Unidad 1 Pp.92-93 Qué Te Duele?
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SCHOOL: DATE: YEAR: CLASS: ¡Listos! 2 Verde Unidad 1 pp.92-93 ¿Qué te duele? Activity Módulo 6 La salud no. Learning objectives Saying what hurts and asking others. Framework objectives Reinforcement: 8W4 (Word endings); 8C4 (Poems, jokes and songs). Starters Starter 1: Parts of the body: match with the appropriate definite article. Starter 2: Parts of the body: anagram game. Plenary Quick-fire test of four phrases learnt. Grammar doler Pronouns me and te Skills (Programmes of Study – 2.1c knowledge of language 1a revised 2007) 2.2e ask and answer questions 3c 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3d 3c apply grammar 3b 4f language for interest / enjoyment 2a Contexts B Personal and social life Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1-2 Recognise parts of the body and conjugations of doler. 1b, 3a responding Speaking AT2/2 Tell others to move different parts of their bodies; say 2c, 3c what part of your body is hurting and ask others. Reading and AT3/1-3 Recognise parts of the body and conjugations of doler. 1a, 2a, 3b responding Writing AT4/2 Write sentences to explain what hurts based on a series of 3d pictures. Key language Me duele(n) … el brazo el estómago la garganta los oídos la pierna la cabeza las muelas la mano el pie la espalda ICT Opportunities Use Text salad to jumble up lines from the song in 2a. Reinforcement (A) Cuaderno A, p.53 Resources Cassette C, side 1 or CD3, tracks 14, 15, 16 and 17 Starter 2, Resource and Assessment File, p. 111 Hojas de trabajo, Resource and Assessment File, pp.114 and 115 Grammar, Resource and Assessment File, p.116 OHTs 31 and 32 Homework
Notes SCHOOL: DATE: YEAR: CLASS: ¡Listos! 2 Verde Unidad 2 pp.94-95 ¿Qué te pasa? Activity Módulo 6 La salud no. Learning objectives Asking / complaining about ailments using tener. Framework objectives Reinforcement: 8S6 (Substituting and adding); 8L4 (Extending sentences). Starters Starter 1: Use of tener: answer questions about home and family. Starter 2: Tengo + ailment: guessing game (pairwork). Plenary Test knowledge of tener and phrases learnt in the unit. Grammar tener for ailments Skills (Programmes of Study – 2.1a identify patterns Gramática revised 2007) 2.2a listen for gist /detail 1a, 2a, 2b 2.2c respond appropriately 3a. 3b 2.2e ask and answer questions 2c Contexts B Personal and social life Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2-3 Recognise various ailments/symptoms that use tener. 1a, 2a, 2b responding Speaking AT2/2-3 Describe your own ailments/symptoms and ask others 1b, 2c about theirs. Reading and AT3/3 Recognise various ailments/symptoms using tener. 3b responding Writing AT4/2 Complete absence notes from parents to teachers using 3a parts of phrases learnt in the unit. Key language ¿Qué te pasa? Tengo … fiebre catarro dolor de cabeza una insolación tos gripe dolor de garganta una picadura diarrea dolor de estómago ICT Opportunities Record parent / school secretary roleplay. Reinforcement (A) Cuaderno A, p.54 Resources Cassette C, side 1 or CD3, tracks 18, 19 and 20 Hojas de trabajo, Resource and Assessment File, pp.114 and 115 OHTs 31 and 32 Flashcards 43-48 Homework
Notes SCHOOL: DATE: YEAR: CLASS: ¡Listos! 2 Verde Unidad 3 pp.96-97 En la farmacia Activity Módulo 6 La salud no. Learning objectives Buying things at the chemist’s and giving medical advice. Framework objectives Launch: 9L6 (Formality of language). Reinforcement: 8S3 (Modal verbs). Starters Starter 1: Illnesses using tener: miming activity. Starter 2: Medicinal items: jumbled phrases game. Plenary Discuss and practise deber. Grammar Present tense of deber Demonstrative adjective este Adjectives Skills (Programmes of Study – 2.2a listen for gist /detail 1a. 1b. 1c revised 2007) 2.2d pronunciation and intonation 1a 2.2e ask and answer questions 2a, 3c 3b sounds and writing 1a 3c apply grammar 3c 4d make link with English 1a Contexts B Personal and social life Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1-4 Recognise various medicinal products and their 1a, 1b, 1c responding containers; understand medical complaints and advice. Speaking AT2/2-4 Buy and sell items in a chemist’s. 2a, 3c Reading and AT3/3 Understand medical complaints and advice. 3a, 3d responding Writing AT4/4 Give written medical advice. 2b Key language ¿Tiene algo para (la diarrea) ? Deme … un tubo (grande) Este jarabe es … una caja de aspirinas Esta pomada es … una caja de pastillas Estas aspirinas son … una botella de jarabe para la tos un tubo de pomada un paquete de tiritas un tubo de crema antiséptica ICT Opportunities Design a poster promoting a medicinal product. Reinforcement (A) Cuaderno A, p.55 Resources Cassette C, side 1 or CD3, tracks 21, 22, 23 and 24 Starter 2, Resource and Assessment File, p.111 OHTs 31 and 32 Homework
Notes SCHOOL: DATE: YEAR: CLASS: ¡Listos! 2 Verde Unidad 4 pp.98-99 Hace dos años que Activity Módulo 6 La salud estudio español no. Learning objectives Saying how long you have been doing something; general advice. Framework objectives Launch: 8L2 (Media listening skills) Reinforcement: 8W8 (Non- literal meanings); 8S1 (Sequencing); 8S7 (Present, past, future); 8C3 (Daily life and young people). Starters Starter 1: Idioms with hacer: brainstorm. Starter 2: Conjugation of – ar verbs. Plenary Discuss strategies for understanding questions. Grammar Hace … que + verb Skills (Programmes of Study – 2.1a identify patterns Gramática revised 2007) 2.2e ask and answer questions 3a 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3b, 3c 3b sounds and writing 1 3d use a range of vocab / structures 3c Contexts B Personal and social life Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 Understand people saying how long they have been doing 2 responding something. Speaking AT2/3 Say how long you have been doing various things and 3a ask others. Reading and AT3/3-5 Recognise various activities; understand an interview 1, 4b responding about skateboarding. Writing AT4/3 Write sentences saying how long you have been doing 3b, 3c various things. Key language ¿Cuánto tiempo hace … que juegas … al fútbol? / al voleibol? / al tenis? / al hockey? que practicas … la equitación? / la gimnasia? / el judo? que vives en Londres? que estudias en Francia? Hace un mes que juego al baloncesto / al golf / al rugby. dos meses que practico el ciclismo / la equitación. un año que vivo en Escocia dos años que estudio español cinco años diez años ICT Opportunities Wordprocess activity 3c; write interview in the style of Sergio’s in 4b. Reinforcement (A) Cuaderno A, p.56 Resources Cassette C, side 1 or CD3, tracks 25 and 26 Homework
Notes SCHOOL: DATE: YEAR: CLASS: ¡Listos! 2 Verde Unidad 5 pp.100-101 No hay que comer Activity Módulo 6 La salud chocolate todos los días no. Learning objectives Talking about healthy living. Framework objectives Reinforcement: 8S2 (Connectives in extended sentences); 8S3 (Modal verbs); 8S7 (Present, past, future); 8L2 (Media listening skills). Starters Starter 1:Recognising irregular verbs. Starter 2: Hay que and Tienes que: gap-filling activity. Plenary Discuss the formation and use of the immediate future. Grammar The immediate future Hay que and Tienes que Skills (Programmes of Study – 2.1d work out meaning 1a, 3 revised 2007) 2.2j adapt previously learned language 4b 2.2k deal with unfamiliar language 4a 3e different countries / cultures 4a 4c use more complex language 4b Contexts A Everyday activities Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3 Understand people giving advice and saying what they 1b, 3 responding are going to do to improve their health. Speaking AT2/3 Give advice about healthy living. 1c Reading and AT3/3-5 Understand people giving advice and saying what they 1a, 4a responding are going to do to improve their health. Writing AT4/4-5 Write sentences, giving advice on living healthily and 2, 4b saying what you are going to do in the summer. Key language (No) Hay que beber dos litros de agua al día. (No) Tienes que hacer deporte tres veces a la semana. ICT Opportunities Design a poster about healthy living; wordprocess activity 4b. Reinforcement (A) Cuaderno A, p.57 Resources Cassette C, side 2 or CD3, tracks 27 and 28 Starters 1 and 2, Resource and Assessment File, p.112 Homework
Notes SCHOOL: DATE: YEAR: CLASS: ¡Listos! 2 Verde Unidad 6 pp.108-109 ¡Extra! Entrevista Activity Módulo 6 La salud con una deportista no. Learning objectives Reading a longer interview with a sporting champion. Framework objectives Reinforcement: 8S7 (Present, past, future); 8S8 (Using high- frequency words); 8T3 (Language and text types); 8L2 (Media listening skills). Starters Starter 1: Write sentences in the immediate future. Plenary Discuss strategies for tackling a longer text. Grammar Hace … que … . Immediate future (first person) Skills (Programmes of Study – 2.1d work out meaning 1a revised 2007) 2.2b skim and scan 1a 3d use a range of vocab / structures 3, 4 4b communicate in pairs etc 3 4f language for interest / enjoyment 1a 4g use TL for engaging topics all Contexts B Personal and social life; D The world of work Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4 Identify key information in a similar interview with 2 responding another professional cyclist. Speaking AT2/5 Make resolutions (not) to do various things in the future. 3 Reading and AT3/5 Understand vocabulary relating to health and fitness. 1b responding Writing AT4/5 Write sentences, resolving (not) to do various things in 4 the future. Key language - ICT Opportunities - Reinforcement (A) - Resources Cassette C, side 2 or CD3, tracks 32 and 33 Homework