1. Which of the Following Demonstrates the Most Active Approach

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1.	Which of the Following Demonstrates the Most Active Approach

Name______Date______Dev. Com. 36B PRACTICE Midterm Exam

Welcome to the midterm! Unless otherwise specified, each item is worth one point. The following test includes multiple choice items, true/false items, and a few other test strategies. If you are unsure about the requirements for any particular testing strategy, please ask me!

1. An example of a well-defined goal is (choose one of the following) a. "I want to publish my own book someday" b. "I will transfer to a CSU or UC by 2010. c. "I do not want to gain weight this summer” d. "I want to be rich and famous within the next six months"

2. T or F When you study, it is important to have a goal in mind and to study one subject for a long period of time rather than breaking it up into shorter study sessions.

3. When you are constructing your weekly schedule, it is least effective to a. plan to study at times when your physical surroundings are quiet b. plan to study the difficult subjects first c. schedule lengthy breaks before studying each new subject d. schedule study for a particular course close to the time when you attend class

4. Students often have difficulty adjusting to the demands of college, especially in terms of time management. In your opinion, what are the three most important time management strategies that your text lists? (3 points)






5. Students sometimes procrastinate. What should students do instead of leaving the assignment untouched till the last minute?



6. What are some active learning strategies? Please list three. (3 points)




7. Of the following questions, the one that requires you to think at the analyzing level of thinking is a. Can I use this information to help me solve a problem in a different context? b. What information do I need to learn? c. Can I use this information in a new and inventive way? d. How can I break this complex information down into smaller, simpler parts? 8. Evaluating is defined as the level of thinking in which a person a. assesses the value or worth of information b. applies knowledge to a new situation c. puts ideas and information together to create something new d. sees relationships, breaks information into parts, figures out how something works

9. Please give two strategies for improving how efficiently you review (besides mnemonic devices and overlearning), and explain why they work. (4 points)




10. Provide an example of a mnemonic device from Chapter 3. Explain what the mnemonic device means. (2 points)




11. In Chapter 4, your text makes a number of suggestions about how students can improve their note-taking skills. Please list and explain what you consider to be the five most important of these suggestions. (5 points)






12. If a student complains that, during a lecture, "My mind wanders and I get bored," what might he or she do to stay focused?


13. What is meant by mapping / creating a mind map? What is its purpose? How does it work? (2 points)




14. The text suggests that you free associate, ask questions, and make connections between your own experience and a given topic in order to help “discover what you already know.” Why is it important to consider what you already know about a topic when you are about to read more about it? Please give me two reasons. (2 points)



______15. T or F Developing guide questions is a good way to give purpose to your reading. 16. The following is a boldface heading within a anthropology textbook chapter. In the space, please write an effective guide question.

Cultural Time______

17. Students should be aware of positive comprehension signals such as a. finding the vocabulary in the passage to be familiar b. knowing what to highlight c. being able to express the ideas easily in their own words d. all of the above

18. What should you do to strengthen your comprehension and retention? Please list three strategies. (3 points)




19. A word frequently repeated throughout a paragraph often provides a clue about a. the organizational structure b. the topic c. the types of details d. levels of specificity 20. A topic sentence will always a. restate points b. give examples c. include background information d. control the detail in the rest of the paragraph

21. In order to infer a main idea, the reader should ask a. What are the writer’s qualifications? b. What attitude does the writer have about the topic? c. What one idea does the writer explain or support throughout the paragraph? d. What is my personal opinion about this topic? 22. Which statement is true about the details in a paragraph? a. Details are more general than topic sentences. b. All details are equally important c. Some details directly explain the main idea; others provide additional or background information. d. Details are always in the form of reasons.

23. T or F Transitions such as “for ” and “because” suggest the comparison and contrast organizational pattern.

For the following two paragraphs, underline the topic sentence. If the topic sentence is unstated, infer and articulate it in your own words in the space provided. 24. Businesses do not operate in a vacuum, but rather exist within a business environment that includes economic, legal, cultural, and competitive factors. Economic factors affect businesses by influencing what and how many goods and services consumers buy. Laws and regulations have an impact on many activities in a business. Cultural and social factors influence the characteristics of the goods and services sold by business. Competition affects what products and services a business offers, and the price it charges. (2 points each)

Articulate here (only if necessary):______

______25. In terms of faithfulness to source material The Lord of the Rings film trilogy excels over other adaptations like Dune, the Jurassic Park series, or Harry Potter. The Lord of the Rings films are also better produced and financed than the others of the multi-volume fantasy adventure genre. Last, but not least, The Lord of the Rings displays vastly superior performances from its actors when compared to the others.

Articulate here (only if necessary):______


26. T or F While graphics make a textbook page more visually interesting, the content of the graphic is usually far less important than the accompanying text. 27. Graphics a. condense complex information b. allow the reader to identify trends and patterns c. allow the reader to make comparisons d. all of the above

28. College students will encounter four basic styles of writing in college textbooks. Please fill in the boxes. (1 pt. each)

Type Descriptive


29. Please complete the chart by filling in all the empty boxes. (1 point each)

Expository Style Purpose Transitions or Signal Words (please list two) Because, for, since, so, therefore

Explains by dividing a topic into parts or categories refers to, means, can be defined as

Time Sequence/ Process examines two topics in terms of similarities or differences Enumeration

30. Please read the following topic sentences and decide which organizational strategy would be used. a. time sequence/process b. comparison/contrast c. cause and effect d. enumeration e. classification f. definition

______The second Iraq War and the subprime mortgage crisis have devastated the dollar. ______Ancient Greeks and ancient Phoenicians had similar views of death and dying. ______There are thousands of Web sites, and they vary widely in purpose; today we will discuss five common types of Web sites. ______Imprinting is a highly specialized form of learning; it takes place when an animal….

______Sleep is best described as a normal process that is divided into four stages.

______Students can employ a number of strategies in order to use time wisely.

41. Please read the following passage from our text (p. 460-461). Then answer the following questions. 1Human nakedness, according to social custom, is unacceptable, unbearable, and dangerous. From the moment of birth, society takes charge, managing, dressing, forming and deforming the child—sometimes even with a certain degree of violence. Aside from the most elementary caretaking concerns—the very diversity of which shows how subjective the motivation is—an unfathomably deep and universal tendency pushes families, clans, and tribes to rapidly modify a person's physical appearance…. 2…For millennia, in the four quarters of the globe, mothers have molded the shape of their newborn babies' skulls to give them silhouettes conforming to the prevalent criteria of beauty. In the nineteenth century, western children were tightly swaddled [wrapped tightly in cloth] to keep their limbs straight. In the so-called primitive world, children were scarred or tattooed at a very early age in rituals which were repeated at all the most important steps of their lives. At a very young age, children were fitted with belts, necklaces, or bracelets; their lips, ears, or noses were pierced or stretched. 3Additionally, some cultures have designed sophisticated appliances to alter physical structure and appearance. For instance, American Indian cradleboards crushed the skull to flatten it; the Mangbetus of Africa wrapped a knotted rope made of bark around the child's head to elongate it into a sugarloaf shape, which was considered to be aesthetically pleasing [conforming to ideals of beauty]. The feet of very young Chinese girls were bound and spliced, intentionally and irreversibly deforming them, because this was seen to guarantee the girls' eventual amorous and matrimonial success. 4Claude Levi-Strauss [a respected anthropologist] said about the Caduveo of Brazil: “In order to be a man, one had to be painted; whoever remained in a natural state was no different from the beasts.” In Polynesia, unless a girl was tattooed, she would not find a husband. An unornamented hand could not cook, nor dip into the communal food bowl. Pink lips were despicable and ugly. Anyone who refused the test of the tattoo was seen to be marginal and suspect. --Adapted from France Borel, “The Decorated Body,” pp. 460-461 1. The topic of this passage is a. foot binding b. anthropology c. the cultural obligation to decorate the body d. exotic cultures 2. Please put a single line under the thesis statement, or if you like, write it in your own words:



3. Put two lines underneath the topic sentence for paragraph three.

4. Please circle two transitions.

REVIEW ALL QUIZZES - Questions types from your previous quizzes will be included in the Midterm Exam.

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