The Jungle Writing Assignment

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The Jungle Writing Assignment

The Jungle Writing Assignment

Now that you have completed Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle it is now time to create a well constructed essay the focuses on the development of American society between the Gilded Age and World War I. During this era students have witnessed the transformation of the United States from an agricultural society to a leading world power. Students will use Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, classroom readings, discussions, lectures, and films to assist them in their writing. Areas of focus that must be addressed:

 What difficulties did labors face during this era?  How did their social and economic lives change?  Did people achieve the American Dream?  What was the lasting impact of this era?

*Please construct an essay that goes beyond answering these questions (See me if you have questions). * You have read The Jungle so please use it as a source when writing your essay.

Your essay should be at least 700 words long, typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, follow proper essay form, and include footnotes and a bibliography as appropriate. Be sure to proofread the essay for spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors.

Total Points: 100 Points

Due Dates:  Rough Draft/Outline: October 17, 2008  Final Draft Copy: October 24, 2008 4 - Above Standar 3 - Meets Standar 2 - Approaching Standar 1 - Below Standar CATEGORY ds ds ds ds Score Focus or The thesis statement The thesis statement The thesis statement outlines The thesis statement Thesis names the topic of the names the topic of the some or all of the main points to does not name the essay and outlines the essay. be discussed but does not topic AND does not Statement main points to be name the topic. preview what will be discussed. discussed.

Support for Includes 3 or more Includes 3 or more Includes 2 pieces of evidence Includes 1 or fewer Position pieces of evidence pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real- pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, (facts, statistics, life experiences) that support (facts, statistics, examples) that support examples, real-life the position statement. examples, real-life the position statement. experiences) that experiences). The writer anticipates support the position the reader's concerns, statement. biases or arguments and has provided at least 1 counter- argument. Evidence All of the evidence and Most of the evidence At least one of the pieces of Evidence and and examples are specific, and examples are evidence and examples is examples are NOT relevant and specific, relevant and relevant and has an explanation relevant AND/OR are Examples explanations are given explanations are given that shows how that piece of not explained. that show how each that show how each evidence supports the author's piece of evidence piece of evidence position. supports the author's supports the author's position. position. Accuracy All supportive facts and Almost all supportive Most supportive facts and Most supportive facts statistics are reported facts and statistics are statistics are reported and statistics were accurately. reported accurately. accurately. inaccurately reported.

Sequencing Arguments and support Arguments and A few of the support details or Many of the support are provided in a support are provided in arguments are not in an details or arguments logical order that a fairly logical order expected or logical order, are not in an expected makes it easy and that makes it distracting the reader and or logical order, interesting to follow the reasonably easy to making the essay seem a little distracting the reader author's train of follow the author's train confusing. and making the essay thought. of thought. seem very confusing. Closing The conclusion is The conclusion is The author's position is restated There is no conclusion paragraph strong and leaves the recognizable. The within the closing paragraph, - the paper just ends. reader solidly author's position is but not near the beginning. understanding the restated within the first writer's position. two sentences of the Effective restatement of closing paragraph. the position statement begins the closing paragraph. Sources All sources used for All sources used for Most sources used for quotes, Many sources are quotes, statistics and quotes, statistics and statistics and facts are credible suspect (not credible) facts are credible and facts are credible and and cited correctly. AND/OR are not cited cited correctly. most are cited correctly. correctly.

Sentence All sentences are well- Most sentences are Most sentences are well Most sentences are not Structure constructed with varied well-constructed and constructed, but there is no well-constructed or structure, which keep there is some varied variation is structure. varied. the reader interested. sentence structure in the essay. Grammar & Author makes no errors Author makes 1-2 Author makes 3-4 errors in Author makes more Spelling in grammar or spelling errors in grammar or grammar or spelling that distract than 4 errors in that distract the reader spelling that distract the reader from the content. grammar or spelling from the content. the reader from the that distract the reader content. from the content.

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