1. APOLOGIES for ABSENCE:- Mr. Keech, Ms. Simons, Mr. Tomkins
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15.07.14 Minutes of the Meeting of CLAPHAM PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 15th July 2014 at 7.45pm in the Village Hall.
PRESENT:- Parish Councillors Mr. Hope (Chairman), Mrs. Fraser, Mr. Hurst, Mr. Langley, Ms. Ornithari, Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Prudham, Mrs. Shrimpton, Mrs. Simms, Mr. Sparrow, Borough Councillor Walker, the Clerk, Mrs. Paice and 4 members of the public
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:- Mr. Keech, Ms. Simons, Mr. Tomkins. Clerk noted that Mrs. Jones had resigned from Council as she had moved away. Clerk had thanked her on Council’s behalf for her work for the village.
3. OPEN FORUM:- One resident was interested in joining the Parish Council. Chair advised that new members would be co- opted in September. Residents asked about the Council’s views on the proposed solar farm in The Baulk. Chair advised that Council would comment once a planning application had been received but in the meantime Clerk to email a copy of the June minutes, which contained a report on the solar farm exhibition, to residents.
4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS:- The minutes of the meeting held on 17th June 2014, which had been circulated, were approved by those present and signed by the Chairman.
5. CLERK’S REPORT: Maintenance – Green Lane/High Street junction had been resurfaced but water was still pooling at the junction and Clerk to ask Bedford BC to investigate. Clerk had asked Bedford BC to remove the tree & clear vegetation in Milton Road ditch and clear the Bridle Drive/Milton Road alleyway which was very overgrown. Resident had complained about dropped kerbs near NHS centre being too steep and angled for her mobility scooter and Clerk had asked Bedford BC to investigate. Allotments – tree overhanging resident’s garden had been cut back and Council thanked Cllr. Prudham for carrying out the work. Car park – potholes had been filled and Village Hall Committee to jet gullies on 25.07.14. Footpath 14 – Community Service had begun clearing. Clerk to thank Probation Service for the work they have carried out in the village. The Glebe – four trees had been chopped down which had been reported to the police. Clerk had asked police for feedback and to chase Persimmon to remove the trunks and make the stumps safe. Riverside Gardens – resident had come across drug dealing in Riverside during the time the gardens are open. Reported to police and feedback requested. Grass Cutting – residents had commented that cutting had improved and Clerk had thanked contractor and asked him to maintain the improvement. Schedule to be reviewed in the Autumn. Biogen spreading operations – Biogen would be applying fertiliser to the fields in this area in the coming weeks. Any complaints could be sent to [email protected] or telephoned on 0844 326 7251 Village Map – BRCC had confirmed that printing should be completed in the next couple of weeks.
7. POLICE MATTERS:- There were 8 reported crimes in June. Of these 4 were assaults, 2 criminal damage, 1 burglary and 1 aggravated vehicle taking. Motorbikes had been using the bridleways in The Baulk, which had been reported to police and speeding in the High Street. Clerk to ask PCSO to pursue. 15.07.14. 8. BOROUGH COUNCIL REPORT:- Cllr. Walker reported that Bedford BC had received £500K to repair 9,000 potholes in the Borough but the monies could not be used for resurfacing roads. Consultants had been employed to assess the viability of a new bridge at Batts Ford. The River Festival would take place on 19 & 20.07.14. with the procession on the Sunday. Two new directors had been appointed to Children’s Services to replace the two leaving.
9. ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE:- 08.07.14. New burial ground was discussed (see item 14). Committee proposed that quotation for £450 +VAT to remove ivy on churchyard walls plus an additional £22.50 + VAT to weedkill and quotation for £120 + 10% to remove elder tree be recommended to Council for acceptance. Council agreed to accept. Committee agreed that area between the trees and plots on the top section of the allotments should not be cleared as the bushes helped prevent unauthorized access. The verge at the top of Green Lane was very overgrown and trees in Green Lane were covering street lights and overhanging the road and Clerk had asked Bedford BC to arrange to be cut back. Standard of grass cutting had improved and Clerk had thanked contractor and asked him to maintain the improvement. Residents in Twinwood Road were concerned about damage to their vehicles from the speed humps. Road was due to be resurfaced and Clerk to chase Highways for a date. 30mph sign painted on Milton Road near the crossing had faded and Clerk to ask Bedford BC to repaint. Another 30mph sign painted to the south of Twinwood Road roundabout was suggested and Clerk had requested.
10. PLANNING COMMITTEE:- Applications Decided: a) 14/00916/FUL – 2 storey side & single storey rear extension at 36 Paddock Close. Granted 16.06.14. b) 14/00664/S73A – change of use of agricultural land to expand mobile home park at Peppercorn Park (already started). Granted 20.06.14. c) 14/00980/FUL – single storey rear extension at 12 Highbury Grove. Granted 25.06.14. d) 14/01067/TPO – fell 1 holm oak at 1 Church View. Granted 30.06.14. e) 14/00314/FUL – vehicle crossover & dropped kerb at 158 High Street. Applicant had appealed against Bedford BC refusal of permission.
Applications Received: a) 14/01420/FUL – detached garage to front of property at 35 Oakley Road. No objection. b) 14/01264/FUL – change of use & alterations from travel agent to 2 storey dwelling at 69 High Street. No objection. c) 14/01288/MAO – outline application for demolition of existing buildings, replacement office & 15 dwellings at 24 Lovell Road, Oakley. Noted d) 14/01425/FUL – single storey front, side & rear extensions at 26 Wansbeck Road, Bedford. Noted
11. BEDFORD BOROUGH LOCAL PLAN:- Bedford BC had requested comments on the sites submitted in and around the village, in particular whether the development proposals would deliver community aspirations and how they might fit with the neighbourhood plan. Council agreed that the impact on existing infrastructure would need to be considered for any new development and NDP Group to consider further.
12. NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLANS:- 76 residents and stakeholders attended the Launch on 04. & 05.07.14. and 7 had volunteered to join the Steering Group. Launch posters had also been taken to the Allotment Open Day and put on the website and a further 19 residents had commented. Comments were being analysed and bespoke events would be held in September. A stall had also been booked at the Clapham Show. Next Steering Group meeting 22.07.14.
13. PUBLICITY REPORT:– Cllr. Simms reported that the deadline for articles for the next Village News was 06.08.14. 15.07.14. Clerk suggested that the website be upgraded as the current site had a limit on document sizes which was preventing documents being viewed. Upgrade would cost £25.00 p.a. and would also remove advertising from the site. Proposed by Cllr. Prudham, seconded by Cllr. Langley that site be upgraded Agreed
14. NEW BURIAL GROUND:- Companies tendering were content with contract details. Tenders had been received for £65,755.00, £77,022.06 & £74,233.18 Proposed by Cllr. Sparrow, seconded by Cllr. Langley that tender for £65,755.00 be accepted. Agreed Clerk had obtained copies of services maps but utility companies would need to be formally notified before any work began. Chair had discussed additional £1,500 fee for post planning technical inspection with Bedford BC Chief Executive and given that the planning application had had to be resubmitted because of incorrect Borough maps, the fee had been waived. Bedford BC had also agreed to refund the fees charged under the Tenancy at Will and the cost of moving the fence.
15. HIGHWAYS:– Speeding in High Street & Highbury Grove Resident had requested average speed cameras in High Street & 20mph limit in Highbury Grove. Clerk noted that a pair of average speed cameras would cost approximately £60,000 and that they needed to be positioned where there were few side roads or they would be ineffective. Clerk to ask Bedford BC to review speeds in High Street & Highbury Grove. Buses were also speeding and proposed by Cllr. Sparrow that Clerk to write to Stagecoach copied to Ch. Constable asking her what action police were taking and copy letter to Ch. Constable to Mr. Burt MP, seconded by Cllr. Prudham Agreed Cllr. Prudham noted that signs which flashed up actual speed were more effective and Clerk to ascertain the cost from Bedford BC. Cllr. Simms to include an article on speeding in the next Village News including new speed limit in High Street and reminding residents about the 30mph limit in Milton Road.
16. COUNCIL OFFICE:- Clerk had received quotation for £105 + VAT to install a timer on office heater. Awaiting further quotations. Office was also damp and a dehumidifier would cost £119 including VAT & delivery. Cllr. Simms noted that she might be able to donate a dehumidifier and Council thanked her. Proposed by Cllr. Prudham, seconded by Cllr. Langley that Clerk obtain further quotations and accept the lowest Agreed
17. BUS SHELTER CLEANER:- Clerk had received 5 applications for the position. (2 school students, 1 currently working as a cleaner in the village and 2 unemployed) Council agreed Clerk, Chair & Cllr. Ornithari to interview all and Clerk to arrange
18. FINANCE:- a) Payment of accounts Proposed by Cllr. Palmer, seconded by Cllr. Sparrow that the July accounts listed below be paid. Agreed 15.07.14. Payee Work Carried Out Amount Paid Inc. VAT J. Burnage Riverside Security &Allotment Caretaker 71.14 Warners Grass cutting – July 672.00 112.00 Wildman Emptying Hall &Club bottle banks 105.84 16.80 White Hart Press Printing NDP posters 156.00 26.00 Maroon Planning NDP consultant fee 559.00 Bishop Repairing car park potholes 260.00 Inf. Commissioner Data protection registration renewal 35.00 Mrs. A. E. Paice Salary – July 1,638.84 R. Burnage Riverside Security &Allotment 20.04 Caretaker – holiday cover D Steynor Bus shelter cleaning 72.44 TOTAL 3,590.30 154.80 Accounts already paid BT Broadband July – September 73.80 12.30 TOTAL 3,664.10 167.10
Statement of Account at 30.06.14. Current Account £1,000.00 Business Reserve £111,418.45 Balance Brought Forward at 31.03.14. £ 99,874.44 Add Income £ 42,170.62 £ 1,329.00 garage rent £ 2,616.18 grass cutting contribution £ 547.94 bottle bank £ 300.00 cemetery £ 145.00 Village News £ 30.00 allotment rent Less Expenditure £ 29,996.55 Balance at 30.06.14. £ 112,048.51
Neighbourhood Plan monies held by Parish Council Statement of Account at 30.06.14. Balance at 30.04.14. £7,492.87 Income NIL Expenditure 943.40 Balance at 30.06.14. £6,549.47
19. CORRESPONDENCE:- a) Bedford BC –WW1 commemoration trees Bedford BC was seeking sites for 14 trees to commemorate the outbreak of WW1. Cllr. Shrimpton suggested the Lower School to replace the mulberry tree that had had to be felled. Council was content and Clerk to confirm with Lower School and forward site to Bedford BC. b) Brickhill PC – proposal to review boundary between Clapham & Brickhill Brickhill PC had suggested amending the boundary so that St. Thomas More School is removed from Clapham, houses in Clapham Road added and any other anomalies are addressed. Council was content in principle, although there was some concern about the cost of cutting the Clapham Road verge. Clerk to request a map from Brickhill. c) proposal to allow town & parish councils to sell electricity from local power generation schemes Local Works was seeking a council to submit a proposal under the Sustainable Communities Act to allow town & parish councils to sell electricity from local power generation schemes. As it was unlikely to be in a position to set up such a scheme, Council agreed to support rather than submit a proposal 15.07.14. d) Bedford BC – Network Meeting 25.09.14. Chair noted that he would be raising the issue of post planning inspection charges at the meeting.
20. DATE OF NEXT MEETING:- Tuesday 16th September 2014