentoring Committee for Robin Bernstein Member, Mentoring Committee for Ilana Feldman Coordinator, part-time teaching in areas related to medical and development anthropology Developed proposal for new MA concentration in Medical Anthropology (approved for spring 2010)
Elliott School: Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies, Global Health, and International Development
University: Head, university-wide Global Women’s Initiative Task Force
2009-2010 Department of Anthropology: Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Awards (coordinate annual grants process; conduct three proposal-writing workshops; main contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Research) Member, Mentoring Committee for Robin Bernstein Member, Mentoring Committee for Ilana Feldman Coordinator, part-time teaching in areas related to medical and development anthropology Developed proposal for MA concentration in Medical Anthropology (approved for spring 2010)
Elliott School: Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies, Global Health, and International Development
University: Head, university-wide Global Women’s Initiative Task Force
2010-2011 Department of Anthropology: Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Awards (coordinate annual grants process; conduct three proposal-writing workshops; main contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Research) Member, Mentoring Committee for Robin Bernstein Member, Mentoring Committee for Ilana Feldman Coordinator, part-time teaching in areas related to medical and development anthropology Faculty Advisor, MA concentration in Medical Anthropology
Elliott School: Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program
28 Founding Director, Global Gender Initiative Research and Policy Program (launched October 2010); named changed in 2011-2012 Speaker, Elliott Spring Open House for Graduate Students Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies, Global Health, and International Development
University: Presentation, Board of Trustees Retreat Chair, Search Committee for Director of the university-wide Global Women’s Institute
2011-2012 Department of Anthropology: Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Awards (coordinate annual grants process; conduct three proposal-writing workshops; contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Research) Member, Mentoring Committee for Robin Bernstein Member, Mentoring Committee for Ilana Feldman Coordinator, part-time teaching in areas related to medical anthropology Faculty Advisor, MA concentration in Medical Anthropology
Elliott School: Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Fouding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Founding Director, Global Gender Policy (GGP) Research and Policy Program Speaker, Elliott Spring Open House for Graduate Students Student mentor/advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies, Global Health, and International Development Guest speaker for Elliott School's Undergraduate Scholars on Research Ethics
University: Chair, Search Committee for Director of the university-wide Global Women’s Institute Faculty lecture to incoming freshmen, May Reviewer of UFF proposals (3), Shapiro Travelling Fellowship Proposals (13)
2012-2013 Department of Anthropology: Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Awards (coordinate annual grants process; conduct three proposal-writing workshops; contact with OSR concerning Human Subjects Review) Member, Mentoring Committee for Robin Bernstein Coordinator, curriculum and adjunct hires in areas related to medical anthropology Faculty Advisor, MA concentration in Medical Anthropology
Elliott School: Director, Institute for Global and International Studies Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Founding Director, Global Gender Policy (GGP) Research and Policy Program Member of three faculty search committees Advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies, Global Health, and International Development Developed several new gender policy courses and a proposal for a new graduate certificate program in Global Gender Policy
29 Faculty affiliate, Global Women's Institute
2013-2014 Department of Anthropology: Director, Lewis Cotlow Student Research Awards (coordinate annual grants process; conducted two proposal-writing workshops) Coordinator, curriculum and adjunct hires in areas related to medical anthropology Faculty Advisor, MA concentration in Medical Anthropology
Elliott School: Director, Institute for Global and International Studies Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Founding Director, Global Gender Policy (GGP) Research and Policy Program Advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies, Global Health, and International Development (sociocultural) Developed new concentration on Global Gender Policy in the International Affairs MA program and a new graduate certificate program in Global Gender Policy; both effective fall 2014
University: Committee on Citizenship and Leadership (as of spring 2014) Faculty affiliate, Global Women's Institute
2014-2015 Department of Anthropology: Coordinator, curriculum and adjunct hires related to medical anthropology Faculty Advisor, MA concentration in Medical Anthropology
Elliott School: Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Founding Director, Global Gender Policy (GGP) Research and Policy Program Advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies, Global Health, and International Development (sociocultural)
University: Member, GW Faculty Senate Member, Advisory Council on Research Director, Institute for Global and International Studies Faculty affiliate, Global Women's Institute Tenure letter in support of Professor Nancy Falk, School of Nursing
2015-2016 Department of Anthropology: Coordinator, curriculum and adjunct hires related to medical anthropology Faculty Advisor, MA concentration in Medical Anthropology
Elliott School: Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program Founding Director, Global Gender Policy (GGP) Research and Policy Program Highlights: Implemented new concentration on Global Gender Policy in the International Affairs
30 MA program with great success; enhanced social media impact especially on Facebook. Member: IA MA Program Committee. Member: Harry Harding Award Committee. Chair of the GGP Manatt Award Committee. Advisor and curriculum reviewer for IA BA concentrations in Contemporary Cultures and Societies, Global Health, and International Development (sociocultural)
University: Director, Institute for Global and International Studies Highlights: Organized/oversaw 34 public events; explored a new grant proposal for team research on women’s political participation in Haiti (not submitted as the funding source pulled the RFP in advance of the stated deadline); coordinated the Visiting Scholars program which brought in 13 predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars from around the world including one Fulbright awardee (IGIS has six desks for visitors, so we were fortunate that everyone’s schedules worked out); oversaw website transition, other.