6Th Grade Final Study Guide: Chapters 12-22

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6Th Grade Final Study Guide: Chapters 12-22

6 th Grade Final Study Guide: Chapters 12-22

Know the following words and definition:

1. Wisdom 21. Baruch 39. Hasidim

2. Psalm 22. Lamentations 40. Essenes

3. Solomon 23. Superstitions 41. Pharisees

4. Idolatry 24. Hope 42. Sadducees

5. Elijah 25. Proverb 43. Herod the Great

6. Elisha 26. Torah 44. Malachi

7. Hosea 27. Ezekiel 45. Mary

8. Vocations 28. Judaism 46. Joseph

9. Blasphemy 29. Three stages of 47. Elizabeth the return to 10. Judah 48. Zechariah Judah 11. Baal 49. Magnificat 30. Ezra 12. Ahaz 50. John the Baptist 31. Daniel 13. Isaiah 51. Incarnation 32. Esther 14. Hezekiah 52. Judea 33. Tobit 15. Micah 53. Kingdom of God 34. Judith 16. Josiah 54. The Beatitudes 35. Jonah 17. Zephaniah 55. Sermon on the 36. Parable Mount 18. Zedekiah 37. Hanukkah 56. The Lord’s 19. Babylon 38. Maccabees Prayer 20. Jeremiah 57.



60. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did God send prophets to his people? 61. to keep his people close to him, to guide them, to call them to lives of justice and faithfulness 62. 2. What did Micah say about goodness? 63. Micah preached that goodness lies in the practice of social justice and in faithfulness to the one true God. 64. 65. 3. What was the outcome of each of the three stages in God’s plan for the return of the exiled people to Judah? 66. The outcome of the first stage was that a large group of Jewish exiles returned to resettle in Judah, and the Temple was rebuilt and rededicated, and many exiles returned to settle in Judah. The outcome of the second stage was that Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem and saved the people from foreign attack. The outcome of the third stage was that the people returned to following God’s law. 67. 4. Why is the story of Jonah considered to be symbolic of the Resurrection? 68. Just as God wanted Jonah to deliver a message, God sent Jesus Christ to bring his life and love to all people. And just as Jonah spent three days in the belly of a fish, Jesus Christ rose from the dead after three days in the tomb. 69. 5. What role did angels play in the coming of the Messiah? 70. God sent angels as messengers to both Mary and Joseph and to Zechariah. 71. 6. Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem? 72. to fulfill the words of the prophet Micah; because Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, the city of their ancestor David, to be counted in the census. 73. 7. What did Israel achieve under the reign of Solomon? 74. its greatest prosperity and peace in ancient times 75. 8. What happened at the Last Supper? 76. Jesus gave the Passover meal a new meaning; Jesus gave us the Eucharist; Jesus gave his followers a new covenant and a new covenant meal; Jesus offered himself as the paschal lamb. 77. 78. 9. What does the Holy Spirit help Christ’s disciples to do? 79. The Holy Spirit helps Christ’s disciples to live out their faith and love in the one God. 80. 10. Why is Saint Paul considered to be a great leader of the early Church? 81. Saint Paul made missionary journeys, preached, taught, and wrote letters to the new Christian communities; he also brought the gospel to people of different cultures beyond Judea. 82. 11. What are some ways the early Christians gave witness to Christ? 83. The early Christians gave witness by gathering for the Eucharist, by refusing to honor false gods, and by suffering imprisonment and death for their faith. 84. 12. Why did Solomon build a temple?’ 85. to show his love of God and his desire to be faithful to the covenant 86. 13. How does the story of Solomon help us understand the importance of wisdom? 87. This story helps us understand that wisdom is a gift from God that helps us to see as God sees and to act as God wants us to act. 88. 14. Why did Elijah throw his cloak over Elisha? 89. Elijah threw his cloak over Elisha as a sign that Elisha was called by God to the mission of a prophet. 90. 15. Name three wisdom books of the Old testament that give practical guidance on how to live. 91. Book of Job; Book of Psalms; Book of Proverbs; Book of Ecclesiastes; Song of Songs; Book of Wisdom; Book of Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus). 92. 16. What message did Jesus give to the people at the Sermon on the Mount? 93. Jesus told the people how to live as his disciples. 94. 95. REREAD CHAPTERS 12-22!!! 96. REVIEW OLD TESTS AND QUIZZES! 97. 98. Good Luck!

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