Tender Cover Sheet

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Tender Cover Sheet


Tender Date:

Tenderer Business Name:

Tenderer Address:

Tenderer Authorised Contact:

Name & Email;

Phone & Fax; Ph: Fax:

In accordance with the following tender document and specifications, you are invited to supply a quotation for: Provision of Security Services to Portland District Health for the period 1 August 2014 to 31 July 2016

Ref: Security Services Tender, 2014 - 003

Tender Schedule: Tender Documents Available Date: Monday 14 July 2014 Last Date for enquiries / clarification Date: Friday 18 July 2014, 10am Tender Closes Date: Wednesday 23 July 2014, 5pm Evaluation Completion Target Date* Date: Friday 25 July 2014 * Subject to availability of evaluation systems Notification of Tender Outcome Date: Friday 1 August 2014

PDH Authorised Contact:

Ms Ros Jones Director of Corporate Services Portland District Health Bentinck Street, Portland VIC. 3305

Phone: (03) 5521 0322 Fax: (03) 5521 0358 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 1 Security Services 2014 - 003 INDEX CONTENTS PAGE




- Scope of Tender 3 - Objectives 3 - Principles 3 - Tender Notice 3 - Expressions of Interest 3


- Timetable – Schedule 3 - Information/Clarification 3 - Authorised Contact Person 3 - Evaluation Process 4 - Alternative Tender – Innovation 4 - Tender Transmission Information 4 - Late Tenders 4 - Delivery Method 4 - Insurance 4 - Indemnity 4 - Acceptance of Tender 5 - Acceptance of Goods and Services 5 - Confidentiality 5 - HPV Access (Piggy-back) Clause 5 - HPV Common-use Clause 5 - Licences, Permits, Compliance with relevant Standards and Regulations 5 - Police Checks 5 - Evaluation – Trials and Samples 5 - Sub-Contacting 5 - Assistance with EQuIP and/or Aged Care Accreditation 6 - Reference Sites 6 - Compliance with Specifications 6 -Tender Price/ GST and Validity Period 6 - Submission and Payment of Accounts 6 - Amplifying General Conditions of Tender 6, 7


- Questionnaire 8, 9 - Other Documentation/Information for Tender Submission 10


- Annex A – Statutory Declaration 11 - Schedule A – Tender Price 12 - Schedule B – Preamble including Minimum Quality Standards 13 - Enclosure 1 – Draft Agreement 14-16 - Who can witness a Statutory Declaration 17

Page 2 Security Services 2014 - 003 TENDER INTRODUCTION

Scope of Tender

This Tender is for the provision of Security Services specified in Schedule A, in accordance with the minimum standards specified in Schedule B, for a period of two (2) years from 1 August 2014 to 31 July 2016


Portland District Health is committed to a tendering system that will:

 Provide the best value for money.  Provide the best quality goods and services for the benefit of our Patients/Aged care residents/Clients.  Treat all tenderers in a fair and timely manner.


Portland District Health will use its best endeavours to achieve these objectives and ensure the tender process is fair to all parties involved and where possible, demonstrate that fairness to Tenderers and potential Tenderers.

Tender Notice – N/A (limited suppliers available)

Expressions of Interest – N/A


Timetable – Schedule

Refer to Tender Cover Sheet

Information / Clarification

 The information contained in this document is provided to assist the preparation of a compliant tender response.  All information is provided in good faith, however none of the information is guaranteed, and it is the Tenderer’s responsibility to interpret and assess the relevance of the information provided.  Tenderers may seek further information and / or clarification in relation to this tender from the authorised contact person up to 10.00am on the date specified in the Tender Cover Sheet.  Portland District Health reserves the right to inform all Tenderers of any question or matter raised, and answer given, without identifying any potential Tenderers by name.  We also reserve the right to respond or not respond to any query or matter raised after the last date for inquiries.

Authorised Contact Person The authorised contact person for this tender is specified in the Tender Coversheet. All communication must be directed to this person in the first instance.

Page 3 Security Services 2014 - 003 Evaluation Process Tenders will be evaluated to identify the option that offers best value to Portland District Health. Portland District Health will not necessarily accept the lowest priced tender, or any tender. Alternative Tender – Innovation Tenderers are encouraged to offer and describe any proposed solutions that incorporate innovative technology that can be demonstrated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of any product or process covered by this tender.

Tender Transmission Information Tenders will be accepted by fax, email or post, until the Closing date and time at the addresses as specified in the Tender Cover sheet. Tenders should be titled Security Services Tender, 2014 - 003. NB: Portland District Health may, at its sole discretion, extend the closing date and time.

Late Tenders Late Tenders may not be considered.

Delivery Method – N/A

Insurance Your tender submission should include details of insurance coverage with an insurer approved by The Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority – as a minimum; the following insurance arrangements should be in place:  Public Liability Insurance - Minimum $10m coverage.  Product Liability Insurance - N/A.  Professional Indemnity Insurance - If Applicable  Workcover - All workers shall be covered by the contractor.

The Tenderer must comply with and observe the terms of the insurance policies and must not do anything which could result in any such policy being avoided or unenforceable or which may entitle the insurer to limit or reduce the amount otherwise payable under the policy. The provisions of this clause survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.

Indemnity 1(a) The Tenderer indemnifies and agrees to keep indemnified Portland District Health and its officers and employees in respect of Loss incurred or suffered as a result of: (i) any breach of this agreement by the Tenderer; or (ii) any negligent act, error or omission in connection with the performance of this agreement by the Tenderer or its officers, employees or agents;

PROVIDED THAT this indemnity does not apply to the extent that Loss is caused by or contributed to by Portland District Health or its officers, employees or agents.

1(b) This indemnity includes, without limitation, Loss due to bodily injury, sickness or death or loss, destruction of damage to property.

1(c) This indemnity survives the expiration or termination of this agreement.

1(d) For the purposes of this clause, “Loss” includes loss, damage or liability of every kind, unless too remote but does not include pure economic loss not recoverable at common law.

Page 4 Security Services 2014 - 003 2(a) Portland District Health indemnifies and agrees to keep indemnified the Tenderer and its officers and employees in respect of Loss incurred or suffered as a result of: (i) any breach of this agreement by Portland District Health; or (ii) any negligent act, error or omission in connection with the performance of this agreement by Portland District Health or its officers, employees or agents;

PROVIDED THAT this indemnity does not apply to the extent that Loss is caused by or contributed to by the Tenderer or its officers, employees or agents.

2(b) This indemnity includes, without limitation, Loss due to bodily injury, sickness or death or loss, destruction of damage to property.

2(c) This indemnity survives the expiration or termination of this agreement.

2(d) For the purposes of this clause, “Loss” includes loss, damage or liability of every kind, unless too remote but does not include pure economic loss not recoverable at common law.

Acceptance of Tender The lowest or any Tender may not necessarily be accepted, and no Tender shall be deemed to have been accepted, until acceptance has been confirmed in writing. A draft agreement is detailed in Enclosure 1.

Acceptance of Services If the services required are not supplied or do not comply with the standards specified, the services may be rejected wholly or at the discretion of Portland District Health. Any additional costs for emergency replacement services where inadequate or no notice of non-delivery is provided, will be borne by the Tenderer.

Confidentiality Information supplied by or on behalf of Portland District Health is confidential to Portland District Health and Tenderers are obliged to maintain its confidentiality. The Tenderer may disclose information to a third party engaged for the purpose of responding to this tender, providing they preserve the confidentiality of that information.

HPV Access (Piggyback) Clause – N/A

HPV Common Use Clause – N/A

Licenses, Permits, Compliance with Relevant Standards and Regulations Goods and services offered must comply with all current Australian Standards and guidelines relevant to those goods or services.

Police Checks Police checks are required for all persons acting on behalf of the successful tenderer who, as part of the supply of the tendered goods and or services are required to be present on Portland District Health sites and premises other than for normal delivery and pickup services.

Evaluation – Trials & Samples - N/A

Subcontracting Tenderers must state where they are intending to sub-contract all or part of this tender to one or more third parties. Comprehensive details of all sub-contractors, including their role and scope in

Page 5 Security Services 2014 - 003 this tender must be submitted with your response.

 All or part of this contract must NOT be subcontracted, transferred or sold during the period of the contract without the prior approval of Portland District Health.

Page 6 Security Services 2014 - 003 Assistance with EQuIP National and / or Aged Care Accreditation – N/A

Reference Sites Your tender response should include at least three (3) reference sites using these goods and or services including the name and position of a contact person at each site.

Compliance with Specifications Tenderers should indicate clearly any area in which the goods and or services offered fail to comply with the requirements of the specifications given or where any of the required conditions will not be met. Notification of this non-compliance must occur with the submission of your tender / quotation – see Schedule B.

Tender Price / GST and validity period Tenderers are invited to submit their best offer, GST inclusive and expressed in Australian currency. (NB: GST amounts where applicable, must still be quantified.)

Prices tendered shall be fixed for a minimum period of ninety (90) days, covering one-off supply or initial supplies and delivery of goods and or services as specified Schedule A.

Please indicate any discounts offered for payment of accounts within a specified period.

Submission and payment of accounts The contractor shall submit a valid Tax Invoice for payment on a monthly* basis as agreed upon. Portland District Health upon checking the account and being satisfied as to the accuracy will forward payment to the contactor within 30* days. Any GST liability should be clearly identified on Tax Invoices. (* Invoice and payment frequency may be varied)

Amplifying General Conditions of Tender i. Should the contractor fail to supply any goods or services at the designated times or as per the required schedule, the goods or services may be sought elsewhere and the expenses over and above the agreement price will be deducted from the contractor’s account;

ii. The contractor is to ensure that invoices detail dates, times (where applicable) and the types of services delivered in each billing period.

iii. Should the contractor fail to deliver goods or services of the correct quality mentioned in this tender, the officer receiving the supplies or overseeing the services is empowered to reject those goods or services and if not immediately replaced or remedied with the correct quantity and or quality, cause a supply or service to be sought elsewhere; the extra expense associated with this action will be charged as in clause (i) above;

iv. In the event of a difference between the contractor and the officer overseeing the goods and or service delivery as to quantity or quality, any variation shall be decided by the authorised Portland District Health representative;

v. Any repetition of irregularity in the quantity or quality of supply, or delay in delivery, replacement or reworking when required, or in the performance of the agreement, can lead to the immediate termination of the agreement;

………………………………………… ……………………………………………

Page 7 Security Services 2014 - 003 Director of Corporate Services Date

Page 8 Security Services 2014 - 003 TENDER RESPONSE

Tenderers are required to submit such information as is necessary to enable Portland District Health to assess the Tenderer’s ability to fulfill the tender requirements. (This questionnaire has been prepared to assist Tenderer’s in providing the required information.)

Tenderer Profile

Tenderer’s Name: …………………………………………………………..

Tenderer’s ABN: …………………………………………………………..

Tenderer’s ACN (if applicable): …………………………………………..

Address: …………………………………………………………….



Phone & Fax: ……………………………………………………………..

After Hours Ph:………….………………………………………………………

E-Mail: ………………………………………………………………

Is Tenderer an individual, partnership, or limited liability company?


If partnership, provide names and addresses of partners:




How many years has Tenderer been in business under its current business name?


How many years has Tenderer been in business providing goods / services relating to this tender? ……………………………………………………………….

Does the Tenderer have a financial interest in any other types of business? (If yes, specify). ……………………………………………………………….

Page 9 Security Services 2014 - 003 Supply details / references for products / services Tenderer has previously provided relating to the requirements of this tender.




Where appropriate, list principal individuals / personnel involved in provision of services relating to this tender, and their experience.





List specific equipment that will be utilized in the provision of services relating to this tender: …………………………………………………………………………………….




Provide details of tenderer’s financial ability to meet the terms, conditions and service requirements as outlined in this tender document:



Provide bank details or other financial institutions where references may be obtained:




Provide names and details of 3 professional referees:

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. …………………………………………………………………………………….

Page 10 Security Services 2014 - 003 Other documentation and information to be provided by Tenderer in support of the tender submission:

1. Proof of Insurance as per General Tender Conditions.

2. Completion of Statutory Declaration – Annex A.

3. Completion of Tender Prices for Goods and Services – Schedule A.

4. Completion of Minimum Quality Standards Certificate – Schedule B N/A

5. Compliance Certificates as per General Tender Conditions.

6. Copy of ongoing Continuous Quality Improvement Program. N/A

7. Police Checks are required

8. Any other relevant supporting documentation.

Page 11 Security Services 2014 - 003 Annex A Statutory Declaration

Definitions: Bidder; Any business entity who submits a response to this tender, including the Tenderer. Industry Association; Any organization of which the bidders are members. Tenderer price; The amount indicated by the bidder in their tender response. Tenderer; The person or entity completing this response – namely,

…………………………………………………………………………………………… (Tenderer’s name)

I / We …………………………………………………………… do solemnly and sincerely declare that i) I am the Tenderer and make this declaration on my own behalf or ii) I hold the position of ……………………………………………………………… with the Tenderer and am duly authorised to make this declaration on behalf of the Tenderer. (Cross out above option as appropriate.)

No knowledge of tender prices: Prior to submission of this tender, neither the Tenderer nor any of its employees or its agents had knowledge of the tender price of any other bidder, individual or entity that proposed to submit a response to this tender. Disclosure of tender price or information: Prior to the close of tender responses, neither the Tenderer nor any of its employees nor agents disclosed the Tenderer’s tender price or information relating to this tender to: a) Any other bidder who responded to this tender. b) Any person, company, or other entity proposing to submit a response to this tender. c) Any person or organization associated with a bidder, person, company or other entity of any kind referred to in a) or b) above. Genuine Competition: The Tenderer is genuinely competing to win this tender, and has not entered into any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding that bidders for this tender would include an identical or similar condition or qualification in their tender response. Industry Association Agreements / Unsuccessful Tenderer’s Fees: Neither the Tenderer, nor any of its employees or agents has entered into any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding (other than as disclosed to Portland District Health in the Tenderer’s tender response) that the successful bidder for this tender will pay any money to, or provide any other benefit or financial advantage to an Industry Association or Unsuccessful Bidder in respect to this tender.

I acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct and I make it in the belief that a person making a false declaration is liable to the penalties of perjury.

Signature of person making declaration:……………………………………………….…….……

DECLARED at………………………………………………………………… In the state of Victoria

This …………………………… day of ………………………. 201….

Before me* (Signature): ………………………………………..……..………………………….……

Name & Qualification (Print):…………………………………………………………………………


Page 12 Security Services 2014 - 003 [*See end doc. - Who can witness a Statutory Declaration under sec. 107A(1) of Evidence Act 1958]

Page 13 Security Services 2014 - 003 Schedule A TENDER PRICE

PROVISION OF SECURITY SERVICES to Portland District Health - Ref: Security Services Tender, 2014 - 003

Tenderers: Before completing Tender Prices please read carefully and fully consider all the Contract Preamble and specific Terms and Conditions as contained in, Schedule B, Preamble including Minimum Quality Standards and Enclosure 1, AGREEMENT for PROVISION OF SECURITY SERVICES.

1. Nightly patrols x 1 (random timing, between 9.30pm – 12 midnight). 2. Check external doors, gates etc. a. Report to duty Nurse & complete security log 3. Include; a. Main Hospital & associated buildings (as per map) i. IT House ii. Drug & Alcohol House iii. Engineering Building iv. Other On Site Shedding b. Harbourside Lodge 4. Two year contract with option to extend for further 2 year period.

Additional Notes:

Pricing; Prices tendered should be fixed for 12 months.

Any tender price variation either possible during the first year or proposed for the second year must be clearly noted and explained as part of original tender (eg CPI increase).

Tender Exclusions; N/A

Page 14 Security Services 2014 - 003 Schedule B Preamble including Minimum Quality Standards

1. Public Image

The safety and security of the health services staff, patients, visitors and its’ premises plays an important part in the image of the organization as conveyed to the public.

2. Scope of Work

Security services as per Schedule A, TENDER PRICE

The contractor will: a) Provide all labour and necessary communication and safety equipment. b) for any requested or emergency Additional Work charge the quoted rate (unless amended by prior agreement). c) make available for discussion with Portland District Health, details of back-up staffing arrangements and any significant changes to planned work schedules as appropriate.

3. Areas to be covered by the Contract

 As listed in Schedule A, TENDER PRICE

...... Tenderer’s signature Date

Page 15 Security Services 2014 - 003 Enclosure 1 AGREEMENT for PROVISION OF SECURITY SERVICES

The following draft agreement will be completed and signed by the successful Tenderer and Portland District Health. This Agreement includes all terms, conditions and tender specifications contained within this tender document and the tender response and pricing schedule as submitted by the successful Tenderer.

Agreement between Portland District Health and ……………………………………….

Authorised contact for Tenderer: …………………………………………….

Authorised contact for PDH: Director of Corporate Services, PDH

Description of Goods / Services Provided: Security Services

Commencement Date: 1 August 2014

Expiry Date: 31 July 2016

Extension Options: Option to extend for further 2 year period (by mutual agreement)

Dates / Times / frequency for delivery of required goods / services: The services will be provided between the hours 9pm and 12am (midnight) for the duration of the contract. However PDH reserves the right to further restrict service provision hours in specific areas if special circumstances arise.

Service Standards: In accordance with Schedule B – Preamble including Minimum Quality Standard.

PDH Contractor Requirements / Police Checks: The contractor shall provide all staff for a 2-hour orientation session to be arranged by Portland District Health at an agreed date and time.

PDH will provide the contractor and or his representatives with a comprehensive outline of minimum specific requirements to ensure all relevant statutory, ACHS and PDH standards, policies and procedures are met and or adhered to.

Police Checks are required for all contractor personnel working on-site.

Performance / monitoring indicators and requirements: Regular monitoring and remedial action is to be in accordance with the terms relating to “Acceptance of Good and Services”.

Performance levels are to be agreed between the contractor and Portland District Health, based on the key criteria listed below.

In the event of the service being indirectly or directly affected by a labour dispute, strike, lock-out, accident, fire, act of God, weather conditions or any other event beyond the control of the contractor, the contractor may suspend the work or such part as remains to be completed until the cause of delay has been removed, without penalty.

Periodic Reports and matters to be included in these reports: The contractor and the Director of Corporate Services or their representative shall arrange a regular meeting (at least 6 monthly) to review any issues that may arise and to monitor the quality of the services provided.

Page 16 Security Services 2014 - 003 Key criteria to be assessed will include: Staff:  Comprehensiveness of nightly checks  Resolution of any hazardous situations  Attitude  Appearance

Documentation Required: As detailed in “Other Documentation to be provided” within the tender invitation document.

Training and Supervision Requirements: The contractor shall ensure that all his/her personnel have been trained in and observe the correct use of any equipment that they are required to use to provide the contracted services. The contractor shall provide all supervision for his staff during the term of this contract.

Occupational Health and Safety: The Tenderer agrees to carry out its duties in a safe manner, and observe all requirements under prevailing Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

The safety provisions of Portland District Health must be observed and any matters of concern must be reported to the designated Portland District Health contact.

Failure to comply with these conditions will cause suspension of works and payments of remaining contract until the issue is complied with. Continued failure to adhere to safety practices will initiate termination of this contract (refer Termination details at the end of this agreement).

Regulatory Requirements: The contractor will carry out all activities in strict accordance with Portland District Health Policies and Procedures and will comply with all relevant regulatory and statutory guidelines.

Privacy / Confidentiality: In addition to the Confidentiality terms as outlined within the tender invitation, the successful tenderer will also ensure that representatives are aware of the sensitive nature of health information and that everyone engaged in the provision of health services has a duty to protect and maintain patient confidentiality.

Payment terms and conditions: 30 Days payment terms in accordance with terms as outlined in the tender invitation.

Required Insurance coverage: As per terms specified within the “Insurance” section of the tender invitation. Certificates of Currency for required insurances that expire during the term of this contract must be supplied to Portland District Health as soon as possible after policy renewal and at any other time if requested.

Dispute and Grievance Procedure: If either party raises legitimate concerns as to the performance of obligations within the terms of this agreement, both parties should endeavour to resolve those concerns through consultation and or mediation.

Termination details: This agreement may be terminated before its due date by either party giving three months written notice of such an intention.

In the event of the contractor not being able to fulfill this contract due to unforeseen circumstances, the contractor and Portland District Health may, by mutual agreement at that time, make alternative arrangements.

Page 17 Security Services 2014 - 003 A serious breach of any of the terms of this agreement or sustained unsatisfactory performance may give cause for immediate cancellation by either party.

Signed on Behalf of: Portland District Health

Signature: ………………………………………………………………………..

Name (Print): ….…………………………………………………………………….

Position: …….………………………………………………………………….

Date: ……….……………………………………………………………….

Signed on Behalf of Tenderer (Name):

Signature: ………………………………………………………………………..

Name (Print): ……………………………………………………………………….

Position: ……………………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………………………………………….

PDH Use only:

Originator: Department:

Original to: Date:

Copy to: Date:

Review on: Review by:

Page 18 Security Services 2014 - 003 Who can witness a Statutory Declaration under sec. 107A(1) of Evidence Act 1958 107A List of persons who may witness statutory declarations (1) Any of the following persons may witness the signing of a statutory declaration— (a) a justice of the peace or a bail justice; (b) a public notary; (c) an Australian lawyer (within the meaning of the Legal Profession Act 2004); (d) a clerk to an Australian lawyer; (e) the prothonotary or a deputy prothonotary of the Supreme Court, the registrar or a deputy registrar of the County Court, the principal registrar of the Magistrates' Court or a registrar or deputy registrar of the Magistrates' Court; (f) the registrar of probates or an assistant registrar of probates; (g) the associate to a judge of the Supreme Court or of the County Court; (h) the associate of an Associate Judge of the Supreme Court or of an associate judge of the County Court; (i) a person registered as a patent attorney under Chapter 20 of the Patents Act 1990 of the Commonwealth; (j) a member of the police force; (k) the sheriff or a deputy sheriff; (l) a member or former member of either House of the Parliament of Victoria; (m) a member or former member of either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth; (n) a councillor of a municipality; (o) a senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local Government Act 1989; (p) a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise in the medical profession (other than as a student); (q) a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law— (i) to practise in the dental profession as a dentist (other than as a student); and (ii) in the dentists division of that profession; (r) a veterinary practitioner; (s) a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise in the pharmacy profession (other than as a student); (t) a principal in the teaching service; (u) the manager of an authorised deposit-taking institution; (v) a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia or the Australian Society of Accountants or the National Institute of Accountants; (w) the secretary of a building society; (x) a minister of religion authorised to celebrate marriages; (y) a person employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004 with a classification that is prescribed as a classification to which this section applies or who holds office in a statutory authority with such a classification; (z) a fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives (Victoria).

Page 19 Security Services 2014 - 003

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