Quiz #1 6th Grade Health Study Guide Rules of Class On time; stay in assigned seat or ask permission to get up; no gum; when anyone is speaking, everyone else is quiet; do not yell out when asking or answering a question; bring a pencil; remain quiet during tests/quizzes

Bullying Vocabulary Bullying versus Teasing: Teasing = temporary and joking around with a close friend; bullying is repeated and harmful harassment Cyber-bullying: harmful harassment using electronic devices such as computers and cell phones; examples include harmful text messages sent via cell phone, harmful words while chatting or messaging on chat and social networking sites online Physical Bullying: physical harassment using kicking, pushing; stealing personal items; making someone do something they don’t want to do Relationship Bullying: consistently avoiding a friend or refusing to talk to them; constantly spreading lies and rumors Verbal Bullying: consistently insulting, name calling, or teasing someone to hurt Stereotyping: generalizations about the typical characteristics of a group; prejudice or popular belief about a specific group of people (blondes are all dumb). Gossip: to talk or pass on information about other people’s private lives Rumors: information spread by word of mouth that has not been confirmed to be true Intimidation: the act of making a person fearful Clique: exclusive group of friends Threaten: to tell someone verbally, in writing, or through gestures that you intend to harm them in some way Harassment: the act of pestering someone with unwanted attention Peer Pressure: an attempt by others who are in the same social group to influence an individual’s behaviors, attitudes, or values

How to deal with a bully: 1. Ignore bully’s insults and name calling and walk away 2. Don’t show the bully you are angry 3. Don’t get physical 4. Practice being confident to avoid being bullied and never slouch 5. Stay positive and think about all the good attributes you have 6. Do things that you are good at or exercise and lift weights to build self- confidence 7. Tell an adult or talk to a counselor 8. Find true friends to hang out with at all times 9. Use “I” statements to let the bully know how you feel