Vision WIGOS 2040 Final Report
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Workshop on the Vision for WIGOS in 2040
Geneva, Switzerland, 18-20 October 2016
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© World Meteorological Organization, 2016
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AGENDA Executive Summary General Summary List of Participants (Appendix I) Final Programme (Appendix II) Roadmap (Appendix III)
OPENING OF THE WORKSHOP Session 1: Setting the Scene Session 2: From GOS to WIGOS; broadening the Vision Session 3: Technical, political and financial challenges, issues and opportunities Session 4: Role of WMO and other international partners Session 5: Toward an integrated “Vision for WIGOS in 2040” CLOSURE OF THE WORKSHOP
The Workshop on the Vision for WIGOS in 2040, Surface-based perspective was held at the WMO Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, from 18 to 20 October 2016. The workshop was co-chaired by Dr S. Barrell and Prof Dr B. Calpini, Co-chairs/ICG-WIGOS). The co-chairs welcomed the participants to the workshop.
The summary (wrap-up) of the presentations and the follow-up discussions is summarized in Session 5; the Roadmap (Action Plan) is listed in the Appendix III.
OPENING OF THE WORKSHOP The Workshop on the Vision for WIGOS in 2040, Surface-based perspective, was held at the WMO Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, from 18 to 20 October 2016. The workshop was co- chaired by Dr S. Barrell and Prof Dr B. Calpini, co-chairs/ICG-WIGOS, who welcomed the participants to the workshop. On behalf of the Secretary-General of WMO, Mr P. Shi, Director in charge of the Observing and Information Systems (OBS) Department, opened the workshop and welcomed the participants to Geneva. He recalled that EC-66 had requested CBS to take the lead in developing a Vision for WIGOS in 2040, which will include a “Vision for the WIGOS component observing systems in 2040” for its submission to Cg-18 in 2019. He mentioned that an important input to the meeting, a preliminary draft “Vision for the WIGOS Surface-Based Observing Components in 2040" developed at the IPET-OSDE Workshop in Offenbach, Germany, 23-25 August 2016, would be reviewed against the broader development trends to be discussed at the workshop. Based on it, the Workshop will provide its guidance on the future work toward integrating this draft and the draft “Vision for WIGOS/Surface in 2040” into one coherent “Vision for WIGOS in 2040”.
SESSION 1: SETTING THE SCENE Why a WMO “Vision for WIGOS in 2040”?; Objectives of the workshops (S. Barrell and B. Calpini, Workshop Co-chairs) The “Vision” will be used as reference for WMO Members and other service providers. It is meant to inform decisions made by satellite agencies, for most of whom 2025 is a too short horizon; therefore it should reflect the expected status in 2040 - to define accordingly satellites priorities; on the other hand, 2040 is arguably too far away for the surface-based components, and for this part of the vision the trends should be considered. The “Vision” will set a framework for future systems deployment, development and integration; it may impact on the future WMO structure. Prior to this Workshop, two draft vision documents had been prepared: the space-based vision, which is more advanced and the surface-based vision in early stages. However, the goal is to develop one coherent WIGOS Vision document, representing an integrated approach to the future system planning and support for service delivery. The WMO Rolling Review of Requirements and the role of the Vision (J. Dibbern) The RRR process was presented in the context of the Vision for WIGOS; the importance of such a long-term Vision was underlined. During the discussion, the need for truly visionary thinking involving and from a broad community (not only NMHS) perspective was stressed. Questions, such as “How will WMO look like in 2040”?; “What will be the role and importance of “third party” observations”?; “How will WMO relate with partners”? and issues regarding data-sharing, partnerships, etc. should be addressed in the Vision. It was noted that the Vision is very useful guidance for the Members, and especially for the NMHSs, to use in their planning of observing system development. In order for the Vision to best serve this purpose, it must treat WIGOS in a holistic manner rather than considering the space and surface components separately. Draft Vision for WIGOS/Space in 2040 (S. Bojinski, T. Kurino) A presentation on the background and the main drivers of the new space vision was delivered. It was mentioned that the Vision should not be revolutionary, but should be an evolution of the current Vision for the GOS in 2025. In the follow-up discussion, it was noted that an integrated vision for how the space and surface observing components should evolve together was missing from the current draft. This integration aspect is also missing in the case of OSCAR, where the Space and Surface components have evolved separately into two distinct system components; therefore some level of integration of the two, including in order to support gap analysis, was recognized by the Workshop. Draft Vision for WIGOS/Surface in 2040 (F. Grooters, J. Eyre) The workshop was briefed on the outcome of a CBS-led drafting workshop held in Offenbach in August 2017. This had led to the development of a Draft Vision for WIGOS/Surface 2040. GENERAL SUMMARY It was noted that an important purpose of the Vision is to provide guidance to Members on the development of their national observing systems. The Vision should clearly articulate the applications areas that it covers and the related services that are supported; this is necessary in order to identify which types of observations are needed to address requirements for services. Keynote: Requirements for meteorology and hydrology in 2040; Weather prediction, climate change, megacities, air pollution, population growth, food security, SDGs; (S. Barrell and L. P. Riishojgaard) A possible global context for WIGOS in 2040 was cast in terms of nine so-called global megatrends that may help define some of the main challenges of the global society. While they are highly interrelated, these megatrends can broadly be grouped into three sets, reflecting changes in the status and expectations of individuals, changes in the global economy and changes in the physical environment, respectively. Based on this view of the future, some implications for NMHSs could be identified. Among the key factors that would drive the NMHS observing programs in 2040 are: a) climate change; b) increased needs for specialized meteorological services in highly urbanized areas; and c) influence of the private sector. One may reasonably expect that the demand for meteorological products and services will continue to grow, and that it will therefore be much higher in 2040 than it is now. On the other hand, it is considered unlikely that NMHSs will be able to maintain a near-monopoly on the provision of meteorological observations, products and services; in contrast, a stronger role for the private sector is likely. It will be necessary to sort out issues regarding ownership and data exchange for observational data in particular. If the current WMO paradigm of the provision of meteorological services as a “public good” is to be maintained, a continued strong government role will be needed in areas such as responsibility for watches and warnings, official records on forensic weather, climate monitoring, and policy-level guidance on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Therefore, a clear vision from WMO on these issues is urgently needed. Keynote: The Future of Environmental Measurements (B. Calpini) A CIMO vision for environmental measurements to support continued improvement in the quality of meteorological products and services was presented. The key elements of this vision are outlined below: Members will strive to obtain fit-for-purpose environmental measurements through appropriate standards and observing technologies. WMO will be used as the reference source of information on suitability of measurements for specific environmental intelligence (applications). Both users and data providers will understand the importance of the measurement process in the environmental information chain. Users and providers are committed to traceability of ECV measurements. The quality and utility of emerging measurements is documented in the CIMO Guide and reference material.
Keynote: New technology trends: Systems of opportunity, miniaturization and commoditization, mass-deployment, third party information and data partnerships (J. Pica)
Among the trends noted in the presentation from the US National Weather Service were: Growing recognition of sensitivity of business performance to weather Increased cost of disaster damage, estimated to impact 1/3 of U.S. GDP Significant unmet user needs for improved weather predictions (accuracy and lead times) and decision support, e.g.: o Hyperlocal nowcasts o Greater lead time for mesocale forecasts o Seasonal and longer timescale forecasts Building “weather ready” nations will change the way we work and change the nature of our products. It will require GENERAL SUMMARY Becoming more oriented toward Earth System Sciences (atmosphere, ocean, land, cryosphere) Collaborating with social science - to ensure message delivered = message received for desired outcomes (e.g. How to describe and display “storm surge?”) Understanding decision makers and their “shifting risk preferences” before/during/after an event Connecting observations/forecasts/warnings to “Key Decision Points” in all service areas
Solutions may involve Internet of Things, robotics and automation are addressing current gaps in weather data collection, potentially at lower cost. Supercomputing, big data and machine learning are enabling unprecedented data assimilation to weather forecasts and models. Analytics and big data are combining vast amounts of weather, business and operational data for better decision-making. Cloud, mobile computing, improved visualization, smart devices, and more focus on ‘user experience’ are making weather data easier to access and digest, often at lower cost. Miniaturization trends have the potential to lower observation costs
SESSION 2: FROM GOS TO WIGOS; BROADENING THE VISION The Global Observing System and the evolving requirements for Numerical Weather Prediction and Reanalysis (E. Källén) ECMWF’s primary role is to develop a capability for medium-range weather forecasting and to provide such weather forecasts to the Member and Co-operating States. ECMWF is complementary to the National Meteorological Services and works with them in research, numerical weather predictions, supercomputing and training. ECMWF strategic 2016-2025 goals are as follows: i) High impact weather two weeks ahead; ii) Regime transitions four weeks ahead; iii) Global scale anomalies one year ahead; iv) Earth System Observations; Ocean-atmosphere coupled assimilation showing potential; v) Microwave radiances primary observation source; and vi) Better use of conventional observations. The target by 2025 is a seamless approach, aiming towards predictions of large scale patterns and regime transitions up to four weeks ahead and global-scale anomalies up to a year ahead. The Global Atmosphere Watch in WIGOS (J. Klausen) The GAW programme and its implementation plan (2016-2023) were presented briefly. GAW is a research programme that involves many elements from high quality observations to development and delivery of the new products and services. The portfolio of the products and services will be developed by a new Scientific Advisory Group on Applications. The vision for the next decade of GAW is to grow an international network of high-quality atmospheric observations across the local to global scale to drive high quality and impact science while co-producing a new generation of research enabled products and services. WMO Hydrological Observing System in WIGOS (S. Pecora) A WMO Hydrological Observing System (WHOS) was briefly presented as a way to provide a hydrological contribution to the WIGOS vision of “an integrated, comprehensive, and coordinated system which is comprised of the present WMO global observing systems.” WHOS is conceived as a portal to facilitate access to already available on-line real-time and historical data, drawing from the water information systems of those countries around the world that are making their data freely and openly available. The importance of hydrological data, their sharing and integration under WIGOS were stressed, specifically for climate monitoring. This should be reflected in the Vision with a focus on those application areas where the Members have a common interest in sharing data and where the political obstacles may be surmountable, e.g. flood forecasting. Ocean observing system requirements (E. Charpentier) Currently JCOMM is responding to GCOS Implementation Targets for the Ocean domain as stated in GCOS 2010 Implementation Plan. The global ocean observing system, in situ observing component, is evolving to make best use of lessons learned, evolving user requirements, new technologies, and to better complement GENERAL SUMMARY satellite data. New observing system design initiatives, such as TPOS 2020, are examples for future evolutions of global ocean observing system. TPOS 2020 is a good example of how to design the vision integrating various technologies; it may help guide the balance of investments in the space versus the surface components of the overall system. WMO should encourage stronger engagement of NMHSs in the implementation of the global ocean observing system in response to climate requirements, and marine services. The Global Cryosphere Watch and observational data requirements in 2040 (B. Goodison) The GCW Mission was presented as follows: “GCW will provide authoritative, understandable, and useable data, information, and analyses on the past, current and future state of the cryosphere to meet the needs of WMO Members and partners in delivering services to users, the media, public, decision and policy.” A robust and sustained surface and space-based observing system is essential for GCW to achieve its mission. Cryosphere observation and monitoring will be a key element of “environmental observing” that will serve a multitude of user communities. There are many challenges in implementing GCW and meeting future visions. GCW is interdisciplinary and cross-cutting - national, regional and global in scope, addresses all time scales; it requires collaboration among government, academia, private sector.
GCOS - ECV requirements now and in the future (C. Richter, GCOS Secretariat and T. Oakley) A presentation on the GCOS requirements and the recently developed GCOS Implementation Plan (GCOS IP) was provided. It was noted that the GCOS requirements are structured around the concept of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). It was further noted that many of the actions listed in the new GCOS IP are related to CBS activities; GCOS IP actions of a strategic nature should be mentioned in the WIGOS vision and GCOS observational data requirements should be also inserted into OSCAR/Requirements database. The GFCS observation and monitoring pillar (V. Grasso) A generic presentation of the Global Framework for Climate Services was provided. During the subsequent discussion, several comments were made, such as: What are the views on the future of GFCS? How can WIGOS and GFCS work together more effectively? A strategic approach to WIGOS has been missing in the GFCS implementation; a stronger link is needed between GFCS, GCOS and WIGOS. Ad hoc collaboration is not enough. It was also noted that the GFCS observational data requirements should be included in the RRR Requirements database. GCOS has developed a proposal for draft requirements for GFCS; however, no feedback has been provided by the GFCS community. NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations – CMA (Ch. Pei) In the presentation, it was shown that many principles and aspects of WIGOS are already being implemented or at least considered by CMA. It was noted that guidance on how they may be translated into actions to be taken at the national level should be included in the Vision. NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations in 2040 – US (K. Schrab) The plans of the US National Weather Service up to the year 2030 was presented, and it was noted that they are very well aligned with the spirit of WIGOS, even though they rely on national proprietary tools and databases rather than exclusively on OSCAR. NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations – Australia (K. Monnik) Current trends, technical, scientific and financial, in observing system development and management were presented. Some examples of partnerships, the inherent challenges and opportunities and possible approaches for the future were also presented. NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations – DWD (J. Dibbern) A brief overview of the DWD framework concept of the future development of the observing system was presented. The continued trend toward automation was noted. GENERAL SUMMARY NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations – Met Office (S. Gilbert) The overview of the trends, directions and challenges for NMHSs in 2040 was given. It was noted that more attention should be given to monitoring of urban environments.
SESSION 3: TECHNICAL, POLITICAL AND FINANCIAL CHALLENGES, ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES The WMO Information System; trends in telecommunication and dissemination of information (D. Thomas) A presentation on the status of the WMO Information System, its new functionality and information management was provided. Further, drivers and challenges for WIS 2.0 were discussed. It was stressed that the Vision for WIGOS in 2040 is an important guidance document for the future development of WIS. On the other hand, consideration about the future WIGOS should build on current and expected WIS achievements rather than trying to invent a completely new IT solution. Data policy issues – are we still sharing data freely and openly in 2040? (L. P. Riishojgaard) It was noted that the current WMO model, based on relatively free and open data sharing between NMHSs and restricted access to observational data for the rest of the world, is under immense pressure. Three primary factors play into this are: 1) Value of meteorological data; 2) Increasing demand for weather and climate information combined with stagnant or declining state of parts of the Global Observing System; and 3) Democratization - automation, miniaturization, and commoditization of observing technologies. WMO as an organization is built around the idea of data sharing; weather forecasting and climate monitoring is impossible without it. There is considerable pressure to change the current model of WMO data sharing. A vision for WIGOS must include a vision for the role of data sharing within WIGOS, and should address public-private relationships and relationships between NMHSs and national partners.
Integration of non-NMHSs data in NMHS operations (J. Fisler) A presentation was given on integration of partner data into the MeteoSwiss Data WareHouse and its different aspects, such as quality control, user restrictions, and certification process. Closer collaboration among governmental organizations concerning storing, analysing and visualizing environmental data (federal data warehouses) and open data access for environmental data (worldwide) were highlighted as well. Integration of non-NMHSs data in NMHS operations (S. Barrell/K. Monnik) Experiences with, and approaches to integration of non-NMHSs data in BoM operations were presented. A concept of Australian Ocean Observing Partnership (AOOP) with draft objectives and principles was presented in more detail way as a specific example. World Bank perspective – why, where and how to invest in meteorological observations in the developing world (D. Kull, World Bank) The guiding principles for investment, lessons learned, and technical specification initiative were presented. In the follow-up discussion some issues were raised, such as sustainability of the observing system/network implemented by the project; World Bank policy that does not allow to fund operations, it can be just capital investment. Changing the business model or long-term twinning would be the solution, when it starts before applying to the World Bank for investment. Although the World Bank historically has not imposed such a requirement, it was noted that international data exchange could be considered as a standard requirement for any observing system developed and installed under its funding. Trends and opportunities in surface-based remote sensing – a few thoughts (V. Lehmann) Mandatory requirements for the use of remote-sensing observing systems in operational networks, physical constrains for remote sensing, and some other thoughts were presented.
SESSION 4: ROLE OF WMO AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS WMO Strategy 2017-2023 (Prof P. Taalas, SG/WMO Secretariat) GENERAL SUMMARY Global, regional and national change drivers for this WMO strategy were discussed together with WMO Members stakeholder’s survey and Staff satisfaction survey outcomes. In 2040, climate and DRR will still be highly relevant priority areas; the question is who will be making the necessary observations to support the relevant services? WMO Members have to be active in defending their budgets for this purpose; however, at the same time we should investigate other potential sources of observational data. WMO should continue its role as a standard-setting organization and be ready to work with the public and private sector building on open data policy. WMO must be more action oriented. We need to communicate our relevance in a much better way, especially to the policy makers. The political visibility of the WMO must be improved. The respective roles of space and surface in WIGOS (L. P. Riishojgaard) The meaning of the word “integration” in the context of WIGOS was discussed. It is integration across organisational boundaries (e.g. between NMHS-owned and third-party data); integration across application areas (“One measurement, many uses”); integration across platforms and systems (complementarity of surface- and space-based data); integration in the design phase (holistic approach to design of WIGOS; space components designed taking into account plans for surface components, and vice versa). Some details were provided on commonality and complementarity of space- and surface-based observing components. A complementary role of the surface- and space-based systems means that the future evolution of the two should be planned together; space-based provides global coverage, whereas the surface-based systems provide better accuracy for certain parameters. Surface-based observing systems currently evolve much more rapidly than space-based, and largely in uncontrolled (and uncontrollable) fashion; this makes planning difficult. Optimal response to this rapidly evolving scenario will require unprecedented agility in implementation.
SESSION 5: TOWARD AN INTEGRATED “VISION FOR WIGOS IN 2040” Role of the Vision for WIGOS in 2040 revisited (S. Barrell, B. Calpini) S. Barrell presented a wrap-up of the presentations and follow-up discussions. Key points presented and discussed were: 1) What kind of Vision do we want? • The existing draft 2040 Vision documents developed by space and surface communities are largely linear extensions based on predictable advances in technology; is this the kind of vision we want? • It is difficult, and perhaps unnecessary, to be specific about technologies in 2040 timeframe; an important reference for the Vision is how society will evolve, what are the services it will need, and what are the implications for WIGOS; • The long-standing WMO paradigm that more and better observations will lead to better services, better lives and increased prosperity is challenged; there is a need to ensure that a genuine end-to-end user-driven approach is taken not just to observing system development but to all links in the WMO value chain; 2) WMO in 2040 • Many issues discussed pertain to WMO as a whole rather than to WIGOS specifically; should there be “Vision for WMO in 2025/2030/2040”? • Do we relate the WIGOS vision to the organizational framework (as it currently exists) or not? • Do we need to include material about data policy, data sharing and relationships between various entities in the Vision? • Value chain – no intrinsic value for data/forecasts unless used to make decisions; 3) WIGOS components • GAW - relationship between NMHSs and external partners need to be articulated in the Vision • GCW - relationship between NMHSs and external partners need to be articulated in the Vision: cross-cutting collaboration; balance between space & surface observations depends on scale and specificity; • Hydrology: GENERAL SUMMARY • Focus on areas where requirements for data sharing might get support (e.g. flood forecasting)?; • Use the GCOS & COP as a framework to push for data sharing also in other areas? • GCOS: by 2040, all IP actions should be addressed and all needs ECV-driven networks functional at global scale; 4) National perspectives • US is moving cautiously toward commercial data provider while fulfilling responsibilities for international data exchange; • Australia will purchase data from specialized networks where cost-effective (lightning example) but on the condition that they can be shared with external partners; BoM will work in partnership with federal and state governments; • Germany – DWD observing systems will all be fully automated by 2020; DWD strategy builds on the Vision in 2025 and the EGOS-IP; • UK – government funding will continue to decrease, so we have to act and plan accordingly; • 5) Other thoughts • Tiered network paradigm may be useful for framing the respective roles of NMHSs and other public and private entities; • Fit-for-purpose concept applies to measurements as well as other aspects of WIGOS such as communications and data management; • WIS – still not an open system, but policy rather than technology may be the limiting factor; WIS is critical to success of WIGOS; • World Bank – socioeconomic benefits of NMHSs are substantial; investments needed end to end – not just observations but all the way to service delivery; WB works at national level, regional/sub-regional coordination done by others; twinning arrangements can help regarding sustainability; • 6) Themes to pick up in WIGOS Vision 2040 • Audience – NMHSs, partners (public, private); • Communicate essential complementarity of space and surface (balance between space and surface depends on scale and specific need); • Communication in general – what/why/how WIGOS Vision; • Sense of excitement and opportunity to attract next generation of experts; • The Vision should be challenging, stretch targets, but achievable; • Fit-for-purpose measurement and management (appropriate use of modern opportunities such as crowd-sourcing); • Build partnerships; • Integration – what it means (and what it does not mean); • Open data, sharing data (Value increases with use; Shared data = increased benefits; Two-way sharing – essential for partnership, no barriers); • Use individual components of WIGOS to strengthen others (e.g. GCOS to promote sharing water data) • One OSCAR for all of WIGOS; • Reflect WIGOS 'integration' across of aspects of weather, climate, and water services; • Cross-cutting collaboration; • "Super/reference" sites; • WIS as essential complement to WIGOS; • Need for guidance of translating the Vision to national plans; • Discoverability of all types of data, from all contributors; • Key to accommodating non-NMHS data GENERAL SUMMARY • Radiofrequency spectrum issues: Critical requirements for core monitoring and service needs • Security: not just an ICT issue, but a network resilience issue • Focus on observations/measurements and needs, and leave ICT solutions to ICT specialists
7) One WIGOS 2040 Vision The session agreed that 'WIGOS 2040 Vision' cannot/should not be prescriptive, but that it should set the scene and direction for WIGOS to evolve and respond at all levels. It should focus more on needs than solutions, and set challenging high level goals. An overall approach and for developing an integrated Vision for WIGOS in 2040 was agreed, with a main vision document of approximately 10 pages and supporting annexes. The following overall structure of the Vision was proposed: 1. Themes, needs, environment scan. 2. Drivers, directions, dependencies. 3. Trends and possibilities. 4. Aspirations. 5. Integration and complementarity of surface and space. 6. Common elements. 7. Specific space and surface elements. Annexes: Details on space and surface observing components vision. The leads for the drafting of sections 1.-5. are S. Barrell, J. Pica, and B. Calpini, supported by L. P. Riishojgaard. The further development of sections 6., 7. and Annexes is under the responsibility of the original drafting teams. J. Klausen suggested to include the following elements in the introduction: Vision: Future state and status of a system or organization with long-term perspective WMO and NMHSs are recognized as the global and national references for observations underpinning and enabling services of others! --> recognizing the role of private and commercial players Maps of observing systems do not allow to make out political boundaries --> recognizing the transboundary nature of weather and climate and the need for capacity Regardless of discipline, data from observations and models are obtained following the same approach towards QA/QC and are interoperable --> recognizing the need of transparency and traceability, and exchange of information
Next steps; work plan for developing the integrated “Vision for WIGOS in 2040” (E. Charpentier and L.P. Riishojgaard) The discussion on the next steps (Roadmap) and Action plan is summarized in Appendix III.
CLOSURE OF THE WORKSHOP The workshop closed on Thursday, 20 October 2016, at 15:00 hours. ______Appendix I
S. Barrell (Co-chair) Australia BOM [email protected] B. Calpini (Co-chair) Switzerland [email protected] J. Dibbern Germany [email protected] J. Eyre UK [email protected] F. Grooters Netherlands [email protected] J. Klausen Switzerland [email protected] S. Pecora Italy [email protected] B. Goodison Canada [email protected] E. Källén ECMFW (UK) [email protected] K. Monnik Australia BOM [email protected] S. Gilbert UK [email protected] J. Pica USA (NOAA) [email protected] K. Schrab USA [email protected] Ch. PEI China [email protected] V. Lehmann Germany volker.lehmann J. Fisler Switzerland [email protected] D. Kull World Bank [email protected]
WMO SECRETARIAT Prof P. Taalas, SG Dr W. Zhang, ASG [email protected] C. Richter, D/GCOS [email protected] P. SHI, D/WIS [email protected] L. P. Riishojgaard, WIGOS Project Manager [email protected] I. Zahumensky [email protected] L. F. Nunes [email protected] T. Proescholdt [email protected] E. Charpentier [email protected] I. Ruedi [email protected] K. Premec [email protected] D. Lockett [email protected] R. Nitu [email protected] T. Kurino [email protected] S. Bojinski [email protected] D. Thomas [email protected] C. Tassone [email protected] K. Hill, Ph.D. kh [email protected] T. Oakley [email protected] Appendix II
Appendix II Workshop on the Vision for WIGOS in 2040 Surface-based perspective (Geneva, Switzerland, 18-20 October) Final Programme Date and Presentations and discussion Time 9:00 Opening remarks (P. Shi, WMO Secretariat) Session 1: Setting the Scene 9:15 Why a WMO “Vision for WIGOS in 2040”?; Objectives of the workshops (S. Barrell and B. Calpini, Workshop Co-chairs) 9:30 The WMO Rolling Review of Requirements and the role of the Vision (J. Dibbern)
09:45 Draft Vision for WIGOS/Space in 2040 (S. Bojinski, WMO Secretariat) 18. 10. 10:15 Coffee break 9:00-12:45 10:45 Draft Vision for WIGOS/Surface in 2040 (F. Grooters, J. Eyre) 11:15 Keynote: Requirements for meteorology and hydrology in 2040; Weather prediction, climate change, megacities, air pollution, population growth, food security, SDGs; (Sue Barrell and L. P. Riishojgaard) 11:45 Keynote: The Future of Environmental Measurements (B. Calpini) 12:15 Keynote: New technology trends: Systems of opportunity, miniaturization and commoditization, mass-deployment, third party information and data partnerships (J. Pica) Session 2: From GOS to WIGOS; broadening the Vision 14:00 The Global Observing System and the evolving requirements for Numerical Weather Prediction and Reanalysis (E. Källén) 14:30 The Global Atmosphere Watch in WIGOS (J. Klausen)
18. 10. 15:00 WMO Hydrological Observing System in WIGOS (S. Pecora) 14:00- 17:30 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 Ocean observing system requirements (E. Charpentier, WMO Secretariat) 16:30 The Global Cryosphere Watch and observational data requirements in 2040 (B. Goodison) 17:00 Discussion; Wrap-up of Day 1. 19. 10. 9:00 GCOS - ECV requirements now and in the future (C. Richter, GCOS 9:00-12:30 Secretariat and T. Oakley) 9:30 The GFCS observation and monitoring pillar (V. Grasso, WMO Secretariat) 10:00 NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations (Ch. Pei) 10.20 Coffee break 10:40 NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations in 2040 (K. Schrab) 11:00 NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations (K. Monnik) 11:20 NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of observations (J. Dibbern) 11:40 NMHS perspective; trends in acquisition, use and management of Appendix II
observations (S. Gilbert) 12:00 Discussion; wrap-up of Session 2 Session 3: Technical, political and financial challenges, issues and opportunities 14:00 The WMO Information System; trends in telecommunication and dissemination of information (D. Thomas, WMO Secretariat) 14:30 Data policy issues – are we still sharing data freely and openly in 2040? (L. P. Riishojgaard) 19. 10. 14:00- 15:00 Integration of non-NMHSs data in NMHS operations (J. Fisler) 17:00 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 Integration of non-NMHSs data in NMHS operations (S. Barrell/K. Monnik) 16:30 World Bank perspective – why, where and how to invest in meteorological observations in the developing world (D. Kull, World Bank) 17:00 Trends and opportunities in surface-based remote sensing – a few thoughts (V. Lehmann)
Session 4: Role of WMO and other international partners 9:00 WMO Strategy 2017-2023 (Prof P. Taalas, SG/WMO Secretariat) 10:00 The respective roles of space and surface in WIGOS (L. P. Riishojgaard)
20. 10. 10:30 Discussion 9:00-12:30 11.30 Coffee break Session 5: Toward an integrated “Vision for WIGOS in 2040” 11:45 Role of the Vision for WIGOS in 2040 revisited (S. Barrell, B. Calpini) 12:00 Discussion 14:00 Next steps; work plan for developing the integrated “Vision for WIGOS in 20. 10. 2040” (E. Charpentier and L.P. Riishojgaard) 14:00- 15:00 Discussion; Recommendations, next steps 16:00 16:00 Closure of the workshop
______Appendix III
Appendix III
No Task/Activity Dead Responsible Comment . line/ even t 1. Present the both Visions at CBS-16 as the INF docs CBS- PM/WIGOS 16 (Nov 2016) 2. Drafting the Vision and further elaboration the space and Dec S. Barrell (sections 1.-5.); surface visions (without Annexes) 16 chair, ET-SAT (sections 6., 7.-space); chair, IPET-OSDE (sections 6., 7.-surface part) 3. Review the draft (sections 1.-7., without annexes) and the ICG- PM/WIGOS, co-chairs, ICG-WIGOS work plan WIGO Draft the list of stakeholders for consultation and list of S-6 events for presentation of the Vision1 (Jan 2017) 4. Complete surface- and space- annexes April chair, ET-SAT (space part); chair, IPET-OSDE 2017 (surface part) 5. Submit the draft Vision to EC for further guidance EC- PM/WIGOS Organize the Vision Site event 69 (May 2017) 6. Compile the first full draft June PM/WIGOS; co-chairs, ICG-WIGOS Develop a core set of Vision slides for a consultation 2017 process Start the consultation process with stakeholders 7. Submit the Vision for consideration and ICG- PM/WIGOS guidance/recommendations for final elaboration WIGO S-7 (Jan 2018) 8. Submit the Vision for consideration and EC- PM/WIGOS guidance/recommendations for its finalization 70
1 All participants are encouraged to propose appropriate events/meetings where the Vision should be presented for the consultation process (see the List of events in the Annex to the Roadmap). Appendix III
9. Submit the Vision for consideration CBS- PM/WIGOS Ext. (2018 ) 10. Submit for approval by ICG-WIGOS-8 ICG- PM/WIGOS WIGO S-8 (Jan 2019) 11. Submit for approval by Cg-18 Cg- PM/WIGOS 18 ______Appendix III
List of events for the consultation process with stakeholders
No. Event Dates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.