Hudson Area Schools Course Syllabus s1

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Hudson Area Schools Course Syllabus s1

Hudson Area Schools Course Syllabus


1. Course Title: High School Choir

2. Course Description: Choir is a performance-oriented class. Members of the choir will participate in school concerts, evening performances, community performances, and hopefully the All School Play. Participation in the concerts is necessary to receive credit for the class. Choir members will be performing music of various styles and will be offered a variety of ability levels.

3. Credit Hours: .5

4. Course Prerequisites: None

5. Course Times: 1:31-2:42 Monday-Friday

6. Course Location: Room # 301

7. Instructor: Mrs. Crystal Bough, [email protected], 448-8912 extension #301

8. Required Text and Other Learning Resources: Student is provided a folder with music and materials.

9. Course Overview: Students are given the opportunity to sing and perform music in large and small vocal ensemble settings. Elements of tone production and diction are covered, as well as pitch recognition and matching and style.

10. Course Content Expectations: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:

Content Standard 1: All students will apply skills and knowledge to perform in the arts.

ART.I.M.HS.1 Sing and play with expression and technical accuracy a large and varied repertoire of vocal and instrumental literature with a moderate level of difficulty, including some songs performed from memory.

ART.I.M.HS.2 Sing music written in four parts, with and without accompaniment.

ART.I.M.HS.3 Perform an appropriate part in large and small ensembles, demonstrating well-developed ensemble skills.

ART.I.M.HS.4 Perform artistically on electronic instruments.

ART.I.M.HS.5 Read an instrumental or vocal score of at least four staffs.

ART.I.M.HS.6 Sight read, accurately and expressively, music with a moderate level of difficulty.

Content Standard 2: All students will apply skills and knowledge to create in the arts.

ART.II.M.HS.1 Improvise stylistically appropriate harmonizing parts.

ART.II.M.HS.2 Improvise rhythmic and melodic variations given pentatonic melodies and melodies in major and minor keys. Hudson Area Schools Course Syllabus

ART.II.M.HS.3 Improvise original melodies over given chord progressions, each in a consistent style, meter, and tonality.

ART.II.M.HS.4 Compose music in several distinct styles, demonstrating creativity in using the elements of music for expressive effect.

ART.II.M.HS.5 Arrange pieces for voices or instruments other than those for which the pieces were written in ways that preserve or enhance the expressive effect of the music.

ART.II.M.HS.6 Compose and arrange music for voices and various acoustic and electronic instruments, demonstrating knowledge of the ranges, and traditional usage of the sound sources.

ART.II.M.HS.7 Create or adapt music to integrate with other media.

Content Standard 3: All students will analyze, describe and evaluate works of art.

ART.III.M.HS.1 Demonstrate extensive knowledge and use of the technical vocabulary of music.

ART.III.M.HS.2 Analyze aural examples of a varied repertoire of music, representing diverse genres and cultures, by describing the uses of elements of music and expressive devices.

ART.III.M.HS.3 Identify and explain compositional devices and techniques and their purposes giving examples of other works that make similar uses of these devices and techniques.

ART.III.M.HS.4 Evaluate the use of music in mixed media environments.

ART.III.M.HS.5 Make informed, critical evaluations of the quality and effectiveness of performances, compositions, arrangements, and improvisations applying specific criteria.

ART.III.M.HS.6 Evaluate a performance, composition, arrangement, or improvisation by comparing it to similar or exemplary models.

Content Standard 4: All students will understand, analyze, and describe the arts in their historical, social, and cultural contexts.

ART.IV.M.HS.1 Classify by genre or style and by historical period or culture unfamiliar but representative aural examples of music and explain the reasoning behind their classifications.

ART.IV.M.HS.2 Identify sources of American music genres, trace the evolution of those genres, and cite well- known musicians associated with them.

ART.IV.M.HS.3 Identify various roles that musicians perform, cite representative individuals who have functioned in each role, and describe their activities and achievements.

ART.IV.M.HS.4 Analyze the impact of electronic music in society and culture.

Content Standard 5: All students will recognize, analyze, and describe connections among the arts; between the arts and other disciplines; between the arts and everyday life.

ART.V.M.HS.1 Explain how elements, artistic processes and organizational principles are used in similar and distinctive ways in the various arts and cite examples.

ART.V.M.HS.2 Compare characteristics of two or more arts within a particular historical period or style and cite examples from various cultures.

ART.V.M.HS.3 Explain ways in which the principles and subject matter of various disciplines outside the arts are interrelated with those of music.

ART.V.M.HS.4 Identify various roles that musicians perform, cite representative individuals who have functioned in each role, and describe their activities and achievements.

ART.V.M.HS.5 Analyze and consider the use of music and media for the future. Hudson Area Schools Course Syllabus

11. Tentative Course Calendar/Schedule: Please see performance calendar. All requirements are highlighted.

12. Grading Policy and Rubric:

100 A+ 4.00 93-99 A 4.00 90-92 A- 3.67 87-89 B+ 3.33 83-86 B 3.0 80-82 B- 2.67 77-79 C+ 2.33 73-76 C 2.00 70-72 C- 1.67 67-69 D+ 1.33 63-66 D 1.00 59.45-62 D- .67

Grades will be based on the following percentages:

Performances 30% Class Participation 50% Quizzes 20%

13.Course Policies:

1. The Hudson Area Schools Code of Student Conduct is in effect at all times for members of the chorus regardless of the location of the group. Violators of school policies that cast a negative shadow on the positive actions of so many others will be dealt with in the most serious manner possible. A good rule of thumb is IF IN DOUBT-DON’T DO IT!

2. All disciplinary action as outlined in the Hudson Area Schools code of conduct may be used to respond to a student’s actions at the discretion of the directors and administration.

3. Courtesy and cooperation will be shown to the Director and other adults. These people will continue to work hard to make your experience in choir the best possible. They deserve your support and cooperation at all times.

4. A courteous, positive and serious attitude must be maintained at all choir functions, including all rehearsals and performances.

5. There will be no fraternizing while in uniform or while participating in any chorus event. Fraternizing is defined as an open display of affection.

6. Students are expected to be in attendance for the full duration of any rehearsals or performances. Any deviations from this will need to be approved by a director prior to the occasion. Hudson Area Schools Course Syllabus

14. Teacher Responsibilities

I will trust you until you give me a reason to do otherwise.

I will respect you and work with you to solve problems.

I will come to class on time and prepared for rehearsal.

I will work with you to meet the goals of the ensemble.

I will offer extra help during lunch and after school if needed.

15. Student Responsibilities

Be prepared! You are expected to bring a pencil or pen music and folder to class each day.

All students are expected to sing in a group or at times by themselves.

No eating or drinking is allowed in class.

No talking while the director is speaking or working with another section.

Be on time! Be in your seat and ready to sing warm-ups when the bell rings.

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