Pennsylvania Department of Education


Academic Standards and Assessment Report Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Entity: Burgettstown Area SD Address: 100 Bavington Rd Burgettstown, PA 15021-2727 Phone: (724) 947-8136 Contact Name: Deborah Jackson

Organization Description The Burgettstown Area School District, a rural school district located in northern Washington County in southwestern Pennsylvania. Burgettstown is a comprehensive public school district comprised of students from four municipalities: the Borough of Burgettstown, and the Townships of Smith, Hanover, and Jefferson. Approximately 1600 students in grades K-12 are housed in two schools. The Burgettstown Area Elementary Center is home to grades K-6 while the Burgettstown Area Middle/High School educates students in grades 7-12. Both buildings share a campus on Bavington Road providing easy access and collaboration between the faculty, students, and staff.

The district offers a full-day kindergarten, Student Assistance Programs, computer labs and classrooms with Internet access. Both schools enjoy wireless access. Through the Classrooms of the Future Grant high school students will have access to laptops in English, science, social studies, and math classes. Students have research-based reading programs, a comprehensive informational technology curriculum for grades K-12, full time guidance counselors at each of the following grade groupings: K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Additionally each school building employes a registered nurse. All stchhools includes mentoring / tutoring services and gifted programs. Grades 7 and 8 are configured as a school within the secondary building and utilize a middle school philosophy when working with students. The high school offers honors and advanced placement courses, College in the High School, Work Release Program, Career and Technology Training, an alternative education program and a Dual Enrollment Program . We are members of ACCESS PA Library. Both schools employ reading and math coaches that assist teachers in learning and implementing research-based instructional practices in order to improve student achievement. Through the Getting to One grant, the District employs a full time technology integrator and through the Classrooms for the Future grant a full time technology coach, who assist the faculty in bringing technology infused interdisciplinary learning to students.

The Burgettstown Area Elementary Center has garnered the Keystone Award given annually to schools which earn Annual Yearly Progress for two consecutive years under NCLB. BAEC has been awarded the Keystone in the 2005-06 and 2006-07 school years. In addition, in 2005-2006 and 2006-2007, BAEC was honored with the Keystone Award for consecutive years of meeting Annual Yearly Progrss. Attendance at the elementary center consistently tops the required 90%.

Burgettstown Middle/High School met Annual Yearly Progress in 2006. Prior to this date school improvement plans outlined a series of programs and initiatives that assisted BMHS meet AYP. Graduation rate is at 87%.

Core Purpose


The Burgettstown Area School District encompasses the belief that for education to be successful it must prepare students for a life that will demand constant learning and creates citizens who will be self-motivated to learn the necessary tools to be responsible members of a dynamic global society:

Building Ambitious Students Daily: Education for a Lifetime of Achievement.


The vision of the Burgettstown Area School District is a comprehensive K-12 educational program that focuses on traditional content skill as well as enrichment through balanced educational programs and activities. Through the integration of rigorous standards throughout the curriculum, varied educational activities and instructional approaches, integrated content, flexible grouping, thinking skills, writing skills, problem solving, character education programs, technology enhanced instruction, health and safety issues and student and staff accountability, the district will focus on the preparation of its students for a lifetime of learning. Education in the Burgettstown Area School District is not intended to be an end, but rather a beginning. With the infusion of technology into everyday existence, all students must be prepared upon graduation to enter a world that is dynamic, ever-changing, and demanding upon one’s ability to learn, to adapt and to adjust.

In addition, the vision of the district includes an environment that encourages personal growth of its students. Extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, a strong, fair and consistent discipline policy, learning activities beyond the physical environment of the school, community service activities and partnerships with area colleges all serve to provide students the opportunity for personal growth.

Shared Values

· Learning is a lifelong process based upon knowledge, values, skills and attitudes.

· Students are entitled to learn in a safe, positive and secure educational environment.

· Education of each child in the community is a worthwhile investment.

· Communications based upon trust and mutual respect are essential.

· Each student will flourish in an environment rich in opportunities and learning experiences.

· A positive school climate is essential to promote student growth and achievement.

· A variety of learning experiences and instructional strategies is essential for the success of the educational environment.

· Education is a collaborative effort involving the student, school, family and community.

· Each child must be recognized for his/her own individual worth and accomplishments.

· Every child has promise and potential.

· Education must extend beyond the school day and beyond the physical school environment.

· An effective school environment requires dedicated, trained professionals and support staff.

· For education to be effective, it must recognize societal changes and be prepared to adjust in order to address those changes.


The goals of the Burgettstown Area School District (BASD) are twofold: continue to improve student achievement in literacy and mathematics and to utilize the District's technology to affect student learning. Within these goals are included the federal and state initiatives that the District has garnered and the inclusive professional development component necessary to reach the goals. The BASD will complete two literacy initiatives during the 2007-08 school year: Reading First and PA High School Coaching Initiative (PAHSCI). The Reading First program will be in its fifth year including grades K-3. Extensive professional development and the use of coaches have highlighted this initiative. Teachers and administrators continue to pursue online graduate courses in the teaching of reading. The PAHSCI also utilizes a coaching model to assist high school teachers adapt literacy teaching strategies across the curricular areas of English, mathematics, science and social studies. Administrators, coaches and professional faculty have attended centralized and regional training opportunities in the teaching of literacy strategies. In both initiatives, classroom observations and walkthroughs are utilized to evaluate the program's affectiveness along with DIBELS and PSSA results. The Accountability Block Grant has afforded the District the opportunity to continue full time kindergarten and employ math and literacy coaches for grades 4-8. Project 720 has permitted the District a financial backing for its High Schools That Work initiative. Additional supports for students in the areas of guidance counseling, mentoring and advisement coincide with the expectations of rigor in the academic realm.

Additioanl literacy programs will include professional coaching for teachers in grades 4-8. Utlizing the expertise of a reading coach, the faculty at those grade levels will have expert advise on using literacy strategies to improve student learning and thus student achievement in all content areas.

Online learning is available through the District's use of its technology. At-risk students are initially the targeted group that will have at its disposal access to online classes developed by the District. These courses will be offered to students in danger of dropping out, with extended absences, and those needing an alternative education setting. It is the desire of the District to welcome back students who opted for cyber charter education outside the District and provide these students with an online learning environment. The Classrooms for the Future grant has permitted high school teachers to learn and implement instructional technology practices within their classrooms. It is the goal of the District to permit all academic subjects to experience the use of such technology and to utilize such technology to improve learning.

Academic Standards

During the implementation of the 2000-2006 Strategic Plan, the Burgettstown Area School District began to integrate all of the academic standards approved by the State Board of Education into the curriculum and planned instruction of the district. Instruction is provided throughout the curriculum to develop the skills and knowledge that students should know and be able to demonstrate in the following nine content areas: 1) reading, writing, speaking and listening 2) mathematics 3) science and technology 4) environment and ecology 5) social studies, including standard categories of civics and government, geography, economics, and history 6) arts and humanities 7) career education and work 8) health, safety and physical education and 9) family and consumer science.

Planned Instruction - The Burgettstown Area School District maintains a K-12 curriculum aligned to the PA Standards in the nine content areas. Students in grades 3-8 and 11 are required to show proficiency in reading and mathematics. Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 are required to demonstrate proficiency in writing. Beginning in 2008, students in grades 4, 7, and 11 are required to demonstrate proficiency in science.

The planned instruction in grades K-12 is rooted in the PA Standards. Below is a description of the instruction listed per each academic standard. Discipline Statement of Planned Instruction

 Reading. The application of phonemic awareness, phonics and word study, vocabulary, fluency and text comprehension in reading critically across subject areas; the interpretation and analysis of literary expression with analysis of the origins and structures of the English Reading, Writing, language; and learning how to search a variety of texts to conduct Speaking & research. Listening  Writing. Narrative, informational and persuasive formal writing for an audience, including spelling and editing skills; and informal writing to capture and organize information for individual use.

 Speaking and listening. Participation in conversation and formal speaking presentations.

The understanding of fundamental ideas and the development of proficient mathematical skills in numbers, computation, measurement, statistics and data Mathematics analysis, probability and predictions, algebra and functions, geometry, trigonometry and concepts of calculus. Using this content, students will learn to think, reason and communicate mathematically. Science & Technology  Unifying Themes - Unifying themes of science and technology provide big ideas that integrate with significant concepts. There are only a few fundamental concepts and processes that form the framework upon which science and technology knowledges are organized - motion and forces, energy, structure of matter, change over time and machines. These themes create the context through which the content of the disciplines can be taught and are emphasized in each standard.  Inquiry and Design - The nature of science and technology is characterized by applying process knowledge that enables students to become independent learners. These skills include observing, classifying, inferring, predicting, measuring, computing, estimating, communicating, using space/time relationships, defining operationally, raising questions, formulating hypotheses, testing and experimenting, designing controlled experiments, recognizing variables, manipulating variables, interpreting data, formulating models, designing models, and producing solutions. Everyone can use them to solve real-life problems. These process skills are developed across the grade levels and differ in the degree of sophistication, quantitative nature and application to the content.  Biological Sciences - Biology concerns living things, their appearance, different types of life, the scope of their similarities and differences, where they live and how they live. Living things are made of the same components as all other matter, involve the same kinds of transformations of energy and move using the same basic kinds of forces as described in chemistry and physics standards. Through the study of the diversity of life, students learn to understand how life has changed over a long period of time. This great variety of life forms continues to change even today as genetic instructions within cells are passed from generation to generation, yet the amazing integrity of most species remain.  Physical Science - Physics and chemistry involve the study of objects and Chemistry and Physics and their properties. Students examine changes to materials during mixing, freezing, heating and dissolving and then learn how to observe and measure results. In chemistry students study the relationship between matter, atomic structure and its activity. Laboratory investigations of the properties of substances and their changes through a range of chemical interactions provide a basis for students to understand atomic theory and a variety of reaction types and their applications in business, agriculture and medicine. Physics deepens the understanding of the structure and properties of materials and includes atoms, waves, light, electricity, magnetism and the role of energy, forces and motion.  Earth Sciences - The dynamics of earth science include the studies of forces of nature that build the earth and wear down the earth. The understanding of these concepts uses principles from physical sciences, geography and mathematics.  Technology Education - Technology education is the use of accumulated knowledge to process resources to meet human needs and improve the quality of life. Students develop the ability to select and correctly use materials, tools, techniques and processes to answer questions, understand explanations and solve problems encountered in real life situations. These overriding themes require students to design, create, use, evaluate and modify systems of Biotechnologies, Information Technologies, and Physical Technologies.  Technological Devices - Students use tools to observe, measure, move and make things. New technological tools and techniques make it possible to enact far-reaching changes in our world. Technology enhances the students' abilities to identify problems and determine solutions. Computers play an integral role in every day life by extending our abilities to collect, analyze and communicate information and ideas.

 Science, Technology and Human Endeavors - Scientific knowledge and societal needs often create a demand for new technology. Conversely, new technology advances scientific knowledge. Both influence society through the impact of their products and processes.

Each student will be able to reach his or her maximum potential and to History acquire the knowledge and skills needed to analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, geographic, political and social relations.

The curriculum encompasses basic knowledge of the characteristics of Economics economic systems, how markets establish prices, how scarcity and choice affect the allocation of resources, the global nature of economic interdependence and how work and earnings impact productivity.

The planned instruction will instill into every student their solemn duty and Civics and obligation to exercise intelligently their voting privilege and to understand the Government advantages of the American republican representative form of government as compared with various other forms of governments. Geography Geography is the science of space and place on Earth's surface. Its subject matter is the physical and human phenomena that make up the world's environments and places. These standards build on using geographic tools as a means for asking and answering geographic questions; setting information into a range of spatial contexts; recognizing places and regions as human concepts; understanding the physical processes that have shaped Earth's surface and the patterns resulting from those processes; identifying the relationships between people and environments; recognizing the characteristics and distribution of people and cultures on Earth's surface; focusing on the spatial patterns of settlements and their resulting political structures; and exploring the networks of economic interdependence and the importance of resources.

The Academic Standards for Health, Safety and Physical Education provide students with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to achieve and Health, Safety & maintain a physically active and healthful life. The attainment of these Physical standards will favorably impact their lives and the lives of those around them. Education By becoming and remaining physically, mentally, socially and emotionally healthy, students will increase their chances of achieving to their highest academic potential. Family & Consumer Family and Consumer Sciences supports the development of the knowledge Science and skills that students need as family members both now and in the future.

Environment and Ecology is grounded in the complexity of the world we live in and our impact on its sustainability. The human interactions with the Environment & ecosystem and the results of human decisions are the main components of Ecology this academic area. Environment and Ecology examines the world with respect to the economic, cultural, political and social structure as well as natural processes and systems. This integration across systems is what sets this academic area apart from all others.

The curriculum for arts & humanities encompasses the following areas:

 Dance Education is a kinesthetic art form that satisfies the human need to respond to life experiences through movement of the physical being.  Music Education is an aural art form that satisfies the human need to respond to life experiences through singing, listening and/or playing an instrument. Arts & Humanities  Theatre Education is an interdisciplinary art form that satisfies the human need to express thoughts and feelings through written text, dramatic interpretation and multimedia production.  Visual Arts Education is a spatial art form that satisfies the human need to respond to life experiences through images, structures and tactile works.

 Humanities Education is the understanding and integration of human thought and accomplishment

In order to receive a diploma from the Burgettstown Area School District, students must demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics on the PSSA, the re-take of the PSSA or a district designed assessment that is aligned with the PA Standards.

All graduating seniors must successfully participate in a graduation project. The graduation project is grounded in the PA standards for Career Education and Work. Assessment Plan

Each academic year the Assessment Plan will follow the following schedule:

4Sight Benchmark (Math/Reading) - Grades 4-8; baseline, midyear, and end of year Dibels (Literacy) - Grades K-3; fall, winter, and spring Performance Assessment (Reading/Math) - Grades 9-10; baseline, midyear and end of year PSSA - as required by the Dept. of Education Semester Exams - local assessment - Grades 7-12 Report Cards - quarterly in grades 1-12; three times per year in Kindergarden District PSSA Assessment - Math/Reading/Writing - required of seniors not proficient on PSSA Optional Assessments: SAT, PSAT, ACT, ASVAB, Advanced Placement Exams

Gifted Screening and Evaluation

The Gifted Screening and Evaluation Process occurs in several steps. A child may be referred for gifted evaluation by either the school or parent. At that point, the child goes through a pre- screening process which is completed by the school psychologist. The classroom teacher completes a Gifted Rating Scale and academic levels in the classroom and standardized academic testing results (PSSA testing, Terra Nova testing) are reviewed. This information is used to determine if the child would benefit from further evaluation. If the child is achieving above grade and age expectation, he/she moves to the next level of the screening, which is an individual psychological evaluation. This includes standardized tests which evaluate a child’s ability to think and reason both in the verbal and non-verbal areas, process information, and maintain attention. Information is also collected from other teachers and parents. The school psychologist then compiles all the information and the Gifted Multidisciplinary Team meets to determine the appropriateness of services such as inclusion in the Gifted Program or extension services at the classroom level. No single element of the evaluation can determine the outcome and the decision is made as a team. All information must be weighed together to determine the best program for the child.

Steps in Gifted Evaluation

Referral from parent or school, in writing to the Special Education Director


 Teacher Rating Scale  Review grade history  Review standardized testing (PSSA, Terra Nova)  Rate information to determine if child is eligible for further evaluation

Formal evaluation (After parental permission is received)

 Cognitive testing using standardized, reliable, and valid cognitive tools  The Gifted Written Report is then reviewed to determine if child meets state and district standards for inclusion in the Gifted Support Program or other extension services.

Graduation Requirements Graduation Requirements A total of 56 units (semesters) are required for graduation from Burgettstown High School in the Burgettstown Area School District. Students must earn a 65% in each course to be considered satisfactory.

English 8 Units Math 8 Units Social Studies 8 Units Science 6 Units Health & Physical Education 3 Units Family & Consumer Science 1 Unit Informational Technology 2 units Graduation Project 1 Unit Electives 19 Units

(2 units = 1 credit)

Beginning with the Class of 2003, a graduation project and proficient scores on the PSSA reading, writing, and mathematics assessments or proficient scores on the Burgettstown local assessment are required for graduation

Strategic Planning Process A Technical Planning Committee of teachers, administrators and other members of the professional staff was organized to prepare a response to each of the 16 questions included in the Chapter 4 eSP framework. Upon the completion of the draft copy, the entire professional staff reviewed it and made suggestions to the Technical Planning Committee. This document was endorsed by the professional staff, the Steering Committee was convened to review the goals, strategies, activities and other details of the plan. The Steering Committee approved the plan, it was presented to the School Board for their review and approval. The plan was then made available to the public. It was placed in all school offices, on the school website, and in the 5 district Post Offices. After 30 days the plan was electronically transmitted to the Department of Education.

Strategic Planning Committee Name Affiliation Membership Category Appointed By Assistant to the Amy Rush Administrator Deborah Jackson Superintendent Middle School Guidance Ed Specialist - School Beth Roman Ed Specialists Counselor Counselor Chris Ed Specialist - Instructional Technology Integrator Ed Specialists Navadauskas Technology Dana Fratini Parent Parent Deborah Jackson Elementary School Elementary Dawn Rommes Elementary Teacher Teacher Teachers Special Education Debbie Minden Psychologist Deborah Jackson Representative Deborah Jackson Superintendent Administrator Board of Education Diane Nadik Parent Parent Board of Education Donnie Grey Community Member Board Member Board of Education Gary Reynolds Community member Board Member Board of Education Gene Dell Karch Community member Board Member Board of Education Jacqueline Ed Specialist - Instructional Technology Integrator Ed Specialists Goodburn Technology James Piccirillo Elementary Principal Administrator Deborah Jackson Middle School Jamie Smith Teacher Middle School Teacher Teachers Ed Specialist - School Jan Marietta Nurse Deborah Jackson Nurse Jean Vega Community Member Board Member Board of Education Special Education Special Education Ken Cross Deborah Jackson Coordinator Representative Middle/High School Lia Hahn Administrator Administrators Assistant Principal Mary Jude Special Education High School Teacher Patterson Representative Teachers Elementary Assistant Special Education Melissa Mankey Deborah Jackson Principal Representative Merle Ayres Community member Board Member Board of Education Mike Krynak Community Member Board Member Board of Education Phillip Esno Community Member Community Representative Deborah Jackson High School Sharon Baillie Teacher Secondary School Teacher Teachers Middle School Teacher - Middle School Tim Tropeck Middle School Teacher Science Teachers Tom Repole Businessman Board Member Board of Education William Price community member Board Member Board of Education Christopher Middle/High School Administrator Administrators Wolfson Principal

Goals, Strategies and Activities

Measurable Annual Improvement Targets

Specific Measureable Goals for Student Achievement:

1. Reading: At least 63% of Students in grades 3 through 8 and 11 will be proficient on the PSSA Reading Assessment in 2008, 2009, and 2010 and 72% in 2011 and 2012. Additionally, the subgroups for IEP and Economically Disadvantaged students will reduce by 10% the number of students not achieving proficiency in reading. 2. Math: At least 54% of Students in grades 3 through 8 and 11 will be proficient on the PSSA Math Assessment in 2008, 2009, and 2010 and 67% in 2011 and 2012. Additionally, the subgroups for IEP and Economically Disadvantaged students will reduce by 10% the number of students not achieving proficiency in math. 3. Graduation Rate: At least 90% of students beginning grade 9 will graduate from Burgettstown High School.

Plans to attain student achievement goals:

1. Reading — a. Continue Reading First Initiative for 2007-2009 b. Continue PAHSCI for 2007-2008 c. Utilize academic coaches to assist teachers in learning and implementing research-based literacy instructional strategies in the classroom. d. Analyze student assessment data and provide individual remediation plans for students not achieving proficient scores on PSSA and 4Sight Benchmark. e. Continue to provide rigorous curriculum aligned with the PA Academic Standards for all students. f. Review and revise curriculum, as needed. g. Provide after school tutoring for students in grades 3-9 through Classroom Plus h. Provide additional enrichment programs for students in grades 7 and 8 i. Provide PSSA classes for special education, economically disadvantages and non-proficient students in grades 9-11. 2. Mathematics — a. Continue PAHSCI for 2007-2008 b. Utilize academic coaches to assist teachers in learning and implementing research-based mathematics instructional strategies in the classroom. c. Analyze student assessment data and provide individual remediation plans for students not achieving proficient scores on PSSA and 4Sight Benchmark. d. Continue to provide rigorous curriculum aligned with the PA Academic Standards for all students. e. Review and revise curriculum, as needed. f. Provide after school tutoring for students in grades 3-9 through Classroom Plus g. Provide additional enrichment programs for students in grades 7 and 8 h. Provide PSSA classes for special education, economically disadvantages and non-proficient students in grades 9-11. 3. Graduation Rate- a. Continue Dual Enrollment Program b. Continue to utilize the Alternative Education Program for at-risk students c. Initiate On-line opportunities for advancement and credit recovery d. Continue On-line summer school for credit recovery and remediation

Plan Specifics

The BASD plan for improving student achievement is to provide a rigorous curriculum aligned to the PA Academic Standards. Teachers are familiar with the PA Academic Standards as evidenced by the requirement that they must cite standard and anchor on all lesson plans. The last curriculum review occurred in the previous strategic plan and the District will undertake a review of current curriculum in the summer of 2008. Students have access to Advanced Placement classes in biology, English, Social Studies and Foreign Language, and college level programs through the District’s dual enrollment program. All juniors and seniors are permitted to enroll in the dual enrollment programs in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh, Penn State, California U of PA, and the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC). Students in grades 9-12 are encourage to register for honors level courses in math, English, science, social studies and foreign languages. In the 2007-2008 school year all freshman will begin science study with biology, followed by chemistry, and physics. Students in either grade 8 or 9 must register for Integrated Math I, the equivalent of Algebra I. Students are required to progress along a college bound path in mathematics culminating in Calculus or Probability& Statistics in their senior year. Special education student are included in all academic areas with the support of highly qualified teachers in both special education and subject specific certification.

In grades 7 and 8, the District in instituting a math and reading enrichment program in addition to regular classes in mathematics and language arts for all students. These twelve week programs will be taught by certified reading and math teachers concentrating on the individual needs of students. 4Sight Benchmark Assessments and curriculum-based assessments will monitor student achievement.

In grades K-3 the District continues to support its Reading First Initiative. 2007-2008 will bring the fifth year of a six year program utilizing academic coaches to provide research-based professional development and instructional strategies for all teachers in these grade levels. The current 3rd grade has participated each year in the program. Although mathematics is not a part of the Reading First program, the District has designed its elementary math program to closely follow that of reading. Longer classes in both language arts and mathematics allow teachers the opportunity to differentiate instruction and utilize learning centers. The third grade PSSA scores show promise for both reading and math programs. Again, as in the middle/high school, special education students enjoy full inclusion into all academic classes supported by highly qualified teachers.

Instructional programs in grades 4-6 continue to be upgraded. The District will employ an additional reading coach to assist teachers in utilizing literacy strategies and help struggling learners. Longer classes in both language arts and mathematics allow teachers the opportunity to differentiate instruction and utilize learning centers.

Students (grades 3-9) scoring basic or below basic on PSSA have an opportunity to register for after school tutoring programs through the Classroom Plus Program. Students in grades K-12 will be required to master Informational Technology skills as the District implements ISTE standards.

Student achievement goals are monitored through the use of 4Sight Benchmark, Dibels and Terra Nova assessments as well as other means as noted in the District Assessment Plan.

The District will continue to improve the graduation rate. A variety of programs have been initiated over the last two years that have proven to be quite successful with at-risk students. Credit recovery programs are in place through on-line programs that mirror the high school curriculum. The District utilizes Phase 4 as its alternative education program for students. In 2007-2008, the District will attempt to attract back students who have withdrawn to attend cyber schools. On-line learning opportunities will be in place in September 2007 to assist these students meet the graduation requirements. Finally, the District continues to support non- proficient students reach proficiency through PSSA reading and math remediation classes taught by highly qualified teachers.

The district currently employs an administrator whose job responsibilities include analyzing student assessment data from a variety of sources and providing other administrators and faculty with professional development in order to view and interpret student data. Four current administrators have attended the PA Governor's Academy for Data Driven Decision Making in July 2003. A team consisting of the Assistant to the Superintendent, High School Principal, and Elementary Assistant Principal will attend a five session seminar at the Intermediate Unit One beginning on July 26, 2007, entitled Data and Strategic Thinking.

Curriculum, Instruction and Instructional Materials

The Burgettstown Area School District curriculum is aligned with the PA Academic Standards. Teachers utilize the curriculum maps to design daily lesson plans and to create assessments that are in alignment with the anchors. Teachers maintain their focus by citing specific standards and anchors on all lesson plans, which are reviewed weekly be the building principals. Professional development has been provided to align specific disciplines in a K-12 sequence which prevents specific topics from being repeated and assure that all standards are addressed. Additional professional development is available to all professional staff to meet the academic goals for the growth of all students. An assessment plan includes both standardized and curricular assessments. Such a plan permits faculty to re-adjust instruction for maximum benefit of the student.

Building principals conduct weekly walkthroughs as one means of supervising instruction. Walkthroughs are conducted with academic coaches and university trained technical assistants to review the delivery of eligible content and to view research-based instructional practices. Recent District initiatives have focused upon research-based instructional strategies across all grade levels. Clinical observations are also utilized as formal supervision of the curriculum and teaching methods. Principals are familiar with and utilize PDE evaluation tools as a part of the supervision model.

Materials utilized in the classroom are tools to assist teachers implement a standards-based curriculum. Traditional textbooks and technology compliment each other in providing students with varied opportunities for learning.

Assessments and Public Reporting Assessment Plan Each academic year the Assessment Plan will follow the following schedule:

4Sight Benchmark (Math/Reading) - Grades 4-8; baseline, midyear, and end of year DIBELS (Literacy) - Grades K-3; fall, winter, and spring Performance Assessment (Reading/Math) - Grades 9-10; baseline, midyear and end of year PSSA - as required by the Dept. of Education Semester Exams - local assessment - Grades 7-12 Teacher made assessments in grades K-12 in all subject areas. Report Cards - quarterly in grades 1-12; three times per year in Kindergarten Mid-quarter reports are provided in grades 1-12. District PSSA Assessment - Math/Reading/Writing - required of seniors not proficient on PSSA Optional Assessments: SAT, PSAT, ACT, ASVAB, Advanced Placement Exams

The Burgettstown Area School District reports student assessment information to parents. District and grade level results are reported in the District's report card and in the District Newsletter, published twice per year. Mid-quarter progress reporting and report card grades are available to parents in hard copy form and electronic form through the District's website portal.

Targeted Assistance For Struggling Students Grade Level Services offered for Struggling Students K-6 Title 1 services in reading and mathematics K-9 Classroom Plus tutoring for reading and mathematics offered after school and on Saturdays 7-12 Attendance Recovery Programs for students in all subject areas. 7-12 Online summer school program for classes in English, math, science, social studies, health 7-12 Alternative Education Placement with Phase 4 K-12 Teachers offer individual support/tutoring individually or with small groups 9-12 Online courses for students needing credit recovery, homebound instruction, or alternative placement. 7-12 Student tutoring through the National Honor Society for assistance in all subject areas.

Support for Struggling Schools The Burgettstown Area School District supports struggling schools by providing principals with the necessary resources in order to address issues of student achievement and professional development. Data analysis assists schools to monitor curricular, grade and classroom instruction. The District utilizes PSSA, 4Sight Benchmark and Computer Data Analysis (CDA- AIU3) to interpret student achievement. Resources are provided to review and update curriculum. Recent changes to the collective bargaining agreement (2006-2011) permit principals three-45 minute professional development times weekly to address issues within their buildings. This time is utilized for department and grade level meetings, study groups, academic coaching, and support of technology initiatives among others. Title I services are provided to eligible students in the elementary center. Tutoring for students not proficient is provided through Classroom Plus. The district also supports both enrichment, remedial, and inclusion practices. PSSA classes are provided for high school students to meet PA graduation requirements and enrichment classes in reading and math will be implemented in 2007 for middle level students. Technical assistance through PaTTAN and the Intermediate Unit 1 is encouraged.

Qualified, Effective Teachers and Capable Instructional Leaders All teachers in the BASD are employed with the proper certification required for the positions held. Teachers in grades K-5 are certified in elementary education. Those in grade 6 are dual certified in elementary education and middle school subject specialty, as they currently teach at the elementary school. In 2009-2010, the sixth grade will move to the Burgettstown Middle-High School (BMHS) thus requiring middle level certification. The District will continue to employ such dual certified teachers for sixth grade. In grades 7-12 all, except one, teacher is highly qualified for his/her area of employment. The one exception is a special education teacher, enrolled in the HOUSSE program, working towards secondary certification in English, math and social studies.

All administrators in the District hold the proper certification for the position in which he/she holds. Additionally the District supports its building principals enrolling in the Principals Academy, sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh, as well as the PA Inspired Leadership group. The Act 93 agreement permits all administrators full tuition reimbursement for advanced degrees and further certification.

In order to further the District's educational goals and comply with the law, all Act 48 continuing education shall be designed to meet the education needs of District and our professional employees, so that they may meet the specific needs of Burgettstowns students. Act 48 continuing education complements the educator’s professional development. Professional development is based on sound research and promising practices. The District's Professional Development Plan enhances educators' skills while meeting the needs of the student population. All certified educators must complete 180 hours of professional development that complies with the district’s plan every five years. All approved Act 48 professional development shall meet the following Pennsylvania Professional Education Criteria:

A. Professional development decisions are based on state student data and evaluated using state student data. Approved professional development:

1. Uses disaggregated student data to determine educators’ learning priorities 2. Is evaluated to show its impact on teaching practice and student learning

B. Professional development activities have content that will increase student learning. Approved professional development:

For classroom teachers, guidance counselors and education specialists:

1. Enhances the educator’s content knowledge in the area of the educator’s certification or assignment 2. Increases the educator’s teaching skills based on research on effective practice 3. Provides educators with a variety of classroom-based assessment skills and the skills needed to analyze and use data in instructional decision-making 4. Empowers educators to work effectively with parent and community partners

For school and district administrators and other educators seeking leadership roles:

1. Provides the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, ensuring that assessments, curriculum, instruction, staff professional education, teaching materials and interventions for struggling students are aligned to each other as well as to Pennsylvania’s academic standards 2. Provides leaders with the ability to access and use appropriate data to inform decision- making 3. Empowers leaders to create a culture of teaching and learning, with an emphasis on learning 4. Instructs the leader in managing resources for effective results

C. Professional development is provided through a process that is most likely to result in sustained school improvement. Approved professional development:

1. Is set out in a plan that is updated annually by the Act 48 committee after the committee critically evaluates the prior year’s:

• student data,

• professional education activities, and

• the feedback/evaluation of those activities

2. Is based on knowledge of adult learning styles

3. Is tailored to each stage of an educator’s career, differentiating between the needs of new and experienced professionals

Parent and Community Participation Parent and Community Participation -

Burgettstown Area School District has a long history of parent participation in district programs and initiatives. Starting with the previous Strategic Plan which involved over 50 parents and community members in various subgroups, parents have become an essential part of the decisions made regarding district initiatives. Linked to the fact that the district has been involved in several federal and state-funded programs and initiatives which require parent and community input, it is safe to say that Burgettstown Area School District has essentially opened its doors to parent opinions regarding educational programs. Beginning with state initiatives such as Link to Learn and Read to Succeed and federal programs such as Title I and Safe and Drug Free Schools, parent advisories have been key elements in the formation of the grant through the implementation of the programs.

Because parent participation has been so prevalent through all of the district’s initiatives, a Parent Advisory Committee was formed in 2004-05 to serve as a consistent panel of parents who agreed to serve as advisors to the district in issues related to programs and educational initiatives. This advisory committee continues to serve the district today and meets on an as-needed basis depending upon the grant or initiative and its requirements. Regardless, however, the advisory committee meets at least twice a year — once in the fall and again in the spring to receive current information on all of the district’s programs.

 Open Houses - Three evenings are scheduled for Open House: one at the middle/high school and two at the elementary center. In the middle-high school, parents are invited to follow their child(ren)'s class schedule, meeting the faculty and staff during the process. The elementary center supports two evenings due to the large group of parents, grandparents, and other family members wishing to meet the teachers. Families are welcome to speak to individual classroom teachers and all educational specialists. The PTA hosts their membership drive during these evenings.  Kindergarten Orientation -  7th grade/new student Transition - Prior to the first day of school the District hosts a parent and student meeting for all students moving from the Burgettstown Area Elementary Center to the Burgettstown Middle/High School. Administrators, teachers, and educational specialists share the agenda during this event outlining procedures for the middle/high school. While students visit their prospective homerooms with their teachers, the administration holds a question and answer session with parents. Participants include the principals, athletic director, nurse, and guidance counselors.  8th to 9th Grade Transition - As a part of the District's High Schools That Work Initiative, all 8th grade parents are invited into the school to assist their student plan his/her high school academic schedule. Guidance counselors and ninth grade teachers offer assistance to families on course and career planning.  PTA Involvement - The Burgettstown Area School District supports the work of the Burgettstown Elementary PTA. This organization supports the activities of the teachers and students and provides a voice for parent input and concerns. The PTA is represented at the monthly school board meetings and provides a report to the Board of Education.  Co- and extra curricular activities - As is the case in most schools, parent groups provide support to student athletes, musical groups, and other student activity groups. Parents not only assist teachers and coaches with fund-raising, but also provide additional chaperons for trips, and recognition awards for the groups.  Community Scholarships and Awards - The Burgettstown Area School District is very fortunate to be able to provide numerous scholarships and awards to its graduating class each year due to the generosity of local families, organizations, and businesses. The District holds an Awards Assembly to honor its graduates and other students attaining honors inviting in representatives of the groups to present the awards.  Community Participation - Burgettstown is a small rural community where the school is the center of social interaction for students and parents. The community supports the academic, athletic and fine arts programs of the schools. The instrumental, choral, and theater groups are asked to perform at parades, holiday and special events and for the senior citizens. Trumpeters are always requested for the funerals of our citizens who served in the military. The local police and fire departments are invited onto campus to educate students in all grade levels on safety issues. Five police (including the PA State Police) and three fire departments have signed memoranda of understanding with the district to assist the schools when needed. The Washington County Bar Association sponsors Law Day each year and provides access to practicing attorneys for assemblies with students. Each year the District's solicitor meets with the senior class to review adult responsibilities prior to graduation. The Post Gazette Pavilion, a local performance venue, offers its facility free of charge for our high school graduation ceremony and an annual carnival for the elementary school which celebrates positive behavior through character education.

Pre-Kindergarten Transition No Pre-K Offered

Utilization of Resources and Coordination of Services Service or Resource Comment or Reflection Washington The District contracts with this service to assist students and families with Communities MH/MR mental health issues. The CARE Center Drug and alcohol assessment and counseling Washington Hospital HIV/STD/Pregnancy Prevention Programs Teen Outreach ELL, homeless, emotional support classroom services, vision, Intermediate Unit 1 psychological and social worker services. Washington County Lead-R Program and in-house probation officer Includes a regional peer Juvenile Probation jury program for adjudication purposes. Department Gateway Vision Drug/Alcohol rehabilitation services; safe schools initiatives Washington County Family and child services CYS Allegheny Intermediate Comprehensive Data Analysis; compilation of all student data Unit (AIU3) Professional development in instructional strategies to improve student PA Literacy Network achievement. Technical assistance for professional development to improve student PA Department of literacy. Education Professional development in instructional technology. BASD Student Provides academic, social, emotional, psychological support and Assistance Program assessment for students. Burgettstown HS Program for ninth grade students to enhance the successful transition Advisor/Advisee from middle to high school. Burgettstown Middle/High School Tutoring program for students by students. National Honor Society Tutor Burgettstown HS Career development for students in grades 10-12 and graduation project Mentoring Program advisement. The Speech-Language Support program of the Burgettstown Area School District is managed by two speech-language pathologists. Between the two therapists, they service approximately 100 K-12 students on a weekly basis with individualized speech/language therapy, typically provided in a small group setting. The speech pathologists are responsible for the identification and remediation of communication difficulties that have a negative and adverse effect on a child’s academic Speech services performance. There are a wide range of areas our speech pathologists can address in treatment. These may include problems with articulation of speech sounds, listening comprehension, oral expression, vocabulary and grammar, auditory processing, stuttering and voice. The therapists also have knowledge and expertise in treating the communication disorders associated with Autism, Down’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Asperger’s Syndrome, and hearing impairment. Child Study Team Special Education pre-assessment

Gifted & Talented Services for gifted students Education Transition IDEA required service/Job Coach The goal of the Learning Center is first and foremost to assist students. The Learning Center serves as a resource room for regular and special education students. It is not intended to replace teacher responsibilities for all student needs. Adaptations are made in the Learning Center to assist classroom teachers in meeting student needs. Most of the Elementary Learning adaptations and modifications are made by the classroom teacher with Center assistance from the Special Education Teacher at each grade level. According to the IDEA-2004 Federal Special Education Regulations, the regular education classroom is the Least Restrictive Environment. Inclusion students must be supported within the regular education classroom before another restrictive environment would be considered by the Individualized Education Team. The goal of the High School Learning Center was created to provide students with a place to take tests, quizzes, complete class work and receive remediation, according to the accommodations written within each student’s IEP/Service Agreement. The Learning Center serves as a resource room for regular and special education students and is not intended to replace teacher responsibilities for all student needs. A learning support teacher will be available throughout each school day to Secondary Learning run the program and oversee the daily activities. Center All students who plan on taking a test/quiz in the Learning Center, must inform their regular education teacher at least one day in advance of the assessment. The regular education teacher will be responsible for getting the test down to the learning center and noting any special instruction to the learning support teacher. On the day of the test, the student will report to the learning center to complete the test/quiz and will receive extended time if noted in the IEP/Service Agreement. Signatures

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IU#: ______

Chief School Administrator:______

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We affirm that this Academic Standards and Assessment report was developed in accordance with State Board of Education Chapter 4 Regulations. We also affirm that the contents are true and correct and that the report was placed for public inspection in the school district/AVTS offices and in the nearest public library until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board or a minimum or 28 days whichever comes first.

______Signature Date School Board Secretary

______Signature Date School Board President

______Signature Date Chief School Administrator