APUSH Unit Two (1607-1754)

Identification (ID’S) (2 points each: 1pt. for definition; 1 pt. for significance)

1) Royal colony 2) Proprietary colony 3) Lord Baltimore 4) Act for Religious Toleration 5) Third-Anglo Powhatan War 6) Bacon’s Rebellion 7) John Winthrop 8) “A Model of Christian Charity” 9) “New England Way” 10) Roger Williams 11) Anne Hutchinson 12) Restoration 13) Pequot War 14) King Phillip’s War 15) “Beaver wars” 16) Patroons 17) William Penn 18) Quakers 19) Robert Cavelier de la Salle 20) Pueblo Revolt 21) Dominion of New England 22) Glorious Revolution 23) English Bill of Rights 24) Leisler’s Rebellion 25) Protestant Association 26) King William’s War 27) Grand Settlement of 1701 28) Queen Anne’s War 29) Mercantilism 30) Navigation Acts 31) Middle Passage 32) Stono Rebellion 33) Chickasaw Wars 34) Huron Confederacy 35) Trial of John Peter Zenger 36) Covenant Chain 37) Walking Purchase 38) James Oglethorpe 39) King George’s War 40) Benjamin Franklin 41) George Whitefield 42) New Lights 43) Old Lights 44) Boston Massacre 45) Seven Years’ War (French-Indian War) 46) Paxton Boys 47) George Washington 48) George III* 49) Pontiac’s War* 50) Proclamation of 1763* 51) Sugar Act* 52) Stamp Act* 53) Sons of Liberty* 54) Stamp Act Congress* 55) Declaratory Act* 56) Revenue Act* 57) Mercy Otis Warren* 58) “Committees of correspondence”* 59) Tea Act* 60) Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation* 61) “Intolerable Acts”* 62) Continental Congress* 63) Olive Branch Petition* 64) Common Sense* 65) Declaration of Independence* *(Terms past 1754, BUT up to the start of the Revolutionary War)*

Short Response (10 points each) Grading will be on an A/F/zero score. (will discuss)

1) What major differences exist as the colonies start to take shape? Give examples that include economic (slavery) and religious differences.

2) Describe how from 1660-1713 the English were able to flourish in the colonies, while Spain and France desperately tried to compete.

3) What are the major economic and religious differences of the three different regions that make up the British colonies? What bonds the colonies together to write the Declaration of Independence? (Original 13 colonies)