Principal/Administrator Focused Feedback Document

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Principal/Administrator Focused Feedback Document

Principal/Administrator Focused Feedback Document Criterion 2: AWSP Leadership Framework

The purpose of this document is to capture the progress over the course of the year and to facilitate a growth-focused conversation. Principal Asst. Principal Name: Date:

Evaluator: District/School: School Year: Comprehensive Evaluation Score*: ______From School Year: *The final focus summative rating will be the same as the last Comprehensive score unless it is a 3 and evidence during this evaluation period indicates a level 4 practice.

Criterion 2: Ensuring School Safety Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 2.1 Provides for Neglects to consider the physical safetyMaintains and implements a school Implements a school safety plan that is Is proficient AND serves as a resource for Physical Safety of students and staff; does not safety plan monitored on a regular based upon open communication others in leadership roles beyond school maintain and/or implement a current basis; minor safety and sanitary systems and is effective and responsive who are developing and implementing school safety plan; plan in place is concerns in school plant or to new threats and changing comprehensive physical safety systems to insufficient to ensure physical safety of equipment; problems might be circumstances; problems are identified include prevention, intervention, crisis students and staff; major safety and identified but are not always resolved and principal is persistent in resolving response and recovery health concerns in a timely manner: an emergency them; proactively monitors and adjusts operations plan is reviewed by the plan in consultation with staff, appropriate external officials and students, and outside posted in classrooms, meeting areas experts/consultants; staff proficiency and office settings in safety procedures are measured and monitored by group assessments followed by group reflection

2.2 Provides for Neglects the social, emotional or Strives to provide appropriate Assumes responsibility for creating Is proficient AND makes emotional and social, emotional intellectual safety of students and emotional support to staff and practices which maximize the social, intellectual safety a top priority for staff and intellectual staff; does not have an anti-bullying students; policies clearly define emotional and intellectual safety of all and students; ensures a school culture in policy or behavior plan in place that acceptable behavior; demonstrates staff and students; supports the which students and staff are Principal/Administrator Focused Evaluation – Criterion 2 Last Modified 10.25.17 Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished safety promotes emotional safety; does not acceptance for diversity of ideas and development, implementation, and acknowledged and connected; advocates model an appreciation for diversity of opinions; anti-bullying prevention monitoring of plans, systems, curricula, for students to be a part of and ideas and opinions program in place. and programs that provide resources responsible for their school community; to support social, emotional and ensures that school community members intellectual safety; reinforces are trained and empowered to improve protective factors that reduce risk for and sustain a culture of emotional safety; all students and staff cultivates intellectual safety of students and staff by advocating for diversity of ideas, respecting perspectives that arise, promoting an open exchange of ideas; involves school community in active intellectual inquiry

Reflections of Student Growth

Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 3.5 Provides School improvement planning process School improvement planning processSchool improvement planning process School improvement planning evidence of results in no improvement in student results in minimal improvement in results in measurable improvement in process results in significant student growth academic growth student academic growth student academic growth improvement in student academic growth that results from the school improvement planning process 5.5 Provides Multiple measures of student Multiple measures of student Multiple measures of student Multiple measures of student evidence of student achievement of selected teachers showachievement of selected teachers achievement of selected teachers show achievement of selected teachers growth of selected no academic growth show minimal academic growth measurable academic growth show significant academic growth teachers

8.3 Provides Achievement data from multiple Achievement data from multiple Achievement data from multiple Achievement data from multiple evidence of growth sources or data points show no sources or data points shows sources or data points show evidence sources or data points show evidence in student learning evidence of student growth toward the minimum evidence of student growth of improving student growth toward of consistent growth toward the district’s learning goals; there are toward the district’s learning goals for the district’s learning goals; the district’s learning goals; there is growing achievement gaps between identified subgroups of students average achievement of the student consistent record of improved student student subgroups population improved as does the achievement, on multiple indicators, achievement of each subgroup of with identified subgroups of students students identified as needing improvement

Principal/Administrator Focused Evaluation – Criterion 2 Last Modified 10.25.17 Reflective Questions: As we look toward next year, do you feel that your practice would be enhanced by continuing with this criterion? Or, might it be time to consider further developing your skills with a different criterion?

Given your response to the previous question, what supports can I, as your evaluator, provide for you to maximize your growth next year?

Both signatures required. Signing of this instrument acknowledges participation in but not necessarily concurrence with the evaluation. (Attach Principal/Administrator comments if desired.) Evaluator Signature: Date: Employee Signature: Date:

Principal/Administrator Focused Evaluation – Criterion 2 Last Modified 10.25.17

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