A Newsletter of the Friends of Smith Mountain Lake State Park

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A Newsletter of the Friends of Smith Mountain Lake State Park


Notes From Nate By Chief Ranger Nate Clark It was a busy winter here at Smith Mountain Lake State Park. Our visitation for There were two large projects that were the winter season was very typical, slower but also completed this year. The first project was still steady. We keep our cabins available to at our beach area; over years the wind and wake guests year round and they continue to be action of the lake had eroded a large amount of popular. During January and February about the sand on the beach and moved it from the half of the cabins are closed so that we can Walton Creek side to the boat rental side. An ‘super clean’ each one and address any outside contractor came in with heavy maintenance issues that need our attention equipment and, basically, lifted and carried the before the upcoming summer season. sand to where it started. They also added new The campground was also closed for that sand and this made immense overall time period. We are continuing with the improvements to the area. This project was renovation project that was started last year; re- funded through the state maintenance reserve grading several sites and adding timber and fund. gravel to better define the pads. Last year we The second major project was paving the received numerous positive comments on how boat ramp area. VDOT completed this project they turned out and expect guests will again for us. The outside loop was paved, a pull off enjoy the work that our staff has done. This area was added for boat preparation to reduce year we renovated three pull through sites, one the traffic jam effect at the ramp that can occur back in site and six tent sites. on busy days, and the upper portion of the lot We have worked on a number of other was also graded to allow for overflow parking, a projects as well over the winter. Some of these much needed addition. This project was funded included; adding upgraded blinds and curtains to with money allocated through the 2002 bond, a five cabins, adding new exhaust fans to five great example of how Virginia voters can cabins (This project was a direct result of visitor directly impact park funding and improvements. comments. The old fans were on the same Our park interpreters have been busy switch as the light and were a bit noisy. The planning for the upcoming season. Our theme new ones are on separate switches and are a this year is the idea of No Child Left Inside, a very high quality, quiet fan.), improving the national movement brought on by Richard back porch steps on a number of cabins, re- Louv’s book, Last Child in the Woods. The staining the campground bathhouse and also National Park Service and National Association adding heavy duty door closers to the cabin of State Park Directors signed an agreement storm doors. There are always other little things with the goal “To see this Nation’s children and that keep the maintenance staff busy year round. their families again fully participating in These include general maintenance issues, outdoor recreation activities and rediscovering grounds maintenance and park upkeep. their natural and cultural heritage.” We are 1 committed to doing our part to see that goal the return of Little Naturalists. We are going to accomplished. Look for many programs this offer canoe trips three times this year and see year Awith NEWSLETTER that theme in OFmind. THE FRIENDS OF SMITH howMOUNTAIN the idea floats!LAKE STATE PARK – Page 2 We will run Jr. Rangers this summer based

Notes From Nate (continued) Interpreter’s Outline (continued) In addition the interpreters have also been busy on the “No Child Left Inside” directive, we will visiting area schools and presenting our SOL be incorporating 101 or “how to” programs. The based programs. Their programs are always class schedule is complete and available upon well received and appreciated by teachers and request. Fridays from 10:00 AM till noon students alike. provides a great opportunity for one or two The summer season is upon us; trees and volunteers from the Friends group to assist with flowers are showing their colors again, days are the various projects in the park. getting warmer and longer and Park visitors Heather Rutledge will be heading up the increase. This is the time when we see and hear return of Little Naturalists: for ages 4-6 yrs. It the laughter of children splashing at the beach, will be offered every other Tuesday on June 10, the look of wonderment in their eyes when June 24, July 8, July 22, August 5, and August participating in programs, a full campground 19. She has an exciting lesson plan arranged so with the smells of hot dogs and burgers, a picnic volunteers should keep these dates in mind! area full of families, fisherman on the pier and This program has already met with great out in the coves and, of course, the usual buzz of response! It seems all the grandchildren and a the mowers and trimmers of our hard working lot of local children will be in this age group this staff! We’re looking forward to another great year. Heather is very excited about running this season and hope to see all the familiar faces program. With all the youngsters that have pre- again as well as many new faces enjoying the registered, this should be a huge success! Park. We are presenting the Living Green As always we wish to recognize our valued Program again on Saturday, May 17 from 1:00 staff that do so much for the Park: Park to 3:00 PM. We anticipate that with warmer Manager Brian Heft; Assistant Manager Andy temperatures and all the media attention Davis; Chief Ranger Nate Clark; Park Rangers regarding the program last year, we should have John Mitchell, Junior Bennett and Matt Shutt; a nice turn out. Two volunteers from the Friends Park Interpreters Lauri Schular and Heather will be helping out that day. Rutledge; Housekeeping Supervisor Bonnie April 19 Kitty McCoy, from Kitty’s Little Graham; Administrative Staff Sarah Fisher and Book Shoppe, presented a story time program at Amanda Brown; and a busy seasonal the VC from 1 – 2 pm for the children. Maintenance Staff. On Friday May 2, Friday May 23 and Thursday May 29 volunteers from the Friends 2008 Interpreter’s Outline will assist with field trips and guide rotating Lauri Schular and Heather Rutledge classes from several different schools. We will Greetings from the Visitor Center! Wow, run Busy Bees, Fascinating Fish Hawk, Fill the our second Easter Egg Hunt was a hit with 173 Bill, Habitat secrets and either Life in the 1800s participants! We were more prepared this year or Touch See and Say. and the weather was great! Thanks to each of Flowers of the World and Wildflower Walk you who helped herd the egg hunters. The VC will be held on Saturday May 10 from 1:00 to looks and smells great since cleaning day! 2:00 PM at the VC. SML State Park will host Summer 2008 will be a busy one for local Mantana Heim, who will present a PowerPoint children and children who visit our park this display that features flowers from Holland, New summer. We will be running 36 programs each Zealand and her native Thailand. From 2:30 to week. They will include 6 “plug-in” spots that 3:30 PM following her presentation the Park we can change programming easily as well as interpreter will lead a guided hike in the park to 2 discover some hidden treasures that are native to Music in the Park will continue this the park and VA. summer. This year we will offer four events A NEWSLETTER OF THE FRIENDS OF SMITH MOUNTAIN LAKE STATE PARK – Page 3

Interpreter’s Contact Information and the Old Dominion Cloggers will be at each: (540)297-5998 [email protected] These events will be held at the Pavilion near Friends Updates Around the VC and Park the Beach Area from 8:00 to 10:00 PM. Food By The Friends of SML State Park and drinks will be sold. The interpreters will be away while There is no parking fee and admission is $5.00 attending the Spring Interpreter’s Training at per adult. Children under 12 are admitted free. Douthat State Park during the week of May 19. We hope to see you at Music in the Park. They get many new ideas and updates at this May 24 - Common Ground-/Ricky Ellis time. June 28 – Roy Reynolds and Friends Once again the Friends gathered in April July 26 – The Friday Nite Band-Dollie Maxey for their annual clean-up day at the Visitor August 23 – Roanoke Valley Pickers-Charlie Center. It was a busy day for all of those who Greer volunteered to spruce up the VC. Those involved with the landscaping also converged to Who Are The Friends of SMLSP? make improvements and continue the The Friends of Smith Mountain Lake maintenance on the garden areas around the VC. State Park is the official name of the volunteer The butterfly garden and the native plants being group usually referred to as the Friends. It is a highlighted provide beauty and interest to those diverse group of people from the area who have who enter and to those who just wish to amble an interest in promoting, protecting and along the walking areas. preserving the Park. The talents and interests The Friends Gift Shop has been relocated within this group are as varied as its 60 plus in the Visitor Centor and is in an attractive members. display area that allows for expansion of the Educational and entertaining programs are Osprey display. The Gift Shop, a project of the provided or supported by this group. Some Friends Group is one source of revenue for examples are Junior Naturalists, Music in the many projects sponsored and/or implemented by Park, Winter Lecture Series, Youth Fishing the Friends. A special thanks is extended to the Tournament, Seasonal Activities, Living Green, Gutzwillers, the Gerharts, the Fishers, the Judds the Osprey Program, and many others. They and Brian Heft and everyone else involved in also operate a small Gift Shop in the Visitor the decision making process to help make this Center which is one source of income for many happen. Andy Davis worked with the of the projects that are implemented. taxidermist to finalize the Osprey mount. They work closely with the Park personnel Our Osprey pair has three eggs on the nest to provide additional services, programs, and now! The Bees are back! Jim and Jeanne support for Park activities and needs. The Fischer have brought the display hive back and membership fee is a nominal $12.00 per year we are pleased to host them! Both, the Ospreys and it is usually paid up in July. It is a bargain and the Bees, are an interesting and unique part for those who want to be involved in the access of SML State Park’s Visitor Center! to nature that is afforded to all Virginians Track Boxes have been built and installed through the State Park System. thanks to Jim and Nancy Gutzwiller. There are The Friends of Smith Mountain Lake State two of them at the Visitor Center. Park are always working on new projects and The Fishing Tournament will be held on planning ways that we can be of value to our June 14 and should be of interest to those from Park staff and site. If you have an idea for a ages 4 to 14. It’s a great family day. Bring a project or an area of interest or expertise please pole and visit the Park for a fun filled day. let any member of the Board know or leave it in the Friends’ mail box at the Park Office or VC. 3 We can always use more volunteers and we The members meet on the third Monday of will be happy to find things that match your each month at 9:30 AM at the Visitor Center. talents and interestsA NEWSLETTER OF THE FRIENDSWe OF invite SMITH you MOUNTAINto join us. LAKE STATE PARK - Page 4

SML State Park Staff Friends Officers 2008 Park Manager Brian Heft President Sally Hutslar Assistant Park Manager Andy Davis Vice-President Gene Chianelli Chief Ranger Nate Clark Secretary Diane Dorsey Gen. Adm. Supervisor Sarah Fisher Treasurer Jim Gutzwiller Park Ranger Junior Bennett Directors Ray Haymaker (H) Park Ranger John Mitchell John Pregnall Park Ranger Matt Shutt Bernie Tipton Park Interpreter Lauri Schular Jeanne Fischer-(PP) Park Contact Numbers Park Office: 540-297-6066 Friends Contact Number Visitor Center: 540-297-5998 (540) 297-9052


Annual Membership Dues: $12.00 per person______In addition, I/We would like to make a contribution in the amount of $______Name(s)______Address______City______State______Zip______Telephone ( )______Date of Application______E-mail Address______I/We can help with activities: Weekdays______Weekends______Financial Supporter Only______

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Friends of Smith4 Mountain Lake State Park, Inc. 1235 State Park Road Huddleston, VA 24104-9547

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