LIST of MEMBERS * Denotes Life Member

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LIST of MEMBERS * Denotes Life Member LIST OF MEMBERS * denotes life member Mr. Mathias Abendroth Mr. Anuvit Charernsupkul Mrs. Martha Abernathy Phya Anuwat Wanaraks* Mr. Abhai Chandavimol* Mr. Hachiro Arai* Prof. ArthurS. Abramson* Mr. Charles Archaimbault Mr. L.J.L. Acheson Mr. George W. Archer Mr. A.C.S. Adams* Mr. Brund Arens Prof. David B.J. Adams Miss Ariya Sintujarivatr Mrs. V . T. AdlofP Mr. Ariyant Manjikul* Dr. Adul Wichiencharoen* Mr. Peter Armour Mr. Paul Aiken Mrs. Judith Arndt Mrs. Ajara Suvannij Dr. Joel B. Aronson H .S.H. Prince Ajavadis Diskul Dr. Arporna Sribhibbadh Mom Rachawong Akin Rabibhadana Mrs. Marlene J. Arritola Mr. Aksern Sindhuprama Phya Arthakariya Nibonda Miss Margaret Alcock Mr. Charles D. Arthur* Mr. A. Alexander* Khunying Arun Kitiyakara Mr. P.J. Alexander* Mr. James P. Ashby Mr. Anvar T. Aliakbar* Mr. Y.I.E. Assia* Mrs. Alice H. Altstatt Mr. Aswin Kongsiri Mr. Ammar Siamwalla Mr. Tsuneo Ayabe* Dr. F. Ammundsen* Mr. Peter Aylen Mr. Amnuay Corvanich Mr. Ebrahim A. Ezeez Khunying Amphorn Meesook* Mr. Claude Bachmann Mr. Amorn Indrakamhang Miss Kathleen Badger Dr. Herbert Arnry Dr. Gordon B. Bailey Dr. Jacques Amyot Mr. Peter Bailey . Prof. An Nimmanahaeminda Mr. Jack P. Bailhe Miss Marie A.R. Anania Mr. Michael H. Baker* Mr. Sven B. Anderfelt Mrs. M.H. Bakker Mr. Hans G. Andersen Dr. R. Balakrishna* Dr. Dole Anderson Miss Pamela Balow Miss Kerstin Andersson Mr. Dieter-Marir Balzar Mr. Hiroshi Ando* Miss Bancha Chittibhol Miss Mary Anglemyer* Mr. Bancha Lam sam Mr. Anong Mesprasart Mr. Banchob Thiemthat Prof. Edward M. Anthony* Mr. Banchong Teinsongrusmee LIST OF MEMBERS 371 Miss Banchop Bandhumedha* Mr. M.V. Bhatavdekar Prof. Albert H. Banner Mr. Bhichai Rattakul Prof. Hugh S. Barbour Luang Bhasit Sukhumkarn Mr. Garland Bare* Mr. Bhornchai Kunalai Mr. Douglas J. Barnes Mrs. Linda C. Bigelow Dr. Ralph P. Barrett Prof. Bimala Kalakicha Mr. Martin G. Barrow Mr. George Andrew Binnew Mr. Norman Bartlett* Mr. B.A. Binning Mr. James R. Basche, Jr. Mr. Norman Birkenstock Mr. Valentine Basnayake Phra Bisal Sukhumvit Mrs. Frances S. Bassler Miss Barbara Bisco Mr. Douglas N. Batson';' Mr. Dean Bishop Dr. Fritz Baum Mr. Paul Bixler Mr. Erwin Baumann Miss Jnga Bjorkroth Mrs. Ralph Baumer, Jr. Mr. Otto Bjorling* Miss Louise Baumgarten Mr. J. Black* Mr. Vance M. Baumgartner Mr. Knud Rasmus Black Miss Herta Baur Mr. Michael Blackmore Mr. Donn T. Bayard Mrs. Dorothy E. Boatwright Mr. Raimon Beard Mr. J.J. Boeles* Dr. R.A. Beaver Dr. Ernest Boesch Prof. Heinz Bechert Prof. Jean Boisselier* Mr. Donald Becker Mr. H.J. Bok Mr. Peter James Bee* Mr. Boonchuay Srisavasdi Mrs. Konrad Bekker Mr. Boonchuey Hiranprueck Miss Blanche Y. Belitz Dr. Boonsong Lekagul* Mr. Peter F. Bell Mr. Boonyasak Jaijongkit Mr. R. Martin Bell Prof. Boonyong Nikrodhananda* Mrs. Benchawan Sundarakul Mr. William Booth Prof. Esra Bennathan Luang Boribara Vanakhett Dr. Larry E. Benson Mrs. Marcelle B_oschan Mr. Robert Bergin Lt. Col. Jackson W. Bosley Mr. John Wolf Berkey Jr. Mr. l.D. Boulter Mr. Georgio Berlingieri Mr. Carroll G. Bowen* Mrs. Marie Marthe Berlingicri Dr. Phillip A. Bradbeer Miss Lois M. Berney Dr. William L. Bradley Mr. Robin Berrington Mr. Heinz Braendli Mr. Hans Berthel Dr. Nigel J. Brailey Mr. Albert L. Best Mrs. Betty R. Branch Mr. Prem K . Bhandari Mr. A. Brand H.R.H. Prince Bhanubandh Yugala* Mr. Kennon Breazeale* 372 LIST OF MEMBERS Mr. W.R. Brechley Miss Jacklyn A . Cahill Mr. M. Lyall Breckon Mr. John Cairncross Dr. W.S. Bristowe Mr. M.M . Cala van Mr. Jean Claude Brodbeck Mr. C.W. Callaway Jr.* Mrs. Alverna Brodecky Mr. Stuart C. Campbell Mr. Jere Broh-Kahn* Capt. Donald J. Cann Dr. John F. Brohm Mr. G.D. Carpenter* Miss Emmo R. Broisman Mr. Harry L. Carr LNang Bromdat Vedhi Mrs. E.M. Carrick Mr. P.D. Brand e~ Mr. Richard A. Carrick Mr. Bennet Bronson Mr. Phillip E. Cast Mr. Maurice Braughten Mr. Peter Ca vaye Mrs. Charlotte Brown Mr. Chai Ruangsilp Mrs. Lorna M. Brown Mr. Chai Sirisingh Mr. Ian George Brown Mom Rachawong Chakratong Tongyai Mr. Michael Brown Dr. James A. Chalmers Dr. Styart Brawn Mr. Chalerm Tongsripong Mr. R. Bruce Mr. Chalerm Yongboonkird Mr. Willi Brugger H.R.H. Prince Chalermbol Yugala* Mr. Viggo Brun Lt. Gen. Chalermchai Charuvastr Mr. Eugene Bruns Rear-Admiral Chalie Sindusopon Mr. Michel Bruneau Mrs. Mary Challinor Mr. Vincent Bruyns Dr. Chaloem Puranananda * Mr. Christian Bucbli Mr. Chalong Soontravanicb Mrs. L.C. Edna Bulkley* Mr. James Chamberlain Mr. Hinlock Bull, Jr. Mr. Chamikorn Puranananda* Mr. Buncbana Atthakorn* Mr. Chamni Phimphisan Dr. Bunliang Tamthai* Mrs. Chancham Bunnag Mr. Bunthin Attbakorn* M r. Albert T. Chandler Miss Mai Mai Burke Mr. David Chandler Prof. Robert Burnight Mr. Glen Chandler Dr. Alex C. Burr Mom Rachawong Chandram S. Chandra tat Mr. William Spencer Burtenshaw* Dr. Chung Jen Su Mr. John J.S. Burton Prof. K. Laurence Chang Mr. William R. Burton Mr. Chantitya Krasaesindhu Miss Busakorn Lailert Mr. James D. Chapman Mr. Noel F. Busch Police Maj. Gen. Charas Wongsarot Mom Rachawong Butri Viravaidya Mr. Robert R. Charles Mr. John W. Butt Mr. Charn C. Kanchanagom* Mr. Michael J. Bux Mr. Charoon Ruengvisesh Mr. William Cadwallader Mr. Chat Panyarachun LIST OF MEMDERS 373 Mr. Chavalit Manjikul Major Alexander W. Craig Mr. Brian G. Cheetham Mr. Dwight Cramer Mr. Anthony Cheke Mr. John H. Crearar Mr. Chet Polparsi Miss Margaret Crowley Mr. Chetana Nagavajara Mr. J.L. Culbertson* Mr. John M. Chiappe Mr. William H. Cummings* Mr. Charless Chicarelli Mr. Soo Lan Curnow Miss Lucylee Chiles Mr. Richard D. Cushman* Mr. Chin You-di Dr. George F. Dales Mr. Chitr Buabusaya* Col. Damnern Leakhakul Mr. Chitra Dansuputra* Dr. Damrong Bejrablaya* Mr. Chitti Tingsabadh Mr. Damrong Changtrakul* Mr. Chow K wanyun* Mr. Lance Dane* Dr. John J. Christian D r. Garfielo W. Danenhower lli Mr. Raymond Christinger Miss Cassandra Daniels H.R.H. Princess Chumpot of Nagasa Mr. Alan Darby Svarga Mr. Daroon Balasiri Mr. Chun Prabhavivadhana Mr. Jon Darrah Miss Cbusiri Chamaraman Dr. Philip Davidson Mr. C.A. Clarac Mr. Richard B. Davis Mr. Henry Claudot Mrs. R.M. Dav is Mr. Lucien B. Clawson Jr. Mr. Vance S. Davis Mrs. Joanne Click Mr. Walter Dean Mr. William Clifton Mr. N.L. de Bock Mr. Robert L. Climie Mrs. Rens de Boer Miss Maude Coburn Mrs. Deirdre Tanvinich Mr. Edward S. Cohen Mom Luang Dej Snidvongs* Mr. Louis A. Cohen H.E. Sir Arthur de Ia Mare Mr. Harold F. Colebaugh Mr. T.J. Delaney Mrs. Frances Colley Mr. Prank Delong Mr. J. Lin Compton Mr. Olcott H. Deming Prof. G. Condominas* Dr. Bend Dengle.r Mrs. Lucile L. Condrill Fr. Eugene Denis Mr. Robert N. Cook Jr. Mom Rachawong Devadaya Devakul Mr. F. Cookson Dr. J.L. de Vries Mr. J. Corman Mr. F.C. de Weger* Mr. Maurice Costagne Mr. Dhanit Bhumsuko Mr. Conrad P. Cotter Mr. Dharmadasa Banij* Mr. Christopher Court Dr. Ohara Sukhavachana* Mr. Frank Coward Capt. Dhavi Chandanayingyong H.E. Monsieur Gordon E. Cox Mr. T. Bennett Dickerson 314 LIST Oi7 MEi\1BERS Mr. John Dodds* Mrs. Florence E. Fader Rev. PaulS. Dodge* Mr. Frank Farner Capt. Joseph F. Doll Jr. Mr. F. Jeffery Farrell Mr. W.A.M. Doll* Mrs. Gerald W. Fauss Mr. Nicholas Dolphin Mrs. Hillary Fedderson Dr. Domnern Garden Mrs. Irene Feraldis Mrs. Nancy Dowdell Mrs. Dorothy Fickle Mr. Thomas A. Dowe Mr. David Filbeck Mr. John W. Doyle Mr. David R. Finch Mr. Svend H. Drachmann* Mrs. Patricia Finney Prof. Duangduen Pisalbutra* Mr. B. Dennis Finuf Mr. Ernest Duchamp Mr. Patrie M. Fitzgerald Prof. Duen Bunnag Dr. Gebhard Flatz Dr. Ulrich Duerr Mr. Burke Fletcher Mr. Jacques du Guerny Mrs. Chadin Flood Mr. Robert M. Duncan Mr. Harry Foglietta Mr. Dusit Banijbatana Miss Virginia Follin Mr. Michael J. Dux Mr. Ivan M. Fomtchev Mrs. Virginia Dwyre Mr. Thomas G. Fosmire Mr. William R. Eaton Mr. Brain L. Foster ::. Mrs. Elizabeth Echternacbt Mr. Jacques Fouilland Dr. Robert Edelman Mrs. Shiring Fozdar Mr. Bruce Edmands Mr. Jean Franck Mrs. John Edwards Mr. H.G. Frandsen* Mr. Henri Becke* Mrs. Richard Frankel Prof. S¢ren Egerod Mr. Dean Frasche* Mr. Robert E. Elbel Mr. James W.D. Frasche* Mrs. Fred J. Elizalde Mr. Lars Elic Fredberg Mr. G. Ellis Mr. John D. Freeman Mr. G.C. Emerson Mr. Richard Frese Miss Adela Epstein Mr. H.C. Frijlinls:* Miss Ruth M. Erlandson Mr. Walter J. Fross III Mr. Mogens Bay Esbensen Prof. Riichiro Fujiwara Dr. David E. Eskey Dr. William P. Fuller Dr. Egon A. Ettinger* Mr. Robert M. Fulton Miss Constance Ettridge Mr. Akio Funakoshi Mr. Euayporn Kerdchouay Mr. Hermann Funk Mrs. Anne Evan Mr. Louia Gabaude Mr. F.M. Ever Mr. Joseph John Gabriel Prof. H.D. Evers Rev. Chester F. Galaska Dr. R.H.B. Exell Mr. Bo Khin Maung Gale* L IST OF MEM BERS 375 Miss Ganigar Chinachote Dr. Klaus Hahl weg Dr. Ri chard Gard Prof. D.C.E. Hall Mr. Louis S. Gardner Mr. William E. Hall Dr. John Kennedy Garland Mr. Parker Hallberg Mr. John Gartner Mr. DavidS. Hallmark Prof. V/illiam Geddes Mr. James Hamff Dr. William Gedney* Mr. James W. Hamilton Dr. Rene Gelber Prof. E. John Hamlin Mr. Michel Gcrkems I-I.E. Monsieur Abdol Hossin Hamzavi Dr. H. Gerlach* Mrs. Chungnim Han Mr. Thomas W. Gething'' Mr. John Hancock Mr. John I. Getz"' H.E. Monsieur Han Lili-Wu* Mr. Hugh Gibb* Dr. Lucien M. Hank Jr.* Mr. D.J. Gibson Maj. Joe D. Hanna Miss Elizabeth Gi llespie Mr. Berthel Hansen Mr. Ronald Roy Gilliam Mr. Per Svane Hansen Mr. Henry Ginsburg Mr. Rene S. Hansen Mr. Hellmut Girardet Dr. Vagn Hansen Dr. G.A.R. Gin Mr.
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