GROUND-BASED Astronomy 13 Theoretù:Ølastrophvsics Is
GRO UJYD -BASED A STROJVO TWT A TEJV-TEAR PROGRATVT I ?¿'t- (W tlLL, *-^¡V'""t*'") NATIONAL ACADEilTY OF SCIENCES GROU]VD-BASED ASTRONOMT A TE]V-TEAR PROGRATVT A REPORT PREPARED BY THE PANEL ON ASTRONOMICAL FACILITIES FOR THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE Al:lD PUBLIC POLIC'( OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL w f) (: lAA¿ ^c.urNtlT¡)N Endsheet: A portiarù of th.e Netu)otk Nebulø irL Cggnus, photogaphad, toíth the 4\-inah Schmtd,t telescope ol the Mount Wllsotu and Pølþñ.øl Obse¡oøto¡íes. The bop struc-ture i.s conposeil of the debrìs of a supernoþø erplos.¡oÌù nanv thousands ol geørs øgo. Rad.ia tel.escopes d,etea., the strongest rad,íatíon ftumthe cenfer of the looþ. Second, príntíng 1966, aìth reoìsed, Appendk. Líbørg of Congess catatog nttmbet 64-62266 P ublication N urnb et 7234 Pri,ce: $4.O0 w FI ffi li 1:i I August 19, 7964 Dear Dr. Seítz: The Comrnittee on Science anil, Public Poliat¿, on the basis of careful stuilg of thi.s report and, extensioe d,iscussion lDith its authors, is plnased to endorse ít to you for transmiflal. The report deals uith grounil-baseil astronomical facåIitíes ercl:usioelg. It recommend,s ôertain neû facilities, to be acquired at a. rate based, on an in- temnl criterion--a consewatû)e esti'nnte of the rate at tohich astuonomical progtess can be made. We bekeae thnt this k the rìght aytproach to be adopted by panels of experts y:repøring 'plnnningi reports, i.e., reports on the oppor- tunities a.nd, needs of aaúous f,el.ds of science.
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