Photography Final Exam Review Questions

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Photography Final Exam Review Questions

Photography Final Exam Review Questions -2010

These final exam questions are samples from the actual test used in this class. How to use this study sheet: First try to answer all the questions on your own. The answers with a brief explanation will be available on the Photography Class Webpage at the link titled “ Review Question Answers.” You will be able to access them on Tuesday, May 25.

1. In class we have mentioned the “magic light” many times, what causes the sky to take on such interesting colors?

2. The ability to determine in advance what a final print will look like before taking the photo is called_____. a. decisive moment b. pre visualization c. previewing d. imagination e. none of these

3. Equivalent exposure means using a different shutter and aperture to make identical exposures. It is used to control depth and motion. Which of the following is identical to f5.6 at 125? a. f4 at 60 b. f4 at 250 c. f8 at 1000 d. f16 at 60 e. none of these is equal

4. Film speed refers to______. a. how fast film moves through film-transport system b. how long it takes to develop film c. how sensitive the film is to light d. how sensitive the film is to developer e. none of these makes sense

5. Shutter speed interprets action. Shorter exposure times "Freeze" motion. What speed will stop the action of a soccer game? a. f22 b. 1/500 c. 1/30 d. f 1.4

6. Which of the following apertures would give the best depth of field? a . f22 b. f16 c. f2 d. 1/500

7. What is the most common cause of spoiled pictures? a. Camera motion from too low shutter speed b. Blur from snapping shutter too fast c. Out of focus prints in darkroom d. all of these e. none of these

8. The most interesting part of our subject should be placed in the center of the photograph. T/F

9. Framing is used in a photo to ______. a. add a feeling of depth to a scene b. distract viewers attention c. control balance d. balance the center of interest e. none of these is a good reason

10. Selective focus is the term applied to ______. a. the process of focusing the camera b. controlling what portion of a photo is in focus using the aperture c. elimination of perspective problems d. all of these e. none of these 11. It is sometimes ok to break a rule of composition. This is called artistic license. T/F

12. On the camera shutter speed dial, what is the "B" setting? a. permits long exposures b. synchronizes the flash to the shutter c. builds multiple exposures d. this is an aperture adjustment, not shutter speed

13. . Generally speaking, when is the best time to take pictures on a day when the weather forecast is for clear skies? Why?

14. Midday light on bright days causes photos to have harsh shadows which is bad for portraitures, however, it does work well for other photos. Give at least (2) examples of those instances.

15. Depth of field is controlled by ______. a. the size of the aperture opening b. the focal length of the lens c. the distance between the camera and lens d. all of these e. none of these

16. What light appears warmer than daylight and produces a yellow/orange cast in photos? Give one example of such light.

17. If the fixer is exhausted our prints will ______. a. turn purple b. turn brown c. show no ill effect if washed long enough d. all of these e. none of these

18. Artificial light in offices and public places can cause unnatural looking photographs. Name two such light sources and describe the color cast when taking a digital photograph with each type of light. 19. What metallic element makes the visible image in the developed negative? a. silver nitrate b. silver c. silver bromide d. platinum e. none of these

20. Proper agitation of film requires a consistent 5 second shake every 30 seconds. If we miss too many of the 30 second intervals our prints will lack contrast. T/F

21. A roll of film that has been in the developer too long will be high in contrast and real dark. T/F

22. One would think that “hard light” is always a bad thing and should be avoided if possible but this is not the case. Describe photography that “hard lighting” is good for. How can the negative effects of “hard lighting” be reduced?

23. Film that is washed less than 20 minutes will probably turn brown in a few months from the fixer bleaching the emulsion. T/F

24. What are the variable(s) that effect the time for development of a roll of film? a. time b. temperature c. agitation d. all of these e. none of these

25. Film is placed with the ______side face up in the enlarger negative holder. a. dull (or backing of the film) b. shiny (or base of the film) c. dull (or emulsion of the film) d. shiny (or emulsion of the film) e. none of these

26. What type of lighting can produce a flat, one-dimensional effect?

27. Why are print tongs (or your hands) that have been placed in fixer supposed to be washed before going into the developer tray? a. to avoid chemical contamination b. to avoid making brown stains on the print c. to avoid making white spots on the print d. all of these e. none of these

28. There are two different types of photo paper materials. One is plain paper and must wash longer than the other type which is resin coated and absorbs less chemicals. T/F

29. What type of lighting works well for portraits of men, but not for women? Explain why.

30. List the six types of lighting and describe one characteristic of each.

31. Variable contrast paper can change its contrast by placement of a purple or yellow filter in the light path of the enlarger. T/F

32. . How would you position your subject to display a halo of light around them? Briefly describe the setup.

33. We focus the enlarger with the lens at a wide open aperture. We must close down the aperture to reduce the light before we make a print. If we don't reduce the light the print will not be dark enough. T/F

34. How fast or violent we agitate our prints in the paper developer makes little difference on the quality of our print. T/F

35. Fresh developer will have better contrast and produce sharper pictures than old developer. T/F

36. Why must we make a new test strip every time we make a print? a. because the amount of light hitting the paper could be less because of a darker negative or a smaller lens opening b. because the developer could have become exhausted c. because the enlarger height might have changed d. all of these e. none of these - there is no need to do a test strip

37. Which of the following is a print manipulation trick done in the darkroom designed to modify the print to direct the viewer's eye to the center of a subject? a. dodging b. burning-in c. edge burning d. vignetting e. cropping 38. Which of the following is a darkroom trick used to eliminate unnecessary detail from a print by raising the enlarger head. a. dodging b. burning-in c. edge burning d. vignetting e. cropping

39. Which of the following darkroom tricks is used to give more exposure to a light area of a print? a. dodging b. burning-in c. edge burning d. vignetting e. cropping

40. Which of the following darkroom tricks is done by holding back light to a portion of a print during exposure in the enlarger? a. dodging b. burning-in c. edge burning d. vignetting e. cropping

41. To get the best flash pictures, indoors or outdoors, it is important to know the distance that the flash travels, and then to stay within that distance when taking pictures. What is the flash range for most cameras?

42. At a large nighttime stadium event one often sees individuals with on-camera flash units trying to make pictures of the distant performers. Their flash photographs will not be successful. Why? a. electronic flash units only work when photographing people b. individuals are too excited at stadium events to hold the camera still c. the flash is too far away to have enough light to fall on the subject d. subjects will blur when taken at night because of the low shutter speed

43. . Describe an advantage to controlling flash intensity.

44. Why would you ever want to use your cameras flash outdoors?

45. . Photo-flo is a wetting agent and is used in processing film to reduce water spots. T/F

46. We wash film and prints to remove the fixer so that it won't turn the prints or film brown in a few months or years. T/F 47. . Developer will lose its strength and does not make as good a quality print when it is old and exposed to air for a long period of time. T/F

48. The depth of field scale on a camera can be found on the lens and is used to determine depth of field and to get the maximum depth possible. T/F (this is a challenge question, you may not know about this unless you read a little)

49. . On most SLR cameras the focus is adjusted ______. a. automatically b. with the aperture wide open c. with the depth of field preview button d. with the aperture closed down e. none of these

50. An aperture is a ______. a. hole in the lens b. an opening in the camera that controls how much light enters c. sometimes called an f-stop d. labeled with numbers like 2, 4, 5.6, 8, 11 and 16 e. all of these

51. The shutter is ______. a. a hole in the lens b. an opening in the camera body that controls the intensity of light entering the camera c. an opening in the camera body or lens that controls the time light enters the camera d. all of these e. none of these

52. The CCD or Charged-Couple Device is?

A. The exposure control system B. The small color monitor on back of the camera. C. The camera sensor that sees and records your image. D. A type of reusable, removable image storage.

53. In a digital image a pixel is: A. The focus of the image B. The grain of the image C. The background of the image. D. A small square dot.

54. On a digital camera the LCD is: A. A small color monitor B. The flash unit. C. The main input menu

55. When you set the ISO rating of your digital camera you are? A. Setting the sensors sensitive to light B. Setting the flash range. C. Changing your lens to a Micro setting

56. If you set the cameras exposure to (P) or Program your system is? A. Set for low light photography B. Set for bright light photography. C. Full automatic

57. To help avoid static compositions you should use? A. The rule of odds B. Good color harmony C. Strong lines D. Simplicity

ESSAY QUESTION What is done differently by a professional photographer in the process of taking and making pictures that is different from the amateur? Discuss things done while taking the picture - special knowledge needed to make pictures better - composition techniques - processing and darkroom techniques. Discuss special effects that can be used to make a print express and idea better. In short, what makes the difference between a simple snapshot and a professional photograph? Your answer will show how much you have learned in this class.

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