Nutrition and Fitness

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Nutrition and Fitness

Nutrition and Fitness

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following should be the main source of food energy? a. carbohydrates c. fats b. proteins d. minerals ____ 2. Health-related fitness describes a. components of fitness that are important for good athletic performance. b. qualities that are necessary for maintaining a healthy body. c. the amount of time it takes for the heart to return to the resting heart rate after activity. d. all of the above ____ 3. Insoluble fiber a. dissolves in water. b. is found in oat bran, apples, beans, and some vegetables. c. is found in refined-grain products. d. add bulk to your body’s wastes. ____ 4. The class of nutrient that is essential for body growth and repair is a. vitamins. c. proteins. b. fats. d. carbohydrates. ____ 5. A chronic disease is a disease that a. develops gradually and continues over a long period of time. b. develops quickly and is over quickly. c. develops gradually and is over quickly. d. develops quickly and continues for a long period of time. ____ 6. A deficiency of calcium can lead to a. rickets. c. scurvy. b. osteoporosis. d. anemia. ____ 7. Which of the following foods belong to the milk, yogurt, and cheese group? a. eggs c. donuts b. ice cream d. all of the above ____ 8. The class of nutrient that is necessary for production of certain hormones and that forms a coating on nerves is a. carbohydrates. c. protein. b. water. d. fat. ____ 9. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans a. are a set of guidelines developed to improve health. b. are intended to reduce nutrition-related disease. c. bring together the recommendations of the Dietary Reference Intakes and DVs. d. all of the above ____ 10. Bread is rich in complex carbohydrates, low in fats, and a source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Usually, the more fiber in the bread, the more nutrients. Look at the values of the following four loaves of bread: Calories Sodium Fiber Loaf 1: 60 100 mg 1g Loaf 2: 70 160 mg 2g Loaf 3: 40 105 mg 2g Loaf 4: 80 5 mg 3g

Which loaf of bread would be the best choice for you in terms of good nutrition? a. Loaf 1 c. Loaf 3 b. Loaf 2 d. Loaf 4 ____ 11. Ideal body weight should be based on a. height and weight charts. c. size of body frame. b. body composition. d. lean mass. ____ 12. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol a. carries cholesterol to the body cells. b. can contribute to plaque formation on blood vessel walls. c. is sometimes called “bad cholesterol.” d. all of the above ____ 13. Physical fitness is a. qualities that are necessary for maintaining a healthy body. b. exercise. c. the ability of the body to perform daily tasks without getting out of breath, sore, or overly tired while avoiding diseases related to a lack of activity. d. components of fitness that are important for good athletic performance. ____ 14. Skill-related fitness consists of components of fitness such as a. power. c. agility. b. coordination. d. all of the above ____ 15. Exercise is part of the treatment plan for a. diabetes. c. mental and physical disabilities. b. asthma. d. all of the above ____ 16. Some chronic diseases that are related to lifestyle include a. cardiovascular (heart) disease. c. type 2 diabetes. b. stroke. d. all of the above

Completion Complete each statement.

17. Aerobic exercises are exercises that are done slowly enough that the heart and lungs can supply ______to the muscles so that the exercise can be continued for a long period of time without resting. 18. One objective that everyone should have in a fitness plan is to ______healthfully. 19. One way to take your pulse is to count the beats for 30 seconds. Then ______that number to determine your heartbeats per minute. 20. Frequent strength training may help prevent ______, the bone-thinning disease. 21. One way to determine your ideal weight is to calculate your ______, an index that relates your height to your weight. 22. You can determine your daily energy needs by adding your ______to the amount of energy required for all of your activities during a 24-hour period.

Matching Match each item with the correct statement. a. nutrition b. nutrient density c. dietary fiber d. Recommended Dietary Allowance e. minerals f. water g. carbohydrates, fat, proteins, water, minerals, and vitamins h. nondairy sources of calcium i. healthful meals and/or healthful snacks j. unsaturated fatty acids k. Calorie l. incomplete protein m. Food Guide Pyramid n. vegetarian o. proteins p. carbohydrates ____ 23. class of nutrients consisting of long chains of amino acids, which are needed to build and repair body structures and to regulate processes in the body. ____ 24. recommended nutrient intake that meets the needs of most healthy people ____ 25. a measure of the nutrients in a food compared with the energy a food provides ____ 26. the six classes of nutrients ____ 27. a tool for choosing a healthful diet by selecting a recommended number of servings from each of six food groups ____ 28. a class of nutrients containing simple sugars, starches, glycogen, and dietary fiber ____ 29. nutrient required for transport, elimination, and temperature regulation, as well as almost every other bodily function

Match each item with the correct statement. a. food intolerance i. heredity b. hunger j. bingeing c. bulimia nervosa k. purging d. basal metabolic rate l. diarrhea e. overweight m. body composition f. anorexia nervosa n. fad diet g. obesity o. weight management h. cross-contamination p. appetite ____ 30. proportion of body weight that is made up of fat tissue compared to lean tissue ____ 31. the body’s physical response to the need for food ____ 32. being heavy for one’s height ____ 33. weighing 20 percent more than one’s recommended weight ____ 34. the desire to eat certain types of food ____ 35. energy needed to fuel the body’s ongoing processes while it is at complete rest

Match each item with the correct statement. a. mineral needed for maintenance of fluid balance, transmission of nerve impulses, and muscle contraction b. carbon-containing nutrient that keeps eyes and skin healthy c. carbon-containing nutrient that aids in blood clotting d. mineral needed for production of hemoglobin e. fat-soluble nutrient that enables the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine f. water-soluble nutrient necessary for metabolism g. promotes healing of wounds and healthy germs h. class of energy-giving nutrients that are the main form of energy storage in the body i. vitamin necessary for forming cells and for a healthy nervous system j. mineral needed for development and maintenance of bones and teeth k. fat-soluble vitamin that protects cell membranes from damage l. a mineral that prevents birth defects m. class of energy-giving nutrients including sugars and starches n. mineral needed for production of digestive enzymes and growth and healing o. needed to produce energy from carbohydrates, fats, and protein p. needed for protein metabolism q. a complex carbohydrate that is stored in liver and muscles and can be used as a quick source of energy ____ 36. fats ____ 37. calcium ____ 38. glycogen ____ 39. carbohydrates

Short Answer

40. Why do you need to have some fat in your diet?

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