Ladies Auxiliary Vfw

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Ladies Auxiliary Vfw

LADIES AUXILIARY VFW DEPARTMENT INSTALLATION REPORT 2015-2016 Department of Alaska Convention City Fairbanks, AK Date of Convention May 7 thru 9, 2015 Date of Installation May 9, 2015 Number of Auxiliaries 16 No. of Members 2438 Dept. Dues Dues-at-Large $50.00 OFFICER Mem. ID# Aux. # Name City/ State/Zip AC/Phone E-Mail PRESIDENT 74161 1004 LaTesia Guinn Box 852 907-545-4880 cell [email protected] 1 Bethel, AK 99559 om SR. VICE- 176383 1685 Mistie Hammond 1430 E. 14th 907-444-7664 mistie@awanatra PRESIDENT Anchorage, AK JR. VICE- 2000010604 1685 Amy Vukasin 9499 Brayton Dr. 907-602-0771 ALV1976@outlo PRESIDENT 6 #232 Anchorage, AK 99507 SECRETARY 2000112083 1004 Doreen O’Brien Box 2215 907-545-2326 [email protected] 1 Bethel, AK 99559 om TREASURER 134305 9365 Debbie Dishon Box 4027 907-745-0485 [email protected] Palmer, AK 99645 om CHAPLAIN 126415 9365 Kim Hackett 4948 E Timothy 907-373-0697 Rodeo1@mtaonli Wasilla, AK CONDUCTRESS 9279780 1022 Roberta Ness Box 329 907-235-1287 nessbobby@yaho 1 Anchor Point, AK GUARD 2000057037 9785 Kathleen Just Box 670265 907-301-6997 9785kathleenjust Chugiak, AK 99567

CHIEF OF STAFF 192153 1004 Donna Gibbons 641 W. 88th St 907-575-6026 Donna.gibbons@ 1 Anchorage, AK 99515 PATRIOTIC INSTR. 2810 1002 Eleanor Smith Box 55196 907-488-2366 [email protected] 9 North Pole, AK t 99705 COLOR BEARER 1002 Ellie Temple 3810 Lyle Ave. 907-488-8043 dtemple@alaska. #1 9 North Pole, AK net 99705

COLOR BEARER 140506 1685 Kim Garcia 9660 Musket Ball 907-552-2054 [email protected] #2 Circle om Anchorage, AK 99501

1 LADIES AUXILIARY VFW DEPARTMENT INSTALLATION REPORT 2015-2016 COLOR BEARER 33730 1004 Margaret Guinn Box 254 907-543-2466 Msguinn45@gma #3 1 Bethel, AK 99559

COLOR BEARER 46515 9785 Jane Keller 850 N. Tina Lane 907-227-8341 [email protected] #4 Palmer, AK 99654 FLAG BEARER 3127768 1004 Britinna Siedel 11801E. Kepner Dr. 303-359-3264 [email protected] 1 Aurora, CO 80012 BANNER BEARER 2000112074 9785 Sherry Crosby 17342 S. Juanita Lp 907-622-0657 sheriecrow@gci. Eagle River, AK net 99557 MUSICIAN 2000030150 3629 Willa Watts Box 70720 907-750-0915 willawatts@gmai Fairbanks, AK 99707 SOLOIST 2000030150 3629 Willa Watts Box 70720 907-750-0915 willawatts@gmai Fairbanks, AK 99707 ASST. SECRETARY 2000183385 1004 Debbie White Box 2208 907-412-0312 dlw7577@gmail. 1 Bethel, AK 99559 com

ASST. TREASURER 98807 1004 Rachel Jurco 48100 Moose Run 907-262-1352 [email protected] 6 Ave. t Soldotna, AK 99969 ASST. 179925 9365 Charlotte Box 870783 907-841-4462 maynardfamily@ CONDUCTRESS Maynard Wasilla AK 99

ASST. GUARD 154420 3629 Connie Malatek 2630 Silver ST. 907-488-3678 cjmalatek@gmail North Pole, AK .com 99705

New if applicable) NATIONAL DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBER No. or Area ( ) Name Address Zip Phone


Department of Alaska Auxiliary Officers OFFICER Mem. ID# Name Address City/ State/Zip AC/Phone E-Mail 1685 President 2000010604 Amy Vukasin 9499 Brayton Dr. #232 907-602-0771 ALV1976@outloo 6 Anchorage, AK 99507 Secretary 176383 Mary Felicetty 1200 W 33 rd 907-250-0845 VFW1685cantee Anchorage, AK 99501 [email protected]

Treasurer 140506 Kim Garcia 9660 Musket Ball Circle 907-552-2054 [email protected] Anchorage, AK 99501 om

3629 President 9453874 Cindy Pederson 17 Blanche Ave. 907-457-1865 Cindypederson1 Fairbanks, AK 99701 [email protected]

Secretary 150140 Mebble Hansen 502 McKinley View 907-457-1492 [email protected] Fairbanks, AK 99701 et

Treasurer 198393 Marlene Walker 130 Vassar 907-378-9521 [email protected] Fairbanks, AK 99701 et

3836 President 179679 Pamela Rannals Box 125 907-733-2355 p.rannals@hotm Talkeetna, AK 99676-

Secretary 3428006 Joellen Bye Box 257 907-230-0060 [email protected] Talkeetna, AK 99676- Treasurer 2000022162 Tamara Barclay Box 671 9077-733-7965 Tamo_ak@yahoo. Talkeetna, AK 99676- com

4352 President 8606 Carol Mc Murchie Box 7172 907-247-2346 caarolgee@kpun Ketchikan, AK 99901


Secretary 146494 Katy Sutton 3520 Baranof Ave. 907-247-5430 None Ketchikan, AK 99901 Treasurer 158879 Joni Bates 3427 Denali 907-220-9978 Jonibates1524@g Ketchikan, AK 99901

5559 President 136330 Marian Dau Box 20995 907-586-3816 daunrigger@gci. Juneau, AK 99801 net

Secretary 858258 Margaret Welp 1033 Spruce ST. 907-586-2147 [email protected] Juneau, AK 99801 Treasurer 858258 Margaret Welp 1033 Spruce ST. 907-586-2147 [email protected] Juneau, AK 99801 7056 President 23011 Judy Bisset 305 Center St. #57 907-486-2930 jabissett@acsalas Kodiak, AK 99615

Secretary 145580 Sandy Peotter Box 2053 907-486-3982 [email protected] Kodiak, AK 99615 t Treasurer 72086 Deana Pikus Box 447 907-486-5258 pikus@acsalaska. Kodiak, AK 99615 net

9365 126415 Kim Hackett 4948 E Timothy 907-373-0697 Rodeo1@mtaonli President Wasilla, AK Secretary 2000014891 Lori Outcelt 1230 Gail Dr 907-357-8939 [email protected] Wasilla, AK 99654 et

Treasurer 103857 Janet Stannard 6000S. Hayfield Rd 907-376-3451 katman@mtaonli Wasilla AK 99623

9569 President 186628 Margaret Darling Box 25 907-443-4178 Peggy.darling@h Nome, AK 99762

Secretary 9177114 Kim Carter Box 1517 907-443-9569 NONE Nome, AK 99762 Treasurer 186631 Jose Bahnke Box 718 907-443-3154 [email protected]

4 LADIES AUXILIARY VFW DEPARTMENT INSTALLATION REPORT 2015-2016 Nome AK 99762 om 9785 President 2000136779 Tammy Bailey 105366 Tokositna Cr 907-306-3686 Tammy.bailey@ Eagle River, AK 99577 m

Secretary 2000112074 Sherie Crosby 17342 S. Juanita Loop 907-301-9157 [email protected] Eagle River, AK 99577 t

Treasurer 46515 Jane Keller 850 N. Tina Lane 907-227-8341 [email protected] Palmer, AK 99654 9889 President Secretary Treasurer 9978 President 3248255 Dawn Bundick 805 E. 17th Ave. 907-388-5530 [email protected] Anchorage, AK 99504 907-350-4964 t anchchpres@gm Secretary 2000222470 Dynaa Box 140955 907-891-5351 dynaamotgomery Montgomery Anchorage, AK 99514

Treasurer 123357 Rubye Wilson 3316 Kendall Loop 907-337-0226 NONE Anchorage, AK 99507 907-223-1913 9981 President 2000016602 Stormie 12301 Johns Rd. Unit 25 907-231-2311 Stormie678@hot 5 Thompson Anchorage, AK 99515

Secretary 2000183973 Wendy Rouzar 8010 Mentra St. 907-240-1120 [email protected] Anchorage, AK 99518 Treasurer 111056 Ginger Hubbard 12341 Sultana Ct. 907-382-6505 ginhubb@outloo Anchorage, AK 99516

1002 President 157334 Debbie Watson Box 56295 907-488-3330 debbill@mosquit 9 North Pole, AK 99705 907-322-3033

Secretary 2000148017 Ann R. Eck Box 55538 907-347-4459 Ann.r.eck@gmail. North Pole, AK 99705 com

Treasurer 2000148017 Ann R. Eck Box 55538 907-347-4459 Ann.r.eck@gmail.


1004 President 2000112083 Doreen O’Brien Box 2215 907-545-2326 [email protected] 1 Bethel, AK 99559 om

Secretary 2000183385 Debbie White Box 2208 907-412-0312 dlw7577@gmail. Bethel, AK 99559 com

Treasurer 2000073544 Patty Burley Box 2715 907-545-0506 btvpatty@yahoo. Bethel, AK 99559 907-543-3098 com

1004 President 21643 Marlys Irwin 212 Crest St. 907-262-8712 NONE 6 Soldotna, AK 99669 Secretary 98807 Rachel Jurco 48100 Moose Run Ave. 907-262-1352 [email protected] Soldotna, AK 99669 t

Treasurer 98807 Rachel Jurco 48100 Moose Run Ave. 907-262-1352 [email protected] Soldotna, AK 99669 t

1022 President 3358987 Jennifer Henley Box 288 907-399-7572 [email protected] 1 Anchor Point, AK 99556 rg

Secretary 165852 Margaret Box 582 707-266-8093 Peggysue3030@ Schmidt Anchor Point, AK 99556

Treasurer 2000177328 Cherie Gramm Box 457 907-299-1996 Cherie.gramm@g Anchor Point, AK 99556

1025 President 30760 Julanda Simms 3703 Scenic View Drive 907-358-7734 julandasimms@y 2 Anchorage, AK 99504

Secretary 3384168 Kari Renteria 3105 Mt. View Drive 907-227-6263 julandasimms@y Anchorage, AK 99504

6 LADIES AUXILIARY VFW DEPARTMENT INSTALLATION REPORT 2015-2016 Treasurer 3060588 Tanya Gage 801 Airport Heights 907-602-3144 NONE Anchorage, AK 99504

List additional District Presidents and Treasurers on a Separate sheet

DEPARTMENT of ALASKA PROGRAM AMBASSADORS 2015-2016 PROGRAM Mem. ID# Aux. Name City /State Zip Phone E-Mail # AMERICANISM & 2810 10029 Eleanor Box 55196 808-763-1541 [email protected] PATRIOTIC INSTRUCTOR Smith North Pole, AK t 99705 CHIEF OF STAFF 192153 10041 Donna 641 W. 88th St 907-575-6026 Donna.gibbons@ Gibbons Anchorage, AK 99515 HOSPITAL 3436923 9785 Tina 1501 Demeure 907-278-8892 TinaStoddard/W Stoddard Pl. [email protected] Anchorage, AK 99508 LEGISLATIVE 3248255 9978 Dawn 8501 E. 17th Ave 907-338-5530 [email protected] Bundick Anchorage, AK t 99504 MEMBERSHIP 2000047733 1685 Mistie 1430 E. 14th St 907-444-7664 mistie@awanatra Hammond Anchorage, AK 99504 DEPT. SCHOLARSHIPS 98807 10046 Rachel Jurco 48100 Moose 907-262-1352 [email protected] Flag Poetry, Vicki Webb Run Ave. et Nelson, Joan Katkus Soldotna, AK 99669 SCHOLARSHIPS 126415 9365 Kim Hackett 4948 E. Timothy 907-373-0697 Rodeo1@mtaonli VOD, Patriot’s Pen, Ln.

7 LADIES AUXILIARY VFW DEPARTMENT INSTALLATION REPORT 2015-2016 Patriotic Art, Continuing Wasilla, AK Education 99564 SOCIAL MEDIA COMMITTEE 154420 10029 Connie 2630 Silver St. 907-388-5927 cjmalatek@gma Historian, Social Media, Malatek North Pole, AK Program Coordinator 99705 VETERANS and FAMILY 9279780 10221 Roberta Ness Box 329 907-235-1287 nessbobby@yaho SUPPORT Bobby Anchor Point, AK 99556 2000010604 1685 Amy Vukasin 9499 Brayton 907-602-0771 ALV1976@outlo YOUTH ACTIVITIES 6 Dr. #232 Anchorage, AK 99507

**IMPORTANT** If at any time there is a change in officer; or a last name change, or change in any contact information for any of the Department Officers or Chairmen , it is the Duty of the Department President to notify National Headquarters immediately. rev. 12.16.14


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