R.A. 7610, Article 28, Section B. Regulating the Rights of the Child to Education

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R.A. 7610, Article 28, Section B. Regulating the Rights of the Child to Education


R.A. 7610, Article 28, Section B. regulating the rights of the child to education

R.A. 10627 known as the ANTI-BULLYING ACT OF 2013 ANTI-BULLYING POLICY CHILD PROTECTION COMMITTEE OUR Vision ROY Y. SALVADOR JENEFFER P. BUENAVISTA We dream of Filipinos Chairperson Vice-Chairperson who passionately love their country

and whose competencies and values IMEE B. OLIVEROS SONNY C. CAANG enable them to realize their full potential Member Member

and contribute meaningfully to building the nation. APPLE JEAN F. DUNGOG LAYNA SIGUANO Member Member As a learner-centered public institution

the Department of Education

continuously improves itself

to better serve its stakeholders.

Page 1 Page 10 4. Implementing specific partenting orientation sessions with parents and caregivers and other activities. Our Mission 5. Implementing school activities or events that To protect and promote the right of every Filipino raise awareness on children’s rights, positive to quality, equitable, culture-based and complete discipline , fostering active involvement and basic education where: providing venues for bringing together parents, Students learn in a child-friendly, gender- families and children; 6. Setting up child-friendly mechanism for sensitive, safe and motivating environment obtaining children’s views and participation in Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture the formulation, monitoring, and assessment of every learner school rules and policies related to discipline. Administrators and staff, as stewards of the VI-IMPLEMENTATION institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen This policy has been made available for school personnel and PTA officers and Members and Family, community and other stakeholders are implemented immediately. actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners. Core Values Maka-Diyos Makatao Maka-kalikasan Makabansa

Page 2 Page 9 exclusion or expulsion, the following minimum requirements of due process shall be complied with:

I-RATIONALE 1.The child and the parent or guardians must be The Limulan Elementary School has informed of the complaint in writing; adopted the policy to provide special protection 2. The child shall be given the opportunity to answer to children who are gravely threatened or the complaint in writing with the assistance of the endangered by circumstances which affect their parents or guardians; normal development, As mandated under the 3. The decision of the School head must be in writing, Implementing rules and Regulations (IRA) of stating the facts and the reasons for the decisions; Republic Act 10627 known as Anti-Bullying Act 4. The decisions of the School head may be of 2013 appealed, as provided in existing rules of the The Limulan Elementary School provide department. children to a conducive and safe learning environment and to ensure the best interest of the child shall be the vital consideration and free V-PROTECTIVE AND REMEDIAL MEASURES TO from harassment physical and mental abuse, ADDRESS BULLYING intimidation ,or humiliation . 1. Integration of education sessions on bullying and positive discipline in the initiatives of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA);

2. Capacity building programs for school administrators, teachers and non-academic personnel focused on children’s rights, child development and non-violent approaches in teaching and classroom management.

3. Encouraging and supporting the formation and initiatives of support groups among teaching and non teaching staff and parents Page 3 a. PROCEDURE – In all cases where the imposable penalty on the offending child is suspension, 4. The decisions of the School head may be appealed, as provided in existing rules of the department. Page 8

IV- PROCEDURES IN HANDLING BULLYING INCIDENTS Page 7 A complaint for bullying or peer abuse shall be acted upon by the School head following the procedures herein set forth: II- DEFINITION

a. Bullying – Upon the filing of a complaint or upon notice by Bullying is committed when a pupil commits an act or a series of a school personnel or official of any bullying incident, the acts directed , towards another pupils or a series of single acts same shall immediately reported to the school head who directed towards several pupils in a school setting or a place of shall inform the parent or guardians of the victim and the learning , which results in physical and mental abuse, offending child shall be referred to the Child Protection Committee (CPC) for counseling and other interventions. harassment , intimidation, or humiliation. Such acts may consist The penalty or reprimand, if warranted, maybe imposed by of any one or more of the following: the school head in the presence of the parents or a. Threats to inflict a wrong upon the person, honor or guardians. property of the person or on his or her family; b. Bullying that results in serious physical injuries or death – if the bullying resulted in serious physical injuries or death, b. Stalking or constantly following or pursuing a person whenever appropriate, the case shall be dealt in accordance in his or her daily activities, with unwanted and with the provisions of RA 9344 and its implementing Rules and obsessive attention; Regulations. c. Taking of property; c. PROCEDURE – In all cases where the imposable penalty on the offending child is suspension, exclusion or expulsion, d. Public humiliation ,or public and malicious imputation the following minimum requirements of due process shall be of a crime or of a vice or defect, whether real or complied with: imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstance tending to cause dishonor, discredit or 1.The child and the parent or guardians must be informed expose a person to contempt; of the complaint in writing;

2. The child shall be given the opportunity to answer the e. Deliberate destruction or defacement of, or damage complaint in writing with the assistance of the parents or to the child’s property; guardians; f. Physical violence committed upon a pupil ,which may 3. The decision of the School head must be in writing, or may not result to harm or injury, with or without the stating the facts and the reasons for the decisions; aid of a weapon. Such violence maybe in the form of mauling ,hitting, punching,,kicking,throwing things at 3. Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, who the pupils,pinching,spanking,or other similar acts; provides information during an investigation of bullying, or who is to or has reliable information about bullying. g. Demanding or requiring sexual or monetary favors, or exacting money or property from a pupil; and

h. Restraining the liberty and freedom of a pupil.

Page 4 Page 5 i. Demanding or requiring sexual or monetary favors, or exacting money or property, from a pupil; and III- COMMITTEE ON ANTI-BULLYING ACT j. Restraining the liberty and freedom of a pupil . A. The Anti-Bullying committee shall be composed of the Furthermore, the school prohibits the following acts following: School head - Chairperson 1. Bullying on school grounds; property immediately 1. adjacent to school grounds; at at school sponsored or 2. School Guidance - Vice-Chairperson school-related activities, functions or programs whether on or off school grounds; at school bus stops; on school 3. Faculty Club President - Member buses or other vehicles owned,leased or used by a school; or through the use of technology or an electronic 4. PTA President - Member owned,leased or used by a school. 5. SPG Ptresident - Member 2. Bullying at location, activity, function or program that is B. The Anti-Bullying Committee shall perform the following not school related and through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned , leased or used by a functions: school if the act or acts in question create a hostile 1. Initiate information dissemination programs and environment at school for the victim, infringe on the rights organize activities for the anti-bullying law. of the victim at school , or materially and substancially disrupt the education process or orderly operation of a 2. Develop and implement a school -based referral and school and; monitoring system . 3. Establish a system of identifying pupils who maybe suffering harm based on physical , emotional or behavioral signs.

4. Identify, refer and if appropriate, report the appropriate offices cases involving bullying.

5. Give assistance to parent or guardians, wherever necessary in securing expert guidance counseling from any institutions.

6. Monitor the implementation of positive measures and effective procedures in providing the necessary support for the child.

7. Ensure that the Children”s right be heard and respected and upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare.

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