In the World Nowadays There Are 29 National Soil Classifications and Besides Two with Worldwide

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In the World Nowadays There Are 29 National Soil Classifications and Besides Two with Worldwide

Alberto Hernández Jiménez In the world nowadays there are 29 national soil classifications and besides two with worldwide tendencies (Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base). Each country that has your system of soil classification of established, keeps on using it and making it perfect, most of the time with a language familiar between the pedologists, professors, scientics and agricultural producers. Besides, in many instances with systems of soils evaluation relating to their system of soil classification. For this reason, the Universal Soil Classification (USC) should be like one Reference Soil System for the transference of technologies and making uniform a common language in the results of investigations, books, etc. That is, each country can keep its own system of soil classification, and at the same time knowing and to divulge the USC, that command in the university programs for knowledge of the futures should be pedologists. Some criteria for the USS: 1. Should be simple easy handling, for this reason I think that they should have 3 Taxas, Group, Subgroup and Type of soils. The Group should be based in horizons of diagnosis, that they relate with the conditions of soil formation. The Subgroup equally but for characteristics of diagnosis and the soil Types with attributes in relation with the soil productivity as the texture, presence of gravels or of stones, presence of soluble salts (between % of 0,2-0,99 you go out soluble ), presence of sodium exchangeable (between 5 and 14 %), etc. 2. For each Soil Group and Soil Subgroup should elaborate their own diagnostic profiles. 3. In the case of tropical soils, is important to take account the composition of the weathering crust, in relation with the degree of evolution of soils, from the siallitic to allitic and ferrític compòsitions. Is necessary to establish diagnostics soil horizon in this direction. For example: Bsial: Siallitic B Horizon for Cambisoles or Inceptisoles Bfrs: Fersiallitic B Horizon B for Fersiallítics soils Bfrlt: Ferralitic B Horizon for Ferrralsoles u Oxisoles Bfrt: Ferritic B Horizon for Ferrítics soils Bal: Allitic B Horizon for Allitic soils 4. There would be also accept the established diagnostics horizons when they are present in soils, as: Mollic, Umbric, Ochric, etc. 5. Taking into account the above for each Group and Soil Subgroup should elaborate a Diagnostic Profile himself (as in the new version of Russian soil classification) or Solum Diagnóstic (like in the French Pedologic Reference) 6. The nomenclature of the soils should be the traditional like Solonchak, Solonetz, Podzol, Chernozem, etc. 7. Is important to consider also the Antropogenic soil formation or the degradation of soils, elaborating the correspondent diagnostics. Is necessary to take the factor of agrogenic soil formation (because of the change of soil properties from the intensive agriculoture), at the time for the transformation of soils for successive applications of organic matter, or for the chemical contamination, etc. 8. This classification should not take into account the hydric neither thermic regimens. The greater part of countries in the world, they do not have these results and the majority of the cases try to apply the atmospheric climate to the soil classification, that is not right. 9. The USC should translate at least in 7 idioms itself: English, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Chinese and Portuguese. It should leak out to all the countries either by means of Suelos's or Centros's Domestic Companies University or fact-finding in the event that Suelo's Science Society not exist. 10. A program for application and systematic enrichment should be made for this USC, incorporating specialists of the different countries. The same revision of the USC should be same in this program, that it can be 4 or 8 years between worldwide congresses each and to present it in Congress that I correspond. I have others ideas but they right now are over detail that will be seen in the arguments that we will have inside the Working Group. For example, mollic should specify the characteristics of the horizon itself well, where one should have in account the structure of the ground and it should be applicable only at those grounds where this horizon decides all properties of the ground.

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