The Catholic Devotional Life, the Chaplet of Saint Michael the Archangel

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The Catholic Devotional Life, the Chaplet of Saint Michael the Archangel

dearth of charity; a non-forgiving spirit; and so from each of the nine Choirs of Angels. In us the grace to govern our senses and to “You have much more. What does the devout Catholic do? addition, for those who would recite the overcome our unruly passions. Amen. heard that it was Fight back! To engage in spiritual battle, enlist chaplet daily, he promised his continual said, ‘You shall 5) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the not commit the aid of Saint Michael the Archangel, who is assistance and that of all the holy angels during mentioned numerous times in Sacred Scriptures life. celestial Choirs of Virtues, may the Lord adultery’. But, I preserve us from evil and falling into say to you, as God’s warrior who combats Satan and his The Chaplet of Saint temptation. Amen. everyone who legions of evil spirits. Develop a devotion to Michael looks at a woman with lust has already Saint Michael the Archangel, especially through 6) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the committed adultery.” the Chaplet of Saint Michael. It is a wonderful O God, come to my celestial Choir of Powers may the Lord protect way to honor this great Archangel, along with There is a wonderful scene in Peter assistance. O Lord, make our souls against the snares and temptations of the other nine Choirs of Angels. Pan. Peter has just flown through the air. The haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the devil. Amen. the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the kids try to fly too, but can’t. They ask Peter, What do we mean by choirs? It seems 7) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the “How do you do it?” Peter says, “Think lovely that God has created various orders of Angels. beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Alleluia. celestial Choir of Principalities may God fill our thoughts. They’ll lift you up into the air.” Peter’s Sacred Scripture distinguishes nine such souls with a true spirit of obedience. Amen. advice surely applies to today’s Gospel reading, groupings: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, [Say one Our Father and three Hail Mary’s after in which Jesus warns about sins of the mind. Dominions, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, each of the following salutations in honor of the 8) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Our defense against impure thoughts is to Archangels, and Angels (Isa. 6:2; Gen. 3:24; Col. nine Choirs of Angels.] celestial Choir of Archangels may the Lord give follow Peter’s advice: “Think lovely thoughts. 1:16; Eph. 1:21; and Rom. 8:38). There may be us perseverance in faith and in all good works in They will lift you in the air.” How do I handle more groupings, but these are the only ones 1) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the order that we may attain the glory of heaven. impure thoughts? Do I just give into them and that have been revealed to us. The Seraphim is celestial Choir of the Seraphim, may the Lord Amen. allow them to reduce me, or do I fight them by believed to be the highest Choir, the most make us worthy to burn with the fire of perfect 9) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the dwelling upon thoughts of the Lord and His intimately linked to God, while the Angelic Choir charity. Amen. celestial Choir of Angels may the Lord grant us glory? We must remember that good thoughts is the lowest. 2) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the to be protected by them in this mortal life and bear good fruit and bad thoughts bear bad celestial Choir of the Cherubim, may the Lord conducted in the life to come to heaven. Amen. fruit--- and man is his own gardener. The history of the Chaplet goes back to a devout Servant of grant us the grace to leave the ways of sin and [Say one Our Father in honor of each of the The Catholic Devotional Life, God, Antonia d’Astonac, who run in the path of Christian perfection. Amen. following leading Angels: Saint Michael, Saint The Chaplet of Saint Michael had a vision of Saint Michael 3) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the Gabriel, Saint Raphael, and our Guardian Angel] the Archangel the Archangel. He told Antonia celestial Choir of Thrones, may the Lord infuse to honor him by nine salutations to the nine All of us have those into our hearts a true and sincere spirit of Concluding prayers: Choirs of Angels. Saint Michael promised that days when we are under humility. Amen. Glorious prince, Saint Michael, whoever would practice this devotion in his spiritual attack; the Evil One will not leave us chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, honor would have, when approaching Holy 4) By the intercession of Saint Michael and the alone! When Satan attacks us, we may struggle guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, Communion, an escort of nine angels chosen celestial Choir of Dominions may the Lord grant with excessive anger; thoughts of despair; a servant in the house of the Divine King and our admirable conductor, you who shine with NFP is based on scientific research NFP does not depend on a woman peri-menopause, etc.), NFP instructors can excellence and superhuman virtue, deliver us about women’s cycles of fertility. Over a having regular menstrual cycles. NFP provide additional guidelines in interpreting from all evil, who turn to you with confidence century ago, scientists discovered cyclic changes treats each woman and each cycle as signs of fertility. and enable us by your gracious protection to in cervical mucous and their relation to unique. These methods rely on daily serve God more faithfully very day. ovulation. In the 1920’s, scientists identified the observations of the woman’s signs of [To be continued] temperature rise that signals ovulation. But it fertility. The Synod Statutes Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, wasn’t until the 1950’s that scientists developed Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ, that we NFP works with menstrual cycles of any of the Diocese of programs to teach others how to observe and Bismarck may be made worthy of His promises. interpret these fertility signs. length and any degree of irregularity. NFP can be used during breastfeeding, (cont.) Almighty and Everlasting God, Who by NFP methods are grouped according to just before menopause, and in other a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for which signs of fertility are being observed and special circumstances. NFP allows a the salvation of all men, has appointed the Section IV: Mass Stipends charted. They are as follows: the basal body woman to understand the physical 270, 1: In virtue of the directive given in canon most glorious Archangel Saint Michael Prince of temperature method (BBT) monitors changes in signals her body gives to her to tell her Your Church, make us worthy, we ask you, to be 952,1, the following is the established Mass a woman’s temperature when she wakes up in when she is most likely to become stipend for the Diocese of Bismarck: $10. delivered from all our enemies, that none of the morning; the cervical mucous method pregnant (around the time of them may harass us at the hour of death, but (more commonly called “Ovulation Method” or ovulation). Once the woman 2: No one may demand or suggest that a higher that we may be conducted by him into your “OM”) monitors changes in a woman’s cervical understands this information, she and offering is to be made. presence. This we ask through the merits of mucous; the symptom-thermal method (STM) her husband can use the information 3: A priest who agrees to offer Mass for a Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. combines observations of temperature and according to their family planning specific intention is morally and canonically cervical mucous with other indicators, such as intentions (i.e., to either achieve or Natural Family Planning bound to do so, even if no stipend is offered. changes in the cervix and secondary fertility postpone pregnancy). (NFP), Myth vs. Reality signs; and the sympto-hormonal method (SHM), 4: When large cumulative offerings are received (courtesy of the USCCB) Instruction in NFP provides women with which is similar to the STM, includes the self- as Mass stipends and no specific number of information about their bodies that is Myth #1: NFP is based on detection of reproductive hormones in the Masses is requested, the total amount of the specific and observable. The natural folktales; it’s what people used to do before urine with the assistance of an ovulation offerings shall be divided by the amount in methods can be used throughout a modern science developed contraception. predictor kit or fertility monitor. paragraph 1 of this statute. woman’s reproductive life. These Natural Family Planning (NFP) is not methods teach couples to monitor 5: Offerings less than the customary amount based on folktales! NFP is a general title for the current, daily fertility signs of the should not be refused. methods of family planning that are science- woman’s menstrual cycle. When special 6: Offerings given over the customary amount based, natural, healthy, reliable, and moral. Myth #2: circumstances occur (e.g., stress, illness, are to be considered gifts, unless the contrary is There are many NFP methods and all can be NFP can be used only by women with breastfeeding, post-miscarriage, clearly established. Care should be taken to used to achieve, or to postpone, a pregnancy regular cycles. naturally. ensure that the person requesting the Mass fully understands that the offering given is over Please Join us to Unlock the Mystery Stanley by 6:15. A reminder that parents have the customary amount. to sign the liability waiver online and we need Saint Ann’s the parental release/code of conduct forms 271, 1: A Priest is allowed by Universal Law to Parish of Berthold’s signed before the youth are allowed on the bus. receive only one stipend per day for a Mass Mystery Dinner offered with a stipend attached. Beyond his first Theatre, featuring Father Gary’s famous Italian I look forward to getting back on the Mass he may celebrate, but not concelebrate, Pasta di Pomodoro e Polo, will take place on trampolines. It reminds me of the glory days additional Masses each day with a Mass Sunday, February 26th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Saint when I toured the world with a Chinese intention, but each stipend attached to these Ann’s parish hall. Tickets are $35/couple, acrobatic troupe; you probably saw me perform additional Masses must be forwarded to the $20/person, $10/child, and children under six at the Medora Musical. They keep asking me to Chancery of the Diocese of Bismarck. eat for free. For tickets, call or text Netty Debilt come out of retirement, but for your sake, I at 701-340-4264. keep telling them no. The many sacrifices of a 272: A parish may only accept as many Mass pastor! offerings as it is able to satisfy within a year. A free will offering will also be available Parishes that are currently holding unsatisfied for those who wish to come and enjoy the pasta Mass offerings beyond what can be satisfied in meal only. We will see you there and thank you one year should immediately make for supporting our youth. Plus, if you forget arrangements to have these Mass offerings sent Valentine’s Day, you will redeem yourself by to the Chancery where arrangements can be taking your sweetheart to this lovely meal; this made for their timely fulfillment. Mass offerings winter, it’s way too cold to be sleeping in the sent to the Chancery should include the doghouse. intention, attached stipend, date received, and Y name of the person making the offering. HighAir ou’re invited to a Baby Shower Ground . . . Déjà Baby Shower for Heidi (Deaver) Terfehr on 277: The family of the deceased and other vu? Saturday, February 25th @Zion Lutheran Church custodians of Mass intentions are to be Berthold from 10:00am -11:30 Pm. She is instructed regarding their obligation to It seems like registered at Target & Amazon. safeguard Mass offerings left with them or at just yesterday (judging by my aching muscles!) the funeral home. The offerings together with that we took the kids in the parish to the Valentine Extravaganza for any cards, letters, or notes which indicate the trampoline pavilion in Minot, but this Sunday, Senior Citizens & K-6th grade. intention of the donors are to be given to a February 12th, it’s now time for the older youth Please join us on February 12, priest or an approved ecclesiastical agency as (grades 6-12) to enjoy this awesome place. We 2017 at Carpio Lutheran Church promptly as possible. will be leaving at 12:30 p.m. from Stanley and at from 3-5Pm. Taco bar for lunch will be served. 1:15 from Berthold. After about two hours on See you there! the trampolines, we will have supper in Minot and should return to Berthold by 5:30 and

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