Bromham - Census 1851

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Bromham - Census 1851 Bromham - Census 1851 HO107/18 SCHEDULE SURNAME FORENAMES RELATIONSHIP C0NDITION SEX AGE YEAR OCCUPATION PLACE OF BIRTH ABODE NOTES 39 FOLIO BORN 501 1 Hale Ralph Head M m 70 1781 Farmer 250 acres emp 9 Lab Calne Hawkstreet Hale Charlotte Wife M f 66 1785 Farmers Wife Bromham Hale Charles Nephew U m 18 1833 Farmers Nephew London Wootten Ann Servnt U f 22 1829 General Servant Bromham 2 Wheeler George Head M m 42 1809 Ag Lab Bromham Durlet Wheeler Rebecca Wife M f 35 1816 Ag Lab x-out West Lavington Wheeler Jane Dau U f 15 1836 Bromham Wheeler Harriet Dau f 13 1838 Bromham Wheeler John Son m 11 1840 Ag Lab Bromham Wheeler Maria Dau f 5 1846 Scholar Bromham Wheeler Mary A Dau f 2 1849 Bromham Wheeler Eliza Dau f 0 1851 Bromham Wheeler James Father M m 80 1771 Pauper Ag Lab Bromham Wheeler Mary Mother M f 80 1771 Pauper Ag Lab x-out Bromham 3 Wheeler William Head M m 50 1801 Ag Lab Bromham Durlet Wheeler Sarah Wife M f 40 1811 Weaver (Cloth) Bromham Wheeler Joseph Son m 14 1837 Ag Lab Bromham Wheeler Elizabeth Dau f 13 1838 Bromham Wheeler Ruth Dau f 10 1841 Bromham Wheeler Edwin Son m 7 1844 Scholar Bromham 502 4 Fennell Elizabeth Head f 74 1777 Pauper Crookham Durlet Abrams Caroline Lodger f 31 1820 Ag Lab Bromham 5 Wootten Charles Head M m 68 1783 Weaver (Cloth Wool) Bromham Durlet Wootten Elizabeth Wife M f 68 1783 Weaver (Cloth Wool) Rowde Webb Louisa Servnt U f 15 1836 General Servant Melksham 6 Abrahams Robert Head M m 83 1768 Pauper Cloth Weaver Wool Bromham Durlet Abrahams Ann Wife M f 69 1782 Pauper Cloth Weavr Wool x-out Rowde 7 Paget John Head M m 28 1823 Ag Lab Bromham Durlet Paget Eliza Wife M f 28 1823 Ag Lab x-out Batheaston Paget Sarah Dau f 5 1846 Batheaston Paget George Son m 2 1849 Batheaston 8 Gaby Joseph Head U m 21 1830 Ag Lab Bromham Durlet 9 Trueman Mordecai Head M m 46 1805 Ag Lab Bromham Durlet Trueman Patience Wife M f 35 1816 Ag Lab x-out Bromham Trueman Henry Son m 10 1841 Scholar Bromham Trueman Sarah Dau f 8 1843 Scholar Bromham 10 Wootten Joseph Head M m 31 1820 Weaver (Cloth Wool) Bromham Durlet Wootten Mary A Wife M f 31 1820 Laundress Bromham Wootten Fanny Dau f 3 1848 Bromham Trueman Emma Sislaw U f 19 1832 Laundress Bromham 502 11 Knee Daniel Head W m 69 1782 Ag Lab Bromham Durlet 12 Helps George Head M m 56 1795 Ag Lab Rowde Durlet Helps Hannah Wife M f 60 1791 Rowde Helps Sarah Dau U f 30 1821 Rowde Helps John Son U m 24 1827 Ag Lab Rowde Helps Isaac Son U m 19 1832 Ag Lab Rowde Copyright © Wiltshire OPC Project/John Pope/2013 Bromham - Census 1851 13 Perrett Joseph Head M m 26 1825 Ag Lab Rowde Rowde Hill Perrett Elenor Wife M f 27 1824 Rowde Perrett Betsy Dau f 8 1843 Scholar Rowde Perrett John Son m 4 1847 Bromham Perrett James Son m 1 1850 Bromham 14 Fennell Enock Head M m 46 1805 Ag Lab Chittoe Horse Lane Fennell Harriett Wife M f 41 1810 Ag Lab Bromham Fennell Ann Dau U f 20 1831 Bromham Fennell William Son m 15 1836 Ag Lab Bromham Fennell Enock Son m 12 1839 Ag Lab Bromham Fennell Elizabeth Dau f 9 1842 Bromham Fennell Mary Dau f 5 1846 Bromham Fennell Mark Son m 2 1849 Bromham 503 15 Francome Joseph Head M m 53 1798 Ag Lab Bromham Horse Lane Francome Rebecca Wife M f 54 1797 Ag Lab x-out Bromham 16 Paget Mary Head w f 49 1802 Ag Lab x-out Bromham Horse Lane Paget George Son U m 19 1832 Ag Lab Bromham Paget Sarah Dau f 14 1837 Ag Lab Bromham Paget Louisa Dau f 11 1840 Scholar Bromham Paget Eliza Dau f 5 1846 Scholar Bromham 17 Harraway James Head M m 34 1817 Gardener Devizes Horse Lane Harraway Mary A Wife M f 27 1824 Bremhill Harraway Thomas Son m 4 1847 Devizes Harraway Elizabeth Dau f 2 1849 Bromham 18 Wheeler John Head M m 24 1827 Ag Lab Bromham Horse Lane Wheeler Mary A Wife M f 22 1829 Bromham Wheeler Emma Dau f 0 1851 Bromham 19 Ferris Joseph Head M m 31 1820 Gamekeeper Maiden Bradly Rowde Ford Lodge Ferris Jane Wife M f 30 1821 Bromham pob Devizes maybe rubbed out Ferris William Son m 9 1842 Scholar Rowde Ferris Ann Dau f 7 1844 Scholar Rowde Ferris Henry Son m 4 1847 Scholar Rowde Ferris John Son m 1 1850 Bromham Weston Fanny Aunt W f 68 1783 Rowde 503 20 Locke Francis A.S Head M m 46 1805 Magistrate for Wilts Bromham Rowde Ford House Locke Katherine H Wife M f 35 1816 France Strachey Ann M.G Visitr U f 19 1832 Baverstock Strachey Joannah Visitr U f 18 1833 Baverstock Selman Anne Servnt U f 45 1806 Lady's Maid Melksham Coliton Lucy Servnt U f 32 1819 Cook Seend Hayes Jane Servnt U f 25 1826 Housemaid Castle Coomb Breach Hannah Servnt U f 20 1831 Housemaid Chittoe Shadwell William Servnt U m 28 1823 Footman Grately Strong George Servnt U m 22 1829 Groom (Dom Servant) Rowde 21 Hart Sarah Head W f 66 1785 Ag Lab Bromham St Ediths Marsh Deverall Elizabeth Dau W f 33 1818 Bromham Woodroffe Mary A Dau M f 22 1829 Ag Lab Bromham Woodroffe Robert Sonlaw M m 24 1827 Ag Lab Bishops Cannings Copyright © Wiltshire OPC Project/John Pope/2013 Bromham - Census 1851 Deverall Hugh Grnson m 10 1841 Ag Lab Bromham Deverall Jasper Grnson m 8 1843 Bromham Miles Elizabeth Lodger f 6 1845 Scholar Erchfont 504 22 Archard Phebe Head W f 76 1775 Hand Loom Weaver Bromham St Ediths Marsh Offer Rebecca Dau U f 54 1797 Dress Maker Bromham Offer Daniel Son U m 52 1799 Hand Loom Weaver (Wool) Bromham Offer Anna M Dau U f 42 1809 Hand Loom Weaver Bromham 23 Offer John A Head M m 50 1801 Clothier Bromham St Ediths Marsh Offer Jane Wife M f 50 1801 Hand Loom Weaver London Offer Louisa Dau U f 22 1829 Hand Loom Weaver Bromham Offer John Son U m 20 1831 Carpenter Bromham Offer Jacob Son U m 18 1833 Gardener Bromham Offer Sarah Dau f 17 1834 Hand Loom Weaver Bromham Offer Jesse Son m 13 1838 Scholar Bromham Offer Ann Dau f 11 1840 Scholar Bromham Offer Mary M Dau f 6 1845 Scholar Bromham 24 Powney George Head M m 32 1819 Ag Lab Bromham St Ediths Marsh Powney Caroline Wife M f 29 1822 Devizes Powney William J Son m 9 1842 Scholar Rowde Powney Walter Son m 5 1846 Scholar Bromham Powney Fanny Dau f 3 1848 Bromham Powney Jane Dau f 0 1851 Bromham Brewer Henry Brolaw m 27 1824 Waiter (Dom Servant) Devizes 504 25 Giles Joseph Head M m 31 1820 Ag Lab Melksham St Ediths Marsh Giles Lucy Wife M f 40 1811 Cheverall Giles Mary A Dau f 7 1844 Bromham Giles Julia Dau f 4 1847 Bromham 26 Weston Sarah Head W f 52 1799 House Proprietor Bromham St Ediths Marsh Hayward Isaac Lodger U m 53 1798 Ag Lab Seend 27 Reeves Thomas Head M m 33 1818 Ag Lab Hungerford St Ediths Marsh Reeves Hariett Wife M f 34 1817 Bromham Reeves Herbert Son m 6 1845 Scholar Bromham Reeves Emma Dau f 3 1848 Bromham Reeves Eliza Dau f 1 1850 Bromham 28 Wootten James Head M m 35 1816 Cloth Weaver Bromham Holbrook Wootten Elizabeth Wife M f 35 1816 Bromham Wootten Enock Son m 8 1843 Scholar Bromham Wootten Mary A Dau f 7 1844 Scholar Bromham Wootten Charlotte Dau f 5 1846 Scholar Bromham Wootten Noah Son m 3 1848 Bromham Wootten Emma Dau f 0 1851 Bromham 505 29 Archard John Head W m 89 1762 Pauper / Ag Lab Bromham Holbrook Archard Elizabeth Dau U f 66 1785 Pauper Bromham 30 Webb William Head M m 70 1781 Ag Lab Bromham St Ediths Marsh Webb Elizabeth Wife M f 64 1787 Bromham 31 Wheeler Hannah Head W f 46 1805 Ag Lab Bromham St Ediths Marsh Wheeler George Son U m 20 1831 Ag Lab Bromham Wheeler Joseph Son m 15 1836 Bricklayers Lab Bromham Copyright © Wiltshire OPC Project/John Pope/2013 Bromham - Census 1851 Wheeler Sarah Dau f 13 1838 Bromham Wheeler Mary Dau f 10 1841 Bromham Wheeler Jane Dau f 7 1844 Bromham Wheeler John Grnson m 2 1849 Bromham 32 Hand John Head M m 33 1818 Innkeeper Bremhill St Ediths Marsh, Bell Inn Hand Emma E Wife M f 34 1817 Devizes Hand Henry J Son m 5 1846 Devizes Hand Emma S Dau f 3 1848 Devizes Hand George A Son m 1 1850 Bromham Fell Harriet Servnt U f 15 1836 General Servant Compton Bassett Fennell John Servnt U m 18 1833 General Servant Bromham 505 33 Gaby Mary Head U f 76 1775 Landed Proprietor Bromham St Ediths Marsh Palmer Mary Servnt U f 25 1826 House Servant Bromham Hughes Rebbeca Servnt U f 35 1816 House Servant Headington 34 Paget George Head M m 52 1799 Gardener Bromham St Ediths Marsh Paget Jane Wife M f 53 1798 Rowde Paget Sarah Dau U f 15 1836 Bromham 35 Hughes Charles D Head M m 46 1805 Lath maker Headington St Ediths Marsh Hughes Mary Wife M f 48 1803 Bromham Hughes Elizabeth Dau f 8 1843 Scholar Bromham 36 Pearce John Head M m 29 1822 Builder emp 1 lab Bromham St Ediths Marsh Pearce Elizabeth Wife M f 18 1833 Camden Town 37 Pearce Joseph Head M m 46 1805 Cordwainer Southover St Ediths Marsh Pearce Jane Wife M f 47 1804 Bromham Pearce Joseph Son U m 21 1830 Cordwainer Bromham Pearce Phebe Dau U f 15 1836 Bromham Pearce Henrietta Dau f 10 1841 Scholar Bromham Pearce Reuben Son m 5 1846 Scholar Bromham Pearce Susannah Dau f 4 1847 Scholar Bromham 506 38 King John Head M m 52 1799 Ag Lab Bromham St Ediths Marsh King Grace Wife M f 47 1804 Baker Bromham King William Son U m 20 1831 Ag Lab Bromham King George Son U m 17 1834 Ag Lab Bromham King Ann Dau f 13 1838 Bromham King James Son m 10 1841 Ag Lab Bromham King Ruth Dau f 10 1841 Scholar Bromham King Charlotte Dau f 8 1843 Scholar Bromham King Thomas Son m 6 1845 Scholar Bromham 39 Pearce Thomas Head M m 31 1820 Cordwainer Bromham St Ediths Marsh Pearce Caroline Wife M f 26 1825 Dress Maker Bath Pearce Elizabeth Dau f 0 1851 Bromham Pearce Thomas Son m 2 1849 Bromham Fennell Caroline Cousin f 8 1843 Scholar Bromham 40 Pearce Roger Head M m 60 1791 Shoemaker emp 1 man Bromham St Ediths Marsh Pearce Ann Wife M f 57 1794 Shoemakers Wife Market Lavington Pearce Ann Dau U f 18 1833 Dress Maker Bromham 41 Wootten Elizabeth Head W f 70 1781 Pauper / Ag Lab Bromham St Ediths

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