1. For every gram of fat, there are how many calories?

a. 4

b. 9

c. 7

d. 6

2. In one slice of pizza, there are 20 grams of fat. How many calories from fat are from the pizza?

a. 180

b. 140

c. 80

d. 20

3. Define a complex carbohydrate and give two examples.

4. Define trans-fatty acids and give an example of a food high in trans-fatty acids.

5. What type of fat is considered a healthy fat?

6. HDL is a type of?

a. Carbohydrate

b. Saturated fat

c. Cholesterol

7. Define BMR and what it stands for.

8. How many calories need to be burned in order to lose 2 pound of body fat?

a. 1000 b. 2500

c. 3500

d. 7000

9. List two functions of protein?

10. Be able to read a food label. 11. Define BMI

10. What is a positive way that one can respond physically to a stressful situation?

a. Throwing his IPod c. Going to the gym after school to lift weights b. Isolating himself from friends d. Read a book

11. Define eustress:

12. List two environmental stressors


13. Distinguish which of the following demonstrates a negative stress management technique:

a. Putting things into perspective c. Locking yourself in your room for the night b. Going for a nice long run d. Hanging out with positive people


14. What does the “A” in SMART Goals stand for? b. Pygmalion Self

a. c.

15. Define the following terms: d.

a. Self Esteem e. f. g.

16. Ed has low self-esteem. This can be determined by which of Ed’s behaviors:

a. Consistently smiling. d. Bullying classmates during Physical Education class. b. Belonging to the soccer team. e. Volunteering at the local hospital. c.

17. List three signs of suicide.


19. Addiction is a relationship with drugs or alcohol in which you:

a. Use the drugs occasionally with no adverse effects

b. Use more than you would like to use

c. Continue to use despite negative consequences

d. Both b and c

e. All of the above

20. During this stage of addiction, the user tries the drug for the first time

a. Problem use

b. Chemical Dependency

c. Social Use

d. Risky Use

e. Drug Experimentation

21. A person’s genes, gender, ethnicity or the presence of mental disorders may influence risk of drug dependency in which manner?

a. Development

b. Environmental

c. Chemical make up

d. Biology

22. What is psychological addiction?


24. On the road to recovery, during what step does the user see that drugs are influencing their life in a negative way?

25. a. Step 1: Decide to make a change

b. Step 2: Exploring Treatment Options

c. Step 3: Find Support

d. Step 6: Never lose Hope


27. What is the number 1 drug used by teenagers?

a. Alcohol c. Ecstasy

b. Prescription Medications d. Marijuana

28. Give an example of:

a. Age discrimination

b. Socio-economic discrimination c.

29. Which type of prescription drugs are most commonly abused by teenagers?

a. Stimulants c. Depressants

b. Pain Relievers d. All of the above

30. List two consequences of underage drinking.

31. Which of the following statements is true?


a. Abusing prescription drugs is safe, because they come from a pharmacy

b. A person cant overdose from a prescription medication

c. Abusing prescription and over-the-counter medications can lead to many harmful consequences

d. Over-the-counter medications are not addictive


32. How much of communication is done with body language alone?

a. 10% b. 25% c. 55% d. 35% e.

24. Define assertive communication.


25. Define aggressive communication. 34. a. The alcohol industry c. U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and 26. Define passive communication. Firearms b. The Food and Drug Administration 35. d. U.S. Department of Advertising e. 36.

28.37. Which of the following is not a tip for de-escalating a conflict?

27. Whoa. developsCall the the other alcohol person industries by name advertising procedures? c. Relax your body

b. Use a calm voice d. Expressing your opinion to others constantly.

29. Define stereotype and give two examples.

e. . f.

30. Define Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


31. What drug is also referred to as a date rape drug?

a. LSD b. GHB c. THC d. Cocaine e.

32. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Smoking marijuana increases the heart rate.

b. Marijuana use improves concentration.

c. Marijuana is the number one drug used by teenagers.

d. Marijuana users experience weight loss. f.

33. What kind of drugs are cocaine and methamphetamine?

a. Depressant c. Hallucinogen

b. Stimulant d. Cannabis e.

34. Percocet and Vicodin are examples of what drug?

a. Pain Relievers c. Amphetamine

b. Dextromethorphan d. Ecstasy e.

35. What is the first stage of drug addiction for a teenager?

a. Experimental use c. Regular use

b. Dependency d. Addiction e.

36. How can one better protect themselves from having unwanted substances put into food and/or drinks?

37. What is the first step in reaching your goals?



38. What is the purpose of CPR?


39. How many compression and breaths should a. be administered during adult CPR? b.

40. The first step in using an AED is?

a. Telling the crowd to stand clear before the shock is delivered.

b. Informing the owner that you cannot use an AED on an infant.

c. Removing the infants clothing.

d. Delivering the shock.


41. Describe the steps you’d take to care for a choking adult, child, infant.

42. What is the purpose of tapping and shouting on a victim’s shoulder?

43. Always check for signs of life for no more than:

a. 1 second c. Until help arrives.

b. 2 minutes d. 10 seconds


44. When performing CPR on an adult about how often should you reassess the person’s condition:

a. After the first minute, then every 2 c. After every minute. minutes thereafter. d. After the first minute then not again b. CPR should not be interrupted or until EMS arrives. stopped until AED is ready to use. a.

45. List two reasons why you would stop giving care to a victim.


46. A splint should be identified by the following characteristic:

a. Snug, but not so tight that is slows circulation

b. Loose, so the person can still move the injured limb

c. Tied with cravats over the injured area

d. Tight! You don’t want it to fall off!


47. You are in the mall, and the person in front of you hits the floor and begins to convulse. This person is having a ______. You should begin giving care by______:

a. Diabetic Attack; give them water to hydrate them.

b. Diabetic Attack; cover with blanket.

c. Seizure; remove nearby objects that may cause harm.

d. Seizure; hold person still

48. Define stroke.


49. Define the following terms:

e. 2nd Degree Burn g. Strain

f. Dislocation h. Open Fracture

50. Define the following terms:

a. Heat-related emergency c. Diabetic emergency

b. Heart attack d. Stroke


51. Describe hypothermia and care for this situation.

52. What should be done if someone seems to be suffering from an allergic reaction to a bee sting?

53. Care given for an impaled object includes what?

54. Care for a severed body part?

55. Care for a burn? 56. What does the acronym FAST stand for?

57. What are good Samaritan laws?

58. Symptoms of lyme’s disease?

59. Bob begins to lose feeling in his fingers and they develop a bluish hue. What kind of care do you give?


60. What is the first step in managining a bleeding womb?

61. List two signs a person is bleeding internally:



64. Your friend is stung by a bee. You notice he starts to show signs of an allergic reaction. As a first responder, what would you recommend?

65. Define sexuality. 66. 67. Define gender roles. 68. 69. List one function of the male reproductive system. 70. 71. 54. List and define four stages of the Cycle of Violence. 72. 73. 55. List two warning signs of abuse. 74. 75. 56. Define Rape. 76. 77. 57. Define Statutory rape. 78. 79. 58. Define Sexual harassment. 80. 81. 59. The use of any accepted method of intentionally preventing pregnancy is: 82. a. Effectiveness c. Failure Rate 83. b. Contraception d. Periodic Abstinence 84. 85. 60. What is the only form of contraception that protects against both pregnancy and STI’s? 86. a. Condom c. The Patch 87. b. Birth Control Pill d. Vasectomy 88. 89. 61. What is considered to be a permanent method of contraception? 90. a. Cervical Cap c. Tubal Ligation 91. b. The Birth Control Pill d. Withdrawal 92. 93. 62. Where does fertilization occur? 94. 95. 63. Where is sperm produced? 96. 97. 64. Which fluid can the HIV virus NOT be transmitted through? 98. 99. 65. What does AIDS stand for? 100. 101. 66. Which part of the female reproductive system dilates to 10 centimeters to allow for the birthing process to begin? 102. 103. 104. 67. Give an example of a contraception method that is considered to be a barrier method? 105. 106. 68. Which of the following STI’s can be cured? 107. a. Herpes c. HPV 108. b. Chlamydia d. HIV 109. 110. 69. List two ways someone can avoid contracting an STI. 111. 112. 70. The death of an embryo or fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy is also known as: 113. a. an ectopic pregnancy. c. a premature birth. 114. b. preeclampsia d. a miscarriage. 115. 116. Make sure you know both female and male reproduction diagrams. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130.