Branson High School Drill Meet

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Branson High School Drill Meet

Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011 ENTRY FORM



E-mail: [email protected] or Mail to: Lee’s Summit High School AFJROTC 2600 SW Ward Rd Lee’s Summit MO 64082

School: ______

Point of Contact: ______

Telephone: ______

E-mail: ______

FAX: ______Entry fee of $25 per team per event payable to “LSWHS-AFJROTC” is enclosed. If you wish to enter more than 5 teams, excluding Armed Tandem/Solo, your entry fee is capped at $125! Will bring entry fee to drill meet. If you wish to enter more than 5 teams, excluding Armed Tandem/Solo, your entry fee is capped at $125! We will compete in the following events: _____ Regulation Drill without Arms - Number of teams _____ Regulation Drill with Arms - Number of teams _____ Color Guard - Number of teams

_____ New Cadet - Number of teams

_____ Armed Tandem - 4 IDD tickets per entry (2 IDD tickets per person)

_____ Armed Solo - 2 IDD tickets per entry


1 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011

General Rules and Procedures

We will publish the schedule of events and room assignments one week prior to the event. Teams should arrive at Lee’s Summit West HS, front entrance near flag poles, between 0700-0715. The Commanders’ meeting is held at 0730 in the Wrestling Room for last minute changes. We will attempt to resolve all questions/concerns in advance, contact us at 816-986-4024 or by e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] . The entry fee is $25 per team event your school is participating in. If you wish to enter more than 5 teams, excluding Armed Tandem/Solo, your entry fee is capped at $125! Make checks payable to LSWHS AFJROTC. Individual Drill Down tickets are $.50 per entry.

Each school may field up to two Unarmed, Armed, Color Guard or New Cadet teams. Only one team from each school may compete for trophies in each event and for the overall championship in each event. Schools must indicate which team’s score will count towards trophies prior to competing.

Cadets may perform in more than one event but not on different teams in the same event.

We will offer the following events:

Unarmed Regulation (10 to 16) Armed Regulation (10 to 16) Color Guard (4) New Cadet (9 to 16)

Above numbers include commander

New Cadet Squad Drill is a separate event and does not count towards the overall championship. Each school may enter two teams. Cadets may compete on only one new cadet team. Team commanders may be cadets in their first or second year of JROTC.

Individual Drill Down (IDD) heats will take place throughout the day beginning at 0830. The top 20% of each heat will advance to the final. Cadets may enter as many heats as they wish but once a cadet qualifies for the final they may not enter another heat. Footgear will not have taps, plates, or other devices on the bottom of the footgear. Only uniforms worn in other events are authorized for the IDD event. No civilian clothes. Tickets for each heat are available at the unit check-in or the concession stand. Cost is $.50 per ticket.

Safety / Security We will assign each school a classroom to use as a team room. Food and drinks are not allowed in team rooms. Please do not use any type of shoe or rifle polish inside the building. Security and cleanliness of the team rooms is the responsibility of each team.

2 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011

The Lee’s Summit West High School AFJROTC Booster Club will operate concessions in the commons area. We will offer doughnuts, pastries, juice, milk, coffee, hot chocolate, hot dogs, bottled soda, bottled water and an assortment of snacks. All food and drink must stay in the commons area. Additionally, there are numerous dining options in the surrounding area in Lee’s Summit.

The drill area for all team events will be slightly larger than a standard basketball court. In the Field House (Unarmed), the drill area will extend approximately 3’ around the perimeter of the court, designated by a large blue painted outline. The Armed, Color Guard and New Cadet will be in the Auxiliary Gyms with the boundaries being the walls and bleachers. Solo/tandem Exhibition will be conducted in the Wrestling room.

All weapons for any event will have butt plate protectors, preferably rubber, to prevent floor damage. We will designate an area for cadets to practice/share armed demonstration skills. This is the only area where spinning, tossing, or other forms of armed demonstration drill is allowed. If cadets violate this rule their teams will lose 100 points off of their team score for final trophy placement.

Teams are not allowed to discharge weapons or use any form of pyrotechnic device during the meet. Bayonets are not authorized inside any Lee’s Summit West High School building. Additionally, NO TAPS on the bottoms of shoes to protect the gym floors’ finish.

Team commanders or members may not use command sequence sheets, count cadence, whistle, chant, or sing during regulation drill performance. The head judge for each event will assess a penalty points for each occurrence.

Please ensure the taping or photographing does not interfere with teams’ performance.

Each competition area has ample seating for spectators. We encourage all spectators to use the seating provided and not stand along the walls or bleachers so as to hinder any competitor or obstruct a judge’s field of view.

We will identify a judge to preside as “Meet Head Judge”. The Meet Head Judge will (if possible) settle any controversies. The reference Drill Manuals are: AFMAN 36-2203, FM 3-21.5, NAVMC.2691.

In the event of a tie for an individual event, we will use the head judge’s score to break the tie. If the head judge’s score doesn’t break the tie we will use the Uniformity of Appearance category from the event to determine the winner. If a tie still exists for the Overall Meet Championship, the winner will be the team with the highest New Cadet results.

We will award trophies to three places in each team event.

3 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011

The decision of judges in each event is final. No appeals or protests will be considered. As a matter of proper conduct, discussion with judges during the meet about any facet of the competition is prohibited. Any questions about any portion of this competition from cadets or instructors should be directed to the Head Judge.

We will award a 1st place trophy in IDD and medals to the 2nd - 5th place finishers. Cadets participating in Final IDD will be in uniform, participation in civilian clothes or travel attire is not allowed.

We will make every attempt to have completed scoring sheets available after the awards ceremony. If not, we will mail them on the following Monday.

The awards ceremony will be at 1530 in the Field House or shortly after the individual knockout championship final, whichever is sooner. All units will form up on the main floor in military uniform. Awards presentation is a military formation and as such, Cadets will be in their appropriate drill uniform, no civilian clothes or travel attire.

4 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011 ARMED SQUAD DRILL - N. Aux

This event is governed by Army FM 3-21.5 July 2003; however, schools from other services may use their services latest drill manual. Regardless of the manual each team chooses to use for this meet the Squad leader will be three paces in front of and centered on the squad when in line formation, and three paces on the left flank and centered on the squad when in column formation.

Teams may vary the commands specified to match their own service drill manuals as long as all the commands listed are completed and the event Judge is told clearly during REPORT IN portion of the drill card what drill manual the team is using.

Example: Sir/Ma’am state name of school High School drill team requests permission to occupy your drill area and perform the Armed Squad Drill Card in accordance with state manual title .

Every member of the squad will be armed with a rifle. Commanders may be armed with rifle or sword. Squads must contain at least 10 but no more than 16 cadets; the squad leader counts in this number. The squad leader may command at sling arms (if rifle is used). Neither guide nor guideon bearers are allowed.

The squad will fall-in at the start of the routine.

Teams must follow the assigned sequence of commands without deviation. The Head Judge will assess a five point penalty for each omission or addition. There is also a five point penalty each time a team member steps on or over a boundary line except at the start of the routine.

There is no time limit.

The Armed Squad Drill area boundaries are the walls and bleachers.

5 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011 Once the team enters the drill area, instructors or advisors are not permitted to provide instructions or commands either verbally or with gestures. Armed Squad

1. Fall In 31. Order, ARMS 2. Right, FACE 32. Port, ARMS 3. Port, ARMS 33. Column Half Left, MARCH 4. Forward, MARCH 34. Column Half Left, MARCH 5. Mark Time, MARCH 35. Right Shoulder, ARMS 6. Squad, HALT 36. Rear, MARCH 7. Order, ARMS 37. Port, ARMS 8. Left, FACE 38. Rear, MARCH 9. Present, ARMS 39. Squad, HALT 10. REPORT IN 40. Column Left, MARCH 11. Order, ARMS 41. Right Shoulder, ARMS 12. Dress Right, DRESS 42. Column Left, MARCH 13. Ready, FRONT 43. Left Shoulder, ARMS 14. Left Step, MARCH 44. Rear, MARCH 15. Squad, HALT 45. Right Shoulder, ARMS 16. Parade, REST 46. Left Shoulder, ARMS 17. Squad, ATTENTION 47. Rear, MARCH 18. Right, FACE 48. Eyes, RIGHT 19. Left Shoulder, ARMS 49. Ready, FRONT 20. Forward, MARCH 50. Column Left, MARCH 21. Column Right, MARCH 51. Port, ARMS 22. Column Right, MARCH 52. Column Left, MARCH 23. Half Step, MARCH 53. Left Flank, MARCH 24. Forward, MARCH 54. Change Step, MARCH 25. Right Flank, MARCH 55. Squad, HALT 26. Port, ARMS 56. Present, ARMS 27. Right Flank, MARCH 57. REPORT OUT 28. Rear, MARCH 58. Order, ARMS 29. Column Left, MARCH 59. Fall, Out 30. Squad, HALT

6 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011


This event is governed by Army FM 3-21.5 July 2003; however, schools from other services may use their services latest drill manual. Regardless of the manual each team chooses to use for this meet the squad leader will be three paces in front of and centered on the squad when in line formation, and three paces on the left flank and centered on the squad. Teams may vary the commands specified to match their own service drill manuals as long as all the commands listed are completed and the event Judge is told clearly during REPORT IN portion of the drill card what drill manual the team is using.

Example: Sir/Ma’am state school name High School drill team requests permission to occupy your drill area and perform the Unarmed Squad Drill Card in accordance with state manual title .

Squads must contain at least 10 but no more than 16 cadets; the squad leader counts in this number. Neither guide nor guideon bearers are allowed.

The squad will fall-in at the start of the routine.

Teams must follow the assigned sequence of commands without deviation. The Head Judge will assess a five point penalty for each omission or addition. There is also a five point penalty each time a team member steps on or over a boundary line except at the start of the routine.

There is no time limit.

The Unarmed Squad Drill area boundary is the blue field around the perimeter of the basketball court.

7 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011

Unarmed Squad

1. Fall In 27. Column Left, MARCH 2. Right, FACE 28. Rear, MARCH 3. Forward, MARCH 29. Change Step, MARCH 4. Mark Time, MARCH 30. Rear, MARCH 5. Squad, HALT 31. Squad, HALT 6. Left, FACE 32. Forward, MARCH 7. Present, ARMS 33. Column Left, March 8. REPORT IN 34. Squad, HALT 9. Order, ARMS 35. Column Half Left, MARCH 10. Dress Right, DRESS 36. Column Half Left, MARCH 11. Ready, FRONT 37. Rear, MARCH 12. Parade, REST 38. Change Step, MARCH 13. Squad, ATTENTION 39. Rear, MARCH 14. Left Step, MARCH 40. Eyes, RIGHT 15. Squad, HALT 41. Ready, FRONT 16. Right, FACE 42. Column Left, MARCH 17. Forward, MARCH 43. Column Left, MARCH 18. Column Right, MARCH 44. Left Flank, MARCH 19. Column Right, MARCH 45. Mark Time, MARCH 20. Rear, MARCH 46. Forward, MARCH 21. Rear, MARCH 47. Squad, HALT 22. Half Step, MARCH 48. Present, ARMS 23. Forward, MARCH 49. REPORT OUT 24. Right Flank, MARCH 50. Order, ARMS 25. Left Flank, MARCH 51. Fall Out 26. Column Left, MARCH

8 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011


This event is limited solely to cadets who began their first year of JROTC this school year regardless of grade level. The squad leader may be a cadet in their second school year of JROTC regardless of grade level. The intent of this event is to provide all cadets an opportunity to compete without affecting the schools overall championship score. The drill sequence is basic and the drill area is larger than those for more experienced cadets.

Example: Sir/Ma’am state name of school High School drill team requests permission to occupy your drill area and perform the New Cadet Squad Drill Card in accordance with state manual title .

Teams may earn trophies for this event but the event score does not count towards the overall championship, unless needed for tie-breakers.

This event is governed by Army FM 3-21.5 July 2003; however, schools from other services may use their services latest drill manual. Teams may vary the commands specified to match their own service drill manuals as long as all the commands listed are completed and the event Judge is told clearly before performing which drill manual the team is using.

The squad will fall-in and the squad leader will line up three paces from the squad, centered on the squad.

The squad must contain at least 9 cadets but no more than 13; squad leader counts in this number.

The squad leader will coordinate with the event Head Judge before starting the drill routine.

The squad leader must memorize all commands.

Teams must follow the assigned sequence of commands without deviation. The Head Judge will assess a five point penalty for each omission or addition.

There is no time limit.

The only boundary restrictions are the walls and bleachers.

9 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011

New Cadet

1. Fall In 24. Rear, MARCH 2. Right, FACE 25. Change Step, MARCH 3. Forward, MARCH 26. Rear, MARCH 4. Mark Time, MARCH 27. Half Step, MARCH 5. Squad, HALT 28. Forward, MARCH 6. Left, FACE 29. Column Right, MARCH 7. Present, Arms 30. Column Right, MARCH 8. REPORT IN 31. Right Flank, MARCH 9. Order, ARMS 32. Left Flank, MARCH 10. Left, FACE 33. Column Left, MARCH 11. Left, FACE 34. Column Left, MARCH 12. Parade, REST 35. Left Flank, MARCH 13. Squad, ATTENTION 36. Right Flank, MARCH 14. About, FACE 37. Rear, MARCH 15. Right, FACE 38. Rear, MARCH 16. About, FACE 39. Mark Time, MARCH 17. Right, FACE 40. Squad, HALT 18. Dress Right, DRESS 41. Left, FACE 19. Ready, FRONT 42. Present, Arms 20. Left Step, MARCH 43. REPORT OUT 21. Squad, HALT 44. Order, Arms 22. Right, FACE 45. Fall Out 23. Forward, MARCH

10 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011


Uncase Colors is required.

Only four member teams are authorized; two flag bearers and two riflemen. The school’s regular drill rifles or facsimile rifles may be used. The Color Guard commander will be the National Color bearer.

Units will use their own colors; units may use any color or style of harness desired. Rifles used in this event must have slings since “UNCASE COLORS” is a required procedure.

Grading begins when the commander gives his/her first command and will end when the Color Guard has marched off the drill area.

This event is governed by Army FM 3-21.5 July 2003; however, schools from other services may use their service’s latest drill manual. Teams may vary the commands specified to match their own service drill manuals as long as all the commands listed are completed and the event judge is told clearly before performing which drill manual the team is using.

Example: Sir/Ma’am state name of school High School drill team requests permission to occupy your drill area and perform the Color Guard Drill Card in accordance with state manual title .

The assigned sequence of commands must be accomplished without deviation. A five point penalty will be assessed by the Head Judge for each omission/addition (this includes adding commands to provide additional drill area).

There is no time limit.

Drill area will be a standard basketball court. The only boundary restrictions are the walls and bleachers.

The Head Judge will meet with the color guard commander prior to starting each event to verify the score card is for the unit competing.

The commander must memorize all commands. If drill cards/command cards/crib sheets are used the Head Judge will assess a 50 point penalty.

No member of the color guard may count cadence at any time during the competition. A five point penalty will be assessed for each occurrence.

11 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011

Color Guard

1. Colors, ATTENTION 2. Carry, COLORS 3. Forward, MARCH 4. Left Wheel, MARCH 5. Left Wheel, MARCH 6. Colors, HALT 7. Present, ARMS 8. REPORT IN 9. Order, ARMS 10. Sling, ARMS 11. POST 12. UNCASE THE COLORS 13. Present, ARMS 14. Order, ARMS 15. POST 16. Colors Reverse, MARCH 17. Left Wheel, MARCH 18. Colors Reverse, MARCH 19. Colors, HALT 20. Order, ARMS 21. Parade, REST 22. Colors, ATTENTION 23. Carry, COLORS 24. Forward, MARCH 25. Right Wheel, MARCH 26. Right Wheel, MARCH 27. Colors Reverse, MARCH 28. Eyes, RIGHT 29. Ready, FRONT 30. Left Wheel, MARCH 31. Left Wheel, MARCH 32. Left Wheel, MARCH 33. Colors, HALT 34. Present, ARMS 35. REPORT OUT 36. Order, ARMS 37. Left Wheel, MARCH

12 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011

ARMED SOLO / TANDEM EXHIBITION DRILL – Wrestling Room (No mats, concrete floor)

1. All entries will be eligible for trophies.

2. Competition will begin as is convenient to the schedule of the competitors and without undue disruption to Unarmed Drill & IDD.

3. No music, drums, bayonets, smoke, noisemakers, props, taps, pyrotechnics, or lights.

4. Routines will be from 3 to 5 minutes. Grading and the clock begin when the cadets report in and end when the cadets report out.

5. The exhibition area is approx. 50 feet by 30 feet. A 5-point penalty (per occurrence) will be accessed when crossing the boundary.

6. Instructors and coaches may not accompany individuals onto the drill area or communicate from outside the area once the cadets enter the drill area and until the cadets leave the drill area.

7. Solo / Tandem Exhibition Drill with Arms will be graded on a scale of 100 points.

13 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011


School: ______Final Score: ______Armed Solo / Tandem Member(s): ______

Movement Remarks Points

Originality (1-25 pts) ______

Showmanship (1-25 pts) ______

Degree of Difficulty (1-25 pts) ______

Military Bearing (1-25 pts) ______


14 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011

15 Lee’s Summit West HS 3rd Annual JROTC DRILL MEET 3 Dec 2011 NOTES:


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