
Inside: l Mark von Hagen on Ukraine’s forgotten peace – page 6 l Maidan veteran gets eye surgery in Detroit – page 8 l Ukrainian Youth Games in upstate New York – page 18

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXII No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 $2.00 Association Agreement is ratified President Poroshenko addresses after trade concession to Russia joint session of U.S. Congress by Zenon Zawada major concession from the EU, which agreed to allow the Ukrainian government – The Ukrainian and European to keep in place its custom duties on EU parliaments on September 16 simultane- exports. ously ratified the Ukraine-European Union In essence, the implementation of the Association Agreement in what was Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area described in both legislatures as a historic (DCFTA) was postponed until January 1, moment. The legislation gained 79 percent 2016, following trilateral consultations support among the National deputies in held on September 12 in Brussels between Kyiv and 77 percent in the European EU Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht, Parliament in Strasbourg. Russian Economic Development Minister “The readiness to give one’s life and die Aleksei Uliukaev and Ukrainian Foreign for your fatherland is considered to be very Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin. natural, but the Heavenly Brigade and 872 Indeed, the move was requested by the courageous Ukrainian soldiers died not only Ukrainian government after the Russians for Ukraine. They risked their heads so that threatened to launch an immediate trade war, we could take our dignified place in the EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule family of European peoples,” said President told the European Parliament on the day of , who compared the the Association Agreement’s ratification. atmosphere in the that day Ukrainian business was confronted with WASHINGTON – With U.S. Vice-President Joseph Biden and the Speaker of the to 1991, when Ukraine declared its inde- losing its free trade privileges with the House of Representatives John Boehner sitting behind him, Ukrainian President Petro pendence from the . Commonwealth of Independent States Poroshenko addressed the joint session of the U.S. Congress on September 18, pre- “Since World War II, no nation ever paid (CIS), which is the largest export market senting his government’s position on the latest developments in Ukraine’s east and such a high price for the right to be for most of the country’s producers. calling on the United States to increase its political, economic and military support of Europeans,” he said. “In addition to a military threat, we were Ukraine. He opened his address with these words: “It’s impossible to imagine what I’m Yet, amid all the pomp, there was an omi- faced with the threat of a full-scale eco- feeling right now. How symbolic is the unity of the United States Congress and solidar- nous pall as the ratification didn’t occur ity with Ukraine. This is exactly what Ukraine now needs the most: unity and solidarity. without the Russian Federation gaining a (Continued on page 14) Not only with the United States Congress, not only with the United States, but with the whole world.” (Details on President Poroshenko’s visits to Washington on September 18 and Ottawa on September 17 will appear in next week’s issue.) – Yaro Bihun Parliament approves amnesty, self-governance for occupied lands Ukrainian Canadian on the front lines by Zenon Zawada decision legalizes terrorism and the occupation of Ukraine.” KYIV – Ukraine’s Parliament on The critics – which also included the of Donbas war zone, MH 17 crash site September 16 approved legislation that lays Svoboda nationalist party, the Civic the foundation and sets in motion the peace Position party and the Radical Party – plan proposed by Ukrainian President Petro were also outraged that the bills were Poroshenko to resolve the five-month war in approved as part of a blind vote, which the and regions that has allowed national deputies to cast their bal- resulted in more than 3,170 casualties and lots in favor while remaining anonymous. 630,000 refugees. “First they squeezed out the votes for The first bill establishes a zone of self- a closed-session regime and then the governance for those Donbas districts Verkhovna Rada head held a vote for the occupied by Russian forces, which bills in the closed regime without amounts to about one-third of the terri- Parliament’s approval beforehand, which tory of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, is a violation of procedure,” said National while the second grants amnesty to those Deputy Andrii Shevchenko of the involved in the war, with the exception of Batkivshchyna party. the most severe offenders. “That means we simply saw the num- While polls indicated Mr. Poroshenko’s ber 277 on the screen. We don’t know peace plan has wide support, the legisla- who voted for these laws and we don’t OSCE/Evgeniy Maloletka tion drew much criticism as a capitulation know whether Parliament truly support Michael Bociurkiw holds a press scrub with foreign journalists at the main crash site. to the Russian Federation, allowing yet these laws. I’m very ashamed of this another swath of Ukrainian territory to Parliament.” by Zenon Zawada Once an editorial staffer at The fall under Russian control and potentially It became apparent afterwards that Ukrainian Weekly (in the mid-1980s), Mr. encouraging further aggression. those who gave 277 votes for the self- KYIV – Michael Bociurkiw became one of Bociurkiw has been broadcast by television “This is a complete surrender of governance bill and 287 votes for amnes- the most recognized Ukrainian Canadians in news networks such as CNN throughout Ukraine’s interests in the Donbas,” said ty consisted of the entire faction of the the world after the tragic crash of Malaysian the tragedy’s aftermath as the spokesman former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, Airlines Flight 17 on July 17 near the eastern for the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) the head of the Batkivshchyna party. “This (Continued on page 5) edge of the Donetsk region, near the Russian border. (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38


Senators introduce new sanctions bill Ukrainian goods if the EU and Ukraine pro- Moscow prepares revised military doctrine ceed with the application of the deal from WASHINGTON – The chairman and November 1. (RFE/RL, with reporting by ranking member of the U.S. Senate Foreign civil war (Ekspert, September 2; The Reuters, Deutsche Presse-Agentur and by Roger McDermott Relations Committee on September 17 Moscow Times, September 3). Agence France-Presse) Eurasia Daily Monitor introduced a new bill that would stiffen Nonetheless, the military doctrine sanctions against Russia and provide more Russian President amendment process is clearly timed to U.S. expands sanctions against Russia military assistance to Ukraine. In a sign of undoubtedly timed the coordinated effort include recent developments in Crimea bipartisan unity, Sens. Robert Menendez WASHIGNTON – The United States to initiate a ceasefire in southeastern and southeastern Ukraine, possibly updat- (D-N.J.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said that announced another round of sanctions Ukraine to coincide with both the North ing the document’s references to the the Senate Foreign Relations Committee aimed to punish Russia for its role in the Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) United States and NATO. The 2010 military would vote on the Ukraine Freedom Ukraine crisis, targeting defense, energy, September 4-5 summit in Newport, Wales, doctrine framed the designation of NATO Support Act of 2014 on September 18. The and banking sectors. The move came after in diplomatic language, and it may be the and the European Union’s threat of addi- legislation requires U.S. President Barack the European Union also stepped up retal- case that the hawks within the Russian tional sanctions against his country. Obama to impose sanctions against iatory measures against Russia. The U.S. security elite will now push for an outright However, due to the downturn in rela- Russian arms import-export company Treasury Department tightened on clarification on this issue. tions with the alliance since the annexation Rosoboroneksport and other defense and September 12 debt-financing restrictions Perhaps one worrisome indication of of Crimea and ongoing Russian involve- energy firms. It also requires sanctions for sanctioned banks from 90 days to 30 the mood prevailing in these circles, ment in the Ukraine crisis, Moscow has against Gazprom if the president deter- days. And it added Sberbank, Russia’s larg- buoyed by the annexation of Crimea and also signaled its own counter-response, mines it is withholding gas from Ukraine, est financial institution, to the list of state the recent routing of the Ukrainian Anti- though consigned to the doctrinal security Moldova, Georgia or other NATO allies. It banks subject to the restriction. It also pro- Terrorist Operation (ATO) came in a recent policy level. Senior Russian defense offi- also authorizes $350 million in military hibited the exporting of goods, services and article by Vasily Kashin, an analyst with the cials confirmed in early September that the assistance to Ukraine and $50 million to technology for Russian deepwater or off- Center for Analysis of Strategies and 2010 military doctrine will now be revised address a potential fuel shortage in 2014- shore projects to five of Russia’s leading Technologies (CAST) in Moscow. Mr. by the end of the year. This is allegedly 2015. (RFE/RL) energy companies: natural gas monopoly Kashin argued that by the end of 2014, a driven by NATO enlargement, its military Gazprom, its oil unit Gazprom Neft, Lukoil, new cold war would commence, and that infrastructure “gradually” increasing close Application of free trade pact delayed Surgutneftgas, and Russia’s largest oil pro- to Russia’s borders, the United States’ mis- Russia will not be defeated (The Moscow BRUSSELS – The European Union and ducer, Rosneft. Five state-owned defense- sile defense system and, of course, the cri- Times, September 1). Ukraine have delayed the application of technology firms had their assets blocked. sis in Ukraine (Inosmi.ru, September 4). Although there is much scope for mis- their deep and comprehensive free-trade The state-owned high-tech Russian compa- Moscow’s plans to revise its current mil- calculations based on an overly optimistic agreement (DCFTA) by 15 months – to ny Rostec also was hit with new restric- itary doctrine has prompted the usual interpretation of Russian successes, in this December 31, 2015. EU Trade tions for debt financing of greater than 30 speculation among Russian commentators wider context, the 2010 military doctrine may indeed have required some adjust- Commissioner Karel De Gucht said on days. The Obama administration also said trying to determine how it might change September 12 that Ukraine will continue to the sanctions could be reversed if Russia and whether it could include indications of ments. It was after all, crafted within a very different security environment since it was benefit from an opening of the bloc’s mar- changed its behavior. (RFE/RL, with a further deterioration in the country’s ket for Ukrainian goods until the agree- reporting by Reuters, the Associated Press relations with the West. Prior to then-Pres- ordered in 2005 by Vladimir Putin; when it was released nearly five years later, the ment enters into force. He was speaking in and Agence-France-Presse) ident signing the latest Brussels following talks with Ukrainian doctrine seemed to be largely a compro- EU tightens sanctions against Russia military doctrine into law in February Foreign Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin and 2010, both foreign and Russian analysts mise statement on how Moscow views its Russian Economic Development Minister BRUSSELS – The European Union has differed over the nuclear dimension of the threat environment. Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor of Russia in Global Affairs, believes Aleksei Ulyukaev. Mr. De Gucht said the rea- tightened sanctions meant to punish Russia doctrine. In any case, the potentially con- that the issue of U.S.-Russia relations son for the decision was the very fragile for its role in the crisis in Ukraine, a move troversial nuclear elements were either should not be exaggerated; these bilateral economic situation in Ukraine. He added Moscow said could undermine efforts to entirely redacted or placed in a classified ties, he argued, will not (unlike during the that the delay leaves time for the three par- end a five-month conflict that has killed addendum to the 2010 doctrine (see Cold War) retain their strategic impor- ties to “consult on how to address concerns more than 3,000 people. The new sanc- Eurasia Daily Monitor, February 23, 2010; tance. Mr. Lukyanov sees the precise word- raised by Russia.” This would be done as tions include asset freezes and travel bans The Moscow Times, September 3). ing of the amended doctrine later this year part of efforts to “fully support the stabili- on senior officials and lawmakers and Nonetheless, on September 5, the for- likely to reflect how NATO formulated its zation of Ukraine,” he said. Mr. De Gucht restrictions on financing for some state- mer Chief of the General Staff (CGS) Yury own stance on Russia, in Newport added that the decision was “part and par- controlled Russian companies. The compa- Baluyevskiy, a retired army general, dis- (Ekspert, September 2). cel of the comprehensive peace process” in nies targeted include Russia’s largest oil missed media reports that the revisions to Splitting hairs over precise words or Ukraine. Russia has repeatedly raised con- producer, Rosneft, as well as pipeline oper- the doctrine could include “preventive terms, and the potential for this to mean cerns over the economic implications that ator Transneft and Gazprom Neft, the oil nuclear strikes” in its clauses. Mr. little in practical terms, is also a theme the DCFTA might have for its economy, and Baluyevskiy categorically denied this explored by Aleksandr Khramchikin, the threatened to introduce import tariffs on (Continued on page 12) assertion, saying it will not be considered. deputy director of the Moscow-based He added that “the use of nuclear weapons Institute of Political and Military Analysis. will only be retaliatory” (RIA Novosti, For example, in response to NATO’s plans September 5). The source of the denial is to open bases in the Baltic states, Poland he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 important, since he has been assigned a and Romania, the author argues that T U W role in his retirement to work on the proj- Moscow will present a long-planned ect. An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., replacement of Tochka-U assets with mod- a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. Mr. Baluyevskiy confirmed that he is a ern Iskanders as its answer to these token Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. member of the working group under the bases (Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. Russian Security Council tasked with for- Obozreniye, September 5). (ISSN — 0273-9348) mulating the amendments to the doctrine. In any case, it is highly unusual to The Security Council also indicated that the The Weekly: UNA: restrict the work on the doctrine to a set of Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 changes will touch on the independence of mere amendments, and its timescale Russia in producing its own weapons and implies perhaps a rushed job. What emerg- Postmaster, send address changes to: hardware. The former CGS explained: “First es from this process may offer further The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz of all, it is not an issue of creating a new insight into how the Kremlin sees the long- 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas doctrine, but of amending the existing one. term implications of the Ukraine crisis. It P.O. Box 280 Where in the doctrine is the provision could also offer more doctrinal underpin- Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] about preventive nuclear strikes? I recom- ning for the evolving Russian concept of mend reading it carefully one more time hybrid or linear warfare. But it may not The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com […] especially Article 22. The issue of pre- provide the clarity that many would ventive nuclear strikes is not considered” demand. With NATO-Russia relations effec- The Ukrainian Weekly, September 21, 2014, No. 38, Vol. LXXXII (RIA Novosti, September 5). tively frozen over the Ukraine crisis, a Copyright © 2014 The Ukrainian Weekly The “leak” from the Defense Ministry, growing set of U.S. and EU sanctions on followed by Mr. Baluyevskiy rebuffing the Russia, and the ceasefire in Donbas strug- nuclear pre-emption issue, seems deliber- gling to hold, the Kremlin appears anxious ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA ate. Yet, Moscow-based experts were also to frame at least part of its response in law. quick to highlight a broader range of inter- Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 nal structural issues such as changes with- The article above is reprinted from e-mail: [email protected] in the since 2010, in Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 addition to international developments its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, e-mail: [email protected] ranging from the Arab Spring to the Syrian www.jamestown.org. No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 3 NEWS ANALYSIS: Armistice leaves part of Donbas under Russian control

by Vladimir Socor of weapons” (terminology peculiar to the Russian lan- starting position in negotiations to legalize territorial Eurasia Daily Monitor guage). Although widely referenced as an armistice agree- secessions in the “frozen conflicts.” The special status ment, these words do not occur in the document. demand is now upon Ukraine’s territory. It can start a Ukraine has been “coerced to peace” by Russia after five Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Petro negotiating process without an end in sight, even as the months of hostilities, as Georgia was in 2008 after five Poroshenko of Ukraine had each publicized armistice plans territory becomes separated de facto. days. Russia’s hybrid war methods, rehearsed already in the run-up to the September 5 “consultations.” Mr. Putin’s The September 5 protocol mentions holding elections against Georgia and deployed fully against Ukraine, proved plan included seven points, Mr. Poroshenko’s five (see EDM, pre-term, i.e., almost immediately, on that territory, sepa- indecisive, until Russia escalated to the level of convention- September 4). The , however, incorporates rately from Ukraine’s elections. Separate elections, howev- al war operations. Ukraine has been defeated by superior very little from either president’s plan. This is an indication er, could not be free in those “certain districts,” but would forces in battle, and leaves the field all but exhausted eco- that high-level negotiations are yet to follow. only serve to legalize the secessionist authorities under nomically (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, September 4). The protocol’s subtitle, “Implementing [President] Russia’s protection. The armistice has resulted in static frontlines that effec- Poroshenko’s peace plan and [President] Putin’s initia- Moscow would like Ukraine itself to legitimize such a tively partition Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. tives,” therefore, does not correspond with the protocol’s process by adopting this special legislation. This would Approximately one-third of these provinces’ combined content. Invoking the presidents can perhaps lend some require changing Ukraine’s Constitution by a majority of area, and approximately one-half of their population, has authority to a seemingly improvised document. The proto- two-thirds in Parliament. Such proposals for the sake of fallen under Russia’s and its proxies’ control, for an inde- col’s 12 points follow in random order (specific issues accommodating a Russian protectorate, however, are unlike- terminate period of time. being treated in non-consecutive points, back-and-forth), ly to pass or even to be proposed in that form. For its part, Signed during consultations in Minsk on September 5, yet the meaning of the key points seems fairly clear. the Ukrainian government proposes administrative and the armistice, or ceasefire, document looks strange in a Points 1 and 2 stipulate the “bilateral non-use of weap- budgetary de-centralization for Ukraine’s 25 oblasts on a number of ways. The document seems to exist in the ons.” “Bilateral” is not explicitly defined, but the context nation-wide basis, within the existing Constitution. Russian language only. Some translation into English must makes clear that this means Ukraine versus Donetsk- Point 4 envisages creating a “security zone” on either have been done unofficially, but the Organization for Luhansk. This exempts Russia from responsibility as con- side of the Russia-Ukraine border, to be monitored by both Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE – the only inter- flict participant and indeed initiator. Under point 2, the sides under verification by the OSCE. Although the docu- national party to these consultations) has decided to OSCE would monitor and verify compliance with the ment does not state the purpose of such activity, the pro- release and confer validity on the Russian text only (osce. ceasefire (see also point 4). posal obviously seeks to calm Ukraine’s concerns about org, accessed September 8, 9). Under Points 3 and 9, Ukraine should effectively con- trans-border flows of Russian arms and fighters to Donetsk The document’s signatories are: Ambassador Heidi sent to partitioning the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. and Luhansk. Tagliavini for the OSCE’s Swiss chairmanship, former Thus, Kyiv should “adopt a law ‘On the temporary order This proposal comes far too late to change the game. President Leonid Kuchma for Ukraine, Ambassador Mikhail [poriadok] of local self-government in certain districts of The secessionist territories are already saturated with Zurabov for Russia, as well as the Donetsk and Luhansk the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts’ (the law on special sta- arms and fighters from Russia, including a growing pro- secessionist leaders Aleksandr Zakharchenko and Igor tus).” Ukraine should then “ensure the holding of pre-term portion from regular Russian forces. This has predeter- Plotnitski. The latter two signed without specification of local elections, under a law ‘On the temporary order [pori- mined the war’s outcome in Russia’s favor. Moreover, it has their status or titles, but nevertheless on par with the other adok] of local self-government in certain districts of the happened on the OSCE’s ineffective watch. signatories. Related to their participation, the document’s Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts’ (the law on special status).” The OSCE has maintained since May a semblance of points 3 and 9 directly contravene Ukraine’s Constitution. These “certain” districts are those controlled by Russian monitoring activity on the Russian side of the Russia- The document’s status, per its title, is a “protocol of con- and proxy forces. The demand for “special status” – vague- Ukraine border. Russia has used its veto power to reduce sultations.” Its immediate result is the “cessation of the use ly defined and seemingly negotiable – is Russia’s usual the number and equipment of OSCE border monitors to irrelevance. Any mandate of a new and enlarged observer mission will have to be negotiated again with Russia inside the OSCE, subject to Russia’s veto in every technical detail. The armistice protocol’s Point 4 envisages a “permanent UGCC ’ statement: “Ukraine is awash in blood” monitoring [of the situation] along the border between Following is the text of the appeal of the Synod of Bishops Ukraine!” Today, silence or inaction, reluctance to recog- Russia and Ukraine,” within a “security zone to be created of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC). The Synod nize the gravity of the situation that has arisen in our coun- (Continued on page 13) took place on September 7-14 in Briukhovychi, near Lviv. try cannot only turn everyone into a mute or indifferent (Source: Information Resource of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic witness, but also into an accomplice of the sin of murder, Church, http://news.ugcc.ua/en/) which cries to heaven for justice as the Scripture says: “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is Statement by the U.S. president We, the bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church crying to me from the ground” (Genesis 4:10). from Ukraine and from countries of Ukrainian settlements How can we not recall the words of St. John Paul II, who about new sanctions on Russia in North and South America, Australia and Europe, gath- in the distant year of 1979, in the vicinity of the former ered at the annual holy Synod in Lviv, conscious of the concentration camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau, said: “War is The following statement was released by the White responsibility entrusted to us for our flock, raise our voice caused not only by those who wage it directly but also by House, Office of the Press Secretary, on September 11. on behalf of the people of Ukraine and call out to the peo- those who do not do everything in their power to avoid it.” ple of the world: “Ukraine is awash in blood!” We especially call for responsible action from those Today, we join the European Union in announcing This peaceful sovereign nation has been subjected to a whom the Lord has given authority, to take the necessary that we will intensify our coordinated sanctions on direct military intervention by a northern neighbor. decisions at the political level in order to restore peace and Russia in response to its illegal actions in Ukraine. I Hundreds of units of heavy weaponry and technology, security in Europe. And once again we call all believers and have said from the very beginning of this crisis that thousands of armed mercenaries and soldiers of Russia’s people of good will to urgent prayers for the end of aggres- we want to see a negotiated political solution that standing army are crossing the borders of Ukraine, sowing sion and the restoration of a lasting and comprehensive respects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integri- death and destruction, disregarding the terms of the cease- peace in Ukraine. ty. Together with G-7 and European partners and our fire and recent diplomatic efforts. We are convinced that God is with us in our sufferings other Allies, we have made clear that we are prepared At the same time, propaganda continues at an unprece- and troubles, that He will hear our common pleas and to impose mounting costs on Russia. We are imple- dented level of hatred and distortion of the real state of affairs, prayers, and that, with the coordinated efforts of the inter- menting these new measures in light of Russia’s which is no less damaging than weapons of mass destruction. national community, we will be able to stop the bloodshed, actions to further destabilize Ukraine over the last The entire world has been able to witness how, over the to defend human dignity and restore life-giving peace. month, including through the presence of heavily last months, the aggressor is committing crimes against His Beatitude Sviatoslav armed Russian forces in eastern Ukraine. We are humanity on the territory of Ukraine. of Kyiv and Halych watching closely developments since the announce- The whole world was shocked by the criminal act of the ment of the ceasefire and agreement in Minsk, but we downing of the Malaysian plane, in which 298 people from His Eminence have yet to see conclusive evidence that Russia has 10 different countries died. Thousands of people, especial- Metropolitan of Lviv ceased its efforts to destabilize Ukraine. ly women and children, have been recklessly killed; and it His Eminence Volodymyr Viytyshyn We will deepen and broaden sanctions in Russia’s has not been possible to even bury them with dignity. Metropolitan of Ivano-Frankivsk financial, energy, and defense sectors. These mea- Many of the wounded are forced to simply wait for death sures will increase Russia’s political isolation as well due to the inaccessibility of medical assistance. Thousands His Eminence Vasyl Semeniuk Metropolitan of Ternopil as the economic costs to Russia, especially in areas of of people are being kidnapped and subjected to torture importance to President Putin and those close to him. and public humiliation against their human dignity. His Eminence Ivan Martyniuk My Administration will outline the specifics of these Hundreds of thousands of refugees are being forced to flee Metropolitan of Przemysl and Warsaw new sanctions tomorrow. their homes due to threats against their lives and the dan- His Eminence The international community continues to seek a ger of death. If these crimes are not stopped immediately, Metropolitan of Winnipeg genuine negotiated solution to the crisis in Ukraine. I with the onset of the winter cold, the death toll will encourage President Putin to work with Ukraine and increase tenfold. His Eminence Stephen Soroka other international partners, within the context of the Metropolitan of Philadelphia Those who kill people in Ukraine today will not hesitate Minsk agreement and without setting unreasonable tomorrow to turn their weaponry against anyone, in their His Eminence Volodymyr Kovbych conditions, to reach a lasting resolution to the conflict. own country and beyond its borders, or attack any other Metropolitan of Curitiba and Brasil As I said last week, if Russia fully implements its com- nation in the world. His Grace mitments, these sanctions can be rolled back. If, In the face of such grave crimes, we call out to the con- of of St. Volodymyr in Paris instead, Russia continues its aggressive actions and sciences of believers of all religions and faiths, we appeal to for Ukrainians of the Byzantine rite in France violations of international law, the costs will continue all people of good will, to heads of state and members of to rise. the international community: “Stop the bloodshed in And all the bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38

The Huffington Post, CNN.com and Al Ukrainian Canadian... Jazeera America. Though extremely busy, Mr. Bociurkiw (Continued from page 1) found time to answer The Weekly’s ques- of the Organization for Security and tions on September 11, just days before his Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). dangerous encounter. It’s been more than two months since Is there anything left at the Malaysian the crash, yet Mr. Bociurkiw’s mission is not Airlines Flight 17 site? Is it still in the over in the least. Although the crash side- war zone? tracked his team, the mission’s original goal of monitoring the conflict in Ukraine’s east, The crash site has not been accessed particularly its ceasefire attempts, remains since more than a month ago. At that time, just as relevant. we observed that most of the impact sites The OSCE announced on September 13 had remained, for the most part, intact. it will significantly boost the size of its However large parts of the fuselage had Ukraine SMM, as well as its technical equip- been moved by hand or heavy equipment, ment, in order to enable it to fulfill its mis- presumably for human remains recovery. sion in monitoring and verifying the cease- The sites remain in an active conflict fire regime between the Ukrainian armed zone in territory controlled by the rebels. forces and pro-Russian militants backed by The wreckage is strewn over an area mea- Russia’s armed forces. suring 10 kilometers by 5 kilometers. We OSCE/Evgeniy Maloletka believe there are still human remains, as The next evening, Mr. Bociurkiw and five OSCE monitors accompany experts to the site where the cockpit landed. other OSCE monitors were attacked by well as personal belongings, left at the site. artillery fire while driving in the Donetsk Some 80 bodies remain unaccounted for. Boeing 777. Seeing piles of body bags These reports – supplemented by spot region in the two armored vehicles. At the Are you still involved with the crash stored in the train in was such a sad reports and weekly reports – have become time, the team was monitoring adherence in any way? What are the most acute scene, which I will never forget. immensely popular over the past weeks. to the September 5 Minsk ceasefire proto- problems that remain in regard to the Were you prepared with the neces- [Editor’s note: They can be read at: http:// col, as well as performing an on-site assess- crash site? sary skills and technical knowledge? www.osce.org/press-releases?fields=896& ment of the MH17 crash site. activities=116.] The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to What about emotionally? Their two patrol vehicles were denied What impression does one get about Ukraine, if tasked to do so, is prepared to We were deployed there to establish the access beyond a checkpoint controlled by the conflict from being there personally facilitate access to the site for intelligence facts, report and to facilitate access. We separatists, who insisted they turn back that can’t be understood from afar? despite their protests that the road posed a experts. The biggest issue from day one were not there as crash investigators. So for high security risk. When driving to their was that there was no perimeter security. us, observation skills were most important. One of the biggest, of course, is the previous destination, they observed shell- Hence the site remains vulnerable to man- Many of us have been hardened from previ- human toll, the human suffering. We have ing consistent with mortar use. made, as well as natural factors. As the area ous missions but nothing can prepare you met villagers living near the MH17 crash “At around 18:37, both vehicles were hit is also an active agricultural zone, farmers for such a tragedy. It saddens me to think site who have not only had aircraft parts by artillery fragments in the northern out- and landowners have been observed work- that so many innocent individuals – many and human remains literally rain down on skirts of Kirovske,” the spot report said. ing the fields, and this creates its own chal- of them flying as families to their vacations them, but they are also living in the midst of “The mission retreated to a safer place and lenges. Some villagers we spoke with have – had their lives so abruptly ended by a an active conflict zone. Many have lost their waited for guidance from both parties. As a requested psycho-social assistance; many conflict they had no connection with. livelihoods. There are tens of thousands of result of shrapnel damage, one vehicle was witnessed horrific scenes the day of the There are still dozens of families who people in Luhansk who have endured no longer operational and was left at the crash on July 17. have still not received the remains of their weeks without water and power. spot.” With the current truce in place, I expect loved ones, and some of them may never. What was your original OSCE mission The separatists dispatched their Berkut there to be renewed efforts to access the Hence I am thinking of a way that I person- before the crash and are you returning security forces from Donetsk to escort the crash site as soon as possible. I know for a ally can help them through this. to it now? team back to Donetsk. That required first fact that the Malaysians are keen to get I know I will never look at an airplane The mandate of the mission was always passing through a separatist security back and work the site for at least a week. the same way again. Nor can I yet bring myself to fly on a Boeing 777 quite yet. I to facilitate dialogue and to monitor, estab- checkpoint, during which their vehicle was What was the most challenging part have strong ties to Malaysia and, of course, lish the facts and to report. Our task for again shelled, the spot report said. for you in handling the Flight 17 crash my roots go back to Ukraine. So that made MH17 was exactly that – to facilitate access Mr. Bociurkiw noted it was the first time site? this tragedy even more personal for me. and to report on the security situation in in six months in Donbas that OSCE staffers Many people have asked me how I cope. and around the crash site. were targeted with live fire. We welcomed the opportunity to facili- I suppose that, as spokesperson, one is Mr. Bociurkiw has been a spokesman for tate access to the site, establish the facts, as What will you be doing, and where will sharing what one sees constantly – some- the OSCE since this spring: he applied for the well as report on the situation on the you be for the remainder of the year? times to millions of people at one time – OSCE position in April and was accepted and ground. We were the first international and hence you never really keep it bottled We expect the Canadian contingent to the seconded by Canada to the Special organization to reach the site. The first cou- up. But I think what really kept me going mission, of which I am a part, to be extended Monitoring Mission. Previously he did con- ple of days were difficult as the armed indi- was knowing that we were filling a crucial another six months to the end of March tract work for the World Health viduals guarding the site tried to intimidate information gap – that our reporting would 2015. As we speak, in the immediate after- Organization’s regional offices in the us. But as time went on, access became provide some semblance of comfort to the math of the [September 5] Minsk agree- Americas and South Asia; worked in media much easier. The days were very long, families who lost loved ones aboard MH17. ment, we will need some things very quickly. relations for UNICEF in Tajikistan, Cairo, East under a hot sun, operating in the shadows The displays of gratitude and apprecia- We need more personnel on the ground – Jerusalem, Islamabad, Abuja and New York; of heavily armed men. tion I have received from many quarters monitors with the right expertise and equip- and was UNICEF’s global spokesperson in We witnessed many horrific scenes, for have been overwhelming: from senior pro- ment. The plan is to double the current Geneva. example, seeing some bodies still strapped ducers and correspondents at CNN to my amount of monitors on the ground to 500. After his stint with The Weekly in the to the seats. In fact, when we arrived some neighbors on Vancouver Island. Two The 57 participating states of the OSCE – 1980s, he worked as a journalist at major of the wreckage was still smoldering. The Ukrainian colleagues – both female – which includes Russia, Ukraine, the U.S. and news dailies, including the South China main crash site – where the wings, fuel accompanied me at various times to the Canada – will need to dig deep to support Morning Post, Asia Times and The Globe tanks and landing gear came down – site, and they too witnessed horrific scenes the mission in its reconfigured form. and Mail, and as a contributor to Forbes. reached temperatures as high as 1,600 and yet powered through it all in a very com and MSNBC. More recently he had degrees Celsius, incinerating many things OSCE Head Didier Burkhalter said professional way. I am immensely proud of been a commentator and opinion writer for and melting the aluminum wings of the recently that he’s pessimistic on the them! truce in Ukraine. Do you have instruc- How would you describe the over-all tions to be prepared for a long conflict? treatment of OSCE staff by the Russian If not, do you have that impression separatists? regardless? Over all, over a period of about two- We remain optimistic. The will needs to three weeks working the MH17 site, the be there on all sides for peace to happen. Our rebels provided almost unfettered access to head of mission, Ambassador Ertugrul the impact sites. Of course, there were Apakan (of Turkey), has long-since called for some tense moments, but we accomplished de-escalation, for an end to the bloodshed. a lot in a relatively short amount of time. Also, almost hidden among the head- lines, is the enormous human cost from this Besides inspecting the crash site and conflict. Hundreds of thousands of civilians monitoring border posts, what else has – including many women and children – OSCE staff been responsible for in the have had to flee their homes. The damage Donbas war zone? to civilian infrastructure is huge – roads, In the conflict zone, we have been moni- bridges, airports, residential buildings all toring, establishing the facts, reporting and need to be repaired or rebuilt. facilitating dialogue and access. On the * * * monitoring side, when possible, daily Readers can follow the OSCE’s Special patrols are operated. We issue daily reports Monitoring Mission in Ukraine on Twitter at A member of the Ministry of Emergencies explains the main crash site to OSCE that are circulated to our 57 participating @osce_smm and on Facebook at https:// observers. Michael Bociurkiw is on the right. states and to the media and general public. www.facebook.com/oscesmmu. No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 5 Canadian politician voices support, but also skepticism, for Ukrainian government RFE/RL at this conference and more generally is a present that that’s how they are seeing the thing I am hearing not just in Ukraine but in Canadian politician and journalist Chrystia clarification, at least in the view of Western conflict. I think that is important. the conversation more generally, is real Freeland was one of the moderators at the leaders, around what’s happening. I have Some statements have been very bold. Western skepticism about Ukraine’s ability to Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference, heard, particularly from people like [former Ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn seriously reform and to absorb aid without which took place in Kyiv on September 11-13. British Prime Minister] Tony Blair and said that Westerners are not ready to die corruption. RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service’s Maryana [European Commission President] Jose for Ukraine, but he asked: What about So I think there is a growing understand- Drach spoke to Ms. Freeland about Western Manuel Barroso, a clarification that Ukraine the solidarity? What about the financial ing that Ukraine’s position is the morally right one in this conflict, that Maidan was a genu- policies toward Ukraine and the role of Russian has been invaded, Ukrainian borders have means? You have worked for many ine democracy revolution led by all sorts of propaganda. Ms. Freeland is a Liberal member been violated, and that cannot be permitted. I Western publications and understand great young idealists, but a skepticism around of the Canadian Parliament. Prior to that she thought Tony Blair put it really well when he how the Western financial world func- whether the government reforms have been served in various editorial positions with the said that “we think that it is a good idea for tions. Do think that the aid the West is sufficient to ensure that the Ukrainian leader- Financial Times, The Globe and Mail and Ukraine to join Europe… but if the Ukrainians offering to Ukraine is sufficient in light of ship today will actually pursue meaningful Thomson Reuters. were to say to us ‘actually we changed our the challenges that the country faces? economic reforms – and an even more limited minds, we do not want to be part of your Not at all. I think that the parameters of You recently wrote an article in The group,’ it would have never occurred to us to request, that they have the ability to take aid New York Times calling on the West for Western support are becoming pretty clear. I and absorb it without it simply vanishing in force them to do it.” think, at least within the current parameters of more moral clarity on Ukraine. Now we He expressed real astonishment that in the traditional corrupt swamp. are witnessing new European and the situation, it is hard to see actual Western 2014 Russia would feel that it is actually a Ukrainian officials have acknowl- American sanctions against Russia and we personnel, Western troops being committed to good idea to impose a foreign policy on edged that they have not done enough. know about measures from the Canadian this fight. But I think it is very possible to see another country. And that sounds like a prim- Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy government. Do you think that the continued and additional financial and other itive way of describing the situation, but actu- kinds of support for Ukraine and continued Yatsenyuk has said that; Ukrainian Western stand regarding the Ukrainian- ally at the very basic level that’s what has sanctions against Russia. President Petro Poroshenko has prom- Russian conflict is now fully clear? happened. And I think it was good and impor- What I was really struck by on the ques- Something that I saw in the conversation tant to hear from the senior Western people tion of support for Ukraine, and this is some- (Continued on page 12)

Serbian Krajina,” Mr. Lutsenko said, referring Yet the peace efforts aren’t driven only ernment is trying to creating a chance for Parliament approves... to the Serbian-controlled Yugoslav Army. by short-term political gains, observers gradual, long-term resolution of the con- “For three years they not only waited, but said. flict, said Volodymyr Fesenko, the director (Continued from page 1) rebuilt the economy and army. And after- “I assume the logic of the president to be of the Penta Center for Applied Political pro-presidential Ukrainian Democratic wards, they wiped the separatists off their as follows: Ukraine needs changes and Research in Kyiv. Alliance for Reform (UDAR), about 30 pro- land during an hours-long tank attack.” modernization, which are hard to do dur- Those critical should realize there are only Poroshenko deputies of Batkivshchyna and The peace plan legislation was written ing war. So the war needs to be stopped,” two other alternatives: either a frozen conflict the pro-Russian deputies of the Party of in language vague enough to allow room Prof. Yaroslav Hrytsak of the Ukrainian in the Donbas (in which no political frame- Regions and Communist Party. for future negotiations and adjustments, Catholic University told the gazeta.ua news work emerges) or a full-scale war, he said. In defense of the blind vote, National observers noted. Yet it is precisely that site. “So there’s no price that can’t be paid “Not with the separatists, but with Deputy Pavlo Rozenko of UDAR said it was vagueness that drew even more criticism. for the country’s rapid modernization. I Russia, the result of which we might not necessary to give national deputies the “I have at least 50 questions about the hope this is the price. I understand the free Donbas, but lose Donbas and maybe anonymity to make a potentially unpopular approved law. What did our boys die for? price is harsh and unpopular. It might even half of Ukraine as well,” Mr. Fesenko said. decision. “The initiative of holding a closed Why then didn’t we hold peace negotiations affect the poll ratings of Poroshenko and “It’s a choice not between good or bad, but session lies having politicians, in this diffi- in May?” asked Serhii Taruta, a Donbas oli- his party. But I fear that that’s inevitable.” between what’s difficult, what’s uncertain cult time for Ukraine, thinking not about garch and state oblast administration head With the legislation, the Ukrainian gov- and what’s bad.” their own self-promotion, but how to pre- who failed to reign in the separatists. serve Ukraine,” he said. A government official told him the peace Mr. Poroshenko twice met with national plan was agreed upon with the Russian deputies to convince them of the need to government, but it lacks any signature from pass the two bills: on the prior day with par- any Russian official, he complained. A real- Provisions of the new laws liamentary faction heads and then in the istic peace plan would have involved Following is a synopsis of the provisions trol over these territories and enterprises Verkhovna Rada before the closed session. European leaders such as German of new laws adopted by the Verkhovna start working and paying taxes. The president put voting for his mea- Chancellor Angela Merkel. “Then it would Rada on September 16. 3. Allocates funds for the December sures in black-and-white terms, as work,” Mr. Taruta said. local elections only if they’re held trans- described by Donbas oligarch and National [Russian Ambassador to Ukraine “On the Special Order for the Local parently and democratically based on Deputy Borys Kolesnikov. “The president Mikhail Zurabov signed the September 5 Self-Governance of Certain Districts of international standards, including the told the deputies very simply, ‘As for those Minsk ceasefire protocol, a document sepa- the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts”: participation of observers, and ensuring who don’t want peace and don’t want to rate from the Poroshenko peace plan.] 1. Establishes a special order of local a competitive campaign and free choice vote, let them submit their mandates and Indeed, Russian President Vladimir self-governance in certain districts for of candidates. go to the front,” Mr. Kolesnikov said. Putin didn’t offer any comment on the leg- three years. 4. Requires people’s militias to be The legislation’s main points involve cre- islation in the following days, during which 2. Enables participation in the October organized under the full control of ating a three-year special order of local self- the Russian armed forces continued to bol- 26 early parliamentary elections and sets Ukraine’s Internal Affairs Ministry. governance, holding local elections in ster their positions in the Donbas and up local elections for December 7. December, enabling local bodies to partici- Crimea, setting up anti-aircraft systems and 3. Guarantees the free use of Russian “On Forbidding the Persecution and pate in selecting judges and prosecutors, introducing unmarked fighter jets to the and other languages. Punishment of Participants in the creating volunteer police forces, and pro- Ukrainian border. 4. Creates a line item in the state bud- Events in the Donetsk and Luhansk viding amnesty to those who supported the , the self-proclaimed first get to support the socio-economic devel- Oblasts”: separatist movement but didn’t commit vice prime minister of the Donetsk People’s opment of the occupied districts. 1. Forbids the criminal prosecution, severe crimes. Republic, told reporters that his organiza- 5. Strengthens cooperation between persecution, administrative fines and In explaining the reason behind holding tion views the president’s peace plan as “a governing bodies and local communities penalties and other forms of punishment the local elections, the presidential point of contact for future negotiations, but with Russian entities based on border against participants of armed formations, ombudsman on the peaceful resolution of not more than that.” cooperation agreements. members of the self-declared state bod- the conflict in the Donetsk and Luhansk “These are laws for Ukraine. Our own 6. Establishes people’s militias for vol- ies and those who acted against the anti- oblasts, Iryna Gerashchenko, indicated that parliament creates laws for the Donetsk unteer police forces. terrorist operation. 2. Closes all criminal cases and investi- the Presidential Administration expects the People’s Republic,” he said, as reported by 7. Enables local governing bodies to gations, and cancels all fines against separatists elected will fail in office. “Let the RIA Novosti news agency. select judges and prosecutors. these categories of people. them see for themselves that these scum Despite the peace plan’s weaknesses, Mr. 8. Limits the influence of local state 2. Excludes from amnesty those who that are blackmailing these districts don’t Poroshenko has a solid approval rating administrations representing the engaged in murder, terrorism, the shoot- know how to work,” she told reporters in among Ukrainians, 63 percent of whom Presidential Administration. the Verkhovna Rada. said they fully or partially trust him. His ing down of MH17 and interfering with its investigation, rape, looting, abusing Yurii Lutsenko, a close adviser to the actions are fully or mostly positively sup- The Cabinet of Ministers offered the dead, abusing monuments, and assas- president, confirmed that the Presidential ported by 46 percent of Ukrainians. some clarifications of what the law Administration’s strategy with Donbas is When asked what they expected most of sination of judges, state officials and law does: enforcement officers. intended to replicate Croatia’s strategy in him, the most popular response, selected 1. Creates a special fund with dona- the mid-1990s with their pro-Serbian sepa- by 49 percent of those polled, was “resolv- 3. Requires the separatists to free all tions from oligarchs and international hostages, surrender their arms and ratists in the Krajina region. ing the Donbas conflict by peaceful means,” donors to support the redevelopment of explosive devices, and free administra- “After the Yugoslav Army took Vukovar, according to a poll of 2,800 respondents the occupied districts. tive and government buildings. where thousands of defenders of indepen- conducted between September 5 and 10 by 2. Provides the redevelopment funds dence heroically died, the Croatians were the SOCIS Center for Social and Marketing only when the government renews con- – Compiled by Zenon Zawada forced to agree to the existence of the Research. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38

ON UKRAINE’S INDEPENDENCE The Ukrainian Weekly Poroshenko’s plan A forgotten peace and the Amid Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine, President Petro Poroshenko stands accused by his critics, led by the nation’s pro-Western and nationalist politi- making of modern Ukraine cal forces, of capitulating to the enemy on two diplomatic battlegrounds. The following is an excerpt from an arti- er-in-chief of the Eastern Front, as did the The first alleged capitulation occurred when Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister cle written this summer by Dr. Mark von Bavarian state minister. But the greatest Pavlo Klimkin announced on September 12 that the launch of the Deep and Hagen, professor of history at Arizona State roles in the making of Ukraine among the Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Ukraine and the European Union would University, that compares Ukraine’s current Germans belonged to State Secretary be postponed until January 1, 2016. Ironically, it was Mr. Klimkin who asked for struggle for statehood with the situation 100 Richard von Kuehlmann and Prince the postponement, the main motivation being an extension of the current trade years ago during the first world war. The Leopold’s chief of staff, Gen. Max Hofmann. regime in which Ukrainian entrepreneurs can export their goods to the EU duty- article was translated into German and was He, like the Austro-Hungarian Foreign free while enjoying their domestic market being protected by duties on EU published in Sueddeutsche Zeitung as a feuil- Affairs Minister Count Ottokar Czernin, did imports to Ukraine. The benefit to the devastated Ukrainian economy would be leton. This is an exclusive English-language not come to Brest-Litovsk anticipating a $2.6 billion, estimated Presidential Administration Deputy Head Valeriy Chaly. version, used with the author’s permission. Ukrainian delegation, let alone that they However, critics argue that the economic benefits are outweighed by the losses would sign a treaty with such a delegation. in delaying the modernization of Ukraine’s economy that is so desperately needed. A divided European alliance fights with But they had their own urgent needs for Moreover, the September 12 Brussels agreement, the details of which remain Russia over a Ukraine that emerged out of that treaty and that recognition, and the vague, has inspired the Russians to extend their attempts to amend, or outright the fall of a mighty empire. Russia talks young Ukrainian negotiators drove hard sabotage, the Ukraine-EU free trade area. Russia will have another 15 months to peace with Europe, while pro-Russian bargains and took advantage of the differ- pursue its posturing, while hoping that Ukraine will disintegrate by then or that forces form a rival government in eastern ences between the Germans and their the Europeans will be so exhausted they’ll give up on Kyiv. Ukraine that Russia denies it is support- Austro-Hungarian allies. The second alleged capitulation involves allowing local self-governance within ing. Though it might sound like today, it The Bolsheviks had recognized the the occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, and granting amnes- also describes the conflicts of nearly 100 Ukrainian People’s (or National) Republic – ty to those involved in the separatist movements and supporting them. years ago. in part to put pressure on the Central It’s too early to criticize these moves as capitulations. Part of the reason is that In 1917 the Ukrainian Central Rada Powers on the issue of national self-deter- we don’t know the line at which the Russians will stop their aggression in Ukraine claimed authority over Ukrainians, and mination – as early as December 17, 1917, – and their actions indicate they have no intention of de-escalating. Russian armed Ukraine and fought first with the Russian in a manifesto that also included an ultima- forces are reported to be currently positioning themselves for a new offensive in Provisional Government and then with its tum and a list of complaints against the Ukraine, while separatist leaders said they won’t be satisfied until they expand successor, Bolshevik Russia, over autonomy Ukrainian government. When the their control over all of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts (from the one-third they and eventually independence. The Great Ukrainians refused the demands in the ulti- currently control). War was in its third devastating year, and matum, Bolshevik Russia declared its first Another reason it’s too early to condemn these moves by the Poroshenko both sides of the conflict – the Central war – against a rival socialist-dominated administration is that the West is continuing to step up its soft-power pressure on Powers and the Entente – had an interest in Ukraine. Even after Kyiv fell to bombard- Russia. New rounds of sanctions are being imposed by the West with each passing Ukraine’s geopolitical choice. The Entente ment and a Bolshevik reign of terror, the month. The U.S. Congress is working on providing armaments and non-lethal mili- powers were the first to recognize the Central Powers – in part out of their urgent tary aid to Ukraine. Ukrainian government, France on need for foodstuffs and out of exasperation Ukraine’s tough-talking politicians are conveniently overlooking the fact that December 16, followed shortly by Great with the Bolsheviks’ delay tactics at the Mr. Poroshenko doesn’t have the luxury of acting single-handedly. He needs the Britain. Even the United States sent its con- peace talks (Trotsky’s famous formula of loans and grants of American and European governments, as well as military aid. sul to Kyiv to open a Consulate there. The “no war, no peace”) – decided to support So he must honor their requests to exhaust all possible avenues to achieve peace Entente hoped for Ukraine to join their the Ukrainian government and launched an and de-escalate the war, no matter how painful that might prove to be. coalition, but the Ukrainians insisted on invasion of Ukraine to displace the Furthermore, pursuing peace is a better path than plunging headfirst into war remaining neutral in the conflict. Bolsheviks and set up a nearly eight-month with an overwhelming opponent eager for the slightest pretext to swallow up at Germany and Austria-Hungary played a joint occupation. least half of Ukraine’s territory. Nor is a frozen conflict an option, because it more important and longer-lasting role Christopher Clark, in his new bestseller wouldn’t offer the needed stability for the government to get its house in order. than the Entente’s representatives. Their “The Sleepwalkers,” calls the first world Mr. Poroshenko has managed to maintain strong approval ratings through early generals wanted to transfer troops from war a “a modern event, the most complex September, but last week’s events are likely to put a significant dent into those their Eastern Front for one final offensive of modern times.” Here the modern parallel numbers. Some are outraged by the blind vote that was held in the Verkhovna on their Western Front and were ready to comes eerily closer to the recent American Rada on September 16. The bills were submitted on the eve of the vote, denying make a separate peace with whomever occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. There national deputies the opportunity to read them thoroughly, let alone hold a public would represent the enemy’s troops. Their was no planning for the occupation of discussion. Others are outraged that the president refuses to declare martial law. diplomats were also under the pressure of Ukraine, which was an afterthought to the The most cynical critics suspect he’s caving in to Russia to preserve his own busi- Social-Democratic majorities in their peace treaty. Germany had too few troops ness interests and those of his entourage. respective Parliaments who were calling to spare, and Austria-Hungary at first The ultimate litmus test of Mr. Poroshenko’s controversial measures will come for a just peace without reparations and balked at the German demand to join the when the new Parliament is elected and selects a Cabinet of Ministers that will annexations. Vienna, and many other impe- occupation forces. Even with a talented conduct the radical reforms Ukraine needs to survive economically, politically and rial cities, was on the verge of starvation. German general, Wilhelm Groener, oversee- militarily. By the end of spring, we should know whether Mr. Poroshenko has a The Bolsheviks, too, were desperate for ing the occupation and with the local diplo- plan that’s effective, whether he’s just winging it, or whether he’s just another oli- peace and called for talks in December mats trying to respect the Ukrainian state garch putting the interests of a small entourage above the nation’s interests. 1917; the Central Powers agreed to host and its sovereignty, the sad results of the If he fails, we can expect the next Maidan. So let’s hope and pray Mr. Poroshenko the negotiations in Brest-Litovsk, head- improvised occupation were a German- has a workable plan. quarters of the Eastern Front. In a rare backed Ukrainian regime change that oust- moment of public diplomacy, the Central ed the government with which the Central Powers agreed to the Bolshevik demands Powers had signed their treaty and to conduct the negotiations openly and to installed in its place the conservative, mon- publish a daily record of the talks. (Leon archist Hetmanate of Gen. Pavlo Sept. Turning the pages back... Trotsky’s calls for an end to secret diploma- Skoropadsky. cy and the publication of Russia’s secret The regime change failed to halt the Thirty-five years ago, on September 26, 1979, Sen. Daniel wartime treaties with the Entente allies slide of the occupation into a military dicta- Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.), in an article that appeared that day in were also seconded for a brief moment by torship; instead, the country broke out in a 26 American President Woodrow Wilson in the New York Daily News, criticized President Jimmy Carter’s vast insurgency, followed by the assassina- 1979 policies toward the Soviet Union and then the administration’s his “Fourteen Points.”) tion of the German commander in Kyiv, and over-reaction to the presence of Soviet combat troops in Cuba. Much to everyone’s surprise, a Ukrainian the eventual defeat of the Central Powers in “We are kissing the bum of every fourth-rate dictator in the delegation also arrived at the talks and November 1918 and their withdrawal. world. We have pursued a sustained policy of weakness that leads to a desperate policy of demanded a right to negotiate peace on Both Gens. Groener and Hofmann lamented counter-threat,” Sen. Moynihan wrote. behalf of their state. Ukraine, once the abandoning Ukraine and their hard-won The criticism came following a September 23, 1979, column by James Reston of The breadbasket of Europe, promised grain gains there; their troops were attacked by New York Times. The United States, Mr. Reston wrote, “will step up its propaganda and its deliveries, but insisted still on its neutral insurgents until they were safely out of economic appeals to the Communist countries of Eastern Europe, to the restless status. After several weeks of tough negoti- Ukraine. The Ukrainian state survived Ukrainians and others within the Soviet Union.” ations on all sides, on February 9, 1918, all another year as the Directory before suc- Sen. Moynihan stated: “[The Carter administration] has followed a policy of absolutely four Central Powers recognized Ukraine in cumbing to further Bolshevik invasions, a denying Soviet aggression for two and a half years, and next thing you know they are the first treaty of peace in the war; that White Russian occupation and the Soviet- threatening to foment revolution in Ukraine… you do not talk to the Soviet Union about peace, and a subsequent one with Polish war of 1920. (Hetman Skoropadsky stirring up civil war in their society. It is a shocking thing to say.” Bolshevik Russia, obliged Russia as well to eventually fled to Germany; in Berlin he recognize the Ukrainian government. Even Charles Horner, Sen. Moynihan’s legislative aid for foreign affairs, spoke with The renewed his contacts with Gen. Groener, Bavaria played a key role; Prince Leopold (Continued on page 7) took part in the negotiations as command- (Continued on page PB) No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 7


issue seriously and provide Ukraine with all Keep the Russian the political, military and economic assis- tance it needs to enable it to at least keep Kremlin’s demand for role bear out of Ukraine the aggressive Russian bear out of Ukraine. Dear Editor: Slavko Tomyn in Ukrainian affairs ‘unheard of’ Melbourne, Australia The report about the shooting down of by Paul Goble The real question, he continues, is Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over an area in “whether the current Russian authorities eastern Ukraine controlled by Russian- Moscow’s demands for a voice in the will make peace with the very fact of the speaking, vodka-soaked terrorists only con- A response to Kuzio’s definition of the policies of the Ukrainian existence of an independent democratic firms what we already know – the sophisti- state are “something unheard of in the con- Ukraine.” Given the links between them, cated and deadly missile used by the opinion on Yushchenko temporary world,” Georgy Kunadze, who that is far from certain, as the recent Russian-speaking separatists was not pur- Dear Editor: served as deputy foreign affairs minister of actions of the Kremlin indicate, and it chased at the local hardware store, it was the Russian Federation at the beginning of could become even more difficult for Re: Opinion by Taras Kuzio “Viktor made available to them by Vladimir Putin’s the Yeltsin period, says. Russia to tolerate in the future. Yushchenko’s true legacy” (September 7). Russian military and was probably fired by “It is impossible to satisfy them,” he con- “If a country as similar to us as Ukraine The true legacy of President Viktor Russian-trained military personnel. tinues in the course of a wide-ranging is will be able earlier than we to overcome Unfortunately, the victims may never see Yushchenko lies in his patriotism and his the post-Soviet syndrome and to become a national conscience as a true son of Ukraine. interview posted on Profile.ru on justice and the culprits may never be successful contemporary state, its example For all the political and economic turbu- September 15. And when they are not sat- brought to trial because they won’t identify isfied, “when they are rejected,” everyone could prove infectious for Russia. In this themselves and they will be protected by lence of his presidential term in office, the knows what that will mean (profile.ru/ros- case, the victory of Ukraine [would be] a an ex-KGB thug, Mr. Putin. Remember, he Times Online wrote “…Ukraine has been siya/item/86016-v-perspektive-vozvrash- stimulus for changes in Russia,” Mr. reminded us recently that Russia has transformed from just another ugly post- Soviet basket case into a country with real chenie-kryma-neizbezhno). Kunadze says. nuclear weapons. Mr. Putin is also threat- The former diplomat says he hopes very ening all sorts of retaliation against the hopes of success as democratic civil society. Making such demands in fact is simply ’s legacy for Ukraine, the latest indication that the Kremlin’s poli- much that Moscow will not try to apply its West and has the ability to carry this out. Ukrainian approach in Kazakhstan or else- This is Ukraine’s Lockerbie disaster. In wrote Times Online, Smiling people!” cy toward Ukraine reflects not careful cal- His principal strategic goals were to set culation but rather is “improvised,” Mr. where. Trying to do so, he suggests, would that incident, Muammar Gaddafi eventually be “a catastrophe.” But given the direction handed over the suspect, who was found Ukraine’s relations with the European Kunadze says. As Vladimir Putin himself Mr. Putin has moved, first in Georgia and guilty and jailed; and compensation was Union on a new and ambitious path. This has acknowledged, he didn’t originally now in Ukraine, there is reason to fear that also subsequently paid to the victims. led to the 2008 visa facilitation agreement; intend to annex Crimea but when that he will not stop. However, a belligerent and devious Mr. Ukrainian participation in European Union became possible, he moved ahead anyway. Putin, who constantly claims that Russia is initiatives such as energy, higher education One can only hope, the former Russian What Mr. Putin has done and is doing is against Russian interests, Mr. Kunadze not involved in Ukraine when everyone and “open skies”; and the start in 2008 of diplomat says, that this action will not be negotiations for a new Association says. He mentions that during perestroika, knows that is false, will hold out and feed repeated in an attempt to gain a land corri- Agreement between the EU and Ukraine, Georgy Arbatov of the Institute for the us typical Soviet-era propaganda to protect dor to Crimea or to go even further to reach including a deep and comprehensive free- Study of the United States and Canada the culprits and himself. the Transdniester. In the meantime, a ceasefire has been trade agreement. He saw close partnership liked to say that Moscow was planning to with the EU as a powerful stimulus to the As to Ukraine’s future, Mr. Kunadze con- signed. Guess what, the Russians are signa- do the very worst thing it could to the consolidation of democracy and the rule of tinues, it will be able to retain its formal tory to the ceasefire after proclaiming for Americans – “deprive [them] of an enemy.” law in Ukraine. status as an independent state much as months Russia had nothing to do with the Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin did Mr. Yushchenko used every chance he Moldova has. But at the same time, it has “a separatists in Ukraine and there were no a great deal to do just that. As a result of had to strengthen Ukrainian sovereignty, as not bad future” ahead of it. It will never be Russian soldiers or military equipment the American “loss” of its main opponent, he understood it. He never missed an a police or fascist state, and now as a result there. It is obvious that Mr. Putin has his Russians “initiated the process of the opportunity to do so. When the celebration of the conflict Russia unleashed, Ukraine fingerprints all over this Russian- decentralization of international relations of the 1,020th anniversary of the “will be a much more firmly consolidated manufactured conflict. NATO estimates and political globalization.” But now Christening of Russia gained political reso- that there are still some 1,000 professional state” because “for the first time after Moscow is moving in exactly the opposite nance and Deputy Konstantin Zatulin along Russian soldiers in Ukraine who came in acquiring independence, tens of millions of direction, giving the US and the West “their with Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov made Ukrainians have recognized themselves as initially as civilians. This is a ruse carried the most controversial remarks regarding historic main enemy,” Mr. Kunadze notes. out by all invaders. a nation.” And what that means, Kunadze says, is the fact that Crimea and should Mr. Kunadze says he does not know In the United Nations, the ISIS issue is not belong to Ukraine, Mr. Zatulin was not that Russia by its own actions has “initiat- still boiling and Russia has objected to the whether Crimea will be returned to ed the process of what is in essence the permitted to cross the Ukrainian border Ukraine. Some say this is impossible, but United States, Australia and other countries and when he did, he was deported. anti-Russian consolidation of the West. they would also have said a few months sending troops in to protect civilians and President Yushchenko achieved a world- The consequences of this process can be ago that the annexation of Crimea by take on these terrorist butchers. Russia’s wide recognition of the Holodomor as a catastrophic for our foreign policy and representative has complained that there genocide of the Ukrainian people. Russia was impossible. Thus, at some point, with a small lag for our domestic ones.” was no mandate from the U.N. to organize He issued a presidential decree that rec- “the return of Crimea is inevitable,” Russia simply doesn’t have the resourc- such a force to take on these thugs. ognized veterans of the Ukrainian although that will take place only after es to compete, Mr. Kunadze says, except in However, when Russia invaded and Insurgent Army as war combatants. there are serious changes in Russia itself, a single area – nuclear weapons – and such annexed Ukraine in March of this year it Without all this today’s Maidan would he comments. weapons are “an instrument not of policy certainly did not have a U.N. resolution to have not been possible. but only and uniquely of constraint.” They support its actions. This is blatant hypocrisy For all that, he was poisoned. Now, once Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on are “our final suicidal trump card which on display again. again, he is a victim of the poison-pen of ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia guarantees that no one will try to seize Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy the likes of Taras Kuzio. Shame on you! who has served in various capacities in the Moscow.” Yatsenyuk has stated that Russia has no Shame to The Weekly as well for publishing U.S. State Department, the Central Moreover, he continues, Russia has lost intention of being involved in stabilizing such an insulting reference to the former Ukraine but wants to punish it militarily by Intelligence Agency and the International the “soft force” war by its actions. It cannot First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko. An apolo- attract anyone to its banner but instead supporting the separatists there and eco- gy in both cases is in order. Broadcasting Bureau, as well as at the Voice nomically by charging higher gas prices. Mr. of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio pushes people away. In the end, Russia Yatsenyuk has further stated that it is Mr. Nadia Pikas Liberty and the Carnegie Endowment for “won’t be able to win in Ukraine. This issue Putin’s ultimate intention to eliminate Olney, Md. International Peace. Mr. Goble writes a blog instead is whether it will be able to lose in a Ukraine as an independent country and The letter-writer is a retired Voice of called “Window on Eurasia” (http://windo- worthy fashion” and thus escape the disas- restore the Soviet Union. Hopefully, NATO America journalist and a former correspon- woneurasia2.blogspot.com/). The article trous situation its own policies have creat- and the rest of the free world will take this dent in Kyiv. above is reprinted with permission. ed.

uprisings in Eastern Europe and no one says tor’s support for the SALT (Strategic Arms Leonid Brezhnev had signed the START II Turning... that they ought not to do so,” he said. These Limitation Talks) II treaty would not be treaty in Vienna on June 18, 1979.] nations “should decide for themselves on the linked with the presence of Soviet troops in Letters from the Human Rights Bureau (Continued from page 6) basis of prospects for success” in how they Cuba because he feels that the Soviet Union of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, Weekly on September 27, 1979. The sena- should seek independence. “They have to “should not be rewarded with the passage the Organization for the Defense of the tor still feels that Ukraine and other non- make their own judgments,” he added. of the treaty if it withdraws its soldiers. If Four Freedoms for Ukraine and the New Russian nations in the Soviet Union are Mr. Horner commented that following a they get out of Cuba there still is no reason York City branch of the Ukrainian Congress captive nations and that they have a right to soft policy for two and a half years and then to vote for SALT,” he said. [The SALT II trea- Committee of America were also sent to seek independence, Mr. Horner said, adding abruptly changing to a hard-line approach ty was never ratified by the U.S., and the Sen. Moynihan’s office requesting an expla- that the Soviet Constitution guarantees is dangerous because it demonstrates a replacement, New START, that was signed nation of his remarks. each Soviet republic the right to secede. lack of credibility in U.S. foreign policy. The in April 2010, was ratified in February In explaining the senator’s position, Mr. Soviets may not believe the United States, 2011 by both sides. The Soviet Union Source: “To Foment Revolution in Ukraine Horner noted that the senator did not view Mr. Horner said. invaded Afghanistan six months after is Shocking, said Moynihan,” The Ukrainian Soviet rule as legitimate. “There have been Mr. Horner underscored that the sena- President Jimmy Carter and Soviet leader Weekly, September 30, 1979. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38

REFLECTIONS Young veteran of the Maidan undergoes eye surgery in Detroit by Camilla Huk rubber bullets (into the legs, thighs) as he attempted address complex ocular trauma patients,” said Dr. Juzych, unsuccessfully to open a door there. Though they managed KEI director and Department of Ophthalmology chair at Several years ago, while passing through the Carolinas, I to wedge themselves into the doorway somewhat, they Wayne State University School of Medicine. spotted a specially outfitted SUV with the license plate, could not penetrate the chains on the other side. In this case, the physicians are providing their care pro “Disabled Veteran” and a U.S. Marines insignia. When I They could do nothing but retreat – and for a time they bono, as they do to patients from many countries and to approached the young man sitting next to it, I asked him if joined the crowd which defended itself against the bullets local patients when necessary. “As physicians, our first con- it was his; when he nodded, I saluted him and thanked him with stones. cern is to provide necessary care for patients, regardless of for his service to our country. He sobbed and I wanted des- Ultimately they decided to march to the president’s their ability to pay,” Dr. Juzych said. perately to hug him. office, and there again they were met with snipers. As “The plan is for a staged right lower reconstruction with A few weeks ago, with the same humility and respect, I Dmytro stretched out his arms to his compatriots, urging eyelid sharing procedure and skin graft. In about three to met a young man who had survived a sniper attack in them not to run but to stand their ground, a sniper, hiding four weeks, we will open this flap as a second stage. Once Kyiv’s Maidan. I was invited by the Very Rev. Ivan behind a nearby tree, shot him in the face – a rubber bullet we have a reasonable, rebuilt lower eyelid, we will likely Telebzda’s wife, Lyudmila, from the Ukrainian Orthodox blasting away his right eye. The emergency workers and graft some fat into the eye socket to add volume to better Church in Cooper City, Fla., who was hosting the young volunteers took him to the nearest hospital, where they support an ocular prosthesis,” Dr. Evan Black, Wayne State man and his brother. removed his eye, which he described as plucking a cherry. University School of Medicine associate professor of oph- Before the meeting, I was told I would be meeting some- They did so without any anesthesia, for Dmytro was afraid thalmology and oculoplastics specialist, explained. one who had half his face shot away. But when I saw him, that if he was anesthetized he might give up the names of Dr. Juzych and his wife, Nadia, are first-generation he looked almost as perfect as the young Marine I’d met in his fellow demonstrators – and family. At no time would he Ukrainian-Americans raised with the , the Carolinas. The only visible wound was his right eye, give them his family name, so no one knew where he was. traditions and culture. Dr. Nadia Juzych, a senior research covered with a bandage. The video that captured the aftermath of his wounding scientist at the Michigan Public Health Institute, served as a Unlike the U.S. Marine, who was trained extensively to included other victims, who even in their hospital beds facilitator and translator for the two brothers. protect others and himself, to confront the enemy and was feared identifying themselves. Today there are no obvious scars. But the scars are the well-armed, Dmytro was just a 17-year-old student who His brother sought to see if he was one of the 100 heroes nightmares, the anxiety, the fear that Dmytro and the oth- wanted to attain his goals and never thought that he would of the maidan who did not survive the sniper attacks, who ers experienced. The memory of the overwhelming threat- have to shoot a gun to reach them. perished at that time from sniper fire. Volodya went to ening world he was living in still haunts him. Dmytro was a student at the Kyiv Pedagogical Institute, check the coffins of the dead to see if his brother was among I asked him what his plans are for the future. Unlike in his third year out of five, majoring in psychology, when them, but he only encountered the grieving families and here in the U.S., there are no programs in Eastern Europe the protests began in Kyiv. He and his older brother, friends of those killed. Dmytro’s family was frantic: what for the disabled, but Dmytro doesn’t see himself that way. Volodya, a law student, went to join the crowds there. They happened to their son, their brother? They feared that he He reminds me that he has been studying psychology and describe it as being “a blade of grass in a lawn – so many would never be found, like many who “disappeared.” that with this skill he can serve others. His dream is to people, so closely bound, so unified in their purpose: to Dmytro was constantly moved from one hospital to enter Ukrainian politics so that he can help establish a fair seek the same rights and privileges as people their age in another, as the then government came to see who was and positive life for its citizens, he added. Europe, privileges denied them under the Russian- there and to threaten their families. It was several days Like the Marine, his scars are not easily seen. Unlike the dominated Yanukovych government.” They hated the cor- before his brother, Volodya, found him. Marine, he has no SUV, and all he received for his injuries ruption they saw daily, the extravagant lifestyles of the During this time, Dmytro underwent three operations in was a total of 300 Ukrainian hrv – about $27 (U.S.). There president and his friends, while their own families strug- Ukraine. During the second procedure, they discovered will be no medical coverage for additional surgeries that gled to survive. They were second-rate citizens in their that he had a second bullet in his cheek and nose, and the may be required, nor will he be entitled to any pension or own country as Russians prevailed in every aspect from third uncovered a third bullet in his neck. The right side of additional compensation. language to favoritism in obtaining jobs. his face was literally shattered. Dmytro paid a heavy price for his own people’s freedom, They were there on February 18, when then President Dmytro had three more reconstructive surgeries here in but one he doesn’t regret. Glory to the heroes of the maid- Viktor Yanukovych ordered Berkut snipers to shoot into the United States, at Detroit’s Kresge Eye Institute (KEI). This an – those who died and those who survived. the crowd, throw smoke bombs and hand grenades. For was thanks to an appeal to the Ukrainian Medical Association * * * Dmytro, that was the moment that he could no longer sim- of North America, an appeal that Dr. Mark Juzych answered. For more information, readers may refer to the Kresge ply stay and watch. He and a group of his friends from the Dmytro and Volodya came to the U.S. in late March, and Eye Institute website, from which the medical information university attempted to climb the steep roof of the Dmytro underwent three operations in April. contained in this article was taken, http://prognosis.med. Parliament building to disarm the snipers and actually per- “We are fortunate that the Institute has broad expertise wayne.edu/article/ukrainian-teen-injured-in-protests- suaded them to put down their weapons. He was shot with in ophthalmological specialties, including the ability to flies-to-detroit-for-eye-surgery-at-kresge-eye-institute. An August day in a country defending itself from invasion

by Dora Chomiak me that it’s been like this for about half a year. (After an emotionally intense five months of the Maidan.) It’s quieter Think of a guy you know. Any guy between the ages of than previous summers, but cafes and tourist attractions 21 and 65. He just needs to be someone close to you: a are still pretty full. friend, colleague, brother, cousin, husband. You choose. A new brewery opened up since last summer; it’s run by Got one? Germans and it looks great. My cousin was commissioned Okay, now imagine that he could be served papers that in May to make a bronze statue for the beer garden. He require him to pack up and leave for three weeks of military installed it in August, and we strolled over to take a look at training, followed by many weeks in an active war zone. it. My kids immediately figured out how to climb it. In the Live with that. few minutes that we were there, it was clear that it had Go about your day. Do your job. Buy the groceries. Make already become a stop for photo ops. breakfast. Go out for dinner. And know that the papers can So life goes on, but there is certainly something in the air be served at any time. that is strange, and off, and different. Oh yeah, this country And you understand that battle that is raging 766 miles has been invaded by Vladimir Putin. People are being shot away is necessary because if it doesn’t take place then your each day by rockets that scorch the earth. That’s it. This entire country could be carved up and disappear and that country that looks like the West Village in Manhattan – would be bad for you for the next many decades. people on iPads and Android devices, who vacation in Italy And watch the news and hear the dispatches. Then on and Croatia and Thailand and New York City – this country your way to the office you pass by a church. Oh, it’s a funer- that went through a massive positive transformation last al for 22-year-old kid who was at the front. fall and winter and spring has now been sucked into the All this you experience after six months of intense brutality of humanity known commonly as “war.” changes in your country so you’re already pretty stressed Guys age 21 to 60 are being called up, get three or four out. weeks of training and are sent to the front. So you go from That’s what it feels like in Lviv right now. being a manager at a Western firm one day, to holding a Lviv is the city where my dad was born, the closest gun the next. And they come back, for breaks, or for good. metropolis to mom’s birthplace, the topic of my senior the- And you know they view the world differently now. sis at Princeton, and the city where loads of cousins, uncles And you keep hoping that enough people will do enough and aunts now live. constructive things – enough small acts of quality – that the I’ve been coming here each summer with my kids: this is overall effect will be to strengthen the growth of the their sixth consecutive visit. Suffice it to say that each of us diverse and tolerant democracy that exists here. And that it has his or her own direct connection with this place. won’t descend into some extremist hell. This place is full of Dora Chomiak Today in Lviv, it’s common to come upon a funeral for smart, diverse people. I said it last year (and the year Lianne Chapin on a new statue in the courtyard of a someone killed in the war zone in the east. My aunt tells before). Really, come visit, see for yourself. brew pub in the center of Lviv. No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 9 Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Convention meets

by Alex Harbuziuk sands of displaced persons who fled the fighting in eastern Ukraine. WARMINSTER, Pa. – Russia’s war against The conference adopted a resolution Ukraine was frequently on the minds and urging the churches to conduct prayer vig- lips of the approximately 700 people who ils for Ukraine and to financially assist attended the 69th annual conference of the those who are in trouble because of the Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Convention strife caused by Ukraine’s neighbor, Russia. in the United States during Labor Day The aggression against Ukraine also was weekend. lamented in private conversations among The congregation and choir sang songs conference attendees, many of whom have such as “Great and only God, Protect relatives living in Ukraine. Ukraine” and “God, I Pray for Ukraine.” The sermons and seminars focused on Many prayers were lifted up on behalf of the theme of the conference – “Let’s live Ukraine during the three days. And most according to the Scriptures” – which was speakers mentioned the conflict in Ukraine. based on the Bible verse from 2 Timothy The main speaker was the Rev. Valery 3:16 – “All scripture is given by inspiration Antonyuk, president of the Baptist Union in of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for Ukraine, which represents about 3,000 reproof, for correction, for instruction in churches. The Rev. Antonyuk presented a righteousness.” slide show depicting how churches in The Saturday evening youth program, Ukraine are helping with resettling thou- which was held in the larger auditorium of Alex Harbuziuk the Abington Baptist Church, featured a The choir sings under the direction of Liliya Shmayger in the auditorium of Abington Baptist Church. message in the English language by the Rev. Barry Whitworth, lead church planting mis- Ukraine and by the Rev. Dr. Sergio Sauchuk, Lancaster, Pa. Re-elected as secretary was sionary for the Southern Baptist pastor of the host church. The choir of the the Rev. Viktor Pilipchuk, pastor of the First Convention. Speaking on the topic of host church sang under the direction of Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church of “Developing the right attitude towards the Ivan Velenchuk. Cleveland. Scriptures,” the Rev. Whitworth challenged Re-elected as president of the UEBC for The new leader of UEBC women’s minis- the young people by asking, “Do you really another three-year term was the Rev. tries is Vera Bondarenko, who is also the believe in the depths of your heart that Anatoly Moshkovsky, former pastor of the leader of the women’s circle at the First what God says in the Bible is true? … If you Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church in Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church in say you believe it, it has to be obeyed.” Crum Lynne, Pa. He now works as the eth- Levittown, Pa. The new leader of UEBC youth For the first time, Grace Ukrainian nic church-planting team leader of the ministries is Paul Kostyukov, who is also the Baptist Church in Warminster, Pa., was the Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania/ youth leader at the Ukrainian Evangelical host of the conference, which was held South Jersey. Baptist Church in Crum Lynne, Pa. from Friday, August 29, to Sunday, August The new vice-president is the Rev. Vasily The women’s division celebrated its 31. After the pastors held discussions on Rudnitsky, pastor of Church of New Hope in 60th anniversary with a program Saturday Friday, the conference opened with an eve- Charlotte, N.C. Re-elected as treasurer was afternoon under the direction of the outgo- The Rev. Anatoly Moshkovsky, newly re- ning program at the host church, featuring elected president of the Ukrainian the Rev. Leonid Bliznyuk, pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Convention. messages by the Rev. Antonyuk from Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church in (Continued on page 18) 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38 No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 11

(From left) Women’s champion Lesia Bilak Schinnerer (left), with (from lef) USCAK With the men’s winner (from left) are: semi-finalist Will Ritter, Petrusia Sawchak, Tennis Director George Sawchak, finalist Halyna Kostenko, USCAK Tennis finalist Mykola Stroynick, champion Marko Krasij, USCAK Tennis Committee mem- Committee member Ivan Durbak, semi-finalists Svetlana Goletz and Anastazija bers Ivan Durbak and George Hrabec, and UNA Treasurer Roma Lisovich. Koval, and USCAK Tennis Committee member George Hrabec. USCAK National Tennis Tournament continues to attract top-notch players to Soyuzivka

by Petrusia Sawchak KERHONKSON, N.Y. – Both the men’s and women’s finals held at the Soyuzivka Ukrainian Heritage Center during the Labor Day weekend were truly awesome. The closeness of the competition of play was outstanding, reminding some of the specta- tors of moments played at the U.S. Open in Flushing Meadows, N.Y., at the same time. Lefty Marko Krasij, a math lecturer from Texas University, won over last year’s cham- pion, Mykola Stroynick, a tennis teaching pro from New York State. Krasij and Stroynick battled for more than three gruel- ing hours, splitting sets and ending in a close score, 6-7, 6-4, 10-8 tiebreak. (Because of the threat of a storm, which hovered over the estate, the Tennis Committee made an adept decision at the Some participants of the 59th Annual USCAK Tennis Tournament held at Soyuzivka with UNA Treasurer Roma Lisovich. beginning of the tournament to have the 10-point tiebreak for all the matches, which against each other for the past four years – Dennis Chorny, who won in 2009, overcom- Halyna Kostenko, a finalist in 2012, with the considerably shortened their time, eliminat- taking turns in winning the tournament – ing Stroynick. score of 6-4, 6-4. Both young ladies were ing the need to play a third set.) Stroynick in 2013, Krasij in 2012 and After the match, Krasij expressed his born in Ukraine: Lesia in Uzhhorod and The two finalists have been competing Stroynick in 2011. In 2010 Krasij defeated appreciation to the sponsors for giving him Halyna in Kyiv. Schinnerer came to the the opportunity to compete. United States in 1992. After graduating from “It’s a great tournament that deserves an the University of Richmond in 1998, she entertaining and challenging final. Thanks played in Europe on the professional to all the organizers and sponsors, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Tour Ukrainian National Association and Mr. for a year. [John] Hynansky [of] Winner Ford, who Schinnerer said, “This is a very special made this possible,” said Krasij. tournament for me. This was where my In the women’s final, Lesia Bilak American journey started 22 years ago. It Schinnerer, a five-time champion (1992, 1993, 2000, 2001 and now 2014), defeated (Continued on page 18)

Senior men winners and finalists with officials (from left) are: Steve Sosiak, George Walchuk, Mykola Nalywayko, USCAK Committee members George Hrabec and Ivan Durbak, Yaroslav Sydorak, USCAK Tennis Director George Sawchak and UNA Treasurer Roma Lisovich.

At the ceremonies (from left) are: USCAK Tennis Committee member Ivan Durbak, older boys’ group finalist and winner of the Mary Dushnyck Sportsmanship Award Pavlo Buchko, champion Alexander Dale, younger group finalist Danylo Sosiak, champion Marko Gural and USCAK Tennis Committee member George Hrabec. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38

Russian ruble hits historic low To achieve this goal, Mr. Rasmussen said, tance” to Ukraine, although member states NEWSBRIEFS Russia would be interested in imposing a may do so. Mr. Heletey said the weapons MOSCOW – The Russian ruble fell to a “new protracted frozen conflict” in Eastern are needed to “stop” Russian President (Continued from page 2) historic low against the U.S. dollar after the Europe, along the lines of the existing fro- Vladimir Putin. The defense minister would West imposed new sanctions over the unit of natural gas monopoly Gazprom. zen conflicts in regions such as not say who is providing Ukraine with Ukraine crisis. The ruble slumped to 38.04 Transdniester or North Caucasus. He said: weapons. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by European Council President Herman Van to the dollar shortly after markets opened Rompuy said on September 11 that the “The pattern is clear, from Moldova to Reuters, UNIAN and Interfax) in Moscow on September 15. It was the Georgia and now in Ukraine, Russia has sanctions could be scaled back or repealed, first time the ruble has weakened beyond Donbas to participate in elections? and that the EU would monitor the peace used economic pressure and military the rate of 38 to the dollar. The euro also process in eastern Ukraine to determine actions to produce instability, to manufac- STAUNTON, Va. – In a change of tactics rose against the Russian currency, reaching before the end of September if changes are ture conflicts, and to diminish the indepen- reflecting Russian Foreign Affairs Minister 49.25 rubles shortly after markets opened. merited. Russian Foreign Affairs Minister dence of its neighbors.” But he added that Sergey Lavrov’s statement on September (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Agence Sergey Lavrov said imposing the sanctions the NATO “should never accept a new fro- 13 that Russia wants to have a “neutral” France-Presse and Interfax) “at the very moment when the peace pro- zen conflict in Eastern Europe.” Mr. Ukraine rather than to create another Rasmussen, whose five-year term as NATO cess is gaining stability... means choosing NATO chief warns of threats from Russia Transdniester lest that further alienate the chief ends on September 30, said history the path of disrupting the peace process.” rest of Ukraine, Moscow will back the par- teaches that “appeasement does not lead to He said Russia would respond “calmly, ade- BRUSSELS – NATO Secretary-General ticipation of the Donbas in the October 26 peace” but rather “incites” tyrants. (RFE/ quately and most of all from the need to Anders Fogh Rasmussen says alliance Ukrainian elections. Under a plan reported- RL, based on reporting by Reuters and the protect our interests.” The Russian compa- members must come together to battle ly being overseen by Putin advisor Associated Press) nies targeted by the latest EU sanctions security threats both from Russia and , Moscow will back the so- include United Aircraft Corp., the parent Islamic State (IS) militants. In a farewell Military exercises start in Ukraine called Opposition Bloc in these elections to company that produces MiG and Sukhoi speech as NATO leader at the Carnegie gain more influence over Kyiv’s future poli- fighter jets, tank maker Uralvagonzavod, Europe think tank in Brussels on YAVORIV, Ukraine – Military exercises cies rather than support those who want a helicopter maker Oboronprom, as well as September 15, Mr. Rasmussen said that involving some 1,300 personnel from 15 boycott. This bloc, the Ukrainian news the manufacturer of Kalashnikov rifles. The under President Vladimir Putin, Russia had nations have begun in western Ukraine. agency Liga points out, has a better chance Some 200 U.S. soldiers are participating in 24 individuals added to the list of people “trampled all the rules and commitments” of winning seats than does the Party of the the annual Rapid Trident exercises. This targeted by EU sanctions include eastern that had kept the peace in Europe since the Regions, which was not expected to exceed year’s drills come amid tension between Ukrainian separatist leaders, several lead- end of the Cold War, and had conducted the 5-percent barrier in a part of Ukraine it Russia and NATO over the Ukraine crisis. ing Russian lawmakers, including national- illegal military actions against Ukraine. He dominated earlier. That is probably why, They do not involve the live firing of weap- ist firebrand Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as well said that Russia’s long-term goal appears to the agency says, that party and Moscow ons, but they have brought U.S. ground as Sergei Chemezov, the head of arms and be re-establishing “a zone of Russian influ- have decided on a different strategy. There troops to Ukraine for the first time since technology holding Rostec. (RFE/RL, with ence in its near neighborhood and prevent are some 20 majoritarian parliamentary Russia’s annexation of Crimea in March and reporting by Reuters, the Associated Press neighboring countries from seeking Euro- electoral districts in areas controlled by the start of the conflict between Ukrainian and Agence France-Presse) Atlantic integration with NATO and the EU.” Russian forces and pro-Moscow militants, forces and pro-Russian separatists in east- and if this plan goes forward, the Russian ern Ukraine. NATO says the exercise, which side almost certainly could guarantee that a ends on September 26, will improve majority or even all of these would vote for interoperability. The exercise kicked off at a pro-Moscow candidates. (Paul Goble/ Ukrainian military base in Yavoriv, near the Window on Eurasia) Polish border, on September 15. (RFE/RL) TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 Crimean Tatars’ offices raided or e-mail [email protected] Heletey says Kyiv receiving weapons STAUNTON, Va. – In the wake of the KYIV – Ukrainian Defense Minister Russian-organized elections, the Russian SERVICES PROFESSIONALS Valeriy Heletey says that unnamed NATO occupation authorities raided the offices of member countries are delivering weapons the Crimean Tatar Mejlis and those of the to Kyiv to fight pro-Russian separatists. Mr. Crimean Tatar newspaper Avdet, the latest Heletey said at a news conference in Kyiv indication that Moscow plans to suppress on September 14 that he discussed weap- any and all independent Crimean Tatar ons needs with NATO defense ministers at activity on the Ukrainian peninsula. This the alliance’s summit in Wales on latest manifestation of lawlessness – which September 4-5. NATO officials have said the organization will not send “lethal assis- (Continued on page 13)

I do not think that [such ideas] are domi- Canadian... nant. But I have been surprised at how effec- tive Russian propaganda has been. I think СТЕФАН ВЕЛЬГАШ (Continued from page 5) Ліцензований Продавець that we have not seen a full on Soviet-style Страхування Життя propaganda campaign since the Soviet Union. ised a new anti-corruption law. And some of the institutions we have, like STEPHAN J. WELHASCH Poroshenko has been in charge since Licensed Life Insurance Agent Radio Free Europe, for fighting that kind of June. Do you think that the government Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. propaganda have atrophied, and some of our has had enough time to move onto the intellectual muscles that we used to use in 548 Snyder Ave., Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 path of reforms? Tel.: 908-508-1728 • Fax: (973) 292-0900 how we respond to that propaganda have e-mail: [email protected] I am tremendously sympathetic to the atrophied, too. challenges the Ukrainian government is fac- So I agree with Mustafa that propaganda ing. They have not been in office for very long. has been more successful than I have thought They have already had one presidential elec- it would be. By no means is it winning the tion and they have parliamentary elections day, but it has had more of an impact. coming up – and they’ve had to fight a war. I What should be the Western answer think it would be wrong for any outsider to to this? think it would be easy. Having said that, the challenges aren’t easy Well, I think it is very good that Radio Free either, and I do think that if Ukraine is to get Europe exists. I think that Western govern- OPPORTUNITIES through this tremendously difficult conflict, ments are going to have to make more of an one of the things which is going to have to effort to counter the propaganda and think happen is increased speed of reforms. more in those terms in a way that is new. Earn extra income! That has not been something that Western Let me ask you about Western per- governments have been that engaged in. And The Ukrainian Weekly is looking ceptions of Ukraine. According to the I think for Western political leaders, Western for advertising sales agents. Ukrainian journalist Mustafa Nayem, journalists, they have to work a little bit hard- For additional information contact Russian propaganda has penetrated er at trying to get to that moral clarity, at try- Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, Western media. Speaking at the YES The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. ing to see through some of the Russian propa- forum, he wondered why Western ganda. media write about “insurgents,” while in Ukraine they are called “terrorists.” He Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted with WANT IMPACT? is also tired of questions from Western the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio journalists about why Ukrainians are Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Run your advertisement here, killing their compatriots in the east. Do Washington DC 20036; www.rferl.org (see in The Ukrainian Weekly’s you think that Russian propaganda, the http://www.rferl.org/content/chrystia-free- CLASSIFIEDS section. Russian perception of events in Ukraine, land-support-skepticism-ukraine-govern- is really so influential in the West? ment/26583211.html). No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 13

does not recognize the legal basis or the said. In this context, the president called it Lukashenka, said that “sociological sur- NEWSBRIEFS legitimacy of these elections.” (Paul Goble/ symbolic that September 16 was also now veys” show that “about 14 percent of Window on Eurasia) related to another important event: ratifi- Belarusians are ready to take up arms to (Continued from page 12) cation of the Association Agreement. “It is a defend their country. This is more than a A tribute to fallen journalists was in part carried out by masked men joyful and symbolic event that opens for million people, a sufficiently large number rather than police in regular uniform – KYIV – On the occasion of the 14th anni- Ukraine a path to Europe, a path to reforms, of people for whom independence of the according to Crimean Tatar activist Kurtseit versary of death of Heorhiy Gongadze, a path to the transformation of the state. country is something valued.” (Paul Goble, Abdullayev, is “a direct attack on the President Petro Poroshenko honored the Our friend, hero, journalist and citizen with Window on Eurasia) a big “C” Heorhiy Gongadze would love to Crimean Tatar people,” because “the Mejlis memory of journalists who died while per- ROC asked to observe its territory is [their] only representative organ.” He forming their professional duties. He laid see these transformations,” Mr. Poroshenko suggested that the raids, which apparently flowers before the memorial plaque placed said. (Press Office of the President) LVIV – The patriarchs of the four oldest sought to find banned Islamic literature on the building of the National Union of Belarusians ready to fight Putin Churches of the world and the primate of the and which led to the confiscation of some Journalists of Ukraine. “I came here not as Cyprian Autocephalous Church called on the computers, had been launched because the president, but as a citizen who pays tribute STAUNTON, Va. – Although many ana- Russian Orthodox Church to observe its Mejlis and its leaders Refat Chubarov and to Heorhiy for making a significant step for lysts are now suggesting that Vladimir canonical territory, it was reported on Mustafa Dzhemilev had successfully called transformations to begin in our country,” Putin is preparing for the Anschluss of September 5. “Due to the events that have for a boycott of the September 15 vote. Mr. Poroshenko said. “We must always Belarus, a new poll finds than one in seven recently taken place in the Orthodox Fewer than half of eligible voters took part remember not only Heorhiy, but also for Belarusians is prepared to fight to defend Church,” the council stressed the necessity – people could vote if they showed a what purposes he sacrificed his life – for the independence of that country, an atti- for the Orthodox Churches to respect and Russian passport or residence document – Ukraine to be free, democratic and tude that could make any effort by Vladimir strictly observe the geographical borders of and a far smaller share of Crimean Tatars European. I am confident that everything Putin less like the Crimean operation and their jurisdictions “as defined by the holy did. Catherine Ashton, the European will be fine in Ukraine and we will make more like the one in the Donbas. On canons and Tomoses on the foundation of Union’s foreign affairs chief, said “the EU everything Heorhiy desired come true,” he September 7, Andrey Illarionov told an these Churches.” With these words, the pent- interviewer that Mr. Putin is planning to archy hinted at nonrecognition of the canon- continue his plans for “the reunification of ical status of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church the largest divided people in the world,” the cized such cross-border movements; but the – Moscow Patriarchate as an “integral part” Russians who are now subdivided into Armistice... OSCE did not and, probably, could not have of the Moscow Patriarchate since the done so, given this organization’s specific Great Russians, Little Russians Constantinople Patriarchate said in 1924 (Continued from page 3) modus operandi. (Ukrainians) and Belarusians. That means, that it never legally renounced its jurisdic- More distant precedent looks similarly he continued, that Mr. Putin wants to tion over the Kyivan Metropolitanate. As for in border areas of Ukraine and Russia,” and discouraging in this regard. In Georgia in include within the borders of a single coun- the whole Moscow Patriarchate and its under “verification by the OSCE” (osce.org, 2003, Russia used its veto to unilaterally try the Russian Federation, Belarus, part of canonical borders, the Constantinople fol- September 7). terminate the OSCE’s Border Monitoring Ukraine and Northern Kazakhstan. lows the Tomos of 1589, according to which Ukraine has insisted all along on inter- Mission (BMO), when the BMO turned out Considering what has been said recently, the territory of present-day Ukraine is not national arrangements for supervision of to be inconvenient for Russia. In 2008, “Belarus is first in line for ‘reunification,’ part of the Moscow Patriarchate. Pentarchy that border, so as to stop the flow of Russia forced the OSCE’s mission out of that is, for an Anschluss,” the Russian com- (from Greek “pente,” meaning five, and Russian arms and fighters into Ukraine’s Georgia’s South Ossetia territory. Until that mentator said. But a Belarusian Anschluss “arche,” meaning rule) is a system of the territory. Kyiv regards effective border con- point, Russia had micromanaged that mis- might not be the cakewalk that Mr. Putin superiority in the Christian Church of the trol as a sine qua non precondition to a sion, down to the number of personnel and and many others expect. Yury Gubarevich, genuine armistice. At present, Russia’s five patriarchates (Rome, Constantinople, jeep vehicles it was allowed to use (no heli- first deputy chairman of the Belarusian Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem) with the proxies in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts copters ever allowed). Movement For Freedom, said that control an estimated 400-kilometer stretch primacy of Rome, which came into effect Points 5, 8, 11, and 12 of the armistice “Belarusians are ready to defend the inde- of what is legally the Ukrainian side of that after the Fourth Ecumenical Council of protocol are concerned with humanitarian pendence of their country with arms in border. Ukraine and the OSCE both hope to Chalcedon (451) when the Jerusalem and legal matters: reciprocal exchanges of their hands.” The Belarusian activist, who is see a 500-strong OSCE border observation Patriarchate was established. (Religious prisoners and detained persons, measures mission being deployed. an opponent of President Alyaksandr Information Service of Ukraine) to improve the humanitarian situation in Point 4’s general formulations leave a the Donbas, working out an economic great deal of room for subsequent negotia- recovery program for Donbas (no specifica- tion, on two levels: between Russia and Ukraine bilaterally, and between Russia and tion of intent on either point), and safety With deep sorrow we announce that our other players within the OSCE. The geo- guarantees to participants in Contact beloved husband, father, brother, graphical extent of the monitoring arrange- Group consultations (meaning immunity grandfather, uncle and cousin ments, reciprocal access (if any) of Russian for leaders of armed secessionist forces, and Ukrainian personnel to each other’s whom Ukraine has hitherto designated as George Macyk side of the border, definition and operation terrorists). Point 10 calls for “removing the unlawful of the proposed security zone (and on passed away on March 16, 2014. which side of the border), and the relation- armed formations, [their] heavy equip- ship between national border monitoring ment, as well as paramilitary fighters He was born August 25, 1930, in Lutsk, Ukraine. and OSCE verification of same, will all have [boyeviki] and mercenaries, from Ukraine’s to be spelled out. territory.” This straightforward formulation Funeral services were held on March 20, 2014, at Shook Funeral Home Russia can be expected to try inserting the looks like a sound basis for implementation in Clifton, NJ. Donetsk and Luhansk secessionist authori- measures in a good-faith process, which ties in some ways (perhaps symbolically) this process, however, is not. Interment took place at BG William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial into such a border monitoring process, so as Moscow can be expected to use its Cemetery in Wrightstown, NJ. to obtain at least a modicum of international Donetsk and Luhansk protégés in attempting acceptance of those authorities. to discuss what exactly constitutes Ukraine’s In deep sorrow: Under the OSCE’s ground rules, its territory at present, and what armed forma- wife - Alexandra Macyk Permanent Council will have to approve the tions would be defined as unlawful. son - Walter with wife Irene mandate for a border monitoring and/or As in the earlier and ongoing frozen con- grandchildren - Mark, William and Michelle verification mission of the organization. flicts (Transnistria, Abkhazia and South sister - Oxana Babiuk This will have to be negotiated with Russia Ossetia, Karabakh), so the Donetsk and nieces - Roxolana with family in all technical details: the mission’s per- Luhansk “people’s republics” have pro- - Tamara with family sonnel (numbers, composition by coun- claimed themselves to be states, with claims sister’s brother-in-law - Myrom Babiuk with wife Ulana and family tries), financing, the duration and prolon- to specific territories, parts of which they cousins - Lila (Roma) Paschuk with family gation of terms, as well as the technical effectively control. The “republics” of - Helen Hury with son Danny equipment to be authorized for this mis- Donetsk and Luhansk have also declared - Oksana Molchanowa with family sion are all up for negotiation with a veto- their armed formations to be “armies” – not - Ileen Brady with family wielding Russia inside the OSCE. merely to indulge in vainglory, but as part of The immediate precedent is not encour- attempts to obscure the Russian sources of G. Macyk had a great Christian love of people, was a devoted son aging in this regard. In June, the OSCE their weaponry and skilled personnel, and Ukraine, cheerful, smiling and with a great sense of humor. deployed a small (apparently, a dozen mem- redefine the paramilitaries from Russia as bers or less) observer group on the Russia- local residents of the Donbas region. He graduated from the gimnazium in DP camp in Regensburg, Ukraine border at two crossing points (ini- Germany. His higher education was obtained at City College. His MBA Russia insists on negotiations in this degree was from New York University. tially three, reduced to two points). Whether Contact Group to be upgraded from the cur- this group would be allowed to use an rent, procedural level to a “substantive” polit- unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for border He was active in community organizations. in 1960-61, he was ical level. In physical possession of territory the Editor-in-Chief of Horizon - Ukrainian Students Review. He was a supervision, was and remains a matter of inside Ukraine, the Russian side (Moscow negotiation with Russia. Evidently, the long-time active member of the Government-in-exile of the Ukrainian with its local protégés) will enjoy the upper National Republic. OSCE’s presence at those points has had no hand in the follow-up negotiations. bearing on the massive cross-border flows of Russian arms and personnel into Ukraine. The article above is reprinted from Wife Alexandra and family ask for prayers for the repose of His soul. The United States and the North Atlantic Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from Treaty Organization (and even some mass its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, Memory eternal! media reporters) documented and publi- www.jamestown.org. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38

Association Agreement... (Continued from page 1) nomic and trade war,” Mr. Fule said. The September 12 Brussels agreement stipulated that Ukrainian businesses will continue to enjoy trade privileg- es with the CIS until January 1, 2016. Therefore, Ukrainian businesses with extensive exports to Russia benefitted, as did Russian exporters to Ukraine. In consideration of Ukraine’s current economic woes, the EU also agreed to extend its unilateral preferences, allowing Ukrainian exporters to continue exporting their products duty-free to the EU, a regime that was imple- mented in April and is now extended until January 1, 2016. “The reasons were logical and understood,” Mr. Fule said, referring to Ukraine’s request for the free trade area’s postponement. “The economy is undergoing serious chal- lenges, and they want to have more time to adopt the con- ditions and tariffs that we agreed upon.” Extending Ukrainians’ ability to export to the EU duty- free for another year, while Ukraine maintains its duties on EU imports, amounts to a 483 million euro ($626 million Official Website of Ukraine’s President U.S.) grant, in the form of customs revenue, to the President Petro Poroshenko holds up a copy of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement after it was ratified by the Ukrainian economy (on an annual basis), as estimated by Verkhovna Rada on September 16. Mr. de Gucht earlier this year. (Presidential Administration Deputy Head Valery Chaly estimated the gains as high as 2 Minister Pavlo Klimkin – in which it threatened a trade war Only afterwards will Russia consider postponing the lifting billion euros, or $2.6 billion.) to gain concessions in an agreement that was supposed to of import duties, on the condition that the Ukrainian and “Producers and the state budget won, while consumers be exclusively between the EU and Ukraine – prompted European governments fulfill their promises made in of imported EU goods lost. There’s nothing we can do. Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Danylo Lubkivsky to Brussels, he said, as reported by the RIA Novosti news agency. Consumers will have to endure for the economy’s renew- announce his resignation that same night. Mr. Uliukaev’s statement came a day after Russian al,” said Volodymyr Horbach, a political analyst at the “Rational and practical explanations will surely be voiced. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said he suspected Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation in Kyiv. Weighty arguments were once offered against our indepen- Ukraine and the EU would conduct a “disguised implemen- The upheld import duties also benefit Ukrainian big dence,” he wrote on his Facebook page. “The approved state- tation” of their free trade area. Upon such evidence, business by limiting their competition, said independent ment sends the wrong signal to everyone: the aggressor, Ukraine would lose its CIS trade privileges, he warned. National Deputy Oles Doniy, representing an Ivano- our allies and most importantly, Ukrainian citizens. A One of the alleged promises made in Brussels involves Frankivsk district. As one example, he pointed out that choice isn’t postponed, otherwise it’s not a choice.” Ukraine and the EU approving a legal act by the end of used cars in Europe that sell for 3,000 euros double or tri- The Russians wanted more concessions from the agree- October that “demonstrates we identically understand the ple in retail price upon arriving in Ukraine, largely because ment than what they’ve achieved thus far, including remov- Brussels agreement,” Mr. Uliukaev said. Yet Ukrainian and of import duties. ing from free trade 20 percent of all the goods addressed in European diplomats insisted they never agreed to approve “Saturating our market with cheaper cars would have the text, yet liberalizing trade in the energy sector. The such an act. improved the mobility of workers,” he said. “That’s exactly Russians also insisted on enabling Ukrainian producers to Instead, Ukrainian Trade Representative Valerii why society fought for the agreement, so that it would conform to Eurasian sanitary norms simultaneously with Piatnytskyi said Ukraine could respond with its own become an external source of pressure on Ukrainian politics European ones. import duties on Russian goods. and coercion to reorganize the economy. Now these hopes Though they haven’t been able to amend the text of the “He’s already brazenly distorting” the Brussels agree- are dashed. Russia gained a great geopolitical victory.” Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, the Russians gained ment, he said of the Russian economic development minis- Indeed Russia’s “blackmail,” as described by Foreign the ability to make additions to the text and adjust tariffs, ter in an interview published by apostrophe.com.ua. “You Mr. Klimkin confirmed vaguely in a September 13 inter- need to take the decision that was approved by the three view on the First National television network. sides. If one of those sides begins to interpret the meaning That also alarmed observers that a time bomb was set of this decision or introduce new elements, then that FOR THE RECORD in the September 12 talks. Three days afterwards, the wasn’t agreed upon. What the Russian Federation intends Russian government released its latest set of demands, to do is contrary to the agreements that were achieved.” namely legally establishing the agreed-upon postpone- Ukraine’s Prime Minister vowed a U.S. welcomes ratification ments and establishing a legal mandate for the trilateral “mirror-like” response to Russian customs duties, telling his consulting group to amend the agreement. weekly Cabinet meeting on September 17, “I don’t have any of Association Agreement, “It’s obvious that Russia’s economic claims won’t disap- positive expectations from Russia, and we’re supposed to pear and, accordingly, the sides will have to sit at the nego- prepare for Russia imposing trade restrictions all the same.” passage of special status law tiating table again,” wrote Yurii Panchenko, the editor of Mr. de Gucht also warned of retaliation, from the EU, The following statement to the press was delivered by the Yevropeiska Pravda news site. should Russia violate the terms of the September 12 the deputy spokesperson of the U.S. State Department, He posed the rhetorical question, “What does Ukraine Brussels agreement. Marie Harf, on September 16. gain from freezing the trade conflict with Russia for a year? The Ukraine-EU Association Agreement will now have All the more so after the Kremlin understood that it has to be ratified by 23 out of 28 EU member-states after We congratulate the people of Ukraine on making enough ability to influence a document signed by two sov- Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania already did history today, as the Ukrainian and European parlia- ereign sides.” so in July. Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry estimated that ments simultaneously ratified Ukraine’s Association Indeed the Ukrainian government didn’t have to wait a the process could take one to three years. Agreement with the European Union. By forging ahead year until the first trade conflict to surface. In the meantime, the Ukrainian government will begin with this agreement in the face of great challenges, Already on the day of ratification, Mr. Uliukaev the hard work of adopting the agreement’s standards and Ukraine’s leaders have carried out the will of the announced that the Russian government will approve a requirements, Mr. Yatsenyuk said on September 13. Ukrainian people, who demonstrated their over- resolution imposing import duties on Ukrainian goods as “The Ukrainian government will implement everything whelming support for further integration with Europe of November 1, even after agreeing four days earlier to in the agreement immediately after its ratification,” Mr. last winter and with their votes in the May 25 presi- keep the free trade regime in place. (Coincidence or not, Yatsenyuk told the Yalta European Strategy conference, dential elections. the political section of the Association Agreement takes which had to be held in Kyiv this year. “We will fulfill all the We also applaud the Ukrainian Parliament’s pas- effect November 1.) agreement’s requirements and won’t wait.” sage of the laws on amnesty and special status for select parts of Donetsk and Luhansk, which were two important commitments Ukraine made in the Minsk ceasefire agreement on September 5. These new laws OSCE cites progress on Minsk protocol highlight the Ukrainian government’s continuing com- mitment to resolve the ongoing conflict in eastern OSCE connection with events in the region. He also considered it Ukraine peacefully. BERN – Following the adoption of two important laws an encouraging signal that numerous detainees from both We call on Russia and the separatists it backs to in the Ukrainian Parliament, OSCE Chairperson-in-Office sides have been released in the last few days. Regarding reciprocate and begin immediate and full implementa- (CiO)and Swiss Foreign Affairs Minister Didier Burkhalter the commitment reached in the Minsk protocol on ensur- ing the immediate cessation of the use of weapons, tion of the 12 steps of the ceasefire agreement. Russia on September 17 commended Ukraine for the progress Burkhalter underlined the importance of stabilizing the must stop its unlawful military intervention in made in the implementation of the Minsk Protocol signed ceasefire and avoiding any erosion of this commitment. Ukraine, withdraw all military forces and equipment on September 5. This protocol aims at the implementation from inside Ukraine and away from its border, end its The OSCE has been assisting in monitoring the cease- of President Petro Poroshenko’s Peace Plan and of fire, as well as in verifying information, and has doubled support for the separatist forces in eastern Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin’s initiatives, the Organization for and agree to an effective mechanism to secure and the number of monitors in eastern Ukraine since the cease- Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) noted. monitor the Ukraine-Russia border. The way is open fire was established. Mr. Burkhalter also cited the need to for peace, but it is now incumbent on Russia and the The CiO referred in particular to the passing of a law restore effective control over the entire Ukrainian-Russian separatists it supports to honor their ceasefire com- regarding the special status of certain districts of the border as a key prerequisite for a lasting solution. In line mitments and respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and terri- Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, also allowing for early local with the Minsk protocol, particular attention should now torial integrity. elections there, and to the adoption of the legal basis for be given to establishing a security zone along the border the application of amnesty rules regarding activities in and effective monitoring of the border, he said. No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 15

Our community celebrates Ukrainian Independence Day 2014


Borys Pawliuk Children of the preschool greet concert-goers

by Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich Church under the baton of Ivan Velenchuk delighted the audience with its musical On Saturday August 23, the Philadelphia repertoire. community commemorated the 23rd anni- The keynote address was delivered by versary of Ukrainian independence with a the president of the Ukrainian World solemn concert held at the Ukrainian Congress, attorney Eugene Czolij, who Cultural and Educational Center. delivered a stirring address. Participants of the Ukrainian Independence Day ceremony in Prairie Village, Kansas. The evening was opened by John Prometheus, the Ukrainian male chorus Yaworsky, the president of the Community under the leadership of music director Committee to Commemorate the Roman Kucharsky, and accompanied on by Vera Glywa descent. Mayor Ronald Shaffer presented a proclamation to Sister City Committee Independence of Ukraine. Mr Yaworsky, the piano by Irene Zwarych, performed On the morning of August 24, 2014, the Chairperson James Hohensee, who pro- flanked by an honor guard of Ukrainian works by Kytasty, Shamo and Volynets, state of Kansas looked like it was dressed ceeded to read the Proclamation in support youth and veterans’ organizations, greeted closing their performance with a rousing by Mother Nature for Ukrainian and recognition of Ukraine’s independence the attendees and welcomed representa- “Play, Bandura, Play.” Independence Day. Beautiful clear blue to all gathered guests. Ukrainian Club tives from the Georgian, Lithuanian and The most delightful part of the concert skies and fields of golden yellow wheat and member Lesya Holets led a group in sing- Polish communities. Metropolitan- was the appearance of the 20 children of sunflowers resembled the Ukrainian flag. ing the Ukrainian national anthem. Archbishop opened the con- the Ukrainian preschool “Sadochok.” The In front of the Prairie Village, Kansas, Dr. Alexander Tsiovkh, a professor of cert with a special prayer for Ukraine. The youngest in the Ukrainian community, age Town Hall, the Ukrainian flag was hoisted Ukrainian studies at Kansas University, mistress of ceremonies, Ulana Mazurkevich, 2-4, greeted the concert-goers with their unique recitations and songs. up alongside the American flag in prepara- took a few minutes to explain the signifi- also welcomed the attendees to the concert with the words of poet Vasyl Symonenko, The closing prayer was delivered by the tion of the Independence Day celebration cance of the blue and yellow ribbon he was “Ukraine lives, and Ukraine will live.” Rev. Volodymyr Khanas, pastor of St. Mary by the Prairie Village Sister City Committee. wearing. This ribbon was given to him by a The Youth Choir of the Ukrainian Baptist Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The committee wanted to recognize friend who wore it at the Maidan, while Ukrainian Independence Day along with enduring the cold of December and wit- their sister city of Dolyna, Ukraine, espe- nessing the tragic deaths of innocent cially during these very trying days in Maidan victims being shot by snipers. He Ukraine. then presented this ribbon to Ukrainian A celebratory luncheon was held featur- Club President Veral Bilous Glywa, who ing Kansas City barbecue and Ukrainian humbly accepted it on behalf of all present desserts as a representation of both Sister and will pass it along to the next generation Cities. Town dignitaries, Ukrainian Club of of club leaders. Greater Kansas City members, and Sister As the event was coming to an end and City Committee members were invited to people were leaving, you could hear them attend. Several Prairie Village Sister City saying “Slava Ukrayini” (Glory to Ukraine) Committee members are of Ukrainian to each other. The Prometheus Chorus.

Maria Zobniw, who took great pride in Pentecostal Church led prayers at organizing this event. The mayor read the Binghamton City Hall. Dressed in beautiful BINGHAMTON, N.Y. important elements of his proclamation on Ukrainian attire, Alexandra Salenko, speak- the 23rd anniversary of Ukrainian ing on behalf of the Ukrainian American Independence Day. He referred to Kremlin- community, welcomed Mayor David at the directed aggression against Ukraine and start of his term with a Ukrainian Easter egg. expressed a “request for U.S. support for a The Binghamton community also free and independent Ukraine.” thanked Stephan Wasylko for his concise On behalf of the Ukrainian American tutorial on current events in Ukraine; Taras community at this event, the chairman of Stets for reciting in English Taras UCCA branch, Lubomyr Zobniw, thanked Shevchenko’s poems on the 200th anniver- Mayor David and accepted the mayor’s proc- sary of Shevchenko’s birth; Victor Czumak lamation. The Rev. Teodor Czabala of Sacred for reciting in English “Prayer for Ukraine” Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church, the Rev. –(“Oh Lord, Almighty and Only”), which Ivan Synevskyy of St. John the Baptist also served as an introduction to Eugene Mayor Richard David with Alexandra Salenko (embroidered dress) and the pastors Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and Pastor Czebiniak, who sang this prayer in from three Ukrainian churches. Nikolay Ilchishin of First Ukrainian Ukrainian.

by Lubomyr Zobmiw Ivanonko organizied the Sunday coffee and cake social (after liturgies) to celebrate the The annual Ukrainian Independence 23rd anniversary of Ukrainian indepen- Day celebration is a community experience dence. During this event, donations were with prayers and social events at the hub of received for $250 for humanitarian causes our activities at Sacred Heart Ukrainian in Ukraine. The First Ukrainian Pentecostal Catholic Church, St. John the Baptist Church invited all to a Sunday evening Ukrainian Orthodox Church and First prayer service for Ukraine, followed by Ukrainian Pentecostal Church. The general sweet refreshments and fellowship. Mayor public was invited to participate. Since the Richard David proclaimed Ukrainian flag-raising tradition started in 1950, it has Independence Day on Monday, August 25, been coordinated by the Ukrainian at the City Hall flag-raising ceremony. This Congress Committee of America (UCCA) was Mayor David’s first Ukrainian flag-rais- Binghamton branch. ing event as mayor of Binghamton; he During this weekend of events, pastors recalled this event when he was a mayor’s Eugene Czebiniak sings “Prayer for Ukraine” (“Oh Lord, Almighty and Only”). From reminded their congregations about the assistant 15 years ago. left Mayor Richard David, the Rev. Ivan Synevskyy, Pastor Nikolay Ilchishin, the Rev. power of prayer. Zenon and Chrystia In particular, the mayor recalled the late Teodor Czabala, Victor Czumak, Stephan Wasylko and Lubomyr Zobniw. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38 No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 17 UAYA and Sitch Sports School compete at 30th Ukrainian Youth Games by Omelan Twardowsky KERHONKSON, N.Y. – The 30th Ukrainian Youth Games were held on July 31 and August 1 at the Ukrainian American Youth Association (UAYA) camp in Ellenville, N.Y., and at the Soyuzivka Heritage Center in Kerhonkson, N.Y. One- hundred and fifty-four athletes participat- ed at the games that brought the UAYA sports camp and the Chornomorska Sitch Sports School together in a friendly compe- tition that is hosted under the auspices of the Ukrainian Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada (USCAK). Soccer and volleyball matches, as well as two track-and-field events started the first The Chornomorska Sitch soccer team. day’s schedule at the UAYA camp. On the second day, Soyuzivka was scheduled to BOYS 10 & UNDER 25m FREESTYLE GIRLS 10 & UNDER 25m FREESTYLE BOYS 10 & UNDER 25m BREAST STROKE GIRLS 10 & UNDER 25m BREAST STROKE 1 ADRIAN BARAN UAYA 17.50 1 ALEXA KOCUR UAYA 24.00 1 ADRIAN BARAN UAYA 22.94 1 NATALIA HUMMENYJ UAYA 36.52 host the swim meet and tennis tourna- 2 ANTHONY REPETYUK SITCH 18.92 2 ALEXANDRA SOLTYS SITCH 26.65 2 LIAM KOCIOLEK UAYA 27.87 2 ALEXANDRA SOLTYS SITCH 37.10 ment, but soon after it got under way, the 3 LUKA VOVK SITCH 19.91 3 VICTORIA SKALA UAYA 25.30 3 NICHOLAS CHOMULAK SITCH 45.15 weather turned to rain and the events had BOYS 11/12 25m FREESTYLE GIRLS 11/12 25m FREESTYLE BOYS 11/12 25m BREAST STROKE GIRLS 11/12 25m BREAST STROKE to be cancelled. 1 BOGDAN BLAZHKEVYCH SITCH 16.09 1 ANDREA NEPORANNY UAYA 16.45 1 ROSTYK FEDORKO UAYA 23.05 1 ANDREA NEPORANNY UAYA 21.00 2 NICHOLAS KOVALENKO SITCH 18.12 2 ROMA GASCHLER UAYA 16.64 2 BOGDAN BLAZHKEVYCH SITCH 23.70 2 ROMA GASCHLER UAYA 24.36 Each day began with the raising of the 3 ROSTYK FEDORKO UAYA 19.42 3 VIKA SZPYNDA UAYA 20.15 3 MARYAN ZINKO UAYA 27.91 3 VIKA SZPYNDA UAYA 27.23 Ukrainian and U.S. flags, a prayer and the BOYS 13/14 50m FREESTYLE GIRLS 13/14 50m FREESTYLE BOYS 13/14 50m BREAST SROKE GIRLS 13/14 50m BREAST STROKE reading of the day’s schedule of events. 1 NICHOLAS TKACHENKO UAYA 35.80 1 VLADYSLAWA VOVK SITCH 34.00 1 NIKITA KVATSNITSKIY SITCH 47.44 1 SOFIA POLISHCHUK SITCH 43.66 During the official opening ceremonies, 2 DAMIAN KOSCIOLEK UAYA 37.56 2 MELANIA AGNE UAYA 34.71 2 OLEG BORISIUK SITCH 53.15 2 MELANIA AGNE UAYA 44.10 3 MATTHEW McKAY SITCH 38.20 3 MELANIE POTTER SITCH 35.60 greetings were delivered by each camp’s 3 MYKOLA TKACHENKO UAYA 55.95 3 IVANNA KURYWCZAK SITCH 44.33 director, by Teo Bodnar, director of the BOYS 15 & OVER 50m FREESTYLE GIRLS 15 & OVER 50m FREESTYLE BOYS 15 & OVER 50m BREAST STROKE GIRLS 15 & OVER 50m BREAST STROKE 1 PAVLO KOZAK SITCH 20.22 1 KRISTEN MASNYJ SITCH 33.33 1 PAVLO KOZAK SITCH 38.19 1 VLADYSLAWA VOVK SITCH 42.18 Ukrainian Youth Games, and Irenaus Isajiw, 2 STEPHEN POTTER SITCH 30.03 2 NADIA HUMEN UAYA 33.70 2 ANDY SZEMECZKO UAYA 40.90 2 NADIA HUMEN UAYA 44.00 president of USCAK. After each event’s con- 3 ANDY SZEMECZKO UAYA 30.80 3 KALYNA REDA UAYA 36.47 3 MAKSYM LAZARKO UAYA 42.17 3 KALYNA REDA UAYA 56.06 clusion, medals were presented to the par- BOYS 10 & UNDER 25m BACK STROKE GIRLS 10 & UNDER 25m BREAST STROKE BOYS 10 & UNDER 25m BUTTERFLY 1 ADRIAN BARAN UAYA 20.40 1 HANNAH BAZALEWSKY SITCH 30.69 1 ADRIAN BARAN UAYA 19.40 ticipants. The athletes were reminded to 2 LUKA VOVK SITCH 21.24 2 ALEXANDRA SOLTYS SITCH 34.16 2 LIAM KOSCIOLEK UAYA 25.30 keep in mind the youth in Ukraine, who are 3 ANTHONY REPETYUK SITCH 23.34 BOYS 11/12 25m BUTTERFLY GIRLS 11/12 25m BUTTERFLY cultivating a rebirth in Ukrainian patrio- BOYS 11/12 25m BACK STROKE GIRLS 11/12 25m BACK STROKE 1 MARYAN ZINKO UAYA 27.00 1 ANDREA NEPORANNY UAYA 20.00 tism and the teamwork that is necessary to 1 BOGDAN BLAZHKEVYCH SITCH 21.00 1 ANDREA NEPORANNY UAYA 19.13 2 PAUL RYDZANICZ UAYA 24.78 2 ROMA GASCHLER UAYA 22.78 2 PAUL RYDANICZ UAYA 28.80 2 VIKA SPYNDA UAYA 28.40 work for the good and glory of indepen- 3 MARYAN ZINKO UAYA 28.03 3 VIKA SZPYNDA UAYA 26.40 3 ANDREW HUDYMA UAYA 31.00 3 KALYNA KUZEMCZAK UAYA 36.75 dent Ukraine. BOYS 13/14 50m BACK STROKE GIRLS 13/14 50m BACK STROKE BOYS 13/14 50m BUTTERFLY GIRLS 13/14 50m BUTTERFLY The UAYA sports camp directorate, 1 NICHOLAS TKACHENKO UAYA 40.48 1 SOPHIA POLISCHUK SITCH 39.68 1 NIKITA KVATSNITSKIY SITCH 38.50 1 SOFIA POLISCHCHUK SITCH 39.53 which organized the first-day’s events, 2 NIKITA KVATSNITSKIY SITCH 42.12 2 MELANIE POTTER SITCH 44.12 2 MYKOLA TKACHENKO UAYA 45.85 2 MELANIA AGNE UAYA 39.55 3 DAMIAN KOSCIOLEK UAYA 47.84 3 ALEXANDRA MICHALCHYK SITCH 52.71 included: Dana Domaradz-Preksta (direc- 3 DAMIAN KOSCIOLEK UAYA 51.90 3 MELANIA AGNE UAYA 44.59 tor), Andrew Kobyleckyj, Catie Bukalo, BOYS 15 & OVER 50m BACK STROKE GIRLS 15 & OVER 50m BACK STROKE BOYS 15 & OVER 50m BUTTERFLY GIRLS 15 & OVER 50m BUTTERFLY 1 OLESH POLISHCHUK SITCH 38.42 1 VLADYSLAWA VOVK SITCH 36.27 1 OLESH POLISHCHUK SITCH 32.83 1 NADIA HUMEN UAYA 38.55 Kateryna Diakiw, Stephan Preksta, Aleksa 2 STEPHEN POTTER SITCH 39.54 2 NADIA HUMEN UAYA 41.35 2 STEPHEN POTTER SITCH 33.03 2 KALYNA REDA UAYA 47.80 Oliarnyk, Andrew Shymechko, Alex 3 ANDY SZEMECZKO UAYA 39.60 3 KRISTEN MASNYJ SITCH 43.60 3 ANDY SZEMECZKO UAYA 38.25 Bihuniak and many others. On the second day of the competition, UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Inc. the events at Soyuzivka were organized by the Sports School directorate: Dmytro Kurywchak (director), Omelan Twardowsky (president of Chornomorska CONTEST Sitch), Yaroslav Twardowsky, Oksana FOR Kurywchak, Zenia and Lubomyr Olesnycky, CHILDREN and others. – Translated by Matthew Dubas. Last year’s Christmas Card Project with children between the Project Fund-Raiser. The winning designs will be recognized on the Results ages of 6-18 was very successful. And thus the Ukrainian National reverse side of the card with the name, age, city, state of the artist. Over Association will again hold a contest to select young artists to 150,000 cards are mailed each year to members in the community. 50-meter race participate in the project. We hope to inspire younger artists to use The proceeds from the sale of these cards are allocated to support the Age 6-7: Ivan Kozak (Sitch), Solomiya their creative talents in a meaningful way. As always the theme of the renaissance of Soyuzivka, the cultural center of our community. Over Oros (Sitch), Orest Mykhailiuk (Sitch). Christmas card will be “Ukrainian Christmas”. Please check details: the years the community has been very supportive especially when Age 8-9:Dmytro Harbovskyi (UAYA), Children between the ages of 6-12 (Group 1) and between 13-18 the community’s youngest talents are recognized. The funds received Lukash Vovk (Sitch), Joseph Riccidelli (Sitch) (Group 2) are invited to participate in the UNA’s annual Christmas Card from this project are assigned to Soyuzivka with other donations to the UNA publications – Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly and the UNF Age 10-12: Mykola Zelenka (UAYA), Project. Each child is encouraged to enter the contest by creating one (1) original color artwork to be considered by our judges. The artists general fund. All participants will have their art work published in both Oleksandr Zelenka (UAYA), Vladyslav should depict their idea of a Ukrainian Christmas. The winning designs Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. Deputat (UAYA). will be reproduced and used by the UNA in its annual Christmas Card To enter the contest, please read the contest rules listed below: 100-meter race 1. The cards selected will best refl ect the theme of a Ukrainian Christmas 7. Artists must be advised that entry into this contest constitutes Boys: 2. The young artist’s name, age and city, state will be printed on (1) a waiver of all copyrights artists have in their entries, and (2) Age 13-14: Matthew McKay (Sitch), the backside of the card. permission to republish entries without compensation. Volodymyr Sadoryi (Sitch), Markian Bowen 3. One (1) original art work may be entered per artist. Art work 8. Winners will be notifi ed by October 30, 2014. (Sitch). must be no larger than 8.5” x 11”. When printed the art will be reduced 9. All entries must be received at the Ukrainian National Age 15-17: Danylo Sydor (UAYA), Andrew to card size. Association, 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ, 07054, Attn. O. Trytjak or [email protected] by Tuesday, October 13, 2014; Shemechko (UAYA), Matthew Hashler 4. Drawings must be properly labeled on the reverse of the art entry: PRINTED - name of artist (IN BOTH LANGUAGES), full address, late entries will not be considered. Tel. 973 292-9800 x3071. (UAYA). including telephone and e-mail, attach completed entry form. 10. Judges’ decision will be fi nal. Girls: 5. Artists may use any medium: watercolors, markers, oils, crayons, on 11. All proceeds are dedicated to educational and cultural programs Age 13-14: Sophia Polishchuk (Sitch), white paper. Bold colors reproduce best in the printing process. for children at Soyuzivka. Melania Ahne (UAYA), Alexandra 6. Entries will not be returned to the artists, they will be the property 12. Donations are tax exempt as permitted by law. Mykhailchuk (Sitch). of the UNA. Age 15 and over: Nadia Humen (UAYA), PLEASE PRINT Kalyna Reda (UAYA). NAME:______ДРУКОВАНИМИ ЛІТЕРАМИ В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ МОВІ Chornomorska Sitch won the under-17 NAME:______soccer final against UAYA 3-2; and in the PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE youth soccer division, UAYA defeated Sitch ADDRESS:______4-2. In the under-17 volleyball final, Sitch won first place against the UAYA camp, and TEL:______E MAIL:______Sitch also won third place. In the youth divi- DATE OF BIRTH______NAME OF SCHOOL______sion, the UAYA team won first place, with Sitch teams winning second and third place. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38

American, Ukrainian and Canadian Lisovich gave a very uplifting talk, thanking 6-4, and Petrykevych edged Hrabec 6-3, 7-6. USCAK... anthems, George Sawchak, the director of everyone for their support of the UNA and Juniors played in two age groups in a the USCAK Tennis Committee, officially Soyuzivka, and pointing to next year’s 60th round-robin format. Alex Dale won the older (Continued from page 11) greeted all the players, organizers, dignitar- anniversary with special programs, which boys’group, with Pavlo Buchko finishing sec- ies and spectators to this event. promises to be a very auspicious occasion. ond and Orest Pindus, third. In the younger was here that I met Vira and Yurko Popel, Speaking in Ukrainian, Mr. Sawchak said, She encouraged everyone to love Ukraine boys’ group Marko Gural took first place, who became my mentors. It’s so wonderful “Remember, without players, there would and be generous to Ukraine. With that, she Danylo Sosiak, second, and Kase Schinnerer, to come back with my family [husband and be no tournament year after year. Next year officially opened the tennis tournament third. The matches were well played and two sons] and relive these great memories.” we will be celebrating our 60th anniversary and swimming competition. showed the players’ determination. Her opponent was Kostenko, a television of having tennis tournaments. Please be In getting to the finals in the semis, Closing ceremonies took place on Sunday commentator/anchor and sports journalist sure to attend. A special thank-you also to Krasij advanced, defeating Will Ritter 6-0, after the men’s final on the tennis courts. The for Poverkhnost Sport TV, a broadcasting our two major sponsors: the Ukrainian 6-4, and Stroynick battled with Chorny, USCAK tennis director thanked all the players company with three TV channels in Kyiv. National Association (UNA), a fraternal past champion of Labor Day tourneys, 4-6, for their participation and the sponsors of She took time off from her broadcasting organization that has been serving the 6-1, 9-8 tiebreak, retired due to injury. It this tournament, the UNA and Mr. Hynansky. work at the U.S. Open to compete in the Ukrainian community unyieldingly for more was a formidable match pitting two forceful He also commended the members of the USCAK Tennis Tournament. Yuriy Kolb, than a century with endowments, life insur- players – the wiry and fast Stroynick USCAK Tennis Committee, Messrs. Hrabec once national tennis coach of Ukraine and ance and annuities, and provides the fund- against the powerful Chorny whose painful and Durbak, for their assistance. On a note of past tennis instructor at Soyuzivka’s Tennis ing for the tournament trophies, and John hip prevented him from continuing. In the levity, they, in turn, presented Mr. Sawchak Camp, was instrumental in bringing her to Hynansky, owner of Winner Automotive previous round Stroynick eliminated Ivan with T-shirt saying: “George, The Man, The Soyuzivka. Rekindling her friendship with Group with companies in the U.S. and Durbak, once the long-time champion with Myth, The Legend.” Presenting the awards Lesia, Kostenko said she enjoyed playing Ukraine, which offers monetary stipends to the classic tennis strokes, 6-0, 4-1, retired. were the USCAK Tennis Committee, Ms. here and vowed to return next year. the winners and finalists in the men’s, wom- Ritter bested Ihor Ferencevych, and Krasij Lisovich and Ms. Sawchak. Missing from this year’s women’s group en’s and junior groups. These stipends help overcame Mykola Nalywayko 6-0, 6-1. Fourteen-year-old Pavlo Buchko was was last year’s winner Tania Sawchak and attract talented players to the tournament.” In the women’s semis, Schinnerer awarded the Mary Dushnyck Mariyana Milchutskey, both winners of Mr. Sawchak also introduced the UNA defeated Svetlana Goletz, a perennial con- Sportsmanship Trophy determined by the many championships held at Soyuzivka. Treasurer Roma Lisovich, Roman Hirniak, tender at Soyuzivka, 6-0, 6-1, and Kostenko USCAK Tennis Committee. Mrs. Dushnyck, This was the 59th year that USCAK (the Irenaeus Isajiw, president of USCAK, and won over Anastazija Koval, a college sopho- past supreme vice-presidentess of the UNA, Ukrainian-based acronym for the Ukrainian the president of the Ukrainian Athletic more, 6-3, 6-0. In the playoff for third place, was a participant of this annual tennis tour- Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada) Educational Association Chornomorska Goletz edged Koval 7-5, 7-5. nament in 1956; she continued to compete has been conducting the tennis champion- Sitch, Omelan Twardowsky. Many of the men played in more than for many years until she could no longer do ships during the Labor Day weekend at the Mr. Hirniak delivered his greetings in one group because they enjoy the competi- so. She was much loved and appreciated for Soyuzivka Heritage Center. The biggest English, thanking the athletes, their parents, tion this provides. her many years of contributions to the problem for the tourney is the threat of bad UNA President Stefan Kaczaraj and Ms. In the men’s 35, Nalywayko beat Steve Labor Day tournament. weather, which is always possible at this Lisovich, whom he called “the face of Sosiak in the finals 2-6, 6-4, 10-6 tiebreak, The following memorial trophies were time of year. Soyuzivka.” A moment of silence was given to thus reversing the results from last year’s established but not all were presented: However, as the Tennis Committee said, Marika Bokalo, the past swimming director, final. Roman Rakoczy Trophies to the men’s and “The magic of the Soyuzivka grounds pre- who passed away last year. He also spoke Sosiak took the men’s 45, with George women’s winners; men’s – Bohdan Rak vailed, and the tourney took place.” of the fund-raisers held for the improve- Walchuk finishing second in the round Trophy; women’s – Constantine Ben Players come from different parts of the ment of the swimming pool. Tennis players robin format. Trophy; men’s 35 and over – Jaroslav United States, making it truly a national also contributed to tennis court repairs. Co-champions of men’s 55, Yaroslav Rubel; men’s 45 and over – Dr. Wolodymyr tournament, as well as attracting players Mr. Isajiw encouraged all the athletes to Sydorak and Walchuk, could not play the Huk Trophy; and the men’s 55 and over – from Ukraine. continue promoting the event by “word of finals due to time constraints and oncoming Dr. Petro Charuk Trophy. The opening ceremonies for both the mouth” so participation would increase. bad weather. Advancing to the finals, UNA Treasurer Ms. Lisovich officially tennis and swimming competitions took Lastly, Mr. Isajiw referred to the dire situa- Sydorak beat George Petrykevych 6-3, 6-4, closed the annual USCAK Tennis place on the deck of the swimming pool on tion in Ukraine and said, “Slava Ukrayini – and Walchuk bested George Hrabec 6-0, 6-4. Tournament by congratulating all the win- Saturday, August 30. After the formal pre- heroyam slava.” In the men’s 65, Sydorak overcame ners and finalists and inviting everyone to sentation of the flags and the playing of the Concluding the opening ceremony, Ms. Petrykevych in a highly competitive match, return next year when the estate and tennis 2-6, 6-2, 10-8 tiebreak. In the previous tournament will be celebrating their 60th match, Sydorak ousted Walter Dziwak 6-1, anniversary.

Paul Demyanik, who is the president of the Ukrainian Evangelical... Western Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Convention and pastor of the First (Continued from page 9) Ukrainian Church of Evangelical Christians- ing president, Halyna Bliznyuk of Lancaster, Baptists in Vancouver, Wash.; and the Rev. Pa. The program included a video presenta- Dr. George Boltniew, president of the tion and a slide show of historical photos English branch of the Russian-Ukrainian and information about the women’s groups Evangelical Baptist Union USA. in the various churches. The Ukrainian Baptist Church in North The conference included participation Port, Fla., was selected to be the host of the by three guests from Ukraine, plus the Rev. 70th annual conference in 2015.


KLK cordially invites all our members, family and friends to our Annual Fall Weekend. You can choose to play some friendly tennis, golf or just relax and mingle with friends. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: GOLF - New event! Start time 9:30 AM at The Hudson Valley Resort. Cost $30.00 per player. PRE REGISTRATION REQUIRED. TENNIS DOUBLES- Registration at 11:00 AM. Cost $10.00 per player. Pre- registration desirable. AFTERNOON SOCIAL – Begins at 2:30 PM. Enjoy some good food, drink and good company. DINNER DANCE will begin at 6:30 PM starting with a cocktail hour, sit down dinner and dance will begin at 7:30PM. Dance to the spectacular tunes of “SVITANOK.“ Cost of the Afternoon Social & Dinner dance is $125.00 per person. To register, RSVP or for more information please contact [email protected] Please RSVP if you are planning to attend. It is important that we get a headcount so that we can make this weekend a success and enjoyable for you. Room Reservations- Please call SOYUZIVKA at 845 626-5641 and mention KLK. No. 38 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 19

September 22 Presentation by Volodymyr Dubovyk, “The Ukrainian October 4 Brotherhood Concert Series, featuring the Ukrainian Washington Crisis: The View From Odesa,” Kennan Institute, Ronald Winnipeg, MB Bandurist Chorus and the Hoosli Ukrainian Male Chorus, Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Pantages Playhouse Theater, 855-985-5000 or 202-691-4000 www.ticketmaster.ca

September 25 Presentation by Ambassador Lambert Zannier, “Ukraine October 4 Ukrainian Festival, Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New York Between East and West,” Columbia University, Whippany, NJ New Jersey, 908-759-1771 or www.facebook.com/uaccnj 212-854-6217 or www.harriman.columbia.edu October 4 Conference, “The Kholm region During World War II – September 26-27 Roundtable discussion, “Communism and Hunger: The Toronto Lessons of History,” Ukrainian Canadian Research and Toronto Soviet, Kazakh, Ukrainian and Chinese Famines in Documentation Center, St. Vladimir Institute Theater, Comparative Perspective,” University of Toronto, 416-966-1819 www.holodomor.ca October 4 20th anniversary performance, The Spirit of Ukraine,” September 27 Oakville Ukrainian Festival, St. Joseph Ukrainian Catholic Hartford, CT featuring Zolotyj Promin Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, The Oakville, ON Church and Heritage Center, Bushnell Theater, www.bushnell.org or 888-924-2874 [email protected] or 905-337-1400 September 27 Film screening, featuring selections by Babylon 13, October 4 Zolotyj Promin concert after-party, featuring music by New York Shevchenko Scientific Society, 212-254-5130 Wethersfield, CT Hrim, Ukrainian National Home, 860-296-5702 September 28 Pig roast, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church, October 4 Film screening “Naimychka,” The Ukrainian Museum, Kerhonkson, NY 845-647-6911 New York 212-228-0110 or www.ukrainianmuseum.org October 4-5 Parish centennial celebration, St. John the Baptist September 30 Roundtable discussion, “Europe-Russia Relations: The Ottawa Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, [email protected] Stanford, CA Impact of EU Expansion,” Stanford University, or 613-834-0745 650-725-2563 or [email protected] October 2 Presentation by Angia Grigas, “Energy Security and October 9 Concert with Okean Elzy, Place des Arts – Salle Wilfred New York Pipeline Politics: The Achilles Heel of Eastern Europe,” Montreal Pelletier hall, www.placedesarts.com or 514-842-2112 Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 212-854-4623 October 10-12 Columbus Cup girls’ soccer tournament, Ukrainian or [email protected] Horsham, PA American Sports Center – Tryzub, www.tryzub.org October 3 Brotherhood Concert Series, featuring the Ukrainian Winkler, MB Bandurist Chorus and the Hoosli Ukrainian Male Chorus, October 11 Philadelphia Ukrainian Fest, Ukrainian Educational and Enns Centennial Concert Hall, 866-943-8849 or Jenkintown, PA Cultural Center, 215-663-1166 or www.ukifest.com www.winklerconcerthall.ca Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events October 3- Art exhibit, “Stella: The Nature of a Collective,” Ukrainian advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions November 30 Institute of Modern Art, www.uima-chicago.org or from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Chicago 773-227-5522 and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014 No. 38


Saturday, September 27 Saturday-Sunday, October 4-5 NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific OTTAWA: Join in the 100th anniversary cele- Society invites all to a screening of films pro- brations of the Parish of St. John the Baptist duced by Babylon 13. The documentary film Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, 952 Green Valley Tuition, books, group, Babylon 13, was launched after its Crescent in Ottawa. A celebratory dinner will short video “Prologue” (filmed at the Kyiv take place on Saturday at St. Elias Banquet room & board Maidan on November 30, 2013) became an Center, 700 Ridgewood Ave. Tickets are $75 Internet hit. The program includes opening per person, sold in advance only. A pontifical For a stress-Free student loan visit us at remarks by Dr. Iryna Vushko (Hunter divine liturgy will be celebrated on Sunday at College) and special guest, director Yuri the shrine at 10 a.m. A commemorative anni- Gruzinov, a founding member of Babylon 13. versary book will be on sale. For information contact Eugene Rizok at 613-834-9935 or The screening will take place at the society’s [email protected]. building, 63 Fourth Ave. (between Ninth and 10th streets) at 5 p.m. For additional infor- Sunday, October 12 www.UkrNatFcu.org mation call 212-254-5130. ALEXANDRIA, Va.: At 3 p.m., The Washington Saturday, October 4 Group Cultural Fund will open its 2014-2015 season with a concert by Ukrainian violinist NEW YORK: Join us at 7 p.m. for a screening Oleg Kaskiv, in a program featuring works by of the film “Naimychka” (The Servant Schubert, Mendelssohn, Ysaye, Saint-Saens Woman), Mykhailo Verykivsky’s Ukrainian and Skoryk. As a soloist, Mr. Kaskiv performs opera based on Taras Shevchenko’s epony- regularly in Ukraine with the National mous poem. A young girl, seduced by a lanc- Symphony of Ukraine, Odesa Philharmonic er, leaves her illegitimate son with a child- and Lviv Philharmonic Symphony Orchestras, less family. She then becomes their servant as well as worldwide with the Camerata Lysy, in order to be a part of her son’s life. Vira Camerata de Lausanne, Symphonisches Donska-Prysiazhniuk plays the lead role, Orchester Zürich, Orchestre National de with vocals by Kyiv Opera soprano Lilia Belgique, Orchestre Symphonique de Lobanova. Introduction will be given by Montreal and Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden. Lubow Wolynetz, curator of folk art. The Lyceum is located at 201 S. Washington Admission of $15 includes reception and St. For information call 301-229-2615 or gallery access; $10 for members, seniors; $5 e-mail [email protected]. for students. The Ukrainian Museum is Suggested donation: $20; free for students. located at 222 E. Sixth Street; for informa- A reception to meet the artists will be held tion visit www.ukrainianmuseum.org. immediately following the performance. NO OrigiNatiON PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES fee Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. Items should be no more than 100 words long. Information should be sent to: [email protected]; payment should be sent to Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. NB: If In partnershIp wIth e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message.