Talk to Our Town Hall Town Directory

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Talk to Our Town Hall Town Directory





T ALK TO OUR TOWN HALL – TOWN DIRECTORY The Mayor, Council and Staff are available to serve the community. To contact your Town Council or various Commission members, write to: Town of Waterville, P.O. Box 580, Waterville, WA 98858, or call the numbers below:

TOWN HALL PHONE: 745-8871 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: 745-8782 Web:


Royal DeVaney, Mayor 745-8459 Frank Spaun, Building Inspector Marsha Peterson Wayne Hawks 630-4382 Dan Augustson, Chairman Clerk Treasurer Brian Munson 745-8396 Kasey Edgar Joyce Huber 745-9300 Cathi Nelson Erica Stoddard Bob Olin 745-8197 Josh Barnes Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Chuck Driver 679-5260 Open-Can you Serve?

Regular meetings are held on the Regular meetings are held on the 2nd Hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm 1st and 3rd Monday of each month Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. Monday - Friday at 7:30pm. PUBLIC WORKS TREE BOARD WATERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Mobile Phone 630-4171 Cathy Clark – Chairman Sandy Bareither 745-8354 Marty Ramin, Superintendent 745-8162 Bruce Clark Librarian Brian Willms Amy Larsen Marc Lester Alan Colvin Open-Can you Serve?

IT'S OUR T.O.W.N. 1 Town of Waterville PST STD P.O. Box 580 US POSTAGE Waterville, WA 98858 PAID WATERVILLE, WA PERMIT NO. 3


IT'S OUR T.O.W.N. 1 TOWN COUNCIL Attention All Preschool- ers!!! ACTION Waterville Preschool is currently accept-  Huber made a motion to approve Change ing early registration for fall classes. Your child Order No. 3 which addresses the costs needs to be 3 years old by Aug. 31, 2013, and associated with the extension of the Chelan potty trained to begin preschool. We are a par- Avenue paving section to Locust Street, ent co-op, Christian based preschool held at additional improvements along Chelan the Federated Church. For more information Avenue, and changes in conditions please call Sharon Long at 509-745-8704 or encountered by the contractor during email us. [email protected]. construction in the amount of $29,029.74. Hawks seconded. Approved by majority vote, with Munson abstaining. WATERVILLE  Huber moved to approve Pay Estimate No. 3 to Selland Construction, Inc. for DAYS $108,364.37, with a second from Olin. TH TH Approved by majority vote, with Munson JULY 12 & 13 abstaining. Waterville Days 2013 is scheduled for July 12 -  Council unanimously approved advertising 13, 2013. The Spaghetti Feed is on Friday night for general engineering and consultant and is sponsored by the Douglas County Vol- services on a motion by Munson and a unteer Firefighters. On Saturday - All Day Fair second by Hawks. in Pioneer Park! There will be lots of music, an  Olin made a motion to nominate exciting parade, games for kids, arts & crafts Councilmember Wayne Hawks as Mayor booths, all sorts of good food, and much, much Pro-Tem, with a second from Munson. more. Approved by majority vote, with Hawks Contact List: abstaining. Arts & crafts vendors and food vendors, please  Olin moved to consider the option to relocate contact Cathy Clark for a vendor application the wastewater system to a new site adding 293-6070. single-lined aerated ponds and lagoons. The cost for Arts & crafts booth is $20; the cost Driver seconded. Unanimous vote. for food vendors is $35, and your Chelan-Dou-  Driver made a motion that the Town of glas Health District Permit. Waterville should remain outside of the Musicians, parade entries and all other interest- boundaries of the Metropolitan Planning ed participants, please contact Keith Soder- Organization (MPO), with a second from strom, 745-9555. Hawks. Unanimous vote. Come out and enjoy two  Driver made a motion that the Town of great days of fun, entertainment, Waterville solicit proposals from the MRSC and great food! Small Works Roster to clean the water reservoirs, with a second from Hawks. Just a reminder to everyone to please Unanimous vote. walk your bicycles, scooters, etc. on the side-  Council voted unanimously to select Inland walks in the downtown area to avoid Potable Services, Inc. as the company to hitting/hurting people walking. Ordinance clean the Town water reservoirs on a motion #2007-683 restricts the use of skates, skate- by Driver and a second by Huber. boards, scooters, and bicycles on the sidewalks  Huber moved to approve the purchase of a within the downtown area. (Please stop by mosquito fogger pending approval of Town Hall if you would like a copy of this ordi- Ramin’s proposed course of action by the nance.) Waterville Mosquito Control Board. Hawks Let’s keep our sidewalks safe for seconded. Unanimous vote. pedestrians and cyclists! POOL OPENING SPRING CLEAN UP DAY HAULED AWAY th JUNE 17 23 LOADS OF JUNK!

Pool Season is just around the corner The spring clean up day on April 27th and the Town crew is busy cleaning and was a great success again this year thanks to painting the pool in preparation for our June the following dedicated volunteers who filled 17th opening. Stop by Town Hall to purchase up 3 – (40 yard) dumpsters with household your 2013 season passes or to sign up for waste, 1 – (40 yard) dumpster with wood one of our 2 sessions of swim lessons. products, and took in lots of recyclables at Lifeguards for the 2013 pool season the recycle center: are: Assistant Manager Kendra Toomey, Marty Ramin Brian Willms Kelsey Browning, Walter Edgar, Robert Par- Mark Lester Marsha Peterson cells, Andrea Toomey & Julia Toomey, Royal DeVaney Bob Olin Bob Borders Kelly Hough Brian Munson Wayne Boushee Sharon Lorentzen

Thank you for giving up your Saturday morning to help clean up our Town! Summer is on the way and there will Also, a special thank you to Ed & Lin- be quite a bit of things going on around town. da Daling of Waterville Family Grocery for do- Water reservoirs will be cleaned along with nating the delicious rolls and beverages for some sewer lines. Third Street between our volunteers! Monroe and Baker is going to be repaired and the pool will be filled and ready for the season. The Planning & Zoning Please drive carefully and slow down Commission meets on the sec- because school will be out, and people will be ond Tuesday of each month at walking around during the day and evening. 7:00 PM at Town Hall. The pub- There are several fundraisers and ac- lic is welcome and encouraged to attend. tivities going on during the summer and fall. New building permits issued for 2013: PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR TOWN AND 13-01 Gary McKinney-405 W First-Covered COMMUNITY. Deck 13-02 Loyd Smith-311 E Ash-Home Spring is in the air; trees 13-03 Karen Dvornich-710 E Locust-Remodel are blossoming, and flowers are We are currently looking for a new blooming. Please help your Tree member to fill Diana Phillip’s unexpired term. Board members by nominating Anyone interested should contact Town Hall. your neighbor's or your own yard for Yard of the Month. Nomination forms and entry box REMEMBER THE TOWN are available at Town Hall. Nominations will HAS A LEASH LAW. continue through September. PLEASE DON’T LET Congratulations to Duane & Betty Biggar YOUR DOGS ROAM OR for being chosen as April’s Yard of the Month! STRAY. Monday, August 12th at 10am PJ Smith Summer Fun will explain the Eruption of Mt. St. Library-cont. Helens to children and show us how he at the Li- makes figurines form the ash deposits left in 1980. brary!!! Thank you to all the friends and families By: Sandy Bareither-Librarian that have supported the Library over the last This summer at the Library we’re go- 15 years. Through your generosity and ing to “Dig into Reading”; with activities, art kindness, the Waterville Library is a safe, projects, presentations, puppet shows, and a well-loved, and positive place for all ages. reading challenge for ALL ages! Every pro- Please stop by and welcome the new gram at the Library is free and sure to be fun Librarian on June 3rd. for the whole family! Summer Reading Begins Monday, June 10 TIPS FOR A MOSQUITO Join the fun any day during the FREE SUMMER summer, or come enjoy the great programs and family activities at the Library. Visit for a complete schedule of events at During mosquito season there are things local Libraries. you can do at home to stop them.  Monday, June 17th at 10am the Pacific 1. Change water in birdbaths twice a Science Center will bring “Rock and week. Roll” to the Library. Learn about 2. Repair leaky faucets and sprinklers. earthquakes, rocks, fossils & 3. Empty water from flower pot dishes. geological forces in the PNW. 4. Clean leaf- clogged gutters. st  Monday, July 1 at 10am Chelan PUD 5. Keep water fresh and drain standing brings “Incredible Forces”, a program water from around stock troughs. on centrifugal force, centripetal force, 6. Recycle old bottles, buckets, & cans. gravitational force, and electrical 7. Clean garden ponds and stock them energy. th with fish.  Saturday, July 13 from 9am-4pm the 8. Get rid of used tires properly. annual Friends of the Library book sale will be held once again in Pioneer Mosquitoes need water to breed and Park. th grow. It doesn’t take much water and it does-  Wednesday, July 17 at 10am NCRL n’t take much time. So, almost anything PUPPET SHOW! Fun and laughter around your home that can hold water for a produced by Mark Wavra and his week or more can produce these pests. Get assistants; a family event! th rid of places where water collects and mos-  Monday, July 29 at 10am NW quitoes won’t have a chance. author/illustrator Erik Brooks will be For more information go to the Depart- discussing his latest books and the art ment of Health website at of picture book illustration. Very inspirational program for young readers, writers, and artists!  Monday, August 5th at 10am NCRL FOOD BANK DAYS & PUPPET SHOW will be back for an HOURS encore performance with a new production by Mark Wavra and the NCRL Puppeteers! The food bank is located at 413 S. of the plant. They may recommend you call Central St. in the Senior Center and is open or visit during clinic hours. from 2:30-4:00 PM. Upcoming days of oper-  Wenatchee Farmers Market - ation are: June 6th, 13th & 27th, July 18th, Au- Saturdays, June-September gust 1st & 15th and September 5th & 19th. Tree Board News-cont.  Riverside Xeriscape Demonstration With the removal of Garden, Wenatchee, on the Apple Loop several large trees around trail along the Columbia River - town this spring things will be Wednesday mornings May to October a bit hotter. Strategic placement of trees can  Community Education Garden, at provide welcome shade for backyard picnics Springwater & Western, Wenatchee. and reduce the temperatures inside of parked Summer hours: Thursday 6- 7:30 pm cars. When a tree gets too large for a space or needs to be removed because of disease HAVE YOU ORDERED or damage it is also an opportunity for selecting a replacement that is better suited YOUR BIRTHDAY CALEN- for that particular location. There are many DAR? ornamental trees that still serve to provide shade and remove pollutants from the air It is Waterville Shocker Booster Club without interfering with power lines, sidewalks Birthday Calendar time. For only $5.00 you and houses. Newly planted trees will need get a 2014 calendar with your family listed. supplemental watering in their first year to Don’t miss out – order forms will be allow the formation of a strong root system mailed in June. Drop off orders at Water- and ensure their survival. ville Family Grocery or Town Hall. Deadline Information on tree species and for orders is July 15 th. If you have any ques- growth habits can be found in many places, tions, call Susan Mittelstaedt at including the local library and Town Hall. 745-8372. Proceeds go towards scholarships Help is also available from Master & extra school activities. Thank you for your Gardeners: support  Diagnosis Clinics- WSU Chelan County Extension office, 400 Washington Street, Wenatchee. JUMP INTO SUMMER  Visit Wednesdays 1:00- 4:00 pm year- FUN WITH THE WA- round, plus Mondays 1:00 - 4:00 pm April TERVILLE SWIM - mid-October TEAM!  Call 509-667-6543. You may leave a message and they'll call you back. Join us this summer on the Waterville  Email your question to Swim Team! Swim Team is open to all kids [email protected]. 18 and under (To qualify you must be able to Include your name & city, phone number, swim the length of the pool unassisted). and if they contact you during clinic hours. FIRST PRACTICE: Our first practice is State your question concisely and include as tentatively planned to start on June 17th, (time much information as possible. Include the to be announced). plant name, age, growing conditions, and REGISTRATION: The cost is $40 for the 1st symptoms. Some questions are more child and $35 for each additional child in the complex than others and are better immediate family. Scholarships are available addressed in a discussion and with a sample QUESTIONS: For additional information, or give the please email Kara Mires, Team President at Fair a call at 509-745-8480. [email protected] We appreciate all of the volunteers SUMMER LEAGUE WEB SITE: Check out that come to the Fair to assist on projects, so the league website at: Fair news-Cont. if you have extra time and would like By Bob Brown, NCW something to do, give us a call and I am sure Fair Manager we can find something to occupy your time. First of all, we would like to thank everyone that donated articles to the auction for the Crab Feed. Secondly, we Frequently Asked really appreciated all the people that attended the dinner and purchased items from either Garbage Questions the silent or live auctions. What is going on at the Fairgrounds in Why wasn’t my garbage picked up? the near future? June 21-23 we will be a). Tote was possibly blocked. *Remem- holding the Bikers Rally and Cowboy ber to keep your tote at least 3 feet Mounted Shooting event. The cost of away from any obstructions including admission is only $5.00 each day. The rally cars, street signs, and trees will have games for the bikers, poker run, b). Tote not out in time or not pulled out to food, vendors, and music. Music will be edge of street. provided by Kate Lynne Logan, Brody *Remember to place your tote at the Blackburn, Massy Ferguson (our dance edge of the street. band), Desert Valley Stranglehold, Velvet c). Are you a 1st and 3rd pick up? Elvis, and Jessica Lynne. Saturday night *Check to make sure it is actually there will be a dance from 8 to 10 pm. your week for service. The cowboy mounted shooting will 2) Why was I charged for extra garbage? begin on Friday the 21st at 4 pm. The a). Were there extra bags, boxes or addi- shooters will be firing blank rounds at balloon tional cans on the ground next to your targets while racing around the arena on tote? horseback. Throughout the three days of b). Your tote was overloaded. events the riders will be using hand guns, *If you have extra garbage in your tote rifles, and shotguns to race against the clock that causes the lid to not close fully, and eliminate those pesky balloons. that is considered extra garbage. July 3rd will again bring demolition cars 3) Do I have to pay for a damaged tote? and fireworks to the rodeo arena. Tickets will No – unless you damaged it by putting be available at your local Les Schwab Tire hot ashes inside or running over it with Centers of East your car. Wenatchee and 4) Why didn’t my can get emptied Wenatchee, and also at completely? NAPA in Waterville and a). Did you compact your trash into your Wenatchee. Buying tickets early saves you can in order to get it all to fit? $2.00 per ticket. b). Is your yard waste bagged? All yard This year the Demolition Derby has a waste must be bagged, especially grass new wrinkle. We will be destroying both large clippings, in order to prevent it from lodg- and small cars. Size is based on the ing inside of the can or making a mess on wheelbase of the vehicle. For rules about the the ground. cars look on the fair website at 5) How do I change my garbage service? To change, start or stop your garbage, All classes are 30 minutes long contact the Town Hall. scheduled from 10:00 – 12:30 PM. Classes are for people age 5 and up. Pre-registration is required. To sign up and pay for lessons prior to June 17th, please stop by or call Town hall at Swim Pool Info. – Cont. 745-8871. Anyone signing up after June 17th may do so in person at the pool.

POOL PHONE NUMBER IS 745-8966. The Waterville Swimming Pool will open on JUNE 17, 2013 and will close on August 17, DAILY POOL HOURS 2013. Admission costs are as follows: Monday – Friday Morning Aerobics 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM SEASON PASS Open Swim 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM Family/Town Resident $110.00 Parent/Tot (under 6) 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM (Limited to 4 people) Lap Swim/Aerobics 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Family/Non-Resident $120.00 Night Swim 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Limited to 4 people) Additional family members $ 10.00 each Saturday Adult $ 50.00 Open Swim 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Student $ 45.00 Pool Closed on Sundays Senior $ 45.00 DAILY TICKETS – PER SESSION WATERVILLE DRAMA Town of Waterville Residents CLUB Family $10.00 Adult $ 4.00 The Waterville Drama Club presents the Student/Senior $ 3.00 3rd annual variety show Saturday June 1st be- Age 5 & Under $ 1.50 ginning at 2pm at the Nifty Theatre. This year’s Town of Waterville Non-Residents show will feature skits performed by the Water- Family $10.50 ville Drama Club, German Brass Quartette from Adult $ 4.50 Leavenworth, Waterville High School Choir, Student/Senior $ 3.50 and much more. Age 5 & Under $ 1.50 Free will donation will be taken at the door. Hope to see everyone out for a fun after- SWIM LESSONS noon of entertainment. With pass $15.00 W/out pass $20.00 FREE to Waterville kids courtesy of the Is Your Water Discolored? Waterville Lions Club. THANK YOU LIONS! Town Hall has been re- ceiving many calls this spring re- MORNING EXERCISE CLASS- FREE with garding discolored water. This is season pass and $1.25 per session without. caused by iron and manganese sediments that precipitate out of the water from SWIM LESSON SCHEDULE our chlorination. When higher water flows from There will be two sessions this year: irrigation start, this can stir up this sediment. It Session #1 July 1st – July 12th is not harmful even though it may look that way. Session #2 July 22nd – August 2nd If your problem persists for more than a few days or you have concerns, please feel free to contact Town Hall. The best way to al- leviate these problems is to place a filter sys- tem in your home. We will be doing some flushing in some areas to try and improve water quality where indicated.

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