Service Auction Procedures & Task Checklist

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Service Auction Procedures & Task Checklist

Updated May 2016 Service Auction Procedures & Task Checklist

The annual Service Auction is a social function with a purpose; that is, to raise money for UUCLV. It is an important and integral part of the church budget. Results have ranged from $5,000 to $8,000 raised.

The event is usually held on a Saturday evening (although it doesn't have to be) and includes a complimentary dinner, which volunteers from the congregation provide. For many years, the auctioneer has been Mark Hall-Patton, a long-time member of the church. The theme of the event is up to the organizers, as are the decorations and format. We try to make it a multigenerational event by providing childcare and inviting the older children to participate.

Note: Any purchases required can be submitted for reimbursement after the event. Prior to making any expenditure, please check first with event coordinator and keep receipts.

Promotion and Publicity  Decide on a theme and design, print and distribute a poster/flyer for the events board in the lobby and as handouts for distribution as desired  Note: Same layout can be used for all publicity purposes  6-8 weeks prior: place notice in the UUCLV weekly announcements (deadline is the Tuesday before publication; send to [email protected]) Messages can be changed as the event date approaches. Suggestions: Save the date; Request help; Decide on what to offer; Everyone attend this fun event!)

 4 weeks prior: Place notice (poster/flyer) on the UUCLV Website (ask Office Admin.)  4 weeks prior: Place notice (poster/flyer) on UUCLV Facebook page (ask Office Admin.) and update 1 week before the event  Previous month and month of event: Place notice (poster/flyer) in The Sunrise

1 Updated May 2016 (Deadline for each issue is the 20th of the preceding month; send to [email protected]  3-4 weeks prior: Place notice in the Religion Notes column of the Saturday Review-Journal ; ask for placement the Saturday before and the Saturday of the event. Give complete information and e-mail to:  [email protected]

 If desired, prepare street sign and arrange for placement and removal as needed

Pre-Event Preparation  Recruit organizers and helpers for:  Publicity (see above)  Auctioneer (Mark Hall-Patton has traditionally performed this role; however, due to his busy schedule, he must be booked way in advance)  Live Auction catalog preparation and printing  Soliciting of donations; a form exists for this purpose  Silent Auction, Raffle Auction, Fixed-price Auction  Soliciting of donations; same form can be used  Room setup prior to sale  Traditionally after the service on the Sunday prior to the event  Clear out Sanctuary and set up long tables and chairs  Table decorations and setup  Dinner organizing and setup

2 Updated May 2016  Cash bar (Dave Richards has often done this)  Sign making as needed  Lobby attendees to hand out & record paddles & sell Raffle Auction tickets  Auction cashiers (Mark H-P is willing to train on day of the event)  Helpers for Silent Auction, Fixed Price Auction, and Raffle Auction  Room cleanup and restoration

 Other tasks:  Check supplies in walk-in storage closet off main kitchen  Have a supply box: tape, markers, stapler, scissors, etc.  Obtain cash box and change for lobby (for raffle ticket sales)  Obtain calculators, pens, forms, and paddle-numbered folders for cashiers  Set up food tables and dinnerware (plates, napkins, utensils)  Set up coffee/tea service (cups, sugar, cream, etc.)  Set up cash bar (beverages, ice, cups, napkins)  Cover all tables and decorate  Set up tables for cashiers  Set up lobby with paddles, raffle tickets, record form, cash box, etc

Day of Event 3 Updated May 2016  Cashiers record auction purchases &purchasers; track by paddle numbers  Cashiers give receipts to purchasers  Office later provides a record of their purchases to purchasers  Cashiers fill out a VANCO form for each credit card purchase and turns them in to the treasurer (or his/her designee)  To avoid confusion , the Silent, Fixed-Price, and Raffle Auctions are completed prior to the completion of the Live Auction

Post-Event  Clear off all tables, store in back hallway near Meditation Room  Return tables borrowed from Social Hall  Replace and rearrange all chairs in Sanctuary  Sweep or vacuum floor  Tidy up bathrooms and replenish supplies if necessary  Store all reusable supplies in Service Auction storage bins; place in walk-in storeroom off main kitchen  Count cash and checks and return to office or treasurer  Thank volunteers from pulpit announcement  Thank volunteers in The Sunrise  Office sends reminders to offerers and purchasers and tracks sales of additional openings


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