Department: Machinery and Equipment for Agriculture Ph. D. Eng., Professor, Spiridon CRETU

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Department: Machinery and Equipment for Agriculture Ph. D. Eng., Professor, Spiridon CRETU

“Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Aproved, Faculty of Mechanics Dean, Department: Machinery and Equipment for Agriculture Ph. D. Eng., Professor, Spiridon CRETU and Food Industry

SYLLABUS Course: Raw Material and Microbiology in the Food Stuff Industry Speciality: Machinery and Equipments for Agriculture and Food Industry

Course tenure: Associate Professor, Ph. D. Eng. Ovidiu BALAN Course type: DI, DS Structure of the course in the curriculum Semester No. of hours / week Examination type No. of credits No. total of hours Total hours C S L P C S L P 7 3 - 1 - oral examination 4 42 - 14 - 56

A. COURSE OBJECTIVES Basic training of the students on raw material used in every technological foodstuff production stage, as well as on the devices used to determine raw material and finite product quality.

B. SCIENTIFIC CONTENTS Chapter 1. General remarks on raw and auxiliary material 12 hours 1.1. Definitions and classification; 1.2. Nutritive function of food; 1.3. Chemical composition of raw and auxiliary material; 1.3.1. Carbohydrates 1.3.2. Proteins 1.3.3. Lipids 1.3.4. Vitamins 1.3.5. Mineral elements Chapter 2. Vegetable raw material 14 hours 2.1. General remarks; Physical, mechanical and technological properties of raw materials; 2.2. Cereals 2.3. Leguminous plants for grains 2.4. Oil-bearing food stuff; 2.4.1. Oil-bearing seeds 2.4.2. Oil-bearing fruit 2.4.3. Textile and oil-bearing plants 2.5. Root and tuber producing plants 2.6. Vegetables and fruit 2.6.1. Vegetables 2.6.2. Fruit 2.7. Grapes; 2.8. Spicy, stimulating, medicinal and aromatic plants; 2.8.1. Spicy plants 2.8.2. Hop; 2.8.3. Stimulating vegetable raw material 2.9. Tobacco; Chapter 3. Animal raw material 6 hours 3.1. Animal material for meat 3.2. Foodstuff from live animals Chapter 4. Raw and auxiliary mineral material 2 hours 4.1. Water; 4.3. Carbon dioxide; Chapter 5. Auxiliary material 4 hours 5.1. Material for the creation and improvement of foodstuff structure; 5.2. Material supporting technological operations; 5.3. General technological agents. 5.4. Packages. Chapter 6. Raw material microbiology 4 hours 6.1. Vegetable raw material microbiology 6.2. Animal raw material microbiology

C. LABORATORY WORKS 1. Characterization of materials necessary for farinaceous foodstuff production: decorticated foodstuff, flours, doughs, baked products, expanded and extruded products, complex farinaceous foodstuff. Physical and organoleptic characteristics of raw material. Chemical composition of cereals used in the milling industry. 2. Main components of raw material used in starch, glucose and dextrin production; 3. Characteristics of raw material used in vegetable oil and fat production. Physical and chemical characteristics of finite products; 4. Characteristics of animal and vegetable protein raw material used in protein foodstuff production; 5. Properties and components of raw material used in fruit and vegetable preservation industry; 6. Animal breeds for meat. Raw material used for meat foodstuff production; 7. Characteristics of raw material used in dairy processing, sour cream, butter, cheese and icecream production;

KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT 1. Final exam 70%; 2. Mid-term examinations 30%.

REFERENCES 1. Balan O. 1999. “Materii prime şi materiale pentru industria alimentară”, “Gh. Asachi” Technical University Publishing, Iaşi. 2. Balan O. 2000. “Resurse alimentare de bază şi probleme ale alimentaţiei populaţiei”, Junimea Publishing House, Iaşi. 3. Hobniuc A., ş.a1977. Studiul materiilor din industria alimentară. General technology, EDP, Bucharest 4. Banu C., 1998, vol. I.. “Manualul inginerului de industrie alimentară”, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest. 5. Niculescu N. 1981. “Materii şi materiale pentru producerea alimentelor”, Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest. 6. Moţoc D. 1984. “Microbiologia produselor alimentare”, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest 7. Neamţu G. - “Biochimie medicală”, Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest

Department head, Course tenure, Ph.D. Eng. Dănuţă COZMA Ph. D. Eng. Associate Professor, Ovidiu BALAN “GH. ASACHI” TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IAŞI Aproved, FACULTY OF MECHANICS Dean, Dept. Machinery and Equipments for Agriculture and Food Industry Ph.D. Eng. Professor, Spiridon CRETU

SYLLABUS Course: PROCESSING EQUIPMENTS FOR VEGETABLE PRODUCTS Speciality: Machinery and Equipments for Agriculture and Food Industry

Course tenure: Associate professor, Ph. D. Eng. Ovidiu BALAN Course type: Imposed Curriculum structure: Semester No. of hours / week Examination No. of No. total of hours Total hours/ type credits course C S L P K C S L P 9 2 - 1 1 exam 3 28 - 14 14 58 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES * Study of vegetable product peeling equipments * Study of package washing equipments * Study of vegetable product conditioning equipments * Study of grinding equipmens * Study of vegetable product cutting equipments * Study of machinery and equipment for physical-mechanical separation of polydispersed systems * Study of machinery and equipment for heat processing of vegetable products * Study of dosing and packaging equipments

B. SCIENTIFIC CONTENTS Chap. 1 General remarks 1 hour 1.1. Destination, classification, work environment Chap. 2 Vegetable product peeling and sizing equipment 1 hour 2.1. Destination and classification of vegetable product peeling equipment 2.2. Structure and operation of vegetable product peeling equipment 2.3. Calculation of the main structure and operation parameters Chap. 3 Package washing equipment 2 hours 3.1. Destination and classification of package washing equipment 3.2. Structure and operation of package washing equipment 3.3. Calculation of the main structure and operation parameters Chap. 4 Equipment for removing non-edible parts of vegetable products 6 hours 4.1. Destination and classification of vegetable product conditioning equipment 4.2. Structure, operation and calculation of stone removing equipment 4.3. Structure, operation and calculation of stalk removing equipment 4.4. Structure, operation and calculation of seed case removing equipment 4.5. Structure, operation and calculation of bean pod tip and stalk cutting equipment 4.6. Structure, operation and calculation of vegetable and fruit peeling equipment Chap. 5. Machinery and equipment for vegetable product grinding 4 hours 5.1. Destination and classification 5.2. Structure, operation and calculation of vegetable product cutting equipment 5.3. Structure, operation and calculation of bulk vegetable product grinding equipment 5.4. Structure, operation and calculation of fine vegetable product grinding equipment Chap. 6. Dosing machinery and equipment 3 hours 6.1. Destination and classification 6.2. Structure, operation and calculation of liquid product dosing equipment 6.3. Structure, operation and calculation of solid product dosing equipment 6.4. Structure, operation and calculation of dense product dosing equipment Chap. 7. Product packaging machinery and equipment 3 hours 7.1. Structure, operation and calculation of liquid product packaging equipment 7.2. Structure, operation and calculation of solid product packaging equipment 7.3. Structure, operation and calculation of dense product dosing equipment Chap. 8. Specific machinery and equipment for sugar industry. Structure, operation and calculation 2 hours Chap. 9. Specific machinery and equipment for vegetable oil and fat industry. Structure, operation and calculation 2 hours Chap. 10. Specific machinery and equipment for wine industry. Structure, operation and calculation 2 hours Chap. 11. Specific machinery and equipment for vegetable and fruit preservation and sale. Structure, operation and calculation 2 hours

C. LABORATORY WORKS Package washing equipment Equipment for removing non-edible fruit and vegetables parts Equipment for vegetable product grinding Equipment for physical-mechanical separation of polydispersed systems Machinery and equipment for heat processing of vegetable products Dosing equipment Packaging equipment

D. DESIGNS Designing of Vegetable Product Washing Equipments Designing of Package Washing Equipments Designing of Stalk Removing Equipments Designing of Stone Removing Equipments Designing Seed Case Removing Equipments Pulper Designing Refining of Device Design Design of a Liquid Product Concentration by Vacuuming Piece of Equipment Designing of Dosing Equipment Designing of a Packaging Equipment E. GRADING Exam 60% Designing 30% Laboratory 10%

Department head, Course tenure,

Ph.D. Eng.Professor Dănuţă COZMA Ph. D. Eng., Associate Professor, Ovidiu BALAN “GH. ASACHI” TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IAŞI, ROMANIA Aproved, FACULTY OF MECHANICS Dean, Dept.: Machinery and Equipments for Agriculture and Food Industry Ph.D., Professor Spiridon CRETU

SYLLABUS Course: Environment Protection and Waste and Residue Recycling in Agriculture Speciality: Machinery and Equipments for Agriculture and Food Industry Course holder: asoociate professor, Ph. D. eng. Ovidiu BALAN Course type: compulsory speciality Curriculum structure: Semester No. of hours / week Examination No. of No. total of hours Total course type credits hours C S L P K C S L P 9 2 - 1 - oral 3 28 - 14 - 42 A. COURSE OBJECTIVES Student training on polluting factors and environment protection machinery and equipments B. SCIENTIFIC CONTENTS Chap. 1. General notions on the environment 2 hours 1.1. Environment engineering 1.2. Sustainable development of foodstuff and agriculture industry 1.3. Ecology notions 1.4. Definition of residue and waste notion. Importance of their processing; Chap. 2. Environment pollution 2 hours 2.1. Pollution factors 2.2. Pollution sources in agriculture and foodstuff industry Chap. 3. Equipment and facilities for air protection in agriculture and foodstuff industry 4 hours 3.1. Air composition. Physical and chemical characteristics of the air 3.2. Procedures and equipment for air protection Chap. 4. Equipment and facilities for water protection 4 hours 4.1. Water sources. Water characteristics 4.2. Equipment and facilities for water purification Chap. 5. Procedures for soil protection 1 hour 5.1. Soil composition. Soil characteristics 5.2. Procedures and facilities for soil protection Chap. 6. Animal husbandry waste processing 1 hour 6.1. Pig farm waste discharge and processing 6.2. Cow farm waste discharge and processing 6.3. Poultry farm waste discharge and processing Chap. 7. Waste control, circuit and processing 2 hours 7.1. House waste. Industrial waste. Dangerous waste 7.2. Waste legislation 7.3. Waste collection 7.4. Waste transport 7.5. Waste storage 7.6. Waste recovery Chap. 8. Crop residue processing 2 hours 8.1. Cereal crop residue processing 8.2. Vine residue processing 8.3. Fruit growing residue processing 8.4. Sugar beet crop residue processing 8.5. Sunflower crop residue processing 8.6. Flax and hemp crop residue processing Chap. 9. Foodstuff industry residue processing 2 hours 9.1. Poultry farm residue processing 9.2. Pig and other big animal farm residue processing 9.3. Dairy industry residue processing Chap. 10. Environment-friendly technologies in agriculture and foodstuff industry 2 hours 10.1. Soil works. Minimal soil works 10.2. Soil erosion prevention and combat measures 10.3. Integrated weed, disease and pest control 10.4. Use of chemical and organic fertilizers in agriculture Chap. 11. Clean process technologies in foodstuff industry 2 hours 11.1. Raw and secondary material in foodstuff industry 11.2. Foodstuff product quality Chap. 12. Structure of power consumption in agriculture and foodstuff industry 2 hours 12.1. Power balance in agriculture and foodstuff industry 12.2. Power consumption reduction possibilities 12.3. Unconventional power sources C. LABORATORY WORKS 1. Structure and operation analysis of air pollution removal equipment in the milling and bakery industry ……………………………………………………………………………………..2 hours 2. Structure and operation analysis of vehicle exhaust gas purification facilities 2 hours 3. Water characteristic determination 2 hours 4. Structure and operation analysis of mechanical and biological water purification facilities 2 hours 5. Environment-friendly discharge equipment analysis in animal farms 2 hours 6. Waste processing equipment analysis 2 hours 7. Analysis of environment-friendly technologies and equipment used in agriculture and foodstuff industry ……………………………………………………………………………..2 hours D. KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT Oral examination 70% Laboratory 20% Tests 10% E. REFERENCES 1. Bartha A., Protecţia mediului; 1994. “Gh. Asachi” Technical University Publishing, Iaşi, Romania. 2. Ionescu Al., ş.a.; 1992. Ecologia şi protecţia mediului, Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania. 3. Jumbescu V.; 1978. Reciclarea nepoluantă a reziduurilor zootehnice, Ceres Publishing House. 4. Florea J., ş.a.; 1982. Hidrodinamica instalaţiilor de transport hidropneumatic şi de depoluare a apei şi aerului. EDP, Bucuresti, Romania. 5. Nedeff V., ş.a. 1998. Procedee şi tehnici de protecţia mediului în agricultură şi industria alimentară, Technical Publishing House, Chişinău., Moldova Republic.

Department head, Course tenure,

Ph.D. Eng. professor Dănuţă COZMA Ph. D. Eng. Associate Professor, Ovidiu BALAN

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