Pastor Bro. Jim Ewing

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Pastor Bro. Jim Ewing

First Baptist Church Calvert City, Kentucky Pastor Bro. Jim Ewing Minister of Music & Education Bro. Rick Johnson Secretary Donna Ford Church Organist Vicki Madison Custodians Marshall & Gail Agent

The Challenge Our Mission: Encounter … Grow …Serve … Share Our Vision: Becoming Fully Committed Followers of Jesus Christ … making a Kingdom Impact on Calvert City

Sunday Schedule Wednesday Schedule 9:00 am Sunday School 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Meal *NEW TIME* 10:15 am Worship Service 6:15 p.m. Prayer Meeting *NEW TIME* 6:00 pm Teaching Service FBC Youth Ministry KidzPraise Choir Rehearsal 7:15 p.m. Sanctuary Worship Choir Rehearsal *NEW TIME* Prayer Concerns for Our Church Family Prayer Concerns for Friends & Loved Ones Becky Tynes – recovering from back surgery Kaden Elder (Phyllis O’Bryan’s great nephew) critical condition Will Myrick – multiple myeloma from car accident – 13 yrs. old; induced coma June Sewell – back problems Shirley DeWeese – lung & liver cancer Jackie Prater – recovering from heart stint Terry Brandon – hip pain; surgery upcoming in April Mary Sawchuck – stage 3 kidney failure - declining Colleen Reynolds (friend of Edna Pierce) – lung cancer Carol Tolley (sister of Kay Bennett) – congestive heart failure Donnie Broyles (Phil & Nigel’s son) – severe back pain

Convalescent Centers/Assisted Living Homebound Connie Heater (Calvert City) Linda Terry Carolyn Burt Laura Smith Linda Beck (Jackson Oaks, Paducah) Lillian Dees Jack & Polly Norwine Rivers Capps

Wilma & Everett Satterfield (Murray) Military Members Cory Joiner Ben Sewell Zac Grimes Wes Dyson Aaron McKee Andy Trevarthen ______$ JANUARY FIGURES $ DEBT RETIREMENT General Fund December Debt Retirement Needs Monthly $ 2,500.00 Budget Needs Monthly $ 23,130.53 Debt Retirement Receipts Dec. $ 11,950.00 Budget Receipts Monthly Dec. $ 25,527.67 Debt Retirement YTD Receipts $ 40,077.00 Designated Receipts Monthly Dec. $ 7,522.00 Balance Due On Note $ 93,526.45 YTD Budget Receipts $ 248,066.98 YTD Designated Receipts $ 32,562.00 Total Receipts $280,628.98 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888

News Hello everyone, and welcome to the New Year (I know we are a month into it, but still relatively new)! The youth are fresh from their trip to Gatlinburg where we experienced Winter Extreme. This was an amazing conference that included great worship from well known artists, large group worship, and lessons from great speakers. We had a great time, and I feel we learned a lot from our experience. For this group, it was our first road trip together and made for a wonderful time of fellowship with the kids and our chaperons, so thank you all so much for the prayer and support for and during that time. This new year brings us another chance to Glorify the Lord and more lessons on how to do so. Camp will continue on in June and we are working to have a work-based/mission camp for the fall (Adam and I are open to suggestions). The spring weather will be here soon, so be thinking of things for our youth to help you with in regards to yard work and other deeds you may need help with. Just let Adam, or me, know how we can help! Thanks again everyone for the support, our church family is GREAT!

Landon Smith & Adam Smith From Your Pastor Wednesday Night Schedule Jim Ewing Many of you have already signed up for our Wednesday night meals each week. I encourage more of you to take advantage This past week I had the opportunity to brief the church on the of this time of fellowship around the tables on Wednesday findings of our Church Health Survey, and several other evenings at 5:30. The food is very good and it offers you the related inputs, that have been part of our focus on revitalizing opportunity to enjoy time together with your fellow members our church. and to invite someone who needs the touch of other Christians. The results of this effort were based solely on your inputs. After the weekly meals in the fellowship area, we have Prayer Your church staff did not take the surveys and were not part of Meeting for adults, Youth Ministry Bible Study for youth, and the discussion groups … so the data we gathered was what Music Ministry for children. All of these events begin at 6:15. you, the church members, thought about your church. I want So, if you have not yet gotten involved in any of these events to thank each of you who took the time to give us your candid on Wednesdays, come on out and join in on the times of thoughts. We learned much about ourselves. We learned that fellowship, learning, and growing together. there are many positive things going on at FBC. But we also learned that we have some things we need to address. Operating Committees Planning Night At our February 11 membership meeting I will make a Thanks to those of you who serve on one of our operating proposal regarding a discipleship training emphasis as well as committees for your attendance during the planning time a few an intentional outreach effort for the coming year. As you’ve weeks ago. Our committees will be working throughout the heard me say many times, to move into the future may mean coming year and will bring reports of their work to the that we do things differently at FBC. This proposed plan will membership meetings on Wednesdays. Please pray for those call for us to use Sunday afternoons & evening differently … serving on all our church committees as they make important but I am convinced that it will help us better focus on the decisions during the year and see that the ministry and work of Great Commission call God has placed on our church. Please our church goes forward. make it a priority to attend and help us shape our future. “ When God Moves” Series in February I also mentioned that we will begin developing a phased Our pastor plans to begin the series, When God Moves, during refurbishment plan for the Activities Center. This is an the month of February. When he first mentioned this series to important step because that wonderful old building can be a me, I was reminded of a song that we have sung in worship. It tremendous tool for our church members and for connecting is entitled, God Still Moves. I want to share the text of that with the community. My commitment to you was to come up song with you and challenge you to be ready for God to work with a plan for the April 2015 membership meeting. Send up in your life in some way during the coming year. The words a few prayers that the Lord might give us wisdom and to the song are as follows: discernment … and help us meet the financial requirements. God still moves; God still moves in the hearts During the month of February I will be preaching through a of His people, God still moves. He does not series, I’ve called “When God Moves.” My hope is that we sleep, nor does He slumber. God still moves, will be prepared for God to do a work in us … so that He God still moves. might be willing to use us to do a great work in our Now, many will say that God no longer has community. I will present us with some challenges and control, and many will say that He can’t move opportunities that I pray will help us move into the future with the human soul. But I’ve seen a change in one confidence and with anticipation. who met Him face to face, and I’ve seen Him Several times over the past several months I’ve called your in one whose been saved by His grace. attention to Genesis 12:1-3 … often called the Abrahamic © Copyright 1986 by Ariose Music Words and Music by Chris Machen Covenant. This is one of the most pivotal set of verses in our All rights reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission Bible. “Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go forth from your of Gaither Copyright Management. CCLI License # 923801 country, and from your relatives, and from your father's As believers, we see God’s movement in our own lives, as house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you well as the lives of others. Sometimes His moving is more a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name subtle than at other times, but He does move according to our great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those faith. If we desire to see the movement of Almighty God, then who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And we must exercise our faith in what He can do. In Luke 1:37, in you all the families of the earth will be blessed." the angel Gabriel tells Mary that “nothing will be impossible As we take these initial steps into 2015 and into a fresh future, with God.” Also in Matthew 19:26 in the context of Jesus I want you to notice two important things from this verse. speaking to his disciples about a rich man entering the First, God didn’t tell Abram where he was going. As we kingdom of heaven, He said: “With men this is impossible, move into the future, we will probably travel some roads that but with God all things are possible.” Yes, God is still we’ve not traveled before. And second, God told Abram that moving in our midst and across our world every day. Don’t if he would follow Him, He would care for and protect him. miss out on what He desires to do in your own life and the life I’m convinced that He will do the same for us as we follow of our church in the coming days and weeks. Him down these unfamiliar roads into our future. Serving with Joy! Bro. Rick Together in Him, Bro Jim Minister of Music and Education Rick Johnson ◄ January ~ February 2015 ~ March ► Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Troy Truitt 3 Stephen 4 5 6 7 Martha Ewing O’Daniel Braxton Burnham Love & Respect Marriage Conf. at Rosebower Love & Respect Baptist Marriage Conf. at 5:30 pm Rosebower Baptist 8:30 am 8 Phyllis 9 10 11 12 13 14 O’Bryan

Member Valentine’s Day Meeting 6:15 pm Deacon Meeting 4:30 pm 15 Anna 16 17 18 Amanda 19 Shirley 20 21 Hodge Casto Harrington

22 Weldon 23 24 25 26 27 Alex Evans 28 Connie Pierce Heater

Police Department Care Package

NURSERY ASSISTANTS GREETERS USHERS Feb. 01: Sandra Sewell/Hadley Pagel Dale & Jean Smith Larry Coursey, Lance Gregory, Sam Jones, PM: Jennifer Burnham & Conner Jones Feb. 08: Cheryl Ewing/Shelton Owen Sam & Jo Beth Jones Oral Sickling, Hunter Peck, George Heater, PM: Sarah Peck &Todd Albritton Feb. 15: Anna Hodge/Bowen Peck Bill & Karen Kunnecke Daniel Casto, Danny Sewell, Jeff Peck PM: Nicole McHone & Billy Hodge Feb. 22: Burnhams/Kourtney Gregory Earle & Nancy Whitler Dale Smith, Landon Smith, Andy Pagel PM: Mona Johnson & Jerry Devine

PRAYER ROOM: Feb. 01: Lance Gregory/Andy Pagel Feb. 08: Becky Tynes/Gene Low TELLERS – FEBRUARY 2015 Feb. 15: Jeff Peck/John Phillips Jeff & Sarah Peck Feb. 22 : Landon Smith/Oral Sickling

DEACONS OF THE WEEK FOR FEBRUARY Feb. 01: Oral Sickling Phone: 270-703-6061 Feb. 08: Andy Pagel Phone: 270-210-7589 Feb. 15: Daryl Smith Phone: 270-703-4300 Feb. 22: Lance Gregory Phone: 270-703-4881

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