Terms of Reference s6

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Terms of Reference s6

Terms of Reference

Consultancy (Individual, Team of Individuals, or Institutional) to Support the Roll-out of the UNICEF Gender Action Plan in the CEE/CIS Region

January 2015 – April 2015


UNICEF is in the process of rolling out its new global Gender Action Plan (GAP) 2014-2017, in line with its Strategic Plan 2014-2017. The GAP puts forward a strong organisational commitment and a strengthened human and financial capacity globally for the achievement of better results in four targeted priorities: (a) Adolescent health; (b) Girls’ secondary education; (c) Child marriage; (d) Gender-based violence in emergencies. This provides the overall framework driving the organization from gender mainstreaming strategy towards concrete and evidence-based results reporting, and is expected to be complemented by local and regional targets and actions adapted to specific contexts.

The UNICEF CEE/CIS Regional Knowledge and Leadership Agenda (RKLA) focuses on key strategic result areas1 where UNICEF can deliver high-quality, relevant results that contribute to the realization of the rights of all children, especially the most disadvantaged. There are several groups of children identified by the RKLA as particularly marginalized, consistently across the ten result areas, and hardest to reach. Their disadvantage is compounded by gender-related inequalities which continue to affect girls disproportionately in some contexts, while in others, boys.

As part of its Regional Knowledge and Leadership Agenda, the Regional Office for CEE/CIS2 (RO) is currently developing a strategic framework for UNICEF’s work related to gender equality in the CEE/CIS region. In 2014, a review of available evidence on gender inequalities in the region was conducted, leading to the production of a synthesis report (currently being edited) which highlighted the main child rights violations and the key barriers and bottlenecks related to gender. Among the key areas where gender inequalities lead to unequitable realization of child rights in the CEE/CIS region the review highlighted the following: a) differences in access to education between girls and boys at upper-secondary and tertiary level; b) early marriage and

1 The ten Regional Knowledge and Leadership Areas or RKLAs are: 1. A child's right to a supportive and caring family environment, 2. Justice for Children: enabling justice systems to respect and protect child rights, 3. A child's right to early learning, 4. A child's right to inclusive quality education, 5. A child's right to be born free of HIV, 6. A child's right to health: 'A promise renewed', 7. A young child's right to comprehensive well-being, 8. A child's right to social protection, 9. A child's right to protection from the risks of disasters: reducing vulnerability, 10. An adolescent's right to a second chance. 2 Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), the Kyrgyz Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

1 early childbirth; c) gender-based violence and intimate partner violence; d) son-preference and devaluation of daughters in some countries, leading to sex-selective abortions and increase of “missing women”; e) increased rates of adolescent suicides among boys and men, though growing fast among young women in some countries. Gender inequalities directly affecting children are compounded in the region by unequal labour market opportunities, at times caused by lack of child care services, which limit women’s access to the labour market and their subsequent professional development, thus influencing access to school and household dynamics. In addition, traditional norms and an accepted more relaxed sexual behavior in some societies put boys and men at a higher risk of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.

Based on the review of the context and situation of gender equality as related to the realization of child rights in the region, the RO is now seeking to identify specific and common results to promote gender equality through the work of UNICEF across the CEE/CIS region in the ten result areas and in line with GAP priorities, and to formulate a set of gender indicators relevant to the regional priorities. The set of region-specific results and indicators are intended to complement those already included in the GAP and should be used as a menu of options for new UNICEF Country Programmes being developed in 2014-2015 across the region.

Purpose and tasks The purpose of this consultancy is to: a) Support two or more Country Offices in the CEE/CIS region to conduct a ‘light’ Gender Assessment of their Country Programmes, based on a ‘light’ methodology to be refined together with UNICEF RO and HQ, which will draw on the existing comprehensive ‘UNICEF Gender Review Core Package’. The countries are in the process of being defined, with priority given to Offices preparing and submitting new UNICEF Country Programmes in 2015. b) Support the CEE/CIS RO to develop a regional strategic framework in line with the GAP and based on regional priorities, to guide UNICEF’s work at country and regional level and to promote gender equality in the CEE/CIS region as part of its agenda for children (RKLA). The framework will include: i) mapping current status of gender work in the region by UNICEF and partners, including UNDAFs; ii) identification of region-specific common results for children that promote gender equality in line with GAP priorities and the RKLAs, based on the comparative advantages of UNICEF in the region vis à vis other partners; iii) identification of priority countries that would focus on achieving common results for children promoting gender equality; iv) formulation and agreement on a monitoring framework including a set of gender indicators relevant to the regional priorities to complement the indicators already included in the GAP; v) plan of concrete strategies and actions to achieve gender equality results in the various RKLAs, including capacity development, human and financial resources, etc. c) Conduct an independent review and quality assurance of selected key UNICEF statutory documents, such as Situation Analysis, draft Country Programmes, and draft Evaluation Reports, based on templates already produced and used by the RO.

2 Deliverables and Time frame

a) ‘Light’ Gender Assessments reports (max 10 pages) By 15 March 30 days for two Country Programmes, including production 2015 of a methodological note of maximum 10 pages (10 days for the methodology development + 10 days per country for reporting) b) Regional strategic framework on gender in the By 30 March 35 days form of a paper of maximum 25 pages excluding 2015 annexes (10 days for literature review + 10 days for country visits + 15 days for analysis and reporting) c) Review and quality assurance from a gender By 30 April 10 days perspective of key UNICEF statutory documents, 2015 using templates to be provided by RO Total 75 days

Tasks The consultancy will be expected to perform the following tasks:

a) ‘ Light’ Gender Assessments

 Refine the methodology for conducting a ‘light’ Gender Assessment of UNICEF Country Programmes, drawing on the existing comprehensive ‘UNICEF Gender Review Core Package’ and in consultation with UNICEF RO and HQ, by 15 February 2015.

 Conduct a ‘light’ Gender Assessment of two or more UNICEF Country Programmes in the region (to be determined with priority given to Offices preparing and submitting new UNICEF Country Programmes in 2015), based on the methodology developed and agreed with UNICEF (5 days country visit + 5 days for preparation & reporting), by 15 March 2015. Expenses related to DSA and travel will be covered by the RO separately from this contract (applicants should only include the costs related to the professional fees for days worked).

b) Regional strategic framework on gender

 Review available information (from UNDAFs, Situation Analysis, Country Programme Documents, Annual Reports of CEE/CIS Offices and Evaluations of UNICEF programmes, to be provided by the RO and Country Offices), and produce a detailed workplan with the proposed methodology for the development of the strategic framework, including an outline for the strategy paper, by 30 January 2015.

3  Conduct telephone interviews with selected UNICEF Regional Advisors, Chairs of RKLAs, UNICEF Staff in Country Offices or the RO, as well as relevant partners, to obtain additional documentation and information where gaps were identified in the literature review. The UNICEF RO will facilitate contacts with relevant UNICEF staff and partners, as necessary.

 Visit three UNICEF Country Offices, to be determined (3 days per office). Expenses related to DSA and travel will be covered by the RO (applicants should only include the costs related to the professional fees for days worked).

 Produce a first draft of the regional strategic framework on gender, including annexes, references, tables and figures (excluding formatting, design, pictures, etc.) by 28 February 2015.

 Produce a second draft of the strategic framework incorporating peer-reviews and comments received from UNICEF, by 15 March 2015.

 Produce a third draft of the strategic framework incorporating peer-reviews and comments received from UNICEF, by 30 March 2015.

c) Independent Gender Review of selected UNICEF statutory documents

 Conduct a gender review and quality assurance of selected key statutory documents such as Situation Analysis, draft Country Programmes, and draft Evaluation Reports, as requested by the RO using the agreed templates, by deadlines to be agreed on case by case basis.

Skills requirement  Gender specialist(s) with relevant academic background at master’s or doctoral level e.g. sociology, anthropology, psychology.  A minimum of 10-12 years of work experience in gender and development, and related fields.  Knowledge of the CEE/CIS region and field experience in countries in CEE/CIS is an asset.  Good analytical and writing skills.  Fluency in English is a requirement with knowledge of Russian an asset.

Duration and location of the consultancy 15 January – 30 April 2015, home-based with some travel to selected countries.

Estimated Budget Applicants to this consultancy are asked to submit their daily rate for the work to be undertaken, for an approximate total number of 75 days within the suggested period of consultancy. Any costs related to communications with UNICEF offices in the CEE/CIS region

4 should be included and covered by the budget of the consultancy. Any travel costs related to the milestones and deliverables will be covered by the RO as necessary.

Supervision The Consultant will work under the supervision of the CEE/CIS RO Gender Focal Points and the overall guidance and supervision of the Deputy Regional Director.

Who can apply and how Individuals, teams of individuals or institutions with the required profile, are invited to submit an Expression of Interest based on the present Terms of Reference by 5 January 2015, 12am CET. Please send your applications to Ms. Karine Sukiasyan, [email protected] Applications should contain: a) an expression of interest; b) CV(s) of individuals / teams / institution members; c) a cost estimation for the proposed work. Upon evaluation of applications received by the deadline, the suitable contract modality (individual or institutional) will be defined and applied.


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