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Faculty of Education s1

APPENDIX 7: Remote Professional Practice Policy AY 2014/15

Remote Professional Practice Policy Policy & Guidance for Remote Travel & Accommodation 2014/2015

(This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Remote Professional Practice Travel Contribution Claim Form)

The policy covers accommodation in the following circumstances:

 Professional Practice in schools and settings;  Educational visits organised by Edge Hill University, which are an integral part of the programme / course.

On occasions, Edge Hill University provides trainees with Professional Practice which may be geographically diverse but which provide trainees with excellent training opportunities that contribute to an outstanding training experience. Edge Hill University classes these as ‘Remote Professional Practices’. In these circumstances it will be necessary for the trainee to live in temporary accommodation and Edge Hill University will either:

 Arrange accommodation for the trainee and pay directly for the accommodation.

Or, in exceptional circumstances

 Allow a trainee to seek their own accommodation providing the establishment is able to directly invoice Edge Hill University.

This policy does not apply to:

 Trainees who undertake a Professional Practice near their home.

Trainees are alerted AT INTERVIEW about the possibility of being placed remotely. Individual circumstances will be noted if trainees indicate they are unable to undertake a remote Professional Practice for genuine reasons. Accommodation

The Edge Hill University ITT Professional Support Team will book suitable accommodation for the duration of your remote Professional Practice. The following criteria are to be met:

 Desk and Chair in room  Wireless Internet  Laundry Service – on site or close by.  Breakfast and if possible evening meals (if evening meals are not provided you are able to claim subsistence contribution allowance)


 Self Catering Facilities (If self catering you are able to claim subsistence contribution allowance)  Payable via invoice and no deposits (The invoices will be settled 30 days from the invoice date, provided we are in receipt of a correctly rendered invoice)  Cost per night for a single room (en suite) is set at a maximum of £70 (including breakfast and evening meal), this payment amount can be increased to a maximum of £120 per night (including breakfast and evening meal) for accommodation booked in the southern area of the country. This increase for southern accommodation is to reflect the increased hotel rates.

Please note: Edge Hill University does not pay for any drinks/bar bills, claimants have to cover these expenses themselves.

Trainees will be responsible for supplying a damage deposit to their accommodation provider, if required. Applicable expenses incurred can be reimbursed on completion of the remote Professional Practice Travel Contribution Claim Form.

If you have any special dietary requirements you must speak directly to the owner upon arrival.

If for some reason you do not arrive on the expected date please contact the arranged accommodation to let them know you will not be arriving and when you expect to arrive, please also contact the ITT Professional Support Team and ensure that they know.

If you have any issues/concerns with any part of your accommodation please try to resolve this with the manager of the establishment in the first instance.

N.B. If a trainee chooses to stay at alternative accommodation other than that designated by Edge Hill University, the trainee will incur the full costs.

Page 2 of 10 Remote Professional Practice Policy Faculty of Education August 2014 Trainees must inform the ITT Professional Support Team as soon as possible in relation to any changes/cancellation needed to accommodation bookings, failure to do so is likely to mean that the trainee will be required to pay any fees incurred due to non-attendance.

Under no circumstances can trainees make amendments to bookings made by Edge Hill University.

Accommodation sourced by trainee In the extenuating circumstances, and upon prior approval, a trainee is able to relocate, source their own accommodation and claim back up to a set tariff; this will not be reimbursed unless the following criteria are met:

- Approval from the Head of ITT Partnership is obtained prior to the Professional Practice commencing - A copy of this approval will be included with all relevant claims - The Professional Practice is considered as being remote

If a trainee sources their own accommodation, Edge Hill University accepts no responsibility for the quality of this accommodation or the facilities contained within it. Any issues or changes to an approved accommodation funding request will not be compensated by Edge Hill University and will be the responsibility of the trainee.

Subsistence Contribution Allowance For trainees staying in some designated accommodation, a subsistence contribution allowance can be claimed to help with the cost of food and drink.

The following allowances may be claimed:

If breakfast and evening meal are provided: Nil allowance can be claimed If self catering: Max £7.00 per day can be claimed If breakfast only is provided: Max £5.00 a day can be claimed (towards evening meals)

One standard laundry load per week will be paid for by Edge Hill University. Where the accommodation provides this service it can not exceed a maximum of £7 per load per week . Where the accommodation does not provide laundry facilities, expenses will be reimbursed for laundry at a maximum cost of £7 per load per week.

Edge Hill University cannot accept responsibility for loss/damage to personal belongings (including all digital forms of communication: laptop computers, tablets, smart phones, etc). Trainees are advised to take out adequate insurance cover for items such as these.

Transport Edge Hill University will cover the cost of personal/public transport to and from the accommodation. Where specific transport has to be booked, e.g. ferries to the Isle

Page 3 of 10 Remote Professional Practice Policy Faculty of Education August 2014 of Man, this will be done centrally by Edge Hill University. Flights to Ireland are to be approved prior to booking, then booked and paid for by the trainee then the cost incurred claimed back.

If a trainee chooses to use alternative transport other than that provided by Edge Hill University, the individual trainee will incur these costs.

Under no circumstances can trainees make amendments to bookings made by Edge Hill University. Trainees will be notified of exact booking details via email.

Transport claims will normally include:  One return journey at the beginning and end of each Professional Practice, dependant upon school holiday and Professional Practice dates  Normally only one return journey during the Professional Practice, where a school holiday occurs, based on the cheapest form of transport available (i.e. a foot passenger ferry ride / saver ticket on public transport).

Isle of Man

For trainees traveling to the IOM:  In most cases the University will arrange and pay for the ferries but there may be occasions when trainees are asked to arrange their own ferries and claim the money back.  Trainees are to make their own way to and from the ferry docks. Edge Hill University will not provide taxis or reimburse travel expenses for these journeys.  The University will organise Travel Insurance for trainees. Please note that the insurance is designed to cover the University for losses and cover trainees whilst on University business. It is not a substitute for personal insurance. The policy does not provide cover for incidental holiday whilst travelling, trainees’ would need to arrange their own insurance for this.

All Trainees completing a remote professional practice will be required to complete an evaluation relating to their accommodation. This will be sent out once trainees have returned from their professional practice. Acceptance of a remote placement is considered an agreement to complete this in a timely fashion once it has been received.

Page 4 of 10 Remote Professional Practice Policy Faculty of Education August 2014 Useful websites

For Local Taxi Companies – www.google.co.uk www.yell.com

For Public Transport – www.nationalrail.co.uk www.traveline.org.uk Tel - 0871 200 2233 www.stagecoachbus.com (NE Lincs) www.telford.gov.uk/info/200078/public_transport Tel-01952 200005 (Telford) www.travelinemidlands.co.uk (Coventry) www.iombusandrail.info Tel - 01624 662525 (IOM) www.northyorks.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=11074 Tel - 0845 872 7374 (Richmond) http://www.carlberry.co.uk/rfnlistr.asp?L1=LEE007&op=D&cp=1&srt= (Staffordshire) www.flintshire.gov.uk (Flintshire) www.lincsbus.info (Lincolnshire)


Please see the relevant claim form for further details.

Trainee Travel Claim Forms and Travel Request Forms are available from the Faculty of Education Information Desk. For all other transport claims, Fieldwork Claim Forms should be used. These are available from the Finance Office. Student Finances Whilst on Professional Practice you will need to think about any expenses that you will incur until you receive them back e.g. transport and decide if you can manage these costs. You can seek advice on this from the Student Services Finance Team. You can get more information on the Go Portal Wiki Site.

Please contact the Student Services Finance Team to find out opening times.

Page 5 of 10 Remote Professional Practice Policy Faculty of Education August 2014 Absence from Edge Hill University Professional Practice at a Partner School/College/Setting (where transport provided) On each day of any absence it is the trainee’s responsibility to:  Notify the school/college/setting (before 8.45am)  Notify the Faculty of Education Information Desk (01695 584790), and the Supervising/Link Tutor if they are due to visit, before 10.00am on the first day of absence. The following information will be required:

a) Name b) Year of Programme/Age Range/Subject c) Name of the Supervising Tutor/Personal Tutor d) Name of the school/college/setting e) Reason for absence (e.g. illness, school closure) f) Proposed return date to school/college/setting or Edge Hill University. The Faculty of Education is required to record all absences, as trainees must complete a given number of days/hours in school/college/setting to be recommended for the award of QTS / QTLS. g) Trainees must also notify the ITT Professional Support Team of their return date, if unknown at the time of notification or if different to (f) above.

It is essential that transport implications are indicated to relevant parties by the trainee. The procedures in this policy must be followed by all trainees. It is essential that trainees behave in a professional manner at all times. If you have any issues or concerns whilst on Professional Practice please contact your Course Leader or Personal Tutor in the first instance.

Other documents you may need are:  Remote Professional Practice Travel Policy  Remote Professional Practice Travel Contribution Claim Form  Travel Contribution Claim Form  Travel Request Form  Trainee evaluation of their accommodation  Area guidance for IOM and Telford Campus

Trainees are advised that they should keep copies of everything they submit.

Page 6 of 10 Remote Professional Practice Policy Faculty of Education August 2014 Frequently Asked Questions when undertaking a Remote Professional Practice

Q: How are preliminary days provide for in the case of a remote Professional Practice?

A: Preliminary days may be rearranged, within the pattern of study at university, to minimise the impact of repeatedly travelling to the placement.

Q: How much accommodation at the beginning and end of the Professional Practice is paid for; is it possible to book in the day before and/or leave the day after completion of the placement?

A: Accommodation is normally provided from the night before commencement of the Professional Practice but terminates on the final day; you will therefore need to remove your belongings from rooms when leaving for the Professional Practice on the final morning. You are advised to contact the ITT Professional Support Team if in doubt.

Q: What arrangements are made for finding and getting to the accommodation address, in particular if having travelled overseas?

A: The ITT Professional Support Team will find and book your accommodation and send you the details. You can find the location of your accommodation using the internet. You are expected to make your own way to the accommodation address either by public transport or in your own car.

When travelling to the IOM the ITT Professional Support Team will book your ferry and send you the details.

Trainees travelling to Ireland are expected to book their flights themselves and claim the expenses back.

Q: How is it decided who will take their cars to the Isle of Man?

A: Only a limited number of cars can be taken over to the Isle of Man because the bookings are made per car with all the trainees’ names attached to the bookings. Who can take their car is based upon which school/college/setting is being attended and where the accommodation is.

Page 7 of 10 Remote Professional Practice Policy Faculty of Education August 2014 Q: What arrangements are made for daily travel between the accommodation and the Professional Practice setting?

A: You are to make your own way to and from your Professional Practice setting. You will need to consult traveline (http://traveline.info/) to determine the most efficient route by public transport. This route may involve a variety of forms of public transport and an amount of walking. Receipts for travel expenses incurred must be kept and presented for reimbursement. If you intend to use your own car, AA routeplanner (www.theaa.com) should be used to determine the best route; only claims made on this mileage will be reimbursed.

Q: If travelling by taxi, what is the procedure for paying for this?

A: Taxis are only used in very exceptional circumstances, and for this, a travel request needs to have been approved by the Head of ITT Partnership beforehand. If a taxi is approved, then you will be informed as to whether or not the Faculty has a contract with a specific local taxi company, if they do then payment will be made directly to the company, if they don’t then you will be expected to make the payment and claim this back, presenting receipts to evidence the pre-approved expense.

Q: Are any visits home during the Professional Practice funded?

A: If a half-term holiday occurs during the Professional Practice, a return visit home will be funded. Other than that, any visits home would have to be funded by you independently.

Q: What arrangements are made for laundry during the placement?

A: The ITT Professional Support Team checks each hotel used on this issue. If the hotel offers laundry facilities, Edge Hill University will be invoiced for one bag of washing per week. Where it is necessary for you to use a laundrette, reimbursement will be made up to an amount of £7 per week, provided receipts are retained and submitted.

Q: Is it possible to claim for the cost of lunch during the placement?

A: The cost of lunch is not included. On most occasions, you will have lunch whilst on site at your Professional Practice setting. Where accommodation is provided in a hotel, the cost of breakfast and sometimes evening meals is covered in an agreement made between Edge Hill University and the hotel. This cost is not transferrable to other hotel facilities or, for example, bar bills for alcoholic beverages.

Q: If a Catering Package has been paid for, can any of this be recovered during the course of the Professional Practice?

Page 8 of 10 Remote Professional Practice Policy Faculty of Education August 2014 A: The Catering Package is costed out by the catering team to cover breakfast and evening meal, even though by reducing outgoings on these occasions, it may be possible to spread it out to include the cost of lunch whilst on campus. As the cost of breakfast and evening meal is similarly covered for you whilst on Professional Practice, it is not possible to recover any of the payments covered by the Catering Package.

Q: Are meal times flexible enough to allow trainees to be in school/college/setting early and to remain after the school day?

A: Accommodation we use is requested to be flexible on this matter and if there are any problems, you should approach the hotel management in the first instance. If this does not work, please alert the ITT Professional Support Team, who will approach the hotel on your behalf and try to negotiate an acceptable agreement.

Q: Is provision made for the fact that telephone charges from the Isle of Man are higher than from the mainland?

A: Mobile phone charges are your responsibility and we do not reimburse telephone costs. However, Manx Pay-as-you-Go and Manx SIM cards are available and it is advisable to use these.

Q: Is any instruction available in the use of Apple Mac computers and the ways in which documentation can be transferred to these and PC’s operating MS Windows?

A: Measures have been put into place to address this issue, which is particularly relevant to Professional Practice in schools on the Isle of Man. You will need to consult your Tutor in advance of the Professional Practice for details.

Q: Is the fact that schools may not have interactive whiteboards taken into consideration when assessing the tasks prescribed in the Professional Practice Handbook?

A: The Faculty is aware that schools have very different levels of technology and will support trainees on an individual basis as the situation arises, prior to the beginning of the Professional Practice. More specifically, in the case of trainees who are undertaking a Professional Practice on the Isle of Man, where it is the Manx Education Department policy not to provide IWB’s in primary schools, trainees should alert their Personal Tutors to this fact.

Q: What are the procedures for claiming money back; where are the forms available from, when must they be submitted and how can this be done at a distance?

Page 9 of 10 Remote Professional Practice Policy Faculty of Education August 2014 A: Forms are available from the Faculty of Education Information Desk and must be submitted within two weeks of the end of the Professional Practice.

This can be done at a distance via email – [email protected]

Q: How are trainees expected to keep in touch with Edge Hill University during Professional Practice?

A: As with all trainees on Professional Practice, if there are concerns or questions, you should begin by contacting your Course/Professional Practice Leader for guidance. You will need to provide tutors with a current mobile telephone number and the email address you will be accessing, if you are not able to use your Edge Hill University email address. In addition, it is expected that you will check Blackboard for notices on a daily basis.

Q: Whom do I contact in case of practical difficulties and how can this be done?

A: Queries regarding accommodation or transport should be addressed to the ITT Administration Office. Practical difficulties relating to the Professional Practice itself should be addressed to your Course/Professional Practice Leader. In all cases, contact details will be found at the front of the Professional Practice Handbook.

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