International students – Third-country nationals2: registration in city and application for residence permit Version 19th of August 2015 Overview

1. General information

What is the definition of an international student?

Basic principles with respect to the registration as international student in a city Notification Registration Basic principles with respect to the residence status as international student

2. Third-country nationals1

a. Short stay (max. 3 months)

a.1 General notification procedure – Declaration of arrival a.2 Specific notification procedure in case of main place of residence in a neighbouring country (France, Luxemburg, Germany or the Netherlands)

b. Long stay (more than 3 months)

b.1 General registration procedure b.1.1 Registration – Student visa type D b.1.2 Registration – Change of statute (visa C or visa exemption or valid residence card from another member state of the European Union) b.1.3 Registration – Residence request extraordinary circumstances (no legal residence) b.1.4 Renewal residence card (A-card)

b.2 Specific notification procedure in case of main place of residence in a neighbouring country (France, Luxemburg, Germany or the Netherlands)

1 The term third-country national refers to a person who has neither the nationality of a member state of the European Union nor the European Economic Area.

1 1. General information

Who is an international student?

Every person without the Belgian nationality who is coming to Belgium in order to study, must have a student residence permit. EU-nationals and nationals from a country belonging to the European Economic Area benefit from more lenient residence regulations than third-country nationals.

Please bear in mind! The procedures in this note do not apply to persons without the Belgian nationality who have been residing in Belgium for a longer period and who own a residence permit which is not based on studying in Belgium. The procedures in this note do therefore only apply to persons without the Belgian nationality who have come to Belgium with the specific purpose to study in the country.

Basic principles with respect to the registration as international student in a city

As soon as they arrive in Belgium, non-Belgian students must contact in time the city where they are residing. This is important for several reasons:

 Students must apply for a residence document

In order to obtain a residence document, the applicant must first arrange the notification or registration which is explained underneath.

 Students who will stay in Belgium for at most 3 months do only have to notify the city.

Please bear in mind! In order to notify the city a student must have a residence address in that city.

A notification implies that the temporary residence address is announced upon declaration of the city. Consequently this does not lead to a subscription in the inhabitants’ register of the city. This means that the students don’t get a main residence (=domicile) in that city. Nor will a national register number be created.

This can lead to difficulties during certain administrative procedures: . Not possible to apply for a card to park car . No free admission to the municipal museums on Sunday morning (2 euro for -26) . Sometime problems might show up when doing bank transactions . The student can only pass a driving test when he uses annex 33 and when he asks for a holder number:  Application at the “Rijden” counter (civil affairs department) or via email ([email protected]). In case of application via email it is recommended adding a scan of the application form (annex 33).  The “Rijden” counter will apply for the number at the FOD Mobiliteit (Federal Government Service for Mobility)  The student will receive the document via mail.

In general, following cases should not cause problems: . To apply for a cell-phone subscription (only payment via domiciliation) . To apply for an internet subscription (number of identity card is needed, not a national register number) . To apply for a Buzzy pass (public transport subscription): sole precondition, from 6 to 24 years, the student must be able to present the address of his digs and a copy of ID/passport

In order to work legally, the employer must report the presence of the student at the Belgian social security service. To this effect, he needs the national register number of the student. In case the student does not yet have a national register number, the presence of the student can be reported by means of his identification number of the social security service (INSZ), often abbreviated as creabis number. There are two ways to apply for this creabis number: the employer can make the application via, or the student can apply for the number via the city where he is (temporarily) registered.

Please bear in mind! Sigedis cannot issue a creabis number to foreign jobstudents. The employer can proceed with the Dimona-notification without a creabis number if minimal identification data (name, given name, date and place of birth, gender, address) are available.. There is however an exception for foreign

2 jobstudents who are employed as temporary worker in agriculture and horticulture: these students must apply for the creabis number via the city.

For further information please contact: tel. 02/212 02 55 or [email protected] or

 Students who will be staying in Belgium for more than 3 months should normally be registered in the city.

Please bear in mind! In order to register in the city, the student must have a residence address in that city.

Registration means that the address of residence will be registered as main place of residence (=domicile). A police officer will pass by to check whether the person concerned is really residing at that address.2

This will lead to enrolment in the population register of the city. A national register number will be created.

Enrolment is not possible for students residing less than 3 months in Belgium.

Students who will stay longer than 3 months in Belgium can on some occasions choose not to register in the city.

Basic principles with respect to the residence status as international student

The residence status of a student applies to non-Belgian nationals who have come to Belgium to follow a bachelor or master study or in order to pursue a (pre)graduate study.

Exchange students3 and some trainees4 are also eligible for this statute.

A preparatory study year is also eligible for this statute. This includes: - seventh year of secondary education in preparation for studies of higher education5 - one year language course in an establishment organised, recognised or subsidised by Belgian authorities under the following conditions: o Language course as preparation for studies of higher education (to start in the following academic year) o Only language course Dutch, French or German allowed (no English) and this preparatory language course not allowed, if student will enroll for studies of higher education in English o Preparatory language course only allowed for one year

Nationals of the European Union can also obtain a residence statute if they intend to follow higher secondary education.

The residence status of a student does not apply to non-Belgian nationals who have come to Belgium to pursue a post-doctoral study, a placement or research in view of a guest agreement. The residence legislation will consider them as migrant workers.

The residence conditions distinguish two major groups of foreign students:

1. EU-nationals and nationals of a country belonging to the European Economic Area

2 In principle, a simplified inspection procedure of the residence (without police check) is possible for a student who has to settle in Ghent, who is registered online at the International Student Counter and who is staying in a student home managed by one of the recognized institutes of higher education in Ghent. 3 An exchange student is a student (EU-citizen or third-country national) who:  is enrolled in an institute of higher education abroad, and  is registered in a Belgian institute of higher education, and  has not paid an enrollment fee to that Belgian institute of higher education but to that institute of higher education abroad, and  can not obtain a degree at that Belgian institute of higher education but only at that institute of higher education abroad, and  who come to study in Belgium during 24 months at most. 4 The residence law only regards trainees as a student in case of a unpaid and obligatory internship necessary for their studies in Belgium or another EU-member state or Switzerland. In other cases the trainee is considered to be a migrant worker. The International Student Counter does not treat files of migrant workers. Also the procedures explained here, are not applicable to migrant workers. 5 This is education especially organised to prepare a student for higher education and to broaden knowledge on one or more subjects.

3 These persons should comply with the following guidelines:

• Possess an identity document (= passport or ID card) • Registered in a branch of studies, as a regular student (diploma contract with at least 54 credits) or as an exchange student (diploma or credit contract) • Main occupation: their studies (at least 12 hours/week) • Study at an educational institution which is recognized, organized or subventioned by the Belgian state • Possess sufficient means of subsistence and a health insurance • Constitute no danger to the public health • Constitute no danger to the public order or public safety

2. Third-country nationals (= persons without a nationality of a state belonging to the European Union or the European Economic Area)

These persons should comply with the following guidelines:

 Possess an identity document (= passport)  Registered in a branch of studies of higher education (or a preparatory or complementary study year with at least 27 credits), as a full-time and regular student (diploma contract with at least 54 credits) or as an exchange student (diploma or credit contract)  Study at an educational institution which is recognized, organized or subventioned by the Belgian state  Possess sufficient means of subsistence to cover residence, study, repatriation and medical expenses  for academic year 2015-2016 means of at least 617 Euro netto/month required

 proof of means of subsistence is possible in various ways: scholarship, sponsorship document (annex 32), study loan, etc.

 Constitute no danger to the public health  Constitute no danger to the public order or public safety

Please bear in mind! Due to a decision of the Belgian federal government as of 2th of March 2015 students are required to pay an additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution) for some residence applications (see further in this information document). This contribution amounts to  160 euro (student who is enrolled in an educational establishment organised, accredited or subsidized by the government) or  215 euro (student who is enrolled in a private educational establishment)

Additional information as regards these residence conditions is to be found at > staying (more than 3 months) > to study

Third-country nationals² possessing the status of long-term resident6 in another EU-member state benefit from the same conditions as nationals from the European Union.

How to apply for a residence status?

The residence procedure distinguishes two major groups of foreign students:

1. EU-nationals and nationals of a country belonging to the European Economic Area1

There are residence procedures for a short stay (up to 4,5 months) and residence procedures for a long stay (more than 4,5 months).

2. Third-country nationals2

There are residence procedures for a short stay (up to 3 months) and procedures for a long stay (more than3 months).

Moreover, there are some particular residence procedures for both groups.

6 The term long-term resident refers to a special residence status for third-country nationals who have been residing legally in a member state of the European Union for at least 3 or 5 years. These persons obtain under certain conditions the right to reside in other member states of the European Union in order to work or study, if they possess a special residence card as long-term resident.

4 2. Third-country nationals2 a. Short stay (max. 3 months) a.1 General notification procedure - Declaration of arrival

For whom?

Third country nationals who are coming to study for a maximum duration of 3 months (e.g. exchange students or Ph D students).

How to apply?

Within 3 working days following their arrival in Belgium the students send an email ([email protected]) in view of the notification. This notification mail should contain following data:

 subject: annex 3

 First name and family name of the student

 Nationality of the student

 Residential address in Ghent

 Duration of the studies in Ghent

The students receive an email with an appointment in order to present all the necessary documents to the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or in a service centre. If all the necessary documents are ok, a residence document (annex 3) is issued.

The residence address of the student will determine whether the application will be handled in the Administrative Centre Zuid or in a service centre.

Or the students who reside outside the city centre (e.g. Nieuw-Gent district) report without an appointment at the competent service centre within 3 working days after their arrival in Belgium. Contact information of the service centres can be found further on in this information document.

These students can not send a notification by means of the online Arrival Form.

What items to bring along?

 valid passport  valid visa (only for third-country nationals who must possess a visa)  Correct and complete residential address in Ghent  4 recent and identical passport photos on a neutral and light background

What will the students obtain?

A Declaration of Arrival (annex 3) for a maximum validity duration of 3 months, as from the date of arrival in the Schengen zone. They will immediately receive this document at the counter.

5 In principle, annex 3 cannot be prolonged. Students who wish to stay for a longer time span, can introduce an application for a prolonged duration by means of a so-called change of statute (detailed explanation at item b.1.2).

Please bear in mind This residence procedure does not ensue in a registration in a Belgian city. The students do not obtain a main residence (= ‘domicile’) in Ghent. This may be a problem in order to initiate other administrative procedures (see General Information: Basic principles as an international student in a city).

Price? 12 euro (cost price residence document).

For this residence application no payment of an additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution) is required.

At the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid and in the service centres, it is possible to pay cash or with Bancontact. The Muide-Meulestede sub-office only accepts cash payments.

6 a.2 Specific notification procedure in case of main residential address in a neighbouring country (France, Luxemburg, Germany or the Netherlands)

For whom?

Students with a main residence address in an adjacent neighbouring country7 who maintain their primary residence (‘domicile’) in that country (and return there at least once a week) and therefore do not want to register in a Belgian municipality. If these students do want to register in a Belgian municipality, they should follow the procedure explained in section b.1.2)

Please bear in mind

This residence procedure does not ensue in a registration in a Belgian municipality. The students therefore will not receive a main residence (= ‘domicile’) in Ghent. This may constitute a difficulty in view of initiating other administrative procedures (see: Basic principles with respect to the registration as international student in a city).

How to apply?

The residential address of the student determines whether the application is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre.

Within 8 working days after their arrival in Belgium, the students report via email ([email protected]). This mail should contain following information:

• subject: annex 33

• first name and last name of the student

• Nationality of the student

• Residence address in Ghent

• Length of the studies in Ghent

The students receive an email with an appointment in order to present all the necessary documents to the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or in a service centre. If all the necessary documents are ok, a residence document (annex 33) is issued.

The residential address of the student determines whether the application is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre.

Or the students who reside outside the city centre (e.g. Nieuw-Gent district) report without an appointment at the competent service centre within 8 working days after their arrival in Belgium. Contact information of the service centres can be found further on in this information document.

These students can not send a notification by means of the online Arrival Form.

What items to bring along?  valid passport  residence permit issued by the neighbouring country involved and valid for the duration of the academic year  enrolment certificate7 issued by an educational institution in Belgium  correct and complete residential address in Ghent  4 recent and identical passport photos on a neutral and light background

7 This residence procedure does not apply to students with a main residential address in Great Britain.

7 What will the students obtain?

A residence document for a student from an adjoining country (annex 33) valid for the duration of the school or academic year (until October 31st 8). The students will immediately receive this document at the counter.

Annex 33 must be renewed every academic year. To this effect, the same documents need to be presented as during the first application. Annex 33 of the previous academic year must also be submitted.

Price? 12 euro (cost price residence document).

For this residence application no payment of an additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution) is required.

At the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid and in the service centres, it is possible to pay cash or with Bancontact. The Muide-Meulestede sub-office only accepts cash payments.

8 An annex 33 valid for the duration of the school or academic year cannot be issued, if the residence permit issued by the neighbouring country has a shorter validity period than the expected period of studies in Belgium. In that case the annex 33 wil only be valid for the same period as that residence permit issued by the neighbouring country.

8 9 b. Long stay (more than 3 months) b.1 General registration procedure b.1.1 Registration – Student visa type D

For whom? Third-country nationals who are coming to study for a long period (more than 3 months). These students should register themselves in the municipality.

How to apply?

In principle, students should introduce an application for a student visa type D prior to their arrival in Belgium via the competent Belgian consulate abroad.

Additional information can be found at the following websites:

 > staying (more than 3 months) > to study


Please bear in mind

There are various kinds of visa type D: student visa have a code between B1 and B9.

A visa type D with the codes B12, B13 and B14 are no student visa, but a visa for labour migrants (e.g. Ph D researcher or another staff member of a Belgian educational institution). These applications are not processed by the International Students Counter. In that case, the employer can register the person involved at the Expats Counter ([email protected]).

Example of a student visa type D

10  visa type D = mention D in the orange field

 period of validity of the visa = date mentioned in the yellow field

 number visa = number mentioned in the red field  place of delivery of the visa = name of the city mentioned in the purple field  date of issue of the visa = date mentioned in the green field  number of passport = number mentioned in the blue field  code student visa = letter + digit mentioned in the black field

Please bear in mind

A student visa type D is also required for students who dispose of a visa exemption for a short stay (up to 3 months).

The student can travel to Belgium once the student visa type D is issued by the competent Belgian consulate abroad.

The residential address of the student determines whether the application is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre.

Students in possession of a passport and student visa type D should report themselves online within 8 working days at the International Students Counter.

Please bear in mind Because of the lengthy registration procedure and since an electronic registration document (A-card) cannot be issued immediately, the students are advised to introduce their application as soon as possible.

Online declaration of arrival The online Arrival Form can be downloaded at:

Please bear in mind The online notification of arrival is only possible for students who wish a registration for the first time. Students who are already registered but have moved or who want a renewal of their card (see item b.1.4), should present themselves at the Migration Counter (Administrative Centre Zuid) or in the competent service

11 centre in order to report a change of address. Afterwards, they can introduce a residence application at the Migration Counter (Administrative Centre Zuid) or in the competent service centre. The residential address of the student determines whether the application is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre.

The students completely fill in the online Arrival Form and digitally forward it to the International Student Counter ([email protected]) with a scanned copy of passport and D visa. For the time being, they do not need to present themselves at the Migration Counter (Administrative Centre Zuid) or in the competent service centre. The students will receive a confirmation mail of receipt of the application.

Further development of the registration procedure The Migration Counter or the competent service centre initiate the following procedure:  The police checks the residential address of the students. This check includes the study, sleeping and eating facilities Please bear in mind! In view of a smooth address check, it is of the utmost importance that: o The student clearly mentions his first name and his family name on the door bell and the letterbox o The student clearly mentions his address (as well as his possible room number) on the online Arrival Form o The student also clearly mentions a telephone number in Belgium on the online Arrival Form where the police can contact him o The student clearly indicates in the registration email when the police will certainly (not) be able to find him at home (an address check by appointment is however not possible) o The student does not move during the procedure of the inspection of residence o The student does not stay abroad for a short period of time during the inspection of residence

Please bear in mind! In principle, a simplified inspection procedure of the residence (without police check) is possible for a student who has to settle in Ghent, who is registered online at the International Student Counter and who is staying in a student home managed by one of the recognized institutes of higher education in Ghent. The institution of higher education that manages this home, sends a list with residing students to the International Student Counter, but this is not considered to be a declaration of arrival. The student should also report his arrival in Belgium online at the International Student Counter.

A positive inspection of the residence is followed by a registration into the foreigners register. A negative inspection of the residence ensues in a refusal of the residence application.

 The student will receive a temporary residence document (annex 15) by mail, valid during 45 days (possible prolongation twice, each time for a duration of 45 days).

12  If necessary, a national register number will be requested at the services of the National Register.  If necessary, the students will be asked any missing documents. As soon as the application form is entirely processed, the International Student Counter invites the students on appointment in order to complete the registration and to apply for an electronic residence document (A-card).

Please bear in mind For a smooth progress of the appointments, it is quite necessary that the students strictly observe the date and time of the appointment. A appointment lasts 40 minutes.

The manufacture of the electronic residence document (A-card) occurs by means of a private company, which sends the PIN/PUK codes9 required to activate the card, by mail to the student’s address. It is very important that the student takes the necessary precautions to receive these codes (in case of an address change that any correspondence is sent through by B-Post to the new residential address). Students who are staying in a student home of the Ghent University are advised to contact the person responsible of the student home.

9 The PUK code ('Personal Unblocking Key') and PIN code ('Personal Identification Number') are digit codes which the municipalities need to input in order to make the residential card usable.

13 Simultaneously, the company will forward the manufactured A-card to the Migration Counter or the competent service centre. The delivery period lasts approximately 3 weeks.10 As soon as the student has received these PIN/PUK codes, he can fetch the A-card. This can only be done at the place of application of this A-card, either at the Migration Counter (Administrative Centre Zuid) or at the competent service centre. At the Migration Counter, a student can fetch the A-card at the speed counter (without prior appointment on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Wednesday between 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 2 p.m – 6 p.m., but not on Saturday).

What items to bring along? When applying for the A-card The student should come along personally with the following original documents:  valid passport  valid student visa type D  enrolment certificate7 issued by an educational institution in Belgium  proof of sufficient means of subsistence (student grant, sponsorship document (annex 32), attestation of blocked bank account)  4 recent and identical passport photos on a neutral and light background

Please bear in mind Since February 2014, biometric A-cards are issued. This involves the following procedure: o Taking digital fingerprints o Placing a digital signature o Passport photographs which must meet the under mentioned criteria:

General conditions:  Dimensions: 35 mm x 45 mm

 Photograph taken less than 6 months ago

 Only one person visible on the photo

Photographic qualities:  Clear and sharp

 Natural skin colour

 Sufficient contrast

 No background shadows

 Neutral colours

 Face in frontal direction

 Eyes open and clearly visible (no tainted glasses or spectacles/hair in front of the eyes)

 Neutral facial expression, with closed mouth (no frown eyebrows, no visible teeth, no smile)

 Head entirely visible, without accessories, unless for religious or medical reasons, but the eyes,

chin and head contours must be clearly visible

 Evenly lit and even background, without shadows

 No red eyes

 Face should cover 70 - 80 % of the photo surface

10 By means of an emergency procedure (127 euro), the delay of issue can be reduced to 2 working days. In that case, the PIN/PUK codes will not be forwarded by post to the applicant. The company that manufactures the residential card, delivers both codes along with the residence card to the service centre or the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid where the application was introduced. The applicant can come and fetch the residence card and the codes.

14  No underexposure or overexposure

 No reflection on the spectacles glasses, no light effects

When fetching the A-card: The student has to come along personally with the following original documents:  Notification letter in view of collecting the A-card  Proof of payment of the A-card  Temporary residence document (annex 15)  Required PIN/PUK codes

Please bear in mind Since February 2014, biometric A-cards are issued. This means that fingerprints should be taken once again to ascertain whether the person who is fetching the A-card, is the same person who introduced the application.

What will the students obtain? The students will receive an electronic foreigners card (A-card).

This document is valid for a maximum duration of 1 year (in principle until October 31 st = end of current academic year), provided that the person involved still meets the residential conditions as a student. The period of validity of the A-card can be shorter in case of a shorter study period or shorter term of the study grant. The A-card can be renewed if the student still complies with the residential conditions as a student (read the undermentioned item b.1.4).

Please bear in mind – Ph D students Ph D students can obtain an A-card for the duration of the study grant, with a maximum of 3 years. To this effect, the student should present the following documents:  A sufficiently long proof of scholarship  A proof of registration (with the mention Ph D), only for the current academic year This arrangement only applies for: o A study grant issued by the Belgian federal government, by the Flemish or Francophone City or for programmes of the European Union o A study grant of a foreign university on condition that there is an exchange agreement between this foreign university and the Belgian university which hosts the student. The Belgian university should issue a scholarship attestation, clearly mentioning that it concerns a cooperation between a local university in Belgium and a foreign university. Consequently, this arrangement does not apply for other foreign study grants (e.g. scholarship attestations of the embassy in Brussels) or scholarships initiated by a private organization or private funds.

The A-card for a maximum duration of 3 years for Ph D students can be issued upon the delivery of the first A- card, but also upon renewals of an A-card.

Price? 25 euro (cost price residence document).

15 Due to a decision of the Belgian federal government as of 2th of March 2015 this residence application requires the payment of an additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution). This contribution amounts to 215 euro (student who is enrolled in a private educational establishment) or 160 euro (student who is enrolled in an educational establishment organised, accredited or subsidized by the government). This contribution must be paid before submitting the student visa application to the competent Belgian diplomatic or consular post. So, the payment of this contribution is not required at the moment of registration in a municipality after arriving in Belgium.

At the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid and in the service centres, it is possible to pay cash or with Bancontact. The Muide-Meulestede sub-office only accepts cash payments.

16 b.1.2 Registration – Change of residence status

For whom?

Students who only possess a short right of residence at their arrival in Belgium (visa type C or exemption of visa), can introduce an application for a long stay by means of a so-called change of statute.

Please bear in mind

This application procedure is certainly not advisable as an alternative for an application of a student visa type D because:  rigid admissibility conditions are applied in view of the application: for instance, a negative inspection of the residence can ensue in a refusal of the application (read the under mentioned explanation)  there is no legal decision deadline, leading to lengthy waiting periods  The Immigration Office in Brussels has ample assessment competences: a positive decision is therefore not assured

How to apply?

It is of the utmost importance that the application in view of the change of statute is only possible when the student presents the application as well as all required documents within the validity period of his short residence stay. To this effect, the student takes contact as soon as possible with the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or a service centre. The residential address of the student determines whether the application is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre. Contact information of the service centres can be found further on in this information document.

You can contact the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid on three different means:  Telephone calls to the Migration Counter: 09 266 71 50. This telephone number is accessible every week day from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. until 4.30 p.m.  At the reception desk of the Migration Counter, bloc B Administrative Centre Zuid, from Monday until Friday from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. and also on Wednesday from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m.  By e-mail: [email protected]

These students can not send a notification by means of the online Arrival Form.

What items to bring along?  valid passport  letter of motivation (reference to art. 58 and 9, 2 Residence Law)  enrolment certificate7 issued by an educational institution in Belgium  proof of sufficient means of subsistence (student grant, sponsorship document (annex 32), attestation of blocked bank account)  excerpt of the criminal records for the last 5 years (only for students older than 21 years)  medical certificate  proof of payment of contribution covering administrative costs residence application (retribution)

Possible missing documents should be mentioned and explained in the letter of motivation. The application for a change of statute can be introduced, but the Immigration Office in Brussels will only take a decision if the file is complete.

Please bear in mind

Students who do not possess a Declaration of Arrival (annex 3) when applying for a change of statute will obtain this document at that moment. However, they must be able to present all the required documents (read item 3.a.1).

What will the students obtain?

Students will possibly receive a Declaration of Arrival (annex 3) upon their application, for a maximum duration of their short residence right.

If all the admissibility conditions are fulfilled (also payment of contribution covering administrative costs residence application (retribution)) and in case of a positive address check, the student will receive a proof of receipt. This is not a residence document.

17 If this contribution covering administrative costs (retribution) is not paid, the residence application is inadmissible. The student receives an annex 42. If only part of the contribution has been paid, the municipality requests to pay the remaining amount by notifying an annex 43. The student has to pay the remaining amount within 30 days following the notification of the annex 43. If the student provides proof of the payment of the remaining amount within these 30 days, the municipality will declare the application admissible. If the student does not provide proof of the payment of the remaining amount within these 30 days, the municipality will declare the application inadmissible by notifying an annex 42.

Please bear in mind

The Immigration Office does in principle not refund part of the contribution that already has been paid.

Please bear in mind

If no decision was taken as regards the introduced application for a change of statute when the declaration of arrival has expired, there is no legal residence anymore. The mere introduction of a change of statute does not ensue in a temporary residence right pending a decision.

In case of a positive decision, the student will receive an electronic foreigner’s card (A-card).

This document is valid for a maximum duration of 1 year (in principle until October 31 st = end of current academic year) provided that the student continues to fulfil all the residence conditions as a student. The period of validity of the A-card can be shorter in case of a shorter study period or a shorter term of the scholarship.

The A-card can be renewed if the student still complies with the residence conditions as a student (read the undermentioned item b.1.4). Please bear in mind – Ph D students Ph D students can obtain an A-card for the duration of the study grant, with a maximum of 3 years. To this effect, the student should present the following documents:  A sufficiently long proof of scholarship  A proof of registration (with the mention Ph D), only for the current academic year This arrangement only applies for: o A study grant issued by the Belgian federal government, by the Flemish or Francophone City or for programmes of the European Union o A study grant of a foreign university on condition that there is an exchange agreement between this foreign university and the Belgian university which hosts the student. The Belgian university should issue a scholarship attestation, clearly mentioning that it concerns a cooperation between a local university in Belgium and a foreign university. Consequently, this arrangement does not apply for other foreign study grants (e.g. scholarship attestations of the embassy in Brussels) or scholarships initiated by a private organization or private funds.

18 The A-card for a maximum duration of 3 years for Ph D students can be issued upon the delivery of the first A- card, but also upon renewals of an A-card.

Price? 25 euro (cost price residence document).

Due to a decision of the Belgian federal government as of 2th of March 2015 this residence application requires the payment of an additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution). This contribution amounts to  160 euro (student who is enrolled in an educational establishment organised, accredited or subsidized by the government)  215 euro (student who is enrolled in a private educational establishment)

Please bear in mind

The Immigration Office does in principle not refund part of the contribution, if the student has paid too much.

Please bear in mind

Persons younger than 18 years are exempted from paying this contribution. For them the application is free of charge.

This contribution must be fully paid before submitting this residence application to the municipality. The payment must be done in the following way:

 The exact amount of the contribution (in euro) needs to be transferred to under mentioned bank account:

IBAN BE57 6792 0060 9235 BIC PCHQBEBB Bank : BPOST NV, Muntcentrum (zonder nr.), 1000 Brussel Beneficiary: FOD Binnenlandse Zaken, Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken, Antwerpsesteenweg 59B, 1000 Brussel

Please bear in mind

The payment cannot be done at the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or at a service centre.

 When transferring the money the under mentioned reference must be used: Name and given name of the applicant (as mentioned in the passport) Nationality DD.MM.JJJJ(date of birth) Article (of the residence law of 15.12.1980)

Please bear in mind

Mention name, given name and date of birth of the applicant as a priority, if the number of characters is limited or if certain characters cannot be used.

 Anyone (also a third person) can pay the contribution.

At the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid and in the service centres, it is possible to pay cash or with Bancontact. The Muide-Meulestede sub-office only accepts cash payments.

19 b.1.3 Registration – Application of residence in case of extraordinary circumstances

For whom?

Students who do not dispose (anymore) of a residence right, can apply for a long stay by means of an application based on extraordinary circumstances (article 9bis Residence Law).

Please bear in mind

This application procedure is certainly not advisable as an alternative for an application of a student visa type D because:  rigid admissibility conditions are applied in view of the application: for instance, a negative inspection of the residence can ensue in a refusal of the application (read the undermentioned explanation)  there is no legal decision deadline, leading to lengthy waiting periods.  The Immigration Office in Brussels has ample assessment competences: a positive decision is therefore not assured

How to apply?

The application can only occur by means of a motivated written application (forwarded by registrated letter to the attention of the Mayor of the City of Ghent: burgemeester van de Stad Gent, Stadhuis Gent (tav loket Migratie), Botermarkt 1, 9000 Gent). Or to be handed to the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid without prior appointment.

This application can not be done online via the Arrival Form.

What items to bring along?  Letter of motivation (reference to art. 9bis Residence Law)  Proof of payment of contribution covering administrative costs residence application (retribution)  Copies of all relevant documents for the motivation of the application(especially an (expired) ID document)

Please bear in mind

It is of the utmost importance that this application is only possible if the student can prove that the application of a student visa type D is extremely difficult to be introduced at the competent Belgian consulate abroad (the so-called extraordinary circumstances).

What will the students obtain? Following a positive inspection of the residence and the payment of the contribution covering administrative costs residence application (retribution), the student will receive an attestation of receipt. This is not a residence document.

If this contribution covering administrative costs (retribution) is not paid, the residence application is inadmissible. The student receives an annex 42. If only part of the contribution has been paid, the municipality requests to pay the remaining amount by notifying an annex 43. The student has to pay the remaining amount within 30 days following the notification of the annex 43. If the student provides proof of the payment of the remaining amount within these 30 days, the municipality will declare the application admissible. If the student does not provide proof of the payment of the remaining amount within these 30 days, the municipality will declare the application inadmissible by notifying an annex 42.

Please bear in mind

The Immigration Office does in principle not refund part of the contribution that already has been paid.

Please bear in mind

20 As long as no decision has been taken, there is in principle no legal residence. The mere introduction of the application does not ensue in a temporary residence right pending the decision.

In case of a positive decision, the student will receive an electronic foreigner’s card (A-card).

This document is valid for a maximum duration of 1 year (in principle until October 31 st = end of current academic year) under the condition that the person involved still meets the residential conditions as a student. The period of validity of the A-card can be shorter in case of a shorter study period or shorter term of the study grant. The A-card can be renewed if the student still complies with the residence conditions as a student (read the undermentioned item b.1.4). Please bear in mind – Ph D students Ph D students can obtain an A-card for the duration of the study grant, with a maximum of 3 years. To this effect, the student should present the following documents:  A sufficiently long proof of scholarship  A proof of registration (with the mention Ph D), only for the current academic year This arrangement only applies for: o A study grant issued by the Belgian federal government, by the Flemish or Francophone City or for programmes of the European Union o A study grant of a foreign university on condition that there is an exchange agreement between this foreign university and the Belgian university which hosts the student. The Belgian university should issue a scholarship attestation, clearly mentioning that it concerns a cooperation between a local university in Belgium and a foreign university. Consequently, this arrangement does not apply for other foreign study grants (e.g. scholarship attestations of the embassy in Brussels) or scholarships initiated by a private organization or private funds.

The A-card for a maximum duration of 3 years for Ph D students can be issued upon the delivery of the first A- card, but also upon renewals of an A-card.

Price? 25 euro (cost price residence document).

Due to a decision of the Belgian federal government as of 2th of March 2015 this residence application requires the payment of an additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution). This contribution amounts to 215 euro for every student.

Please bear in mind

Persons younger than 18 years are exempted from paying this contribution. For them the application is free of charge.

This contribution must be fully paid before submitting this residence application to the municipality. The payment must be done in the following way:

 The exact amount of the contribution (in euro) needs to be transferred to under mentioned bank account:

21 IBAN BE57 6792 0060 9235 BIC PCHQBEBB Bank : BPOST NV, Muntcentrum (zonder nr.), 1000 Brussel Beneficiary: FOD Binnenlandse Zaken, Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken, Antwerpsesteenweg 59B, 1000 Brussel

Please bear in mind

The payment cannot be done at the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or at a service centre.

 When transferring the money the under mentioned reference must be used: Name and given name of the applicant (as mentioned in the passport) Nationality DD.MM.JJJJ(date of birth) Article (of the residence law of 15.12.1980)

Please bear in mind

Mention name, given name and date of birth of the applicant as a priority, if the number of characters is limited or if certain characters cannot be used.

 Anyone (also a third person) can pay the contribution.

At the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid and in the service centres, it is possible to pay cash or with Bancontact. The Muide-Meulestede sub-office only accepts cash payments.

22 b.1.4 Renewal residence card (A-card)

For whom?

The student always receives a temporary residence right and therefore also obtains an electronic foreigners card (A-card). The A-card can be renewed, if the student continues to fulfil the residence conditions as a student. The renewal remains possible for the duration of the studies.

How to apply?

The residential address of the student determines whether the application is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre.

The student makes an appointment at the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid in view of a renewal of their card. The student can contact the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid on three different means:

 Telephone calls to the Migration Counter: 09 266 71 50. This telephone number is accessible every week day from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. until 4.30 p.m.  At the reception desk of the Migration Counter, bloc B Administrative Centre Zuid, from Monday until Friday from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. and also on Wednesday from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m.  By e-mail: [email protected]

In principle, the service centres do not make prior appointments. Contact information of the service centres can be found further on in this information document.

Please bear in mind The residential conditions as a student are re-examined at each renewal.

Because of the lengthy duration of this investigation (sometimes the approval of the Immigration Office in Brussels is necessary) and since the electronic foreigners card (A-card) can therefore cannot be issued immediately, students are advised to introduce their renewal in due time. Eight weeks prior to the expiry date of the current A-card, students should contact the Migration Counter in order to make an appointment. Thus, it will be possible to issue the new A-card before the expiry date of the existing card.

Students should personally take the initiative in view of a timely renewal of the residence document. In any case, at the latest 30 days prior to the validity date of the current A-card.

The renewal of the electronic foreigners card (A-card) can not be done by means of the online Arrival Form.

What items to bring along? The renewal of the electronic foreigners card (A-card) is only possible if the student presents the following documents:  valid passport  current A-card  enrolment certificate7 for the new academic year issued by an educational institution in Belgium  attestation of the examination results of the previous academic year (or motivation of non-participation in an examination11)  proof of sufficient means of existence for the new academic year (study grant, sponsorship document (annex 32), proof of a blocked bank account)  1 recent and identical passport photo on an even and light background (1 additional photo if the issue of a temporary residence document (annex 15) is required)

Please bear in mind In certain cases, the Foreigners Office can retrieve additional documents

11 This document is not required in case of a Ph D student.

23 What will the students obtain?

In case of a positive decision, the student will receive an electronic foreigner’s card (A-card).

This document is valid for a maximum duration of 1 year (in principle until October 31 st = end of current academic year), provided that the person involved continues to comply with the residential conditions as a student. Please bear in mind – Ph D students Ph D students can obtain an A-card for the duration of the study grant, with a maximum of 3 years. To this effect, the student should present the following documents:  A sufficiently long proof of scholarship  A proof of registration (with the mention Ph D), only for the current academic year This arrangement only applies for: o A study grant issued by the Belgian federal government, by the Flemish or Francophone City or for programmes of the European Union o A study grant of a foreign university on condition that there is an exchange agreement between this foreign university and the Belgian university which hosts the student. The Belgian university should issue a scholarship attestation, clearly mentioning that it concerns a cooperation between a local university in Belgium and a foreign university. Consequently, this arrangement does not apply for other foreign study grants (e.g. scholarship attestations of the embassy in Brussels) or scholarships initiated by a private organization or private funds.

The A-card for a maximum duration of 3 years for Ph D students can be issued upon the delivery of the first A- card, but also upon renewals of an A-card. Please bear in mind If the new A-card cannot be issued before the expiry date of the current card, students can obtain a temporary residence document (annex 15) which is valid for 45 days (can be prolonged twice, each time for a duration of 45 days). Pending the condition that they have introduced their application of a new A-card at least 30 days prior to the end of the validity period of the current A-card and that no decision was taken about the renewal at the expiry date of the existing card.

Price? 25 euro (cost price residence document).

Due to a decision of the Belgian federal government as of 2th of March 2015 this residence application sometimes requires the payment of an additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution):

 No additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution) for the renewal residence card must be paid, when the residence reason of the student does not change (e.g. student prolongs his enrolment in an educational establishment organised, accredited or subsidized by the government, or student prolongs his enrolment in a private educational establishment)

 An additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution) for the renewal residence card must be paid, when the residence reason of the student does change:

o The student who was enrolled in an educational establishment organised, accredited or subsidized by the government but enrolls for the coming academical year in a private educational establishment, must pay 215 euro o The student who was enrolled in a private educational establishment but enrolls for the coming academical year in an educational establishment organised, accredited or subsidized by the government, must pay 160 euro

Please bear in mind

24 The Immigration Office does in principle not refund part of the contribution, if the student has paid too much.

Please bear in mind

Persons younger than 18 years are exempted from paying this contribution. For them the application is free of charge.

This contribution must be fully paid before submitting this residence application to the municipality. The payment must be done in the following way:

 The exact amount of the contribution (in euro) needs to be transferred to under mentioned bank account:

IBAN BE57 6792 0060 9235 BIC PCHQBEBB Bank : BPOST NV, Muntcentrum (zonder nr.), 1000 Brussel Beneficiary: FOD Binnenlandse Zaken, Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken, Antwerpsesteenweg 59B, 1000 Brussel

Please bear in mind

The payment cannot be done at the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or at a service centre.

 When transferring the money the under mentioned reference must be used: Name and given name of the applicant (as mentioned in the passport) Nationality DD.MM.JJJJ(date of birth) Article (of the residence law of 15.12.1980)

Please bear in mind

Mention name, given name and date of birth of the applicant as a priority, if the number of characters is limited or if certain characters cannot be used.

 Anyone (also a third person) can pay the contribution.

At the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid and in the service centres, it is possible to pay cash or with Bancontact. The Muide-Meulestede sub-office only accepts cash payments.

25 b.2 Specific notification procedure in case of main residence in a neighbouring country (France, Luxemburg, Germany or the Netherlands)

For whom?

Students with a main residence address in an adjacent neighbouring country12 who maintain their primary residence (‘domicile’) in that country (and return there at least once a week) and therefore do not want to register in a Belgian municipality. If these students do want to register in a Belgian municipality, they should follow the procedure explained in section b.1.2)

Please bear in mind

This residence procedure does not ensue in a registration in a Belgian municipality. The students therefore will not receive a main residence (= ‘domicile’) in Ghent. This may constitute a difficulty in view of initiating other administrative procedures (see: Basic principles with respect to the registration as international student in a city).

How to apply?

The residential address of the student determines whether the application is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre.

Within 8 working days after their arrival in Belgium, the students report via email ([email protected]). This mail should contain following information:

 subject: annex 33

 first name and last name of the student

 Nationality of the student

 Residence address in Ghent

 Length of the studies in Ghent

The students receive an email with an appointment in order to present all the necessary documents to the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or in a service centre. If all the necessary documents are ok, a residence document (annex 33) is issued.

The residential address of the student determines whether the application is processed by the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid or by a service centre.

Or the students who reside outside the city centre (e.g. Nieuw-Gent district) report without an appointment at the competent service centre within 8 working days after their arrival in Belgium. Contact information of the service centres can be found further on in this information document.

These students can not send a notification by means of the online Arrival Form.

What items to bring along?  valid passport  residence card issued by the neighbouring country involved and valid for the duration of the academic year  enrolment certificate7 issued by an educational institution in Belgium  correct and complete residential address in Ghent  4 recent and identical passport photos on an even and light background

What will the students obtain?

12 This residence procedure does not apply to students with a main residential address in Great Britain.

26 A residence document for a student from an adjacent country (annex 33) is valid for the duration of the school year or the academic year (up to October 31st 13). The students will immediately receive this document at the counter.

Annex 33 should be renewed every academic year. To this effect, the same documents should be presented as during the first application. The annex 33 of the previous academic year must also be submitted.

Price? 12 euro (cost price residence document).

For this residence application no payment of an additional contribution covering administrative costs (retribution) is required.

At the Migration Counter in the Administrative Centre Zuid and in the service centres, it is possible to pay cash or with Bancontact. The Muide-Meulestede sub-office only accepts cash payments.

13 An annex 33 valid for the duration of the school or academic year cannot be issued, if the residence permit issued by the neighbouring country has a shorter validity period than the expected period of studies in Belgium. In that case the annex 33 wil only be valid for the same period as that residence permit issued by the neighbouring country.

27 28