Registration List for the FDA/PQRI Conference on Evolving Product Quality
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Registration List for the FDA/PQRI Conference on Evolving Product Quality
Name Affiliation Maan Abduldayem US Food and Drug Admin. Abraham Abouzeid NIST Cyrus Agarabi US Food and Drug Admin. Maria Agresta Johnson & Johnson Christina Alemu-Cruickshank US Food and Drug Admin. Barbara Allen Eli Lilly & Co. SA Gordon Amidon University of Michigan Dana Andersen Genentech Brian Anderson AbbVie Howard Anderson US Food and Drug Admin. Adriana Arismendi Lannett Co. Inc. Celestina Arowosegbe US Food and Drug Admin. Upinder Atwal US Food and Drug Admin. Jenifer Avenatti Baxter Healthcare Bianca Avramovitch Teva Pharmaceuticals Jeffrey Baker US Food and Drug Admin. Edward Balkovic Genzyme, a Sanofi Company Kavitha Bandi GlaxoSmithKline Michael Baumstein Pfizer Inc. Brian Belz Johnson & Johnson Gretel Benavides Perrigo Dennis Bensley US Food and Drug Admin. Stacy Berkshire Perrigo Susan Berlam Pfizer Inc. Karen Bernard US Food and Drug Admin. Tara Gooen Bizjak US Food and Drug Admin. Ashley Boam US Food and Drug Admin. Richard Braatz Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. Patrick Brady PhRMA EJ Brandreth Inovio Regina Brown US Food and Drug Admin. Michelle Bucher Par Pharmaceuticals Lucinda Buhse US Food and Drug Admin. Melissa Burns US Food and Drug Admin. Uriel Cadsap Impax Bing Cai US Food and Drug Admin. Noriel Canotal Impax Laboratories Inc. Christina Capacci-Daniel US Food and Drug Admin. Peter Capella US Food and Drug Admin. Ishan Capila Momenta Pharmaceuticals Dennis Casey PDR Pharma Consulting LLC Brian Carlin FMC Andrew Chang Novo Nordisk Jane Chang US Food and Drug Admin. Sharmista Chatterjee US Food and Drug Admin. Kang Chen US Food and Drug Admin. Lucy Chen Celgene Corp. Mei-Ling Chen US Food and Drug Admin. Xiaorong Chen Daiichi Sankyo Aili Cheng Pfizer Inc. Kejun Cheng US Food and Drug Admin. Dennis Chiu Genentech/ Roche Corey Chong Cubist Pharmaceuticals Jee Chung US Food and Drug Admin. Jon Clark US Pharmacopeia Brian Collins Momenta Pharma Elizabeth Cormier US Food and Drug Admin. Thomas Cosgrove US Food and Drug Admin. Bowman Cox The Gold Sheet Philip Crooker Shire Alonza Cruse US Food and Drug Admin. Junhao Dai CPIER Thomas Davey Astellas Paul D’Eramo Johnson & Johnson Kushal Desai AbbVie Anthony DeStefano Your Encore / PQRI Terese Dixon Catalent Pharma Solutions Zedong Dong US Food and Drug Admin. Angelica Dorantes US Food and Drug Admin. Russ Doughty Civitas Therapeutics Jason Dreabit US Food and Drug Admin. Patrick Drumm Novartis Brett Duersch Merck Joanne Eglovitch The Gold Sheet Tamara Ely US Food and Drug Admin. David Emiabata-Smith Vertex Pharmaceuticals Lynne Ensor US Food and Drug Admin. Beth Esche Baxter Healthcare Raafat Fahmy US Food and Drug Admin. Joseph Famulare Genentech/Roche Anthony Faragasso Perrigo Talia Flanagan AstraZeneca Kelley Ford AbbVie Junichi Fukuchi PMDA, Japan Scott Furness US Food and Drug Admin. Thomas Garcia Pfizer Inc. Marianne Garibay Novo Nordisk Inc. Mamta Gautam-Basak US Food and Drug Admin. Gay Gauvin Amgen Devinder Gill US Food and Drug Admin. Gurpreet Gill-Sangha US Food and Drug Admin. Amina Gilyard US Food and Drug Admin. Gustavo (Gino) Grampp Amgen Danuta Gromek-Woods US Food and Drug Admin. John Groskoph Pfizer Inc. Maria Guardiola Student Richard Hameister Genentech/Roche Martin Haber US Food and Drug Admin. Diane Hagerty Genentech/Roche Steve Haylock Genentech/Roche Mark Hendrickson Generic Pharmaceutical Assn. Samuel Herald McNeil Consumer Health Kristen Hertwig Amgen Evan Hetrick Eli Lilly & Co. Karen Hirshfield Genentech/Roche Frank Holcombe US Food and Drug Admin. Stanley Hong Celltrion Inc. Kevin Hool US Pharmacopeia Yong Hu US Food and Drug Admin. Latiff Hussain US Food and Drug Admin. Mai Huynh US Food and Drug Admin. Robert Iser US Food and Drug Admin. Camille Jackson PhRMA David Jaworski US Food and Drug Admin. Jayanthy Jayanth AbbVie Alan Johnson Purdue Pharmaceuticals Gordon Johnston Generic Pharmaceutical Assn Donna Kapples Lexicon Pharmaceuticals John Kauffman US Food and Drug Admin. Filippos Kesisoglou Merck & Co. Mike Kimball Actavis Peter Kitz Bristol-Myers Squibb Silke Klick Astrazeneca Barbara Kochanowski Consumer Healthcare Product Assn. Gerhard Koeller Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH Chuck Koon Mylan Labs Steve Kozlowski US Food and Drug Admin. Kiran Krishnan Apotex Corp. Naomi Kruhlak US Food and Drug Admin. Corrine Kupstas Perrigo Emanuela Lacana US Food and Drug Admin. Andrew Langowski US Food and Drug Admin. Yuexia Li US Food and Drug Admin. Rich Levy Parenteral Drug Assn. Larry Litle McNeil Consumer Healthcare Richard Lostritto US Food and Drug Admin. Dave Lust Cubist Pharmaceuticals Demetra Macheras AbbVie Ragine Maheswaran US Food and Drug Admin. Jennifer Maguire US Food and Drug Admin. Jerry Martin Pall Life Sciences Joan Materna Novartis Yoshihiro Matsuda PMDA, Japan Lisa Matthews US Food and Drug Admin. Paul McCormac Pfizer Inc. Vincent McCurdy Pfizer Inc. James McHugh Mallinckrodt Pharma Christina McManus Envision Pharma Group Steve Mendivil Amgen Ronald Michalak US Food and Drug Admin. Isabelle Michel-Aksay Bristol-Myers Squibb Gary Mikola ISPE Braden Miller Lannett Co. Inc. Stephen Miller US Food and Drug Admin. George Millili Genentech Anthony Mire-Sluis Amgen Bita Mirzai-Azarm US Food and Drug Admin. Frank Montgomery Astrazeneca Christine Moore US Food and Drug Admin. Tim Moore Genentech/Roche Elaine Morefield Vertex Pharmaceuticals Ignacio Moreno Apotex Tina Morris US Pharmacopeia Mojgan Moshgbar Pfizer Inc. Rosa Motta US Food and Drug Admin. Fernando Muzzio Rutgers University Sepandad Naraghi Medivector Agnes Nguyenpho US Food and Drug Admin. Pallavi Nithyanandan US Food and Drug Admin. Fredrik Nordstrom AbbVie Emmanuel Obeng Valeant Michelle O’Brien Biogen Idec Linda Evans O’Connor Teva Pharmaceuticals Thomas O’Connor US Food and Drug Admin. Patricia Onyimba US Food and Drug Admin. Larry Ouderkirk US Food and Drug Admin. Weiming Ouyang US Food and Drug Admin. Shahla Parvizi US Food and Drug Admin. Hasmukh Patel US Food and Drug Admin. Jatin Patel Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Kaushik Patel Teva Pharmaceuticals Daniel Peng US Food and Drug Admin. Vicki Penn Product Quality Research Institute James Polli University of Maryland Sarah Pope Miksinski US Food and Drug Admin. Matt Popowski Perrigo Eugenia Poulos Aceto / PQRI John Punzi CHPA / PQRI Yihong Qiu AbbVie Radhika Rajagopalan US Food and Drug Admin. GK Raju Massachusetts Inst. of Tech Mahesh Ramanadham US Food and Drug Admin. Ashutosh Rao US Food and Drug Admin. Andre Raw US Food and Drug Admin. Bhagwant Rege US Food and Drug Admin. Vasiliki-Georgia Revithi F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. Rachael Roehrig PQRI Niles Ron US Food and Drug Admin. Susan Rosencrance US Food and Drug Admin. Mark Rosolowsky Bristol-Myers Squibb Milon Roy Unichem Pharmaceuticals Karen Rule Pfizer Inc. Laura Salazar-Fontana US Food and Drug Admin. Azita Saleki-Gerhardt AbbVie George Salem US Food and Drug Admin. Eric Sanchez Janssen Ortho LLC Mohan Sapru US Food and Drug Admin. Vilayat Sayeed US Food and Drug Admin. Frank Scarcia Novartis Healthcare Norman Schmuff US Food and Drug Admin. Susan Schniepp Allergy Laboratories Dave Schoneker Colorcon / IPEC Americas / PQRI Paul Schwartz US Food and Drug Admin. Mark Schweitzer Novartis Barbara Scott US Food and Drug Admin. Arzu Selen US Food and Drug Admin. Robert Sepelyak AstraZeneca Pankaj Shah Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Vinod Shah Consultant / PQRI Arthur Shaw US Food and Drug Admin. Donald Singer US Pharmacopeia Ambarish Singh Bristol-Myers Squibb Glen Smith US Food and Drug Admin. Harry Smith US Food and Drug Admin. John Smith US Food and Drug Admin. Yarery Smith US Food and Drug Admin. Ramesh Sood US Food and Drug Admin. Aloka Srinivasan Parexel International Charu Srinivasan US Food and Drug Admin. Marsha Stabler-Hardiman Concordia ValSource Thomas Stangler Sandoz GmbH Marla Stevens-Riley US Food and Drug Admin. Neil Stiber US Food and Drug Admin. Paul Stinavage Pfizer Inc. David Stirling Genentech Mary Storch ISPE Selen Stromgren US Food and Drug Admin. Sandra Suarez US Food and Drug Admin. Shankar Swaminathan Valeat Pharmaceuticals Margaret Szymczak McNeil Consumer Healthcare /PQRI Michael Tarlov NIST Yue (Helen) Teng US Food and Drug Admin. Vance Hayden Thomas Vertex Pharmaceuticals Joel Thomson PSC Biotech Corporation Eric Thostesen US Food and Drug Admin. Edward Tidswell Baxter Healthcare Tricia Ting University of Maryland Robert Tollefsen US Food and Drug Admin. Wei-Qin Tong Teva Pharmaceuticals Don Treacy Magothy Group Sonia Trivic McNeil Consumer Health Bernhardt Trout Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. Rajendra Uppoor US Food and Drug Admin. Esther Urkin Perrigo Siva Vaithiyalingam Teva Pharmaceuticals Katherine Vass Colorcon Fionnuala Walsh Eli Lilly and Company Jane Watts Incyte Corp. Henry Weidmuller Cubist Pharmaceuticals Hong Wen US Food and Drug Admin. Paul Weninger Perrigo Cole Werble The RPM Report Jill Wechsler Pharmaceutical Executive Magazine Russ Wesdyk US Food and Drug Admin. Todd Wetli Evonik Corporation Robert Wildman Celgene Corp. Joerg Windisch Sandoz GmbH Tsedenia Woldehanna US Food and Drug Admin. Janet Woodcock US Food and Drug Admin. Bing Wu US Food and Drug Admin. Fang Wu US Food and Drug Admin. Geoffrey Wu US Food and Drug Admin. Huiquan Wu US Food and Drug Admin. Winifred Wu Strategic Regulatory Partners LLC Tao Xie US Food and Drug Admin. Wei Xu Merck & Co. Naiqi Ya US Food and Drug Admin. Lawrence Yu US Food and Drug Admin. Louis Yu Perrigo / PQRI Cristiana Zaharia Gilead Huyi Zhang US Food and Drug Admin. Qunying Zhang AbbVie Zheng Zhao CPIER Liang Zhou US Food and Drug Admin. Sigita Zibas Celgene Corp. Carolyn Zlogar McNeil Consumer Healthcare Susan Zuk US Food and Drug Admin.