Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs and Organized Crime
Klaus von Lampe and Arjan Blokland Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs and Organized Crime ABSTRACT Outlaw motorcycle clubs have spread across the globe. Their members have been associated with serious crime, and law enforcement often perceives them to be a form of organized crime. Outlaw bikers are disproportionately engaged in crime, but the role of the club itself in these crimes remains unclear. Three scenarios describe possible relations between clubs and the crimes of their members. In the “bad apple” scenario, members individually engage in crime; club membership may offer advantages in enabling and facilitating offending. In the “club within a club” scenario, members engage in crimes separate from the club, but because of the number of members involved, including high-ranking members, the club itself appears to be taking part. The club can be said to function as a criminal organization only when the formal organizational chain of command takes part in organization of the crime, lower level members regard senior members’ leadership in the crime as legitimate, and the crime is generally understood as “club business.” All three scenarios may play out simultaneously within one club with regard to different crimes. Fact and fiction interweave concerning the origins, evolution, and prac- tices of outlaw motorcycle clubs. What Mario Puzo’s (1969) acclaimed novel The Godfather and Francis Ford Coppola’s follow-up film trilogy did for public and mafiosi perceptions of the mafia, Hunter S. Thompson’s Electronically published June 3, 2020 Klaus von Lampe is professor of criminology at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Arjan Blokland is professor of criminology and criminal justice at Leiden University, Obel Foundation visiting professor at Aalborg University, and senior researcher at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement.
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