Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe

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Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe

Name ______


Directions:  Using Vocabulary Set #1 and Vocabulary Set #2, choose 3 activities to complete from the Tic-Tac-Toe board.  When choosing activities, you must pick 3 activities, which will get you a “tic-tac-toe” (as you would in the game!). You can do this in one of three ways: o 3 activities diagonally o 3 activities vertically o 3 activities horizontally  All 3 activities will be due on ______

General Rules:  Must use every word at least once  Underline the vocabulary words being used in each activity  Be sure to write your name and period on each assignment you complete

GRADING RUBRIC 1 3 5 Completed less than 3 Completed 3 activities Completed 3 activities in a Activity activities that did not fall in the horizontal, vertical, or Choices given patterns diagonal line Following Did not follow many of Followed most directions Followed all directions for Directions the given directions each activity Assignments show a Assignments show some Assignments are Effort/ lack of effort effort and attempt to be thoroughly done, creative, Creativity creative and neat neat, and colorful Assignments do not Assignments show a Assignments show a strong Word show an understanding general understanding of understanding of Meanings of vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words General Handed materials in Did not hand in materials Handed in all materials on Procedures late and missing name in on time OR missing time with name and period and period on papers name/period on papers on each paper

Points Earned: ______/25

FINAL GRADE: ______* 4 = ______% VOCABULARY TIC-TAC-TOE BOARD Sentences/Story Crossword/word Parts of Speech* Pick 10 words and use search Using a dictionary, find each in a context clue Using 15 of your words, other parts of speech sentence OR use 10 create either a word for 10 vocabulary words words in a creative search OR a crossword and write the new form story puzzle. Answers must of the word in the chart be filled in or circled in whichever puzzle your choose to create.

(Hint: Use graph paper) Analogies Multiple Meanings Comic Create analogies for 10 Using any 10 of your Create a comic strip, words. An analogy can vocabulary words, find which incorporates 6-10 help to explain an other definitions to the vocabulary words. Must unfamiliar concept by word. You are NOT include at least 3 making comparison to finding synonyms, but “boxes” with colorful something that we do alternate meanings to illustrations. understand. the word.

Ex: SPOT is to COW as ______is to ZEBRA Answer=STRIPE Figures of Speech Poem/Riddles Illustration (illustrations) Using 6-8 vocabulary Create illustrations for Using 10 words, create words, create riddles 10 vocabulary words. figures of speech and/or poems. You can The illustrations must (similes, metaphors, do a combination of show the meaning of the hyperboles, both if you’d like. When word. Be sure to put the onomatopoeias, etc). If writing poems, be as word either above or you’d like to, you can creative as you want— below the illustrations. also add an illustration free write poems, to each figure of acrostic poems, cinquain speech. poems, etc. *Get the parts of speech chart from your teacher Vocab Word Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

visual visual visualize visually visual

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