Pricing & Registration
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UHD London Trip 2006 May 15-24, 2006
Pricing & Registration
Expected Trip Cost (revised 1/12/06): $1,809 pp Triple Occupancy $1,863 pp Double Occupancy Note: Cost may vary prior to ticketing based upon significant changes in fuel cost, etc. Includes: Roundtrip airfare Full breakfast each day Ground transportation 4 dinners 2 nights in Canterbury 7 day London tube pass All hotels Globe Theatre ticket London city tour All hotel taxes
Trip costs do not include UHD tuition, required insurance (current estimate $55 per person), recommended International Student Identification Card (ISIC - $22 per person) or other incidental fees.
To Register: Step 1: Return the registration form (below) to Jim Walker: Office: S-1051 [email protected] 713-222-5392
Step 2:Submit your non-refundable deposit ($1,350) to the travel agent by Tues, Feb 7, 2006 along with Tour Terms agreement (below) and a photocopy of your registration form. (Checks and money orders payable to CWT/Future Travel. Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted, and are subject to a 3% vendor surcharge.)
Attn: Farrina Ramkissoon Tel: 281-480-1988, ext. 3102 Carlson Wagonlit Travel For questions, contact: 1085 Hercules Rick DiGenova Houston TX 77058 [email protected] [Note: Final payment due Friday, March 10, 2006]
Step 3: Register for your England courses as part of your regular Spring schedule, once approval has been granted. UHD London Trip 2006 May 15-24, 2006
Registration Form RETURN TO: Jim Walker, trip coordinator Department of English Office: S-1051 [email protected] Tel: 713-222-5392 Fax: 713-226-5205
1. FULL NAME as it appears on passport:
(Last)______(First, M.I.) ______
2. Email ______
3. Phone (h) ______(w) ______(cell) ______
4. Mailing Address ______
5. Person to contact in case of emergency: (name) ______(relation) ______
Phone (h) ______(w) ______(cell) ______
Address ______
6. Are you a U.S. citizen? __Y __N Do you already have a passport? __Y __N Passport applications may take several months to process. Apply via UHD Career Services, N-370, 713-221-8483.
7. Courses: UHD students may enroll in one or two of the England courses as part of their regular Spring load. Courses meet regularly throughout Spring semester. Enrollment in England courses is limited and controlled; i.e. you must attain approval (via this form and your trip deposit) to be able to register into them. Syllabi available on trip webpage:
Indicate which one or two England course(s) you wish to enroll in and at least one alternate (in case desired courses are full): Course name/number: Definite / Alternate ______
______(continued)↓ 8. UHD students only: Do you intend to apply for one of the scholarships? __Y __N If so, GPA: ______Scholarships are available to students with 2.5 GPA and higher, and can pay a substantial portion of your trip costs. Note scholarship requirements and deadlines carefully:
9. Are you: ___ currently enrolled UHD student ___ UHD faculty/staff ___ Other (please explain:) ___ friend/relative of UHD student ___ UHD alumni ______
Note: Trip is open to UHD students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends/relatives. I.e. you do not have to be enrolled in one of the England courses to go along. However, only students enrolled in England courses are eligible for scholarships. Enrolled students may be given registration priority.
10. Companions: Are you going on this trip with someone else? If so, please list. REMEMBER: ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST COMPLETE A REGISTRATION FORM AND PAY THE DEPOSIT ON TIME. Name Relationship ______
11. Roommates: If you already know the name of someone with whom you would like to share a room, list them here. Otherwise, list any preferences you have or special considerations to assist us in matching compatible roommates (e.g. smoking/non-smoking, etc). We will make an effort to accommodate roommate requests; however in some cases participants may be asked to share rooms with other students, depending on group size and room availability. ______
12. Accommodations: Which type room are you requesting?
____ triple (trip price $1,809) ____ double (trip price $1,863) ____ single (limited) (trip price $2,324)
NOTE: Registrations will only be confirmed once initial, non-refundable deposits of $1,350 have been paid to the travel agent. Space is only guaranteed to the first 60 participants to pay the deposit and can be guaranteed only by keeping up with the payment schedule (see schedule and itinerary). Additional information will be requested by the travel agent and/or UHD. All participants will be required to sign liability waivers, code of conduct agreements and other legal forms before participating in the trip. You may also be required to provide proof of medical insurance coverage and/or to purchase a medical insurance policy prior to the trip.
I affirm that the above information is true and correct and that I have read and agree with all information contained in this sheet:
Signature: ______Date: ______Tour Terms ~ Air/Land Program ~ Tour company reserves the right to choose the air carrier and routing. Airline tickets are highly restrictive and in some cases cannot be reissued, revalidated or exchanged for another carrier. Passenger is responsible for any change or cancellation fees.
~ Passports/Visas for International Travelers ~ U.S. citizens require proof of citizenship, such as passport or birth certificate (original with raised seal), along with photo I.D. for travel to Mexico and Canada. Passports and/or visas may be required for U.S. citizens traveling to other destinations or non-U.S. citizens traveling to any international destination. Please check with your agent for required documentation.
~ Tickets/Vouchers ~ Airlines ask for a valid I.D. at check in. This I.D. must match the name on the ticket. Documents will be sent to the agency approximately two weeks prior to departure. This packet will include tickets, vouchers for hotels, cars, transfers, and excursions if applicable. After they have been checked for accuracy you will be contacted to make an appointment to pick up the documents. There is no need to call Carlson Wagonlit/Future Travel concerning your documents.
~ Change Policy ~ Carlson Wagonlit/Future Travel change fees in addition to any vendor fees: First Change….….….….….… No Fee Subsequent Changes………… $25.00 per person, per change No changes will be made unless permitted under vendor’s cancellation/change policy.
~ Cancellation Policy ~ Carlson Wagonlit/Future Travel cancellation fees in addition to any vendor fees: Cancellation………Package is NON-REFUNDABLE. The right to a refund if a participant changes plans is limited. All cancellation requests must be received by telephone followed by immediate written notice that must be received within 2 days of cancellation. Written notice includes fax, mail, or email. Participant is responsible for the cost of replacing lost tickets or documents.
~ Insurance ~ Pricing for cancellation fee waiver and baggage protection program is $55 PER PERSON. Consult insurance brochure for pricing packages. Program is non-refundable and can be paid with deposit or final payment. You are protected by insurance if you cancel for a covered reason. Consult description of coverage for all terms and conditions. We highly recommend the purchase of a Cancellation Insurance Policy.
Please read and verify all information. Sign and return a copy to our office by mail or fax, 281-480-2587. Please note: keep one copy for your own files. Final documents will not be released until signed copy is returned to our office.
I have been advised of the penalties and special conditions of this itinerary. I have been offered a policy with insurance coverage including a penalty waiver, trip cancellation/interruption, and supplier default, bankruptcy, accident, medical and baggage delay.
Additionally, if paid by credit card, should I be unable to go or decide not to go for any reason I authorize Future Travel, Inc. to issue a separate charge for their cancellation fee stated above.
Purchaser name Invoice Number Invoice Date
Insurance has been: Accepted Declined
Purchaser Signature ______Date ______Carlson Wagonlit Travel 1085 Hercules Houston TX 77058 Ph 281-480-1988 Fax 281-480-2587 Email: [email protected] Owned and Operated by Future Travel, Inc.