American Embassy, Tokyo

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American Embassy, Tokyo




(1) Government passed over the problem of noise levels at Atsugi base during 1972 Japan-U.S. talks on homeporting U.S. carriers at Yokosuka, knowing "take-offs and landings would increase three-fold," according to U.S. document

(2) Labor Ministry announces IT training program for one million people, targeting jobholders as well; Program to include PC training, development of software for use at home

(3) Interview with former CEA Chairperson Tyson, influential advisor to the Gore Camp in U.S. presidential election; Japan-U.S. dialogue important in promoting IT; Asian currency fund to be tolerated

(4) Research on the prime ministership: Influence in decision-making process (Part 3) – Resorts to double-edged sword approach to enhance Cabinet' survivability by manipulating the policy clique associated with public works projects ARTICLES: America Affairs Bureau Director General Yoshio Okawara (at the time). (1) Government passed over the problem of noise levels at Atsugi base during 1972 According to the telegram, the Japanese side Japan-U.S. talks on homeporting U.S. asked how much take-offs and landings of carrier- carriers at Yokosuka, knowing "take-offs based planes at Atsugi base would increase with and landings would increase three-fold," carriers being based at Yokosuka. In response, the according to U.S. document U.S. side told Japan that take-offs and landings would increase in direct proportion to the number of port calls by carriers, and that such port calls would ASAHI (Page 1) (Full) be an estimated 15 to 16 days a month. The August 16, 2000 telegram mentioned, "(A senior MOFA official who was present there) commented that with the It was learned from a [declassified] United homeporting of carriers [at Yokosua], take-offs and States Government documents that in the 1972 talks landings at the Atsugi base would increase three- between the governments of Japan and the U.S. on fold or so over the present level." It was further homeporting U.S. carriers at the U.S. Yokosuka reported that Okawara noted, "Residents around the Naval Base in Kanagawa Prefecture, it was area of Atsugi are sensitive to aircraft noises," but indicated that an increase in take-offs and landings he then added, "It would probably not be a major of carrier-based aircraft at the U.S.' Atsugi base in issue for the Japanese Government if carriers are the prefecture could become an issue because of the home-ported at Yokosuka." noise produced. However, both governments proceeded without formally discussing the matter. A subsequent telegram also stated: "The In fact, in 1973, when the U.S. carrier Midway was Japanese Government initially described noise homeported at Yokosuka, the noise levels in the pollution at the Atsugi area as not being a major vicinity of the Atsugi base worsened, sparking issue, and it has not brought the matter up recently." residents nearby to file in 1976 a lawsuit calling for a suspension of night landing practice (NLP) and However, a telegram sent by the Department other flights. State to the U.S. Embassy in Japan went: "The Embassy and the Japanese Government should not The documents are several declassified top leave journalists under the impression that long- secret telegrams transmitted between the U.S. term deployment of carriers would also imply Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Japan deployment of an air squadron. If that happens, regarding discussions with Japan in 1972. citizens will unnecessarily focus their attention on Hiromichi Umebayashi, who heads "Peace Depo," a the matter." civic group investigating the actual state of the U.S. Forces in Japan (USFJ), discovered the document at Since 1982 to a certain time in the past, the U.S.' National Archives. carrier-based aircrafts continued NLP, which turned into a serious issue for residents near Atsugi base. In August 1972, Undersecretary of the State The site for NLP was then relocated to Iwo Island. Johnson made a request to Foreign Minister NLP continues to be carried out there at times. Masayoshi Ohira that in effect would homeport carriers at Yokosuka. A telegram sent in October of Okawara gave this comment: that year by the U.S. Embassy in Japan to the State Department demonstrated what was discussed "Considering relations between between the U.S. Embassy's deputy chief of mission carriers and carrier-borne aircrafts, it and the Japanese Foreign Ministry's (MOFA) should have been discussed that with carriers entering a port, carrier-based Training courses will be set for about planes would activate their activities. 300,000 jobless persons, about 200,000 jobholders But how much noise levels would and approximately 8,000 unemployed graduates. increase might not have been fully Since public vocational training centers do not have examined." enough capacity to accommodate all these trainees, the ministry plans to entrust part of training also to Umebayashi explains: private-sector training institutions, for instance, vocational schools. "Homeporting carriers in Japan surfaced the two serious issues – Three-level training courses will be set: (1) bringing nuclear weapons into Japan Expert training, such as designing of products by and carrier-based aircrafts' noise. But PC, network system designing and management, the Government failed to pay due and development of application software; (2) basic attention to them. It has now become training, such as manipulation of spread sheet obvious that the root responsibility of programs and use of the Internet; and (3) the noise levels issue lies with the elementary training, such as startup of PC and Government." formation of documents by word processor.

(00081605ku) Under the current system, when jobholders wish to receive public vocational training, they need to submit their employees' recommendation letters. But under the new program, such a letter will no (2) Labor Ministry announces IT training longer be required. program for one million people, targeting jobholders as well; Program to include PC In addition, MOL plans to install PCs at its training, development of software for use at affiliated institutes across the nation and allow those home who want to learn on their own to use the facilities free of charge on weekends and at night. The NIHON KEIZAI (Page 5) (Full) ministry expects about 500,000 persons to use these August 16, 2000 facilities.

The Ministry of Labor (MOL) has come up Instructors will be stationed at each facility with an information technology (IT)-training to reply questions about basic operations of PC. program for one million people next fiscal year. The ministry intends also to develop home-training Under the new program, 500,000 persons will be software for intermediate-level trainees. able to undergo personal computer (PC)-training at public vocational training centers. In addition, PC- The ministry has now judged it an urgent equipped facilities at institutes associated with the task to nurture able persons who are well versed in ministry will be opened to the public on weekends IT. and at night. The program will target both the jobless and jobholders. The aim is to develop able personnel who can meet the challenges in the IT age and to help promote job placement. The ministry will request about 20 billion yen for this program in its budget request for next fiscal year.

Consignment of training also to private institutions

- 3 - MOL IT training program for fiscal 2001. (3) Interview with former CEA Chairperson Tyson, influential advisor to the Gore Camp Public vocational training in U.S. presidential election; Japan-U.S. dialogue important in promoting IT; Asian 1) Joblessness (about 300,000) currency fund to be tolerated (1) Expert training, such as designing products by PC and system designing (3 – 6 months) NIHON KEIZAI (Page 8) (Full) (2) Basic training, such as manipulation of August 16, 2000 spread sheet programs and use of the Internet (1 – 2 months) Laura Tyson, former chairperson of the (3) Elementary training, such as operations of Presidential Council of Economic Advisors (CEA), word processor (about 30 hours) is now an influential advisor to Vice President Gore, the Democratic presidential candidate. 2) Jobholders (about 200,000) Interviewed by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, she (1) IT training courses necessary in various reiterated that "policy dialogue aimed at promoting occupational categories, such as designing information technology (IT) in the new economic products by PC and planning for electronic area is vitally important" for Japan-U.S. trade commerce (about 30 hours) relations. Pointing out that bilateral talks on sector- (2) Basic training, such as manipulation of specific trade issues "will cease to be a mainstay spread sheet programs and use of the framework," she indicated a stance of placing Internet (about 100 hours) importance on multilateral negotiations under the (3) Elementary training, such as operations of World Trade Organization (WTO). She took a word processor (about 30 hours) positive position toward creating a new "assistance system" to deal with a currency crisis and the like in 3) Jobless graduates (about 8,000) the Asian region. Training for system designing and programming Prefacing her remarks with the statement Support for self-training (about 500,000) that "I am not directly involved in trade affairs, and  Open to the public PC-equipped facilities at so, this is my personal opinion," she revealed the public vocational centers on weekends and at Gore camp's external economic policy line. night, with instructors stationed.  Develop software for PC training at home. Since U.S. deficits with Japan are on the increase, some have predicted that Vice President (00081604ys) Gore, if elected president, will assume a tough stance toward Japan. However, she categorically said, "Bilateral talks that employ numerical targeting as in the past will not become the principle formula." She added that priority U.S. interest shifted to macroeconomic policy from around the second half of the 1990s.

She continued that it is vitally important for the two countries to hold policy dialogue on IT- related matters, such as protection of privacy, following progress in IT and the spreading use of the Internet. She gave high marks to the bilateral talks on the issue of cutting interconnection fees Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (NTT)

- 4 - levies to other telecom carriers as "part of efforts to Mori and Kamei hail from the former set the stage for placing importance on IT." Fukuda faction. Both are not "policy specialists" in public works projects. When the Prime Minister As to economic issues in the Asian region, took over the Mitsuzuka faction (former Abe she spelled out, "The APEC (Asia-Pacific faction) two years ago, Kamei left the faction. Economic Cooperation forum) framework should Now, the Prime Minister is echoing Kamei's be utilized." Noting that "a currency swap proposal for reviewing public works projects. agreement, which Japan and Asian nations are now Holding a brocade banner handed over by the Prime propelling," would be beneficial from the viewpoint Minister, Kamei has been calling for canceling such of preventing a currency crisis, she indicated her projects as Nakaumi reclamation and Yoshino River intention not to rule out the possibility of setting up dam construction. a new fund within the Asian region with cooperation with the existing International The LDP experienced an uphill battle in the Monetary Fund (IMF) as a precondition. urban districts in the latest Lower House election. In addition, the graft scandal involving former When Japan proposed establishing Asia's construction minister Nakao has led to re-igniting own fund, the Clinton Administration opposed the the criticism of "the corrupt relationships of idea, fearing that the IMF's influence in Asia might politicians, bureaucrats and business circles." deteriorate. Advisor Tyson's statement seems to Under such severe circumstances, Kamei's proposal indicate a flexible stance toward such an initiative. has served to defend the party from attacks from the Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan) and also to (Los Angeles, Reporter Hiroshi Yoshitsugu) contain the LDP public works policy clique, who oppose in principle a drastic review of (00081604yk) conventional-type projects.

Signs of reorganization of policy clique

(4) Research on the prime ministership: In 1993, Kamei, who was then deputy policy Influence in decision-making process (Part 3) research council chief, worked hard to implement a – Resorts to double-edged sword approach to 13-trillion-yen comprehensive package that enhance Cabinet' survivability by included new-type economic stimulus measures that manipulating the policy clique associated focused mainly on the data communications sector. with public works projects Calls for reviewing public works projects have grown as the policy clique became less influential. Seven years ago, former LDP vice president Shin NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Slightly abridged) Kanemaru left the scene, and now, the death of August 15, 2000 [Kanemaru's successor as the don of the construction clique] former prime minister Noboru Mori synchronizes Kamei's proposal Takeshita has touched off the review process. "I hope to see public works projects that In the past, joining hands with Takeshita and have been left in limbo for two or three years other several influential politicians, the government cancelled. A drastic review is desired," said Prime agencies concerned, such as the Finance Ministry Minister Mori on the morning of the 3rd. This and the Construction Ministry, worked to block remark came in response to Liberal Democratic other politicians from influencing public works Party Policy Affairs Research Council Chairman policy. But the government agencies now structural Kamei's remark: "We want to cancel in principle the change in the public works policy clique. projects that have yet to be started up even 5 years after the plans were adopted."

- 5 - In actuality, although the LDP's panel has leading actors of the public works projects-policy discussed the review, it has continued to set aside clique. the same level of expenditures as the previous year for public works projects. While cutting Under the Nakasone and Hashimoto conventional-type public works spending, the panel administrations, administrative reform was played is trying to increase outlays for new-type projects. up as a policy task. The administrations aimed to The new-type projects include construction of cut into the vested interests of Diet policy cliques optical fiber networks and dissemination of linked to specific government agencies. This Internet-based education in the schools. The public approach called for appealing to the public by works budget has been regarded as a sanctuary for putting forth the "slogan of administrative reform" the policy clique, but in the future, the budget and to have the policy cliques confront each other would have to involve other Diet policy cliques, by strategically appointing certain personnel. such as telecommunications and education. Although the administration might make enemies, it could use this approach to enhance its survivability. Aoki tries to hold things in check A policy clique [zoku] might be called the Learning that Kamei had told experts basic unit for grouping LDP members. We wonder opposing the Makaumi reclamation project in whether Prime Minister Mori is determined to Shimane Prefecture that he supported their stance, interfere in the territory of a Diet policy clique or Upper House Secretary General Mikio Aoki, who has just fallen in step with Kamei and other party comes from Shimane, approached Kamei after an executives. LDP executive liaison council meeting on the 8th and wagged, "You should not have done that." This The Prime Minister's real intention remains remark can be taken as his attempt to hold back unclear. Kamei and others who are eager to replace the (00081504ys)

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