Each Child Received a Certificate for 100% Attendance

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Each Child Received a Certificate for 100% Attendance

Spring Term 1: Friday 13th January 2017

Belated Happy New Year Welcome to 2017. I hope you had a relaxing Christmas break (it seems a long time ago now!) The children have settled back into school life really well. There is a really positive working atmosphere around the school and we are all looking forward to an exciting term ahead. As usual there is a lot going on. You can keep fully up to date by regularly checking out the ‘School News - School Blog’ section on the school website. www.bwjunior.hants.sch.uk

100% Attendance I would like to congratulate the following pupils who had 100% attendance over the duration of the Autumn Term.

Gingko Maple Redwood Jackalberry Ruby A Archie C Zoe G Isla C Ava B Zara D Benjamin L Samuel C Riley B Dylan D Ella L Emmanuella K Finley C Zack P Kit M Bailey K Rebeka C Joshua P Anya P Isabella K Harry H Jacob V-Z Stanley R Arthur M Iona M Jasmine W Elliot S Guy P Freddie R Jasmyn S Harvey W

Tamarind Eucalyptus Hawthorn Cedar Grace B Sian D James B Dominic C Samson D Edward H Saffron D Lois M Charlie O Lucy H William P Steven S Sophie J Chloe V Tomos W Lillie V

Each child received a certificate for 100% attendance.

A huge well done to all the children who kept their attendance above 95% over the course of the autumn term, despite the dreadful sickness bug that was going around.

A small minority of pupils have fallen below the 90% threshold and parents will have received a letter last week, with an analysis of absence and/or lateness.

Regular attendance is a key factor in the educational achievement of pupils and I would like to thank all families for the efforts they have made in booking medical/dental appointments outside of the school day and for taking family holidays outside of term time. The whole school attendance figure for the autumn term was 95.6% Spring Term 2017 Page 1 School start time Please can I remind all parents/carers that children need to be in the classroom by 8:45am .

Arriving late into class causes disruption not only to the individual concerned but to the other class members. Key learning points and messages may also be missed. Thank you very much for your understanding and co-operation with this matter.

Health and Safety Officers Here at BWJS we take the Health and Safety of our pupils, staff and visitors very seriously and feel that the children have an important role in helping us do this. We have therefore, appointed pupil Health and Safety Officers. Each class has their own Health and Safety Officer.

Their role is to keep the staff, Mr Newton and Mrs Glasspool informed of any hazards they notice around the school environment. To do this they are going to encourage all pupils to identify and report hazards around the school site. This could be wonky paving slab, trip hazards or spills.

They are also going to be drawing up a set of school guidelines to help every child keep themselves and others safe at school. BWJS is a very safe place but accidents can happen. We are aiming to reduce the chances of accidents, help the children become more responsible for their own safety and ultimately, keep everyone at BWJS happy, healthy and safe.

Year 3 (Sophie S, Ruby A) Year 4 (Daniel W, Isabella K) Year 5 (Victoria L, Hannah V) Year 6 (Kate J, Sophie Y)

Year Six go Digging Through the course of the Spring Term, Year Six will be learning about Ancient Greece. We began our topic this week with an archeology-themed task, sifting through sand to look for evidence. This helped us to think about how the past can be discovered, and why it isn’t always easy to build up a complete picture.

Heartstart in Year Six On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Cooper joined Year Six to run through part of the Heartstart programme. Children learned about how to put each other into the recovery position and what to do in the case of an emergency. The children will be fortunate enough to be joined by Mrs. Cooper again next week for a second session.

Y6 Liddington Briefing Thank you very much to all of the Y6 parents that attended the Liddington briefing on Thursday evening. Hopefully you found the session informative and are now well prepared for the upcoming residential. If you do have any questions or were unable to attend the briefing, please do not hesitate to contact the Y6 team.

School Building Expansion A consultation drop-in meeting regarding the proposed school building expansion will be taking place at BWJS on Wednesday 18th January 3.30- 6.00pm

Spring Term 2017 Page 2 School Clubs Just a reminder that all school clubs begin next week.

Please can I emphasise the importance of pupil perseverance and attendance at the clubs. Many thanks for your support with this matter.

Parents Evenings & Mid-Year Report Cards This term, parents evening meetings will be held on Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th March (3.30-6.30pm). These review meetings will provide teachers/parents with an opportunity to discuss the academic progress being made against the new end of year age related expectations. Letters to organise appointments/times etc. will be given out shortly. Prior to the meetings pupils will bring home a mid-year report card.

This week, a parent forum meeting took place at BWJS and the main topic of discussion was on the design and content of information that parents would like to see in these mid- year report cards. Mrs Daniels has taken on board the feedback and is currently in the process of re-designing these report cards so they are more parent friendly.

School Uniform Please can I remind parents/carers that pupils should not be coming into school wearing nail varnish, wrist bands or necklaces. Whilst I appreciate that that these might be worn over the course of the weekend – they are not part of the school uniform. Many thanks for your continued support.

Cold weather gear Despite the very cold temperatures and constant rain, we still have a number of children coming to school without coats!

In order for the children to play outside at break/lunch times during these cold/wet periods, please can you ensure that they bring their coats to school? Thank you for your support.

Snow Plan Just a reminder of the arrangements for informing parents whether or not the school will be closing in the event of severe weather.

A decision about whether or not to close the school in the event of snow is always based on whether enough of the staff are able to safely travel to school to make opening feasible. We always try to inform parents of our decision as soon as possible.

The decision will be posted on the Hampshire School Closures web page (link below).

I would advise parents to add this link to their favourites.

We may add further information on our own school website but the link below should be parents’ first port of call.

www.hants.gov.uk/education/ schoolclosures

Bishop’s Waltham Photographic Society Bishop’s Waltham Photographic Society invites local children to enter the ‘2017 JUNIOR PHOTO COMPETITION.’

Spring Term 2017 Page 3 To enter: Forward one digital image of any subject to [email protected]

The email should include your name and age, title of the image, together with contact details of a Parent or Guardian.

Closing Date = 1st May 2017

Winning entries will be displayed at BWPS Annual Exhibition to be held at The Patterson Centre, Swanmore in June 2017.

Keeping up-to-date with school events

Our latest news can be found on our website, via the school blog and on our Facebook page. http://bwjunior.primaryblogger.co.uk/ http://www.facebook.com/BWJuniorSchool


Keeping up-to-date with school events

January: February: th Wednesday 18 : Consultation meeting school Thursday 2nd: Swim Match Vs Twyford (Away: 3.00- Expansion (3.30-6.00pm) 5.30pm) th Thursday 19 : Young Voices Concert 02 (all day) Thursday 2nd: Y6 SATS Information Briefing (Hall: 6.00- th Tuesday 24 : Y4 Spring into Reading event (6-7pm) 7.00pm) th Wednesday 25 : Swanmore Secondary Science Club Tuesday 7th: Parent Open Afternoon (3.15-6.00pm) Monday 13th – Friday 17th: Y6 Liddington Residential Thursday 16th: Y3&4 Aqua Splash Festival (2.00-4.00pm Wildern) Friday 17th: Last day of half term Monday 27th: INSET Day March: nd April: Thursday 2 : World Book Day th rd Tuesday 4 : Y4 Listen2Me Music Concert (Hall: 2.40- Friday 3 : Mid-ear Report Cards to be sent to parents 3.10pm) Monday 6th: Swim Match Vs St Swithens (Away – 3.00- Friday 7th: Last day of term 5.30pm) th th Monday 24 : School Club Fair (9.00am) Tuesday 7 : Book Fair (1.00-6.00pm) th Tuesday 7th: Y5&6 Tag Rugby Competition (Droxford Thursday 27 : UKMT Maths Challenge (Selected pupils 1.00-3.00pm from Y5&6) Tuesday 7th: Parents Evening Meetings (3.30-6.30pm) Thursday 9th: Parents Evening Meetings (3.30-6.30pm) Monday 13th: Y5&6 Netball Rally (Swanmore 1.00- 4.00pm) May: th Monday 1st: Bank Holiday – No School Monday 20 : Y5&6 Football Rally (Wickham 1.00- nd 4.00pm) Tuesday 2 : Y4 Subbington Briefing for parents (Hall Tuesday 21st: Y5&6 Tag Rugby School Games 6.00-7.00pm) th th Qualifier: (Wildern PM) Monday 8 – Thursday 11 : Y6 SATS Week th th Friday 24th: Non Uniform Day (Comic Relief) Monday 15 – Friday 19 : Y6 Bikeability Training th Thursday 25th: Last day of half term Friday 24 : Quiz Club Heats (St Francis School 2.00- th 3.00pm) Friday 26 : INSET Day Friday 31st: Rocksteady Music Concert (2.45pm)

Spring Term 2017 Page 4 June: July: th Tuesday 6 : Quad Kids Athletics Comp (Y5&6) – Tuesday 4th: Reserve date for the Rounders Competition Wyvern Thursday 6th: Transfer Day (Y6 to Secondary School) th Tuesday 6 : Fire Brigade working with Y6 pupils Thursday 6th: Transfer Morning (Pupils spend morning in Wed 7th – Friday 9th: Y4 Stubbington Residential new classes) th Tuesday 13th: Pyramid Athletics Competition (BWJS Thursday 6 : Parents Open Afternoon (3.15-6.00pm) th 9.30-12.00) Reserve = Friday 16th: Thursday 6 : Presentation evening for new Y3 parents Wednesday 14th: Swanmore College Science Club (Hall 6.00-7.00pm) Tuesday 20th: Pyramid Field Events Comp (St John’s rd Friday 7th: End of year school reports sent to parents 9.30-12.00) Reserve = Friday 23 : th Monday 26th: Pyramid Rounders Comp (Curdridge Monday 10 : Y5&6 Cricket Festival (1.00-4.00pm) th 1.00-3.00pm) Tuesday 11 : School Fun Sports Y3&4 9.15am start Y5&6 1.30pm start Tuesday 11th: Y6 Volunteer Awards Presentation (Hall 6.00-6.45pm) Wednesday 12th: Y6 Young Volunteers Treat to Fun City (6.15-7.45pm) Wednesday 19th: Y6 Summer Production (7.00pm Hall) Thursday 20th: Y6 Summer Production (7.00pm Hall) Friday 21st: Rocksteady Music Concert (2.45pm) Monday 24th: Y6 Leaver’s Party (4.00-6.00pm) Tuesday 25th: Last day of term

Safeguarding Statement At Bishop’s Waltham Junior School the health, safety and well-being of every child is our top priority. We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.

Home-School Links At Bishop’s Waltham Junior we strive to form positive working relationships with all parents/carers. We want you to be involved in the educational development of your children and welcome any feedback, comments and suggestions on any area of school improvement. Please also do come and speak to us if you have any concerns or questions.

Mr D Campbell Headteacher

Spring Term 2017 Page 5

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