Pedagogical  Gravi-DVD: Teaching Paul Wirth's Gravity Based Piano  Mary Gae George: Teaching Music, Not Notes The Power of Positive Pedagogy  3D Piano: Three Dimensional Pianist – Fred Karpoff (3 sets of 2 DVDs) Disc One and Two: Disc Three and Four: Chord Ensemble, Sound Quality, Vibrato Technique, Trills Disc Five and Six: Scales, Pedalling, Rhythm & Artistry  Introduction to Baroque Dance - Paige Whitley Bauguess  Baroque Dance - Maurice Hinson  Mastering Piano Technique – A Guide for Students, Teachers and Performers – Seymour Fink  Performance Practices Series: In Baroque Keyboard Music – Maurice Hinson In Classical Piano Music - Maurice Hinson In Romantic Piano Music - Maurice Hinson In Impressionistic Piano Music- Maurice Hinson In Early 20th Century Music - Maurice Hinson In Late 20th Century Music - Stewart Gordon  Memorization in Piano Performance – Steward Gordon  Freeing the Caged Bird – Barbara Lister Sink  Piano Wellness Seminars Performance Anxiety & Dominance Profiles and Learning Styles - Vicki Conway If It Hurts Here, Check This - Sheila Page  The Art of Adjudicating featuring adjudicators Guy Few, Ian Nelson, and Phyllis Thomson (From the Saskatchewan Music Festival Association)  Pianovision lectures from the World Pedagogy Conference (2 separate lectures on 1 DVD): Arbo Valdma: Emotional Connection With Students, Why One Cannot Teach Without It Ann Schein: Carrying The Great Piano Traditions Into The 21st Century  You and The Piano - Seymour Bernstein  Colleen Athparia Masterclass - Colleen Athparia  Nelita True at Eastman: Volume 1 - Portrait of a Pianist-Teacher Volume 2 - The Studio Lesson Volume 3 - Technique Through Listening Volume 4 - Principles of Style for the Young Pianist  Living Effortless Mastery - Kenny Werner  Conversations with Francis Clark: Her Life and Teachings (VHS)

General Interest  Big Bangs (Howard Goodall)  Musical Minds with Dr. Oliver Sacks  The Musical Brain (PBS)  Arts and the Mind - Lisa Kudrow (PBS)  Song of Survival  The Art of the Piano  The Golden Age of the Piano  The Music Instinct: Science and Song  Touch the Sound: A Sound Journey with Evelyn Glennie  El Sistema  Breaking the Silence: Music in Afghanistan (BBC)  Pianomania: A Documentary about Steinway Piano Tuner Stefan Knupfer  They Came to Play: International Competition for Outstanding Amateurs

Teaching Students with Special Needs / Ages  A Different Mind: Asperger's Syndrome (University of Cambridge)  ADHD (Thomas Brown)  ADHD for Educators (Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada)  Music and Early Childhood - John Feierabend  Recreational Music Making (4 DVD set)

Biographical  Bach & Friends  In the Steps of Series Frederick Chopin  Glenn Gould: Life and Times Russian Journey Extasis  Meet the Musicians Series Scott Joplin  Mozart (A&E Biography)  Mozart's Sister  Beethoven: The Sound and the Fury (A&E Biography)  Composers Specials Series Bach’s Fight for Freedom Beethoven Lives Upstairs Handel’s Last Chance Rossini’s Ghost Strauss: King of 3/4 Time Bizet’s Dream Liszt’s Rhapsody  The Great Composers Series (14 DVDs each averaging 52 minutes in length): Pyotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky (String Serenade in C Major, Op. 48) Claude Debussy (String Quartet) (String Quartet in F Major) Giacomo Puccini (Selections from La Boheme, Madama Butterfly, Turandot, & Tosca) Antonio Vivaldi (Concerto for Oboe in C Major, RV 447 & Concerto for 2 Violins and Cello in D Minor, RV 565) (a variety of works) (selections from 4 string quartets) (Selections from 2 string quartets as well as the Erl King) Frederic Chopin (Sonata for Cello and Piano in G minor, Op. 65 & Fantasie Impromptu in C sharp minor, Op. 66) George Frederic Handel (A selection of repertoire including sonatas for flute, trio sonatas, airs, a sinfonia and more) Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (String Quartet No. 2 in A minor, Op. 13) Ludwig von Beethoven (String Quartet No. 10 in E Flat Major, Op.74) (String Quartet in D minor, K. 421) Antonin Dvorak (String Quartet No. 10 in E flat Major, Op. 51)

Concert titles  Beethoven Sonatas & Commentary - Lisa Yui  Luciano Pavarotti: Recital in Barcelona  Duke Ellington, Forever Gold  The Best of Richard Clayderman  Artur Rubinstein – Historic Film of Rubinstein in Performance  Horowitz in Moscow  10th Anniversary Piano Extravaganza (Verbier Festival and Academy)

Educational titles  Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts with the New York Philharmonic: Disc 1: What Does Music Mean? What is American Music? What is Orchestration? Disc 2: What Makes Music Symphonic? What is Classical Music? Humour in Music Disc 3: What is a Concerto? Who is Gustav Mahler? Folk Music in the Concert Hall Disc 4: What is Impressionism? Happy Birthday, Igor Stravinsky What is a Melody? Disc 5: The Latin American Spirit Jazz in the Concert Hall What is Sonata Form? Disc 6: A Tribute to Sibelius Musical Atoms: A Study of Intervals The Sound of an Orchestra. Disc 7: A Birthday Tribute to Shostakovich What is a Mode? A Toast to in 3/4 Time Disc 8: Quiz – Concert: How Musical Are You? Berlioz Takes A Trip. Two Ballet Birds Disc 9: Fidelio: A Celebration of Life  Opera Stories Disc 1: Ernani & Il Trovatore Disc 2: Aida & Otello Disc 3: Falstaff & La Boheme Disc 4: Andrea Chenier & Monon Lescaut Disc 5: Tosca & Die Fledermaus  The Firebird/Petrushka  The Marriage of Figaro  Madama Butterfly  La Traviata  What is Music?

Entertainment titles  The Best of Victor Borge: Act 1&2  Victor Borge Show Collection Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3  The Pianist – starring Adrien Brody and Roman Polanski