r-- Not to be cited without prior reference to theauUlOrs I CES Annual Science Conference 1998 CM I 9981M:35 Cephalopods in the diet of marine mammals stranded or incidentally caught along Southeast and Southern Brazil(21° to 34 OS). Roberta Aguiar dos Santos' and Manuel Haimovid IPos-graduac;ao Oceanografja Biologica, E·nlHi!:
[email protected] 2 Depto, Oceanografia, E-mail:
[email protected] Departamento de Ocenaografia, FURG, Cx.P. 474 Rio Grande, RS - Brazil, 96201-900 Abstract Cephalopod remaius in 286 stomach contents of 13 species of odontocetes and four pinnipeds were identified and measured. TIle stomachs were collected from stranded or incidcntally caught marine malUmals frolU Rio de Janeiro to Pararui states (21° to 26 'S) and Rio Grande do Sui (29' to 34°S), between 1985 and 1998, A total of3233 upper beaks, 3521 lower beaks and remains of 55 whole animals were found and 25 species of 16 families of cephalopods were identified. Loliginid squids were Ule most frcquent cephalopod found in the diet of the dolphins Lagenodelphis hosei, Po/Uoporia blainvillei, Sola/ia jluviatilis. Stenella frontalis, Siena bredanensis and Tursiops truncatus and the fur seals Arclocephalus auslralis, A. gazzella and A. Iropicalis. Loligo sanpaulensis was mainly found in those specimcns collected in Rio Grande do Sui, whilst Loligo plei and Lolliguncula breVis, besides L sanpnulensis, were frequent in Ulose from Rio de Janeiro to Paran{1. Oegopsids squids of the families Chiroteuthidae, Cranchiidae, Enoploteuthidae, HistiOleuthidae, Lycotcuthidae, Octopoteuthidae, Onychotcuthidae and especially Ommastrephidae were found in the stomach contents of Feresa attenuata, Globicephala melas, Kogia breviceps.