Blank Template for Full Restructuring

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Blank Template for Full Restructuring

Document of The World Bank


Report No: RES21214




SRF CF GRANT TF 10425 AUGUST 25, 2011



MARCH 22, 2016

Poverty and Equity Global Practice AFCW1 Africa Region 2


CPI Consumer Price Index DP Development Partner or Data Processing F&A Finance and Administration GAS Ghana Audit Service GDDS General Data Dissemination System GDP Gross Domestic Product GoG Government of Ghana GSDP Ghana Statistics Development Plan GSGDA Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda GSS Ghana Statistical Service ICT Information and Communication Technology IDA International Development Association IT Information Technology MDA Ministries, Departments and Agencies M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MESW Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare MMDA Metropolitan/Municipal/District Assemblies MOC Ministry of Communication MOE Ministry of Education MOFEP Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning MOFA Ministry of Food and Agriculture MOH Ministry of Health MLNR Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources MOTI Ministry of Trade, and Industry MOWAC Ministry of Women and Children Affairs NITA National Information Technology Agency NSDS National Strategy for the Development of Statistics PAD Project Appraisal Document PDMG Program Development and Management Group PDO Project Development Objectives PIM Project Implementation Manual RRSF Reference Regional Strategic Framework SC Steering Committee SRF-CF Statistics for Results Facility Catalytic Fund

Regional Vice President: Makhtar Diop Country Director: Henry G. R. Kerali Senior Global Practice Director: Ana L Revenga Practice Manager/Manager: Pablo Fajnzylber Task Team Leader Smile Kwawukume Co-Task Team Leader:: Abdoullahi Beidou

2 GHANA Ghana Statistics Development Program



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DATA SHEET Ghana Ghana Statistics Development Program (P118858) AFRICA Poverty and Equity . Report No: RES21214 . Basic Information Project ID: P118858 Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Regional Vice President: Makhtar Diop Original EA Category: Not Required (C) Country Director: Henry G. R. Kerali Current EA Category: Not Required (C) Senior Global Practice Ana L. Revenga Original Approval Date: 25-Aug-2011 Director: Practice Pablo Fajnzylber Current Closing Date: 31-Aug-2016 Manager/Manager: Smile Team Leader(s): Kwawukume,Abdoullahi Beidou . Borrower: Ministry of Finance Responsible Ghana Statistical Service, Agency: . Restructuring Type Form Type: Full Restructuring Paper Decision Authority: Country Director Approval Restructuring Level 2 Level: . Financing ( as of 18-Mar-2016 ) Key Dates Approval Effectiveness Original Revised Project Ln/Cr/TF Status Signing Date Date Date Closing Date Closing Date P118858 IDA-50100 Effective 25-Aug-2011 27-Feb-2014 28-Apr-2014 31-Aug-2016 31-Aug-2016 P118858 TF-10425 Effective 27-Feb-2014 27-Feb-2014 28-Apr-2014 31-Aug-2016 31-Aug-2016 Disbursements (in Millions) % Cancelle Disburse Undisbur Project Ln/Cr/TF Status Currency Original Revised Disburse d d sed d P118858 IDA-50100 Effective USD 30.00 30.00 0.00 16.76 10.17 56 P118858 TF-10425 Effective USD 10.00 10.00 0.00 8.94 1.06 89 . Policy Waivers Does the project depart from the CAS/CPF in content or in other significant Yes [ ] No [ X ] respects? Does the project require any policy waiver(s)? Yes [ ] No [ X ] . A. Summary of Proposed Changes The project was approved by the Board in August 2011 and to be implemented in 5 years. However, the project implementation was delayed as a result of a long delay by the Borrower's legislature to approve the project documents. Legislative approval was later obtained in February 2014 and the project was declared effective in April 2014. The project thus lost over two years of implementation. The proposed changes are; (i) to extend the closing date of the IDA Credit from the current August 31, 2016 to June 30, 2018, and also extend the SRF TF from the current closing date of August 31, 2016 to June 30, 2017 as the parent SRF TF will close by December 31, 2017, (ii) reallocation of funds within project components, and (iii) revision of the results framework. 4 Change in Implementing Agency Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Project's Development Objectives Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Results Framework Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change of EA category Yes [ ] No [ X ] Other Changes to Safeguards Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Legal Covenants Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Loan Closing Date(s) Yes [ X ] No [ ] Cancellations Proposed Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change to Financing Plan Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Disbursement Arrangements Yes [ ] No [ X ] Reallocation between Disbursement Categories Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change to Components and Cost Yes [ X ] No [ ] Change in Institutional Arrangements Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Financial Management Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Procurement Yes [ ] No [ X ] Change in Implementation Schedule Yes [ X ] No [ ] Other Change(s) Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Economic and Financial Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Technical Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Social Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Environmental Analysis Yes [ ] No [ X ] Appraisal Summary Change in Risk Assessment Yes [ ] No [ X ] . B. Project Status Project implementation is significantly advanced and the project is on track to meet its development objective if the extension is granted. Implementation progress for the GSDP is rated Satisfactory following the latest supervision mission in December 2015. A new organizational structure has been adopted for GSS which seeks to make the GSS leaner, and efficient. Some selected staff have been trained in research methodology and report writing, survey methods and data management. Other staff members have been trained in data analysis software SPSS/STATA whilst others had undergone training in different demographic analysis software programs. Field trainings were also organized for enumerators in labor force statistics and the integrated business enterprise surveys. A post census cartographic mapping has been initiated with the aim of updating the enumeration area (EA) information established during the 2010 Population and Housing Census (PHC). The first phase of the Integrated Business Establishment Surveys (IBES) has been completed and the second phase is currently underway. The Ministry of Education (MoE) has been supported to carry out the 2014/2015 school census as part of the part project. The report has since been released. The Ministry of Health (MoH) undertook a survey on the causes of the maternal mortality rates in the country and a report has been produced. The Births and Deaths Registry has undertaken the entry of over 200,000 as backlog for the period 2009-2012. A number of statistical reports have been disseminated.

During the last mission, in December 2015, project implementation progress was rated “Satisfactory”. . C. Proposed Changes . Development Objectives/Results Project Development Objectives Original PDO To strengthen the National Statistical System in the production and dissemination of timely and robust statistics relevant for evidence-based policy-making and other uses Change in Project's Development Objectives

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Change in Results Framework Explanation: The targets of some of the indicators would be changed to accommodate the two year delay in the implementation of the project. In addition, some of the targets would be changed since the baseline values that were obtained after the project was prepared are higher than some of the initial targets. One PDO indicator was dropped since a survey plan was not available. An intermediate indicator has been elevated to a PDO indicator. . Financing Change in Loan Closing Date(s) Explanation: The Restructuring Paper proposes a change in the closing date from the current August 31, 2016 to a later date of June 30, 2018 for the IDA Credit and to a later date of June 30, 2017 for the SRF-CF. This request has been necessitated by the late approval of the project by the legislature and the subsequent late declaration of effectiveness in April 2014. The proposed new closing date will increase the duration of the project to four years. The change also involves reallocation of funds within the categories and the revision of some of the indicators. Ln/Cr/T Original Closing Current Closing Proposed Closing Previous Closing Status F Date Date Date Date(s) IDA- Effective 31-Aug-2016 31-Aug-2016 30-Jun-2018 31-Aug-2016 50100 TF- Effective 31-Aug-2016 31-Aug-2016 30-Jun-2017 31-Aug-2016 10425 Reallocations Explanation: The cost of severance payment has gone down significantly because most of the staff were transferred to sub-national governments. As a result, funds have been added to data production under category 1. With increased data production to be undertaken, it is foreseen to have more operational expenses hence Category 3 has increased slightly. Current Category of Disbursement % Ln/Cr/TF Currency Allocation Expenditure (Type Total) Current Proposed Current Proposed Gds, CS, NCS, TRNPrts TF-10425 USD 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 33.00 33.00 A.1, B,C & D Designated Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total: 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 Gds, CS, NCS, TRNPrts IDA-50100 XDR 12,400,000.00 17,017,057.00 67.00 67.00 A.1, B,C & D Severance Pymt under 4,100,000.00 846,943.00 100.00 100.00 comp A.2 Operating Costs under 800,000.00 936,000.00 100.00 100.00 part D UNALLOCATED 1,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Designated Account 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total: 18,800,000.00 18,800,000.00 Disbursement Estimates Change in Disbursement Estimates Explanation: Annual disbursement estimates have been adjusted to reflect current disbursement status and the extension of the project closing date. Disbursement is expected to continue in 2017 and 2018 because of the

6 proposed extension of the closing date. Fiscal Year Current (USD) Proposed (USD) 2012 5,670,000.00 0.00 2013 12,540,000.00 0.00 2014 3,690,000.00 0.00 2015 4,740,000.00 7,200,000.00 2016 2,960,000.00 7,100,000.00 2017 400,000.00 8,200,000.00 2018 0.00 4,850,000.00 Total 30,000,000.00 27,350,0001 . Components Change to Components and Cost Explanation: Component 1: The cost for this component will be reduced since the number of staff undergoing the buyout program has reduced significantly to the originally envisioned up to 300 to about 60. Component 2. More funds would be allocated to this component to enable the completion of the second phase of the Integrated Business Enterprise Survey.

Component 3. More data production surveys and activities would be undertaken as part of this component. These include annual labor force surveys (LFS), High frequency poverty data; Renovation of the Consumer Price Index, including the definition of a new base year; GDP rebasing exercise to integrate new improved data sources; Production of Building Cost Index; Two additional annual school censuses; Production of Births and Deaths Statistics. Subsequently, more funds would be allocated to this component.

Component 4. There will not be any change to this component. Current Component Proposed Component Current Cost Proposed Action Name Name (US$M) Cost (US$M) 1 Institutional reform and 9.36 3.20 Revised organizational change 2 Enhancing capacity 14.96 16.25 Revised 3 Data development and 11.73 16.60 Revised dissemination 4 Project Management and Monitoring and 1.30 1.30 No Change Evaluation Total: 37.35 37.35 . Other Change(s) Change in Implementation Schedule Explanation: The schedule for implementation now foresees project to be implemented until June 30th, 2018.

1 There was an exchange loss of USD2.65m at the time of the preparation of the Restructuring Paper. 7 8

GHANA Ghana Statistics Development Program



1. The proposed Level II restructuring aims at successfully completing project activities and achieving the Project Development Objective (PDO). Project implementation is progressing satisfactorily and the PDO remains relevant. However, given the delays in declaring the project effective, there is a need to extend the closing date to provide sufficient time to implement project activities and adjust the results framework accordingly. The proposed restructuring also involves the reallocation of funds partly because the number of staff of the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) to be placed on the buyout program was reduced significantly after a policy decision was taken to redeploy national staff to support data collection efforts at sub-national level. With more funding available from component one, emphasis would be placed on supporting GSS and the other Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to undertake various surveys to generate data. This approach is also consistent with the capacity strengthening approach of experiential learning or learning by doing. To this end, the project is expected to support the production of regular data through annual labor force surveys, high frequency poverty data, Renovation of the Consumer Price Index, including the definition of a new base year, GDP rebasing exercise to integrate new improved data sources; production of Building Cost Index, two additional annual school censuses among others.

2. In sum, the proposed Level 2 Restructuring to Ghana Statistics Development Program (CR-50100) includes: (a) twenty month extension of the project closing date from the current August 31, 2016 to June 30, 2018; (b) a revision of some indicators; and (c) reallocations of proceeds within project components and disbursement category.

3. This would be the first extension of the project closing date of the IDA Credit which is expected to be fully disbursed within the proposed closing date extension. This would also be the first extension of the closing date of SRF-TF. The extension of the closing dates has been requested by the Borrower on July 4, 2014. The reallocation of credit and grant proceeds were requested by the Borrower on February 24, 2016. The other changes were fully discussed and agreed upon.


4. The Ghana Statistics Development Project (GSDP), approved by the Board on August 25, 20011, became effective only on April 28, 2014 comprises an IDA Credit (CR/ 50100) with an amount of XDR 18m (equivalent to USD30 million at the time of approval) and SRF TF (TF 10425) with an amount of USD10 million. The original closing date for both the IDA financing and the SRF TF is August 31, 2016. As of December 2015, the project had disbursed USD15.34 million from IDA (51 per cent of project funds) and USD 6.94 million from the SFR-TF (69 percent of grant funds). 5. The Project’s Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen the National Statistical System in the production and dissemination of timely and robust statistics relevant for evidence-based policy making and other uses. Implementation progress for the GSDP is rated Satisfactory following the latest supervision mission in December, 2015. 6. Component 1 has supported the Government’s reform strategy for the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). A new organizational structure has been adopted for GSS which seeks to make the GSS leaner, and efficient. All new recruits into the GSS are to have a master’s level degree. As part of the re-organization, GSS no longer maintains staff at the sub-national level. A total of 28 staff with qualifications up to Higher National Diploma (HND) have been transferred to the LGS. The staff buyout program was successfully completed. Two consulting firms provided counselling and financial management training to the identified staff. Subsequently, the staff buyout process has been completed. As part of the retraining of staff, a total of 18 staff members are undergoing a postgraduate degree level courses in statistics, economics, and population studies in various universities. Existing staff were also trained in performance management, IT and basic spreadsheet software. 7. Component 2 focuses on enhancing the statistical capacity including the underlying statistical framework to ensure the production of quality statistics. To this extent, the project has provided support for the acquisition of equipment and logistics for the GSS and almost all the MDAs to enhance their capacity in data collection, processing, and dissemination. These included computers and accessories, projectors, photocopiers, PDAs, vehicles, etc. In addition, office furniture was also procured for the implementing agencies. Various training programs were organized for staff of GSS. Some of the implementing agencies also benefited from training sessions organized and paid under the project. The trainings are in advance spreadsheet, ICT, economic modeling, and sampling techniques; 10 staff have been trained in research methodology and report writing, survey methods and data management, 41 staff members have been trained in data analysis software SPSS/STATA, and 16 had undergone training in different demographic analysis software programs. Field trainings were also organized for enumerators in labor force statistics and the integrated business enterprise surveys. A post census cartographic mapping has been 9 10

initiated with the aim of updating the enumeration area (EA) information established during the 2010 Population and Housing Census (PHC). The updating of the EAs is being combined with the process of converting all analog maps to digital form in the urban and semi-urban areas. The field work and the updating and the digitization have been started for over a year ago. A business census otherwise known as the Integrated Business Establishment Surveys (IBES) aimed at providing the most comprehensive list of businesses operating in the country has been initiated. The business register is aimed at collecting data on the entire population of establishments located in the country irrespective of whether they are public entity or private, making profits or is a non-profit institution such as foundations and associations and irrespective of whether it is involved in a formal or in informal activities. The data-collection-work as well as the codification and data entry of the census were completed. The Phase I involving the listing of economic establishments had been completed and three reports; the Summary Report of the listing exercise, the Job Creation Report and the Business Register have been drafted and are under review for publication. An international consultant was hired to design samples for annual business surveys. Based on the output of the consultancy, the GSS has initiated the field work in November 2015 and it is expected to be completed in December 2016. 8. Component 3 is aimed at enhancing the quality of statistical data collected by the GSS and the MDAs, and improving how these data are communicated and disseminated to users. The Ministry of Education (MoE) carried out the 2014/2015 school census as part of the project. The data processing was completed and the statistical yearbook was produced. The report has since been released. The Ministry of Health (MoH) undertook a survey on the causes of the maternal mortality rates in the country and a report has been produced. The Births and Deaths Registry has undertaken the entry of over 200,000 as backlog for the period 2009-2012. As part of activities under the component, a number of statistical reports were disseminated. These include: the District Census Reports, Ghana Poverty Profile, Ghana Poverty Mapping Report and the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey Report, Maternal Deaths Survey Report. 9. Component 4 is aimed at developing and strengthening the institutional capacity of GSS for project management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation. The Coordination and Program Management Directorate (CPMD) of GSS coordinated activities of all the implementing agencies and prepared the necessary reports which include the Annual Report for 2014, Quarterly and Annual Financial Reports, Procurement Reports and status reports on the Project. It provided secretariat service for the National Statistics System Steering Committee (NSSSC) and the Technical Committee (TC) of the GSDP. The CPMD coordinated the preparation of the 2016 Annual Work Plan and Budget. It supported the Implementation Support Missions (ISM) since project inception. The CPMD also coordinated the updates of the results framework of the project.

10 10. The latest implementation support mission conducted in December 2015 concluded that financial, procurement and project management are satisfactory. As such, there are no pending audits or legal covenants that are outstanding. The mission also confirmed that the PDO rating remained Satisfactory to reflect progress of project activities under implementation. 11. The government has requested for an extension of the closing date to ensure that the project has enough time for implementation of activities.


 Extension of the closing Date: The closing date of the project would be extended from the current August 31, 2016 to June 30, 2018 for the IDA Credit and to June 30, 2017 for the SRF-CF Grant to allow for completion of project activities.

 Results framework. The Project Development Objective (PDO) remains relevant. Some of the indicators have been revised or dropped (See Annex 1).

 Reallocations of proceeds within project components and disbursement category. Credit proceeds would be reallocated from subcomponent 1a, 1b and subcomponents 2.a, 2c and 3b to sub-components 2b and 3a to ensure that adequate data production activities are carried out.

Table 1. Breakdown of reallocation within sub-components per funding source

Component IDA (million US$) SRF-CF (million TOTAL Proposed US$) revised change (million US$) Budgeted Revised Budgeted Revise d Component 1. Sub- 0 0 2.92 2 2.00 -0.92 component 1a:

Sub- 6.44 1.20 0 0 1.20 -5.24 component 1b: Component 2 Sub- 5.73 2.73 0 0 2.73 -3.00 component 2a: Sub- 4.18 10.32 0 0 10.32 + 6.14 component 2b Sub- 0 0 5.05 3.20 3.20 -1.85 component 2c 11 12

Component 3 Sub- 9.70 11.80 0.30 4.10 15.90 + 5.9 component 3a Sub- 0 0 1.73 0.70 0.70 -1.03 component 3b Component 4 1.30 1.30 0 0 1.30 0 TOTAL 27.35 27.35 10.00 10.00 37.35 0

The proposed changes per component are as follows:

12. Component 1: Institutional Reform and Organizational Change (US$3.20 million: IDA US$1.20 million; SRF US$2.00 million)

Component 1a: Training and re-deployment (SRF US$2.00 million) Staff training at the GSS Training Center will be intensified to reduce the cost of renting of workshop venues. In addition, staff participating in short courses are now required to train other colleagues upon their return from the training workshops.

Component 1b: Staff Buy-out (IDA US$1.20 million)

Due to the decision of government to create statistical units at the sub-national level of government, a decision was taken, first, to redeploy those staff who have the requisite basic statistical skills in data collection and have up to Higher National Diploma qualifications to be redeployed to metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs). Second due to the late start of the project, some staff also exited the GSS through natural attrition. Lastly, the number of staff who have less than five years from the Effective Date of the project to retire increased and could not be redeployed. Subsequently, the number of staff for the buyout reduced to about 60.

The estimated cost of the staff buy-out is US$1.2 million. This amount was derived based on the provisions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

13. Component 2: Enhancing capacity (US$16.25 million: IDA US$13.05 million; SRF US$3.20 million)

This component focuses on enhancing statistical capacity including the underlying statistical framework to ensure the production of quality statistics. It includes three sub- components: a) Enhancing capacity of GSS and MDA statistical units; b) Improving the statistical framework; and c) Investing in physical infrastructure and equipment.

Sub-component 2a – Enhancing capacity of GSS and MDA statistical units (IDA US$2.73 million)

12 Emphasis will now be placed on learning by doing, As a result, formal training workshops would be reduced whist funds are shifted to data production during which capacity of officers will be built directly through the development of data production instruments and on the field data collection, analysis and report writing. Sub-component 2b – Improving Statistical Framework (IDA US$10.32 million)

More funding has been provided to this sub-component to enable the Business register be fully developed under the project. The component will ensure the development of a master sampling framework from the calendar year 2010 population and housing census, and a central business register and housing census, including census post-enumeration mapping, cartographic mapping, and business register, through the provision of technical advisory services and acquisition of goods. Key activities include the following:  Census Post-Enumeration Mapping in 2011;  Creation of Master Sample frame in 2015;  Development of Business Register in 2015 and 2016; and  Cartographic Mapping in 2015 and 2016.

Sub-component 2c – Investing in Physical Infrastructure and Equipment (SRF US$3.20 million)

There will not be any changes to the activities under this component. However, the amount allocated for the sub-component would be reduced since most of the physical infrastructure and equipment needs were already met.

14. Component 3: Data Production and Dissemination (US$16.60 million: IDA US$11.80 million; SRF US$4.80 million))

This component will support the improvement of data collection, compilation, validation, management, analysis and dissemination of data in order to improve the quality, timeliness and use of socio-economic data. It is in line with component (iii) of the GSDP. It will focus on both enhancing existing statistics and increasing the range of statistics collected and how these are communicated and disseminated to users. There are two sub-components: a) data development and management and b) dissemination, communication and outreach.

Sub-component 3a: Data Development and Management (IDA US$11.80 million; SRF US$4.10 million) Additional activities to be undertaken would include: annual labor force surveys (LFS), High frequency poverty data; Renovation of the Consumer Price Index, including the definition of a new base year; GDP rebasing exercise to integrate new improved data sources; Production of Building Cost Index; Two additional annual school censuses; Production of Births and Deaths Statistics; Preparatory activities of the 2020 census cartography.

Sub-component 3b: Communication (SRF US$0.70 million) Emphasis would now be laid on the production of soft copies of statistical reports and loading them on the website of the GSS and the other MDAs in order to reduce the

13 14 amount spent on hard copies. In addition, GSS would use experienced staff to engage the media in radio and television talk shows.

15. Component 4: Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) ( IDA US$1.30 million) Activities will remain the same.

16. Institutional Arrangements

There are no changes to the institutional arrangements. In addition, there will be no changes to the financial management and procurement arrangements. Project activities will continue to be implemented according to the Project Implementation Manual (PIM).

The revised Disbursement estimates are as follows:

FY 14 15 16 17 18 19 SRF-CF 0 3.1 3.7 3.2 IDA 0 7.2 7.1 8.2 4.85 Cumulative 0 10.3 21.1 32.5 37.35

The revised Disbursement Categories for the IDA Credit are as follows:

Category Original Revised Amount Amount (XDR) (XDR) 1. Goods, consultants’ services, non- 12,400,000 17,017,057 consulting services and Training under parts A.1, B, C and D of the project 2. Severance Payments under 4,100,000 846,943 Component A.2 of the project 3. Operating Costs under Part D of the 800,000 936,000 Project Unallocated 1,500,000 0 Total 18,800,000 18,800,000

There are no changes to the Disbursement Categories of the SRF-TF.

14 ANNEX 1


Project Project Ghana Statistics Development Program (P118858) Status: DRAFT Name: Stage: Team Requesting Leader(s) Smile Kwawukume AFCW1 Created by: Smile Kwawukume on 22-Oct-2015 Unit: : Product Responsible IBRD/IDA GPV01 Modified by: Smile Kwawukume on 28-Mar-2016 Line: Unit: Country: Ghana Approval FY: 2012 Lending Region: AFRICA Specific Investment Loan Instrument: . Project Development Objectives Original Project Development Objective: To strengthen the National Statistical System in the production and dissemination of timely and robust statistics relevant forevidence-based policy- making and other uses Results Core sector indicators are considered: Yes Results reporting level: Project Level . Project Development Objective Indicators Unit of Status Indicator Name Core Baseline Actual(Current) End Target Measure Revised User satisfaction with statistical Percentage Value 40.00 88.50 90.00 products and services of the Date 30-Nov-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 NSS Comment A new end target of 90 has been established since the first survey established a satisfaction rate of 88.5 percent. User satisfaction with statistical Percentage Value 40.00 88.50 60.00 products and services of the Date 30-Nov-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 NSS Comment Revised Ghana Statistical Capacity Number Value 64.00 66.00 70.00 overall score Date 30-Nov-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Ghana Statistical Capacity Number Value 64.00 66.00 70.00 overall score Date 30-Nov-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Comment Revised Periodicity and Timeliness Number Value 92.00 87.00 92.00 Sub Type Date 30-Nov-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Breakdown Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Periodicity and Timeliness Number Value 92.00 87.00 92.00 Sub Type Date 30-Nov-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Revised Methodology Number Value 50.00 60.00 65.00 Sub Type Date 30-Nov-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Breakdown Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Methodology Number Value 50.00 60.00 65.00 Sub Type Date 30-Nov-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Revised Source data Number Value 50.00 54.00 65.00 Sub Type Date 30-Nov-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Breakdown Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Source data Number Value 50.00 54.00 65.00 Sub Type Date 30-Nov-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Marked for Proportion of Surveys and Percentage Value 60.00 90.00 100.00 Deletion Censuses implemented by NSS Date 30-Nov-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 as per the long-term census and Comment survey plan No Change Dissemination of Timely and Number Value Robust Statistics Date Comment Revised Annual School Census Number Value 3.00 2.00 1.00 Sub Type Date 30-Sep-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Breakdown Comment This is a sub End target date indicator changed to replacing the August 31, 2018 DHS which the project is not supporting. Demographic and Health Number Value 12.00 9.00 9.00 Survey (DHS) Sub Type Date 30-Sep-2010 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Revised Ghana Living Standards Number Value 18.00 6.00 Survey (GLSS) Sub Type Date 31-Mar-2007 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Breakdown Comment The target has been reduced to 6 months since field enumerators are to use hand held devices and the End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Ghana Living Standards Number Value 18.00 9.00 Survey (GLSS) Sub Type Date 31-Mar-2007 15-Dec-2015 15-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Marked for Multiple Indicator Cluster Number Value 18.00 18.00 12.00 Deletion Survey (MICS) Sub Type Date 31-May-2006 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Marked for Integrated Business Enterprise Number Value 6.00 6.00 Deletion Survey (IBES) Sub Type Date 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Revised Labour Force Survey (LFS) Number Value 3.00 Sub Type Date 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Breakdown Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Labour Force Survey (LFS) Number Value 3.00 Sub Type Date 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment New Economic statistics produced in Yes/No Value No No Yes accordance with internationally Date 31-Dec-2002 29-Feb-2016 31-Aug-2018 recommended duration of the Comment base year (rebased within the last 5 years) for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and for the GDP Intermediate Results Indicators Unit of Status Indicator Name Core Baseline Actual(Current) End Target Measure Revised Proportion of Staff with Percentage Value professional qualification Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Proportion of Staff with Percentage Value professional qualification Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Comment Revised Proportion of GSS staff with Percentage Value 39.00 48.00 70.00 professional qualification Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Breakdown Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Proportion of GSS staff with Percentage Value 39.00 48.00 70.00 professional qualification Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Revised Proportion of MDA statistical Percentage Value 65.00 65.00 70.00 unit staff with professional Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 qualification Breakdown Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Proportion of MDA statistical Percentage Value 65.00 65.00 70.00 unit staff with professional Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 qualification Breakdown Comment Revised Number of staff (full-time Number Value 532.00 385.00 350.00 equivalents) employed by GSS Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Number of staff (full-time Number Value 532.00 385.00 350.00 equivalents) employed by GSS Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Comment Revised Number of persons trained Number Value 50.00 321.00 70.00 Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Number of persons trained Number Value 50.00 321.00 70.00 Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Comment Revised Use of master sampling frame Yes/No Value No Yes Yes based on updated cartographic Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 maps for household surveys Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Use of master sampling frame Yes/No Value No Yes Yes based on updated cartographic Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 maps for household surveys Comment Revised MDA and regional statistics Number Value 0.00 20.00 20.00 offices fully equipped and Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 operational with computers, Comment The baseline essential equipment and was furniture and ICT connectivity erroneously entered as 10 when it should be 0. MDA and regional statistics Number Value 10.00 20.00 20.00 offices fully equipped and Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 operational with computers, Comment essential equipment and furniture and ICT connect ivity No Change Economic statistics produced in Yes/No Value accordance with internationally Date accepted standards, including Comment rebased within the last 5 Years Revised Supply and Use tables (SUT) Yes/No Value No No Yes Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 Breakdown Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Supply and Use tables (SUT) Yes/No Value No No Yes Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Marked for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Yes/No Value Yes No Yes Deletion Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment This indicator has been upgraded to PDO level Marked for Consumer Price Index (CPI) Yes/No Value No No Yes Deletion Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment This indicator has been upgraded to the PDO level Revised Producer Price Index (PPI) Yes/No Value No No Yes Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment End target date changed to August 31, 2018 Producer Price Index (PPI) Yes/No Value No No Yes Sub Type Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 Breakdown Comment Marked for Proportion of statistical Percentage Value 0.00 100.00 70.00 Deletion products released in accordance Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 with national statistics release Comment calendar Revised Communications and Yes/No Value No No Yes Dissemination Policy Adopted Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2018 by NSS Comment Communications and Yes/No Value No No Yes Dissemination Policy Adopted Date 31-Aug-2011 15-Dec-2015 31-Aug-2016 by NSS Comment New Production and publication of a Yes/No Value No No Yes statistics release calendar on Date 31-Dec-2015 28-Mar-2016 31-Aug-2018 the website of GSS Comment .

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