2014-15 Kindergarten November Fall Lessons

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2014-15 Kindergarten November Fall Lessons

UNIT : November Fall Lessons Kindergarten

Learning Outcome: Authors and Illustrators

Background Information: N/A

Date: November Subject/Grade: Kinders

Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: NA Learning Resources:

Books Props Handout Fall Leaves Fall! Author Finder! Students put their name in the appropriate place on the title page.

Bear Says Thanks Only Pencils! Students begin their Author Finder Thankfulness book by writing what they are thankful for.

Stickers Today I am an Author! All of Me! a book of thanks Only crayons Students draw a picture of Paintbrush! what they are thankful for

Stickers Today I am an Illustrator! In November Author Finder! Finish Thankful Book OR http://www.flyoverlibrarian. com/uploads/7/8/1/6/781608 7/november_coloring_page .pdf

If you can’t load the files they are also available as downloads on Weebly.

Day 1 Fall Leaves Fall! McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template

Learning Outcome: Students understand the word Author and they know where to put their name on a Thankfulness Book

Background Information: n/a

Date: One Subject/Grade: Kinders

Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: N/A

Learning Resources: Books Props Handout Fall Leaves Fall leaves Thankfulness Book

If you give them the whole book clip it shut so they can only do the FIRST page today!

Sitting Down Song

Opening -Prepare the Learner Attention: How will I get the students’ attention? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNacIAkNOm4 You can watch this or just do it with them. Either is fine. Practice being still after the song is over.

Experience: How will I build background knowledge and common schema?

Read Fall Leaves Fall Use Author Finder to Find the Author! -You Do It (Independent Practice)

Have students color the front and back of their Thankfulness Book Students put their name on the appropriate place of their book!

------Closing - Solidify the learning --Review and Practice --Celebrate : How will I affirm students’ efforts and learning ? Day 2 Bear Says Thanks McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template

Learning Outcome:

Background Information:

Date: Two Subject/Grade: Kinders

Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: N/A

Learning Resources:

Opening -Prepare the Learner Attention: How will I get the students’ attention?

Tell students Imagine you are a Bear. A Hungry Bear A Tired Bear A Happy Bear A Full and Stuffed Bear

Experience: How will I build background knowledge and common schema? What are you Thankful for? Write on a chart paper (or whiteboard)

Read Bear says Thanks Body-Teach the Content with Rigor Instruct: How will I teach the content and build competency?

Students write down what they are thankful for on this day on their books. They are NOT drawing pictures today!

------Closing - Solidify the learning --Review and Practice --Celebrate : How will I affirm students’ efforts and learning ? Day 3 All of Me! a book of thanks McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template

Learning Outcome:

Background Information:

Date: Three Subject/Grade: Kinders

Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning:

Learning Resources:

Opening -Prepare the Learner Attention: How will I get the students’ attention?

Experience: How will I build background knowledge and common schema? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNacIAkNOm4 You can watch this with the kids or just do it with them

Body-Teach the Content with Rigor Instruct: How will I teach the content and build competency?

Read all of Me a book of thanks! Point out Illustrator with your Paint Brush! If you have time read a few Thankfulness Books that kids have made

-You Do It (Independent Practice)

Students color the things they are thankful for

------Closing - Solidify the learning Day 4 In November

McPherson USD 418 Lesson Plan Template

Learning Outcome:

Background Information:

Date: Four Subject/Grade: Kinders

Prerequisite Skills Needed for Learning: n/a

Learning Resources: In November coloring sheet

Opening -Prepare the Learner Attention: How will I get the students’ attention?

Pretend time Tell students Stand up Pretend you are a tree oh no! Your leaves are falling off It is very cold out! It is snowing on you! A bird lands on you! It is going to be spring It is getting warmer! You grow some new leaves! Experience: How will I build background knowledge and common schema?

Read In November by Cynthia Rylant Point out Author with Author Finder and Illustrator with Paintbrush

Have students come together and reassess

-You Do It (Independent Practice) coloring page OR Finish Thankfulness Books

------Closing - Solidify the learning --Review and Practice --Celebrate : How will I affirm students’ efforts and learning ?

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