Here Are Some Very Important Dates and Information on Changes to the Food Show
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2013-2014 4-H Food Show Budget Wise Recipes
Here are some very important dates and information on changes to the Food Show…
The Medina County 4-H Food Show will be on Saturday, October 19th-Woolls Intermediate School Cafeteria, 9:00 to 11:00 am.
Paperwork for the County Food Show will be due in the Extension Office by October 9th – The Extension office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00. We also have a mail slot you can drop your registration in.
Age divisions for the Food Show are: 8-10 Junior 11-13 Intermediate 14-18 Senior
Categories for the Food Show have changed to follow “My Plate”. This year’s categories are:
Protein Fruit & Vegetables Grains Dairy
There will be a “Theme” selected each year which will guide recipe selection. Therefore, recipes should fit into the current theme, which is "Budget Wise Recipes" for 2013-2014.
We have minimized the paperwork/entry form!
Another change is the new, revised scorecard.
All categories of the food show will be allowed oven time.
This year juniors and intermediates will have the same categories and theme as the Seniors for Food Show. The juniors and intermediates will still have the interview (judges asking questions) and the seniors will still give a presentation. 2014 4-H Food Show Budget Wise Recipes The theme for the 2014 Food Show is “Budget Wise Recipes.” This gives you an opportunity to pick your favorite dish – and improve on it to make it more economical. Good luck and enjoy!
Objectives • Practice and know recommended food preparation skills including food safety. • Understand connection of recipe to food category, while also learning about how to make such a recipe more economical. • Learn the nutrients in your dish and food category and the health benefits they provide to your body.
Eligibility Requirements
Membership A contestant must be enrolled and actively participating as a 4-H member. The 4-H member must also be actively participating in a county 4-H food and nutrition educational program.
Senior Division Participants must have passed their 14th but not their 19th birthday before August 31, 2013. 4-H participants who have won first place in any category, in any year, at the State 4-H Food Show are ineligible to participate in any category at State Food Show.
Alternates An alternate cannot participate in the State Food Show unless the contest superintendent is notified prior to Roundup Registration closing. It is imperative that the contest superintendent be notified as soon as possible in order to make program and other changes.
Recipe 4-H contestants must enter the same recipe entry that they qualified with at the District level. However, the same recipe cannot be entered more than once to the State Food Show. STUDY RESOURCES
• MyPlate h tt p : // www . c h o o s em y p l a t e . g o v / • Food Safety h tt p : // www . f i gh t ba c . o rg / • Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 h tt p : // www . c npp . u s d a .g o v / d g a s 2010 - p o li c y d oc umen t . h t m • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service: Nutrient Needs at a Glance h tt p : // f cs . t a mu . e d u /foo d _ a n d _nu t r i t i o n / p d f / nu t r i en t- nee ds- a t - a - g l an c e - E - 589 . p df • Stretching Your Food Dollar http : // o r e g o n s t a t e . e du / d e pt / k bre c / f e ed i n g- f am i l y - budg e t • Stretch Your Food Dollars Part 1: Before Going to the Store http : // www .c l e m s o n . e du / ex ten s io n / h g ic / f o o d / n u tr i t io n / fo o d_ s h o p _ pr e p / f oo d _ s h o p / h g ic 42 2 0 . ht ml • Stretch Your Food Dollars Part 2: At the Grocery Store http : // www .c l e m s o n . e du / ex ten s io n / h g ic / f o o d / n u tr i t io n / fo o d_ s h o p _ pr e p / f oo d _ s h o p / h g ic 42 2 1 . ht ml • Stretch Your Food Dollars Part 3: At Home http : // www .c l e m s o n . e du / ex ten s io n / h g ic / f o o d / n u tr i t io n / fo o d_ s h o p _ pr e p / f oo d _ s h o p / h g ic 42 2 2 . ht ml • Now Serving: Tasty, Healthful Meals on a Budget Week 1: Meal Planning Tips, Menus and Recipes http : // www . a g . nd s u .e du / pub li c a t io n s/ l a nd i ng - p a g e s / fo o d -a nd - nutr i t io n / n o w - s e r v i ng - t as t y - h e a l thfu l - m e a l s- o n - a- budg e t - w e e k - 1 - m e a l - p l a nn i ng - t i p s- m e n u s-a nd - r e c i pe s - fn1 3 83 • Eat Right When Money is Tight http : // www . n a l. u s d a . g o v /s n a p / E a tR i g ht W h e n Mo n e y sT i ght . pdf RECIPE SELECTION
Four entry categories allow for presentation of a variety of foods in the Food Show. The categories also provide an opportunity for contestants to exhibit a variety of food presentation principles.
Many recipes can be entered in more than one category. Participants should consult with the website when selecting a recipe category. All four food categories may use ovens during food preparation. However, oven time is limited to 75 minutes in all categories.
Protein - All foods made from meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, processed soy products, nuts, and seeds are considered part of the Protein Foods Group. Beans and peas are also part of the Vegetable Group. o EX: Dishes that contain meat or meat alternative such as eggs, dry beans, peas or peanut butter. Fruit and Vegetable - Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as part of the Fruit Group. Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed. Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice counts as a member of the Vegetable Group. Vegetables may be raw or cooked; fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated; and may be whole, cut-up, or mashed. Vegetables are organized into 5 subgroups, based on their nutrient content. o EX: Dishes that accompany a main dish (salads, relish trays, cooked fruits and vegetables)
Grains - Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits are examples of grain products. Grains are divided into 2 subgroups, Whole Grains and Refined Grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel ― the bran, germ, and endosperm. o EX: Quick, yeast, bread mixes, rice, pasta
Dairy - All fluid milk products and many foods made from milk are considered part of this food group. Most Dairy Group choices should be fat-free or low-fat. Foods made from milk that retain their calcium content are part of the group. Foods made from milk that have little to no calcium, such as cream cheese, cream, and butter, are not. Calcium-fortified soymilk (soy beverage) is also part of the Dairy Group. o EX: Dishes selected must contain a minimum of a half serving of dairy (macaroni and cheese, drinks, custards, cheese logs, etc.) Ingredients
When choosing a recipe, please keep in mind what ingredients will be available in College Station in June. No alcohol or alcohol-containing ingredients can be used. RECIPE SUBMISSION CHECKLIST Tips for Success I. Does Your Recipe Have All of These Parts? Yes No a. Name of Recipe ______
b. Complete list of ingredients Size cans, packages, cans, etc. given EX: 10 oz box chopped frozen spinach NOT Spinach, box of spinach or frozen spinach
c. Description for combining all ingredients
II. List of Ingredients a. Ingredients are listed in order in which they are used
b. Ingredients listed as they are measured, i.e. the word describing is in the correct place. EX: ¼ cup chopped onion, not ¼ cup onion chopped.
EX: 1 green pepper, chopped, not 1 chopped green pepper
c. Measurements given in common fractions i.e. ¼ cup, 2 tablespoons, 1 teaspoon
d. All measurements are spelled out, not abbreviated. EX: cup, teaspoon, tablespoon, size can, etc. (i.e. 4-ounce can)
e. Avoid brand names. Include complete description of ingredients, i.e. low-fat, packed in syrup, reduced fat, etc.
III. Directions
I have……….
a. Used clear instructions for every step of combining and cooking the ingredients
b. Used short, clear sentences
c. Used the correct word to describe combining and cooking processes
d. Stated the size of pan
e. Give temperature and cooking time
f. Included the number of serving or how Much the recipe would make Recipe Example 4-H Shamrock Salad 6 ounce package lime gelatin (not just 1 package lime gelatin) 2 cups boiling water 1 cup lemon-lime soda 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened (not just 1package/what kind? Low fat, Fat free, etc.)
½ teaspoon vanilla ½ teaspoon lime juice 6-ounce can mandarin oranges, drained (always include size) 8-ounce can pineapple tidbits, drained 2 cups green grapes, halved, seeded (not just grapes also color/kind? Red, concord, green)
2 cups chopped celery (not 2 cups celery chopped – you must chop the celery to measure it, so chopped must be written first)
½ cup chopped pecans (are you measuring the pecans before or after chopping? The way it is written here indicates chopping first) 8 ounce carton frozen low-fat whipped Topping, thawed (indicate low-fat, fat-free, etc.) 3-ounce package lime gelatin 1 ½ cups boiling water
Dissolve the 6-ouce package lime gelatin in 2 cups boiling water. Stir in 1 cup lemon-lime soda. Combine this with cream cheese, vanilla, and lime juice in blender, and process until smooth. Pour blended mixture into bowl. Stir in all fruit, celery and pecans. Fold in three-fourths carton whipped topping. Pour into 13x9x2 inch pan. (Note size of pan is listed) Chill until firm; then cut whole pan into 8 equal sized portions.
To make the 4-H Shamrock gelatin jigglers, dissolve the 3-ounce package lime gelatin in 1 ½ cups boiling water. Pour into shallow pan, 24x16x1 inches. Chill until set. Cookie cut the jiggler gelatin into 4-H Shamrock shapes. Serve salad squares on lettuce-lined plate. Top with 4-H Shamrocks. Garnish with remaining whipped topping. Chill until serving time. May add other garnishes to serving try for color variety. Yield 8 ½ cup servings. (Note number of servings is listed)
Contestants will be interviewed in a room near the kitchen. The Kitchen Supervisor will inform each contestant when and where to take his/her dish to be judged. The order in which each district will be judged has been randomly selected and is included in this document. 1. Introduction/Presentation Each contestant will start with a maximum t h ree - mi nu t e p re s e n t a t i o n to introduce themselves and their dish. You should describe your inspiration in choosing that dish and how it relates to the theme, Budget Wise Recipes. You may wish to include your experience in 4-H and the Food and Nutrition Project.
2. Question and Answer Judges will have the opportunity for a five - mi n u t e i n t erview asking questions applicable to the attached scorecard. It includes but is not limited to basic nutrition, food safety, preparation and project experiences. Being familiar with the information from the recommended resources in the Guidelines will improve your interview success.
3. Serving At the conclusion of the question and answer period you will have on e - mi nu t e t o s erve the judges a portion of your dish. This will allow judges to visually evaluate the dish you have prepared. Contestants are encouraged to practice proper food handling techniques when presenting food to the judges. The food should be presented in a serving dish with a serving utensil. The dish should be presented to the judges as if it were about to be placed on a table for a family dinner. In some instances, it is not necessary to present to the judges the entire recipe. For example, if a recipe makes two loaves of bread, only one loaf needs to be presented for judging. Serve judges only a small portion of food using the paper products provided by the judging supervisor. The serving trays provided by the Kitchen Supervisor must be used if a tray is needed to safely transport the dish.
Fancy or elaborate placemats, linens, centerpieces, candles, etc., are not to be included with the dish as it is presented for judging interviews. Contestants should use only serving dishes and utensils appropriate and necessary to present and serve the dish to be judged. Agents and leaders are encouraged to use discretion regarding this manner when counseling 4-H participants, members or contestants for the state show.
Dishes that are displayed during the public viewing at the Awards Ceremony can be more elaborately presented. However, large table cloths, silver trays, etc., are not appropriate, since each contestant will be allowed a space that is only about 24 inches wide and 18 inches deep.
At the conclusion of 4-H Food Show, ranking, judges’ comments and other correspondence will be forwarded to the 4-H County Agent. Please allow up to two weeks for processing. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service DECLARATION OF ELIGIBILITY FORM
This information is requested in accordance with the requirement of the Texas Education Code and in cooperation with the Texas Education Agency and local public school board policies.
In accordance with 4-H policy, provided by our local Extension office, I respectfully request (check () one):
Academic eligibility information only
Academic eligibility information and authorization to receive an excused absence from school
Date: 10-19-2013 Name of Activity: Medina County Food Show/Nutrition Quiz Bowl
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
I hereby certify that ______is a member of 4-H in
Medina County and is scheduled to participate in this activity representing 4-H. He/she will be under the supervision of the Texas A&M AgriLife Service faculty or agency’s designated volunteer leader.
______Date County Extension Agent
PRINCIPAL - Complete This Section
Check () one: I do certify that the student is academically eligible to participate in the above mentioned extracurricular activity.
I do not certify the student because he/she is NOT academically eligible to participate in the above mentioned extracurricular activity. Check () one: An excused absence will be granted.
An excused absence will not be granted.
Does not apply.
Signed: ______Date: ______Principal or Designee
______Name of School
Instructions: 4-H members must bring this completed form with them and turn it in at the contest in order to participate. NO EXCEPTIONS! Schools requiring a copy of this form should copy before returning to student. JUNIOR/INTERMEDIATE FORMS
2013-2014 FOOD SHOW